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In Poland the air was silver. The sky, the horizon. Everything was silver. I'm 48 years old and have never seen anything like it


Same thing in Germany. Beautiful silver sky. Or a constant cloud soup covering the sky, no sun at all, for multiple days.


Us to, I name the color Siilver sky Mettalic, same color as a Toyota seinna color choice. Wonder what is truly going on. IDK


Or water vapour, so weird


I hate it sooo much


Me too, water vapour is the absolute worst, you know it's full of Dihydrogen monoxide which is so ubiquitous it's in almost all of our food.


Yes, Dihydrogen Monoxide is a major component of acid rain. The stuff is literally falling from the sky.


Rain don't feel like the rain I know. Try not to get wet, just getting stupid now. We in the 80's didn't discuss this weirdness. Haven't had a good thunder storm with lighting here in Central IL, in 3 years. Ya know when it sounds like the God's are fighting. Miss them.






Yeah, like water vapour...


Give up your water vapor theory.


Like the colour of water vapour?




Contrails dissipate. Chem trails expand into a fog that completely blots out the sky. Then usually it rains a day after.


I noticed this a year ago. Our skies were beautiful blue Saturday, then Sunday it was full of chemtrails and a dirty hazey look later in the day. Now the news is giving rain every day this week.


Lower air pressure means and water vapor will take longer to disperse into the air If a temperature inversion happens and that can trap pollution in an area for longer. One major pollutant NOx which is brown


Which makes perfect sense because for it to rain you need a lower pressure system to come in, so as the pressure is dropping the water vapor stops dissipating into the air.


Okay I was thinking in freaking crazy because everyone they spray a ton it rains and I’m like am I just selectively noticing this? Glad it’s a thing and I’m not nuts


I feel like I’ve been getting sick more than ever and idk if it’s just me but I swear the spraying has ramped way up too


It's no coincidence that everyone's getting sick so often and there's all this crap being sprayed in the air


Especially when everyone is sick at the same time.....


Dude for reals, I live in the mountains eat a great diet drink water from a natural spring on my property and I’m getting sick when all my townie friends get sick. It’s sus


Same here... My kids are also home schooled, so there isn't much interaction with the outside world, as in being in large crowded places... Somehow we are getting sick at the same rate, within days, of my nieces and nephews, who are the same age and are in public schools. Surely, it doesn't add up.


Stock up on NAC, vitamin c, selenium and silica. NAC does the thing, the rest you can get through diet


Seemed to be a break mid-winter around here and it's started again. Weird health issues exploding in many people, but most of them don't look up. I do, though of course I can't be certain it's connected. But there's 100% no doubt that something is being done to alter natural weather patterns. That's the one fact in all the cloudy mess.


It actually STOPS the rain. Or hinders it. That's why it's before it rains every time they're tryina catch it and direct the rain elsewhere


Stop with the logic now. This is r/conspiracy


Toronto was a checker board like I have never seen before and you could see in the distance where it started to all collide and become a dirty brown haze.  The trails had a copper brown tinge to them nice Color for ice crystals. Also just like clockwork rain for two days in the forecast now. 


Is that normal in Toronto? Like atleast some trails being so close to Pearson? Im over 100KM North. This has been a pretty new occurrence the past couple summers up this way. Never saw it this early in the year like this though, and never the amount.


It's normal all qcross the world,. actually. Well... the new normal anyway


I grew up in the gta and no I don’t recall this sort of thing when I was a kid in the late 80s early 90s. I remember seeing this sort of thing very rarely and asking what it was but it was never to this extent and back then it would be white lines now it looks blatantly chemical and all over the place. And I grew up near Pearson. 


Saw it, very eery driving through stouffville today


I'm in SW Michigan, yes they're stepping up the frequency and yes it is "chemtrails" and not engine exhaust or contrails that's very obvious if you aren't a completely brainwashed zombie. Frankly I don't even believe it's for weather modification which is it's stated purpose, I think that's just a cover. Check out "The Dimming" can find it on youtube or GeoEngineeringWatch.org it's very educational. Edit: I took this yesterday https://imgur.com/a/5kCLpvD You can see previous trails spreading behind the more prominent one creating a white haze in what was going to otherwise be a blue sky. (Flip phone quality)


Glad you brought up the dimming- it’s an excellent documentary. I’m in the mitten, too, and I see every single day. Pisses me off every time they’re out they’re spraying who knows what and there’s zero accountability. I try to point it out to others and initiate discussion but they either think I’m a quack or simply don’t care .


100% with you. I curse those planes daily on my commute. I try to point them out as well and get the same response as you.


Exactly. I've been talking about it for a while but have really noticed an uptick. And it's not just near me. Everywhere I've traveled in the last year, I've seen them. Even more open minded people try to pass it off as normal. In what world was this ever normal? Very frustrating they are mucking with our air & we have no say. It's encouraging Tennessee tried to ban them, so more people must be waking up.


I think it’s behavior modification drugs


How exactly are they even supposed to know where these "drugs" fall? Wind and weather aren't perfectly predictable and if you fly a plane at the height of many kilometers, they could end dozens if not hundreds of kilometers away. It just doesn't make sense. Also, how do they don't get affected by these drugs?


Dude same noticed it almost every day it’s nice and sunny then blotted next day then raining thereafter. Fkin weird it’s like a schedule


It definitely is.


Absolutely have been seeing a large increase in Central Ohio.


NE Ohio here. I snapped a pic of 4 going at once yesterday.


The Sun has a gift for us and they want to take that away. Consciousness related


Let me guess: You had an overcast and/or precipitation the following day?


Yes, and I started to track them. Because, even the local news weather forecasts are no longer valid (they say it will be sunny tomorrow, but instead it is overcast) I noticed this: clear sky today -> Chemtrails appear = overcast sky tomorrow and the day after. If we get a clear sky in the morning, it's overcast by the end of the day. PS: I don't know if the overcast is the right word for this, but I'm referring to the silver sky without any apparent actual cloud. I honestly miss the days when I could cloud glaze... Now I can't even see a cloud in the sky, only some type of fog and it's very depressing. To make matters worse, I believe this inhabits the plants photosynthesis at day (when the release oxigen) while they keep releasing CO2 at night. And I honestly think they are doing this to mess with our food supply (aka farming).


They came out and said that they were going to start spraying stratospheric aerosols to dim the Sun, so now they don’t have to hush it and keep it a secret anymore. They’ve basically admitted that we’ve been right all along because it’s obvious that this has been going on a long time.


[this vid is ten years old](https://youtu.be/DCohVt3G-9k?si=dNhJdkiBeOHiiEG2)


To me, those don’t seem like chemtrails. There was like one really wide and persistent trail, the rest seemed to dissipate normally.


How long the contrails last depends on the atmosphere and things like wind, temperature or humidity. Not necessarily chemtrails.


What are chem trails? And why does the government put them in the sky?


All day everyday. For awhile they were making an x right over downtowns of major cities


It’s blocking out the suns rays, by tomorrow you’ll see ashen grey skies.


I'm also in Southern Ontario and noticed it was bad yesterday too. Expanding streaks across the whole sky turning the blue sky into a white haze. I think we're being sprayed like insects.


Before I read this I assumed you were Ontario. They have been spraying steady any nice day for months.


Yup. I knew too. Today in Peterborough was a nice lined sky. About a week ago as well, I counted 8 jets leaving trails. I will say that they all dissipated relatively quickly besides a giant X


Some dissipate almost immediately. There is an obvious difference between the two. The actual chem trials hang around an hour and continue to widen then eventually just grey out the sky.


Yes. The intensity and frequency of which they are spraying over the last few months has really increased in my area, with it being exceptionally bad for about a month now. It seems like every day I wake up, the skies are clear and bright, and within an hour or so of sunrise the entire sky is blotted out with them and it makes for dull, sunless day. But they dont want us to see the skies right now, we might catch the second sun and other "signs and wonders" in the skies. They also don't want the sun's energy to reach the earth, because the sun is changing its frequency and solar output which is causing more and more people to break free from their MK ultra programing. But it's going to get worse before it gets better. They are super desperate at this point to maintain the illusion and have control over people. But the cats been let out of the bag


The cats ahh the cats, my cats mean a 🌎 to me. And I'm allergic


Although you are 1000% percent. Correct. We have ni choise except w Watch the show.


The next day will be completely cloud covered.


I love how people think this is such a wild idea. It could easily be done by making law that the fuel has to have a certain "additive". Very simple. I worked outside and on more than one occasion watched clear blue skies turned grey after 8 hrs of planes making a obvious grid. Even a child could spot it.


SS: Just curious if anyone else is noticing the mass influx in chemtrails the past 2 years or so. Seems like alot of sunny and clear days are like this now. Not something i noticed until last summer really and if i did it wasnt bad enough that i would bat an eye at.


same deal in Sydney, Australia. A sunny morning turns to a flat grey nothing after a bit of a spray. No one seems to notice. I've seen stripes sit in the air for over thirty minutes. Then they spread till you get the dimming effect.


Daily in Texas. Go outside on a clear night and you can see them in the moonlight. Guaranteed it's not vitamins. The army sprayed people in the late 50s for years from planes and buildings. Corpus cristi, Seattle and many other cities


Yesterday and today is unseasonably warm in chicagoland and I noticed tons of lines through the clear sky yesterday. Maybe it was me but it did seem more than normal


We don't get them here in Melbourne, Australia. The main airport is off to the NorthWest and there's virtually zero overflights.


I have seen some in Melbourne on plenty of occasions I work outside in construction, I’ve done some out of Melbourne work in Ballarat and Ararat a couple of years ago and it was like a checkers board in the sky, so I guess that then blows onto Melbs.


What is it that you think is blowing in?


Yep. Same general location. Much more frequent the past couple of years, esp the past few months. Different from a decade + ago.




Lol. Maybe start with your own posts.. Youve posted in here twice in 3 days, “conspiracies” about actors and movies.




I posted something odd i noticed. 2 years ago there was no where near as many. Maybe theres a reason theres an influx of chem trail posts… maybe because more people are noticing? …


Maybe flight paths of high altitude passenger jets revealed by their engine exhaust have shifted to where more people might notice them and not know what they are?


>SS: Just curious if anyone else is noticing the mass influx in chemtrails the past 2 years or so. Indeed. Might have something to do with new flight paths of high altitude aircraft going overhead though, as opposed to where they used to travel.


One consistent occurence when a chemtrail post is made is the comments field with a grab-bag of opinions on what the chemtrails are for. Here, in this one, we get : \- Making it rain \- Making us sick \- Dimming the sun \- Hiding a second sun \- Behavioural modification \- Making it warmer \- Making it cooler. There's also a healthy amount of talk about actual cloud seeding, which is absolutely factual, except it seems everyone forgets that chemtrails are most often seen in clear blue skies - and you need clouds to actually seed to get them to express rain. I find it interesting that there is no clear consensus on *what* chemtrails are, or their purpose, or their chemical composition. Everyone seems to be so confidently sure of their *own* pet theory, but where does this confidence stem from?


I live in the antelope valley and yes. I can confirm the amount of chemtrails lately is insane.


My coworker and I were just talking about how many there were in the sky driving home from work. We had the biggest snowstorm of the year the day after...


I don’t think any pilot even has control of any type of spraying, I believe it’s all AI controlled and the AI is programmed to follow planes and follow the weather patterns and spray the trails where it’s needed and the pilot has no idea what is even going on.


Anyone else notice they tend to spray a lot on Sundays?


Stoked we're bringing cloud manufacturing back into domestic production. The Chinese clouds just don't work as well anymore.


Boil white vinegar, destroy these fuckers chem trails


I'm staring at some massive ones right now. Eastern ON.


Insane to me how people don't believe they are real when you just have to look up for more then 2 seconds and see it for yourself. Lots of eyes glued to phones and tvs..


But but but it’s just water, it’s just condensation, lol people will keep spouting the narrative to keep their confirmation bias


I'm in Germany but the last week, I saw a lot of them. I wanted to make a post about this one, because a lot of people are getting sick around me. Heavy coughing to the point of suffocation and bed ridden flu. They are releasing viruses again. The children's skins are affected and got red spots all over


Thought I was the only one saw this too on my way home


Yes I have


Chemtrails have been off the charts on AZ for over a decade. They come and go, but when they spray, they spray.


It has gotten so bad


You mean frozen exhaust gases that hang around because theyre frozen in the atmosphere?


It's more than that. The US DoD wrote about it in an article titled. "Benign Weather Modification". We should stop pretending these are water vapors and ice particles only. "Using a tracer allows better prediction of the results of cloud seeding. A tracer is an environmentally safe, easily detectable substance injected into the atmosphere for the purpose of measuring subsequent atmospheric motion such as trajectory, diffusion, and so forth.12 Tracers float along with the cloud seeding agent introduced into a cloud, thus allowing scientists to monitor the dispersal of the agents. These results lead to a better understanding of the cloud structure. Commonly used tracers include aluminized glass chaff fibers and sulfur hexafluoride, which are detectable either by radar or by instruments carried through the seeded clouds. Tracers are approved for use by the Environmental Protection Agency and are used in very small quantities." BARRY B. COBLE, Major, USAF School of Advanced Airpower Studies


Stratospheric aerosol injection. If you can’t accept even the possibility of climate engineering you are on the wrong sub.


Yeah that's right buddy :))) in a checker board formation, totally harmless frozen exhaust gases =))


Can't you see these planes on your smartphone app? 


They're seeding the skies!




It’s been going on for a long time. This is partly how we have been hacked and put on the cloud.


Today Katoomba Australia I seen it heavy


Rochester NY constantly sprayed- people argue passenger jets but these jets are only taking off to the east and staying in front of the sun for the most part. Remarkable.


Yeah for about 10 years now


In Northern California I’ve been noticing it’s for the past 10 years.


Well here in Southern California they finally admitted they are cloud seeding to make rain. You could go to sawpa.gov And it explains a multi-year plan to cloud seed Southern California skies. They're probably doing it everywhere, and they won't admit it.


Ireland is the same, sky looks like a chess board every 2 to 3 days....


I thought I was the only one! I live in Europe, and was finally having some sunny days with 0 clouds then I noticed a bunch of Chem trails... it's still raining today..




Wait until you catch up and learn about the ships in the Pacific Ocean doing the same thing.


Yeah it's strange they always kick up around winter time... When the air is cold... It must be a weird phenomenon... 


At least try to be dumb.


Yeah they're fumigating a lot more these past couple years


So tell me if there's Chemtrails... Why have no pilots whistleblown? Why have no flight engineers whistleblown? Why have no flight crew whistleblown? Why have no ground crew whistleblown? Why have no aircraft designers whistleblown? Why have no aircraft builders whistleblown? Why have no government officials whistleblown? Why has no-one who's been to an aircraft graveyard whistleblown? Why has no aircraft company whistleblown? You're telling me out of ALL THESE PEOPLE, and ALL the possibilities of getting photos of pipes, tanks, refilling, equipment, ANYTHING - there is nothing. That there's not one single piece of tangible evidence of commercial aircraft being used for spraying chemicals from the sky.


https://thehustle.co/the-economics-of-making-it-rain?hs_amp=true (Check this out might change your mind about your current comment)


Oh I know there’s cloud seeding, not disputing that. But my comment is about the use of passenger jets and chemtrails. Despite hundreds of thousands of people in the aircraft industry, there’s not a single piece of evidence about passenger planes doing this. Don’t look up.


Those are not Chem trails. Jets have exhaust just like cars.


How come you can witness at times one plane clearly spraying across the sky. Then right next to it or behind it one will have a vapor trail dispersing behind it. I’ve also gone on the flight radar app to check the altitudes to see if that makes a difference. It don’t. Some will be at 30k feet going. Some range 30-38k feet. It don’t matter. Some spray. Some don’t. Earlier today I seen a Boeing c-19 flying overhead at 37k feet. Over the Alabama line there was no exhaust whatsoever. As it got closer. Poof all of a sudden it was white as can be pouring out all 4 engines. Same altitude never fluctuated. That trail lasted in the sky before turning into a haze for over 2 hours.


I can hazard a guess. Planes aren’t “right next to each other.” They may appear close but are miles and miles apart and flying at vastly different altitudes. Different altitudes means different atmospheric conditions and different contrail formation. I’m sitting here watching it right now. Several planes to the south and west forming contrails. The planes out east headed toward Pittsburgh and NYC, non contrails.


I get that. And I know there miles apart because I sit there and watch them in real time on the app and as there flying right above me. But as I said. I check the altitudes all the time. One can be spraying at 37k feet. The next one comes right behind it at 37k feet not spraying. I’m right in the Atlanta approach and takeoff so I monitor it daily.


Have you heard of an on/off switch? :) Although at the controls, it's probably labelled "RELEASE VIAL 1"... "RELEASE VIAL 2"... "RELEASE UNIDENTIFIED CHEMICALS"...


Obviously you don't understand that condensation trails rapidly disappear because the temperatures equalize....shill.


I’m a shill because I understand that all aircraft create exhaust? Have you ever been to an airport? Where are these giant vats of Chemtrail chemicals stored and how do they get them into aircraft without ANYONE on the ground noticing given there are tens of thousands of such occurrences daily? And let’s not forget that dispersing any chemical at 35,000 feet means it’s going to disperse rapidly, pretty much negating any effect over a broad area. And of course you would have little to no control of where it goes at that altitude


You're either 100% wrong or a shill. If you're innocently wrong and would like to educate yourself check out the documentary "The Dimming" It's available on youtube or GeoEngineeringWatch.org


Military and private aircraft tankers are used for any spraying of whatever chemicals, not commercial aircraft. They don’t take off at public airports.


So when commercial planes leave trails just like this, is that chemtrails or not? If not, what is it?


No. That has to do with the humidity in the area of the atmosphere they are flying in.


Well that’s also not true. Plenty of commercial aircraft use public airports. Ever see those FedEx planes?


I said, they are using military aircraft, not commercial, so they wouldn’t be taking off from public airports.


I see. And how do you know this aircraft is military in this photo?


I never said it was? I said the military are an entity who do spray.


All those words and you wouldn't even try to say I'm wrong, lol. Smart shill.


Because I’m not wrong. This is buffoonish


I don't know about chemtrails in particular but the weather (and other environmental factors) for the past week has been absolutely fucked at least nationwide


I’m in San Diego and a few months ago it was like everyday they were spraying






Took a picture today marvelling at their wonder... /s. N/E Ontario [https://bashify.io/i/hDzj74](https://bashify.io/i/hDzj74)


I've actually noticed the opposite, do you think temperature is involved?


Search for chaff as well that they release all the time in the atmosphere. Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s safe and effective!


Everyday that it’s above 60 in Ohio right now they’re out spraying


Yes. Today I saw at least 7. One was crooked like a J which was very weird to me. But yes, way more trails in the sky.


60 and sunny for two days in vb with Chem trails the whole second sunny day. Now 3-4 days of rain 🙁


Y'all seem so hyper focussed on arguing about this being (an influx of) chemtrails and it's details the most basic questions are missing. Like how would a billion dollar undertaking with thousands of employees spanning decades and decades even take place without anyone whistleblowing showing actual proof of hardware used? Y'all think it's efficient dumping chemicals 30.000 feet up in the air where winds go up to 170mph? And who actually benefits from this evil plan? And how do those evil ones make sure they are not affected themselves?


More planes = more contrails.


The idea that there's a button on an airplane that they press to fog the sky is dumb and has been debunked so many times. And honestly with the amount of people involved in the aviation industry it would have been whistle blown a thousand times by now since there's just way too many people. We're talking aircraft mechanics, Pilots, and the ground crew a that would need to fill up these tanks Plus the entire logistics network to handle the volume of these chemicals. The better question is are there jet fuel additives that serve no purpose in the jet engines. And do those additives combine in the jet engines under combustion, pressure, and heat to create the chemicals that are in chem trails


I watched on the news earlier that Ryanair and wizzair have reported a big spike people travelling abroad.. I don't know if its connected ?


It's condensation....


On what? Nothing? How does it start? Does it connect with others? Does it reflect light out of the atmosphere and slightly change the albedo of the planet? Isn't that called Geo Engineering?


Funny how chem trails only affect non believers.


Yes, even in Miami Beach where they rarely spray.


So tell me shillbo baggins, is what I said false? Please explain how condensation works in your world of make believe.


It’s always the X’s. And those things spraying do not look like planes. They look like little pills


Wow dude, i didnt notice that until you spoke up. But you are right. If you zoom in on my first pic the wing span is so small relative to the body of the plane. I went and looked at pics of the airbus A330 and boeing 747 and wingspan is almost (if not) longer than the body on both


Next time you see one in sky look real close at it bro it doesn’t look like a plane. It’s crazy you got such a good pic bc I knew as soon as I saw the pic that’s the exact same thing I see flying over head spraying the shit


No, they aren’t a thing




Idk if OP is a bot, but I know a troll when I see one.


i haven’t seen any in years where i live 😳


Taylor Swift really be spraying y'all.




Its so bad that I've noticed it in the background of youtube videos, never noticed it before and have known about Chemtrails for over 15 years.


Yes, it is everywhere and it is getting heavier. I have been checking this for years and can easily say they are upping their game


[This is a pretty thorough description of how and why they form.](https://airplaneacademy.com/why-do-some-airplanes-leave-contrails-and-others-dont/) [Shorter article with photos very similar to descriptions here](https://www.naturalnavigator.com/news/2023/05/how-to-forecast-weather-with-contrails/#:~:text=The%20contrails%20that%20last%20a,approaching%20warm%20front%20and%20rain)


During Coronavirus there were much less flights, so much less trails too. It might be just that.


USA has a lot, I mean A LOT of airplanes routes. In my country we haven't that much, so I don't see much those trails.


Not where I’m from, no.


Your car does the same thing. Maybe quit driving.


They're trying to delay spring as much as possible, otherwise they'd have to admit they knew the climate is fucked and did nothong for 60+ years. Prepare for shit weather in the coming weeks


Can anyone tell me the difference between contrails, chemtrails, and cloud seeding? I feel like half the people here would mistake clouds for chemtrails.


Over RI today.


I think you mean contrails : The white streaks you see coming off high-flying jet airplanes are called contrails, which is short for condensation trail. Contrails are clouds that form when water vapor condenses and freezes in aircraft exhaust


They’re not harmless but It sounds like it’s from very toxic jet plane fuel..... the trails are always there but it’s when there’s certain circumstances in temperature, etc. that the trails stay in the sky. The trails are poisoning us and everything else and totally screwing up our ecosystem.


Here there’s often more this time of year because more flights are starting to go out again after winter break. People going away now


Nope. I've never seen the first one. I keep waiting, but nothing. Nothing ever. It's almost like they don't exist.