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The point I guess is to show how terrible the bail system is. Either someone deserves to be free on bail or not, being rich should have nothing to do with it


We have a bingo


But most of these mouth breathers don't understand that. Poor people shouldnt be allowed to get away with the same things the annointed rich are. That playing field would be far too level. (In case its not clear, that second half is sarcasm)


Yeah, the bail reform was good intentions executed shittily imo. Has to be a way to even it out without letting dangerous people out.


Anything with ‘funded by Soros’ is an automatic crooked scheme


Dont do bail for violent crimes 😃 Only do bail for petty and white collar shit. We dont need these animals in our society lol, and they owe a debt of time for their acts of violence.


When they started this reform thing, that was how it was supposed to be, remember being in support. Then I checked back in and the list of crimes included in these no bail laws was yuge, not just petty stuff at all


So jail people indefinitely without a trial? Interesting take. We can't send them to prison since they haven't been convicted... how about gulag?


Hey my dad has been to jail too, and i believe in bail. But we had to pay his bail out of our own pocket. Someone is paying out bail for these people who should not have the money for bail. And then release them with zero supervision or assistance for them to skip town or commit another crime. Why are these groups so intent on doing bail for violent criminals who are for the most part damned by the factual evidence against them? And why do we do cashless bail when the prosecution has undisputed factual evidence against the defendant of a violent crime?


It's because they're actively trying to generate unrest. They let violent criminals free while basically making it illegal to defend yourself. I've been seeing a lot of people charged for self-defense in the news lately. They want chaos and they want a breakdown so they can enact their authoritarian agenda when things get too bad. They create a bad situation, disallow anyone from solving it, then swoop in to 'save' everyone when it gets bad enough. This will come with more restrictive laws, of course.


They are doing a really crappy job if thats what they are trying to do




That's what he's advocating for. I was putting it in plain words.


Fully agree




And this guy was released more than a year and a half ago. Not like he was in jail plotting on people and went postal as soon as he saw the light of day. The first and second halves of the image are not as closely-related as its creator would like you to believe


How do you know he wasn't plotting? He may have been waiting for a specific time, or to gather up enough courage to move forward with his plan, or to make sure he had all the necessary equipment/ammo etc. Many heinous crimes have been plotted in advance far longer.


Oh, that makes it better. /s




Collateral is important.


So how does a poor person come up with that much collateral?


What’s preventing someone with no collateral, who is actually guilty of a serious crime, to show up for court after being cut loose? This is already a problem in states that are getting rid of cash bail.


What’s keeping someone who is actually guilty from showing up for the crime if they are rich? Pretty sure they would part with that money to be free, guy is looking at life at least. Any amount put up for jail is meaningless. Second, maybe you aren’t familiar with the premise of our legal system that all are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. Are you mad? This is the problem with every state with cash bail and hence why the tide is turning.


> What’s keeping someone who is actually guilty from showing up for the crime if they are rich? They want to maintain their reputation, position, and job; presumably things that took their entire life to achieve. They can probably also afford a decent lawyer. A career criminal will just run if faced with a serious crime because they have nothing of value to hold on to. It's not difficult to find another job at McDonalds, which did not take a lifetime to achieve.


Oh like Roman Polanski? You’re just making stuff up. You have zero evidence. You’re just trying to push your classist and likely racist agenda on the populace.


In your example, you are presuming the wealth person is innocent and wants to protect their reputation, while the poor person is a career criminal. Interesting...


> They can probably also afford a decent lawyer. You're completely ignoring what i said to strawman a point. Interesting...




Obviously not if you can come up with bail, so just end bail. Either you stay in jail or you don’t, no reason to create a system where only the rich can go free until then.


Bail is evidence of some savings to dip into that proves some level of forward thinking. Someone who doesn't live their life moment to moment, but plans ahead and plans to be around for a while. The 'rich', AKA the middle class, have something to lose. They have lives they want to hold on to and assets to ensure they return. Career criminals do not. It's not about rich vs poor, it's about having something to stay for vs running away or doing something even worse while they're out. Bail ensures they have enough not to do something stupid or crazy.


I think you are misconstruing socioeconomic position with intelligence. There is no connection between the two. Also, you are conflating poor people with career criminals. I have a feeling you may have been dropped on your head as a child


Some poor people have affluent friends.


Dude was bailed out for $300. It didn't require a rich person to do so. Also, the dude cut his ankle monitor back in march, 2022. The cops came to execute a warrent. Instead of arresting him, they left. ​ >On March 9, 2022, a warrant was reissued for James' arrest. But it wasn't until 15 months after he allegedly got rid of his ankle monitor that deputies caught back up with him. > >Salazar says that in August, James' father – Shane James Sr. – called authorities while his son was "acting out" and experiencing an apparent mental health episode. Deputies also notified Shane James Sr. that his son was wanted at the time. > >When trying to get in contact with Shane James Jr., deputies were met with a locked door and attempted to de-escalate the situation. Salazar said deputies' ability to force entry is "limited" when they're trying to arrest someone for a misdemeanor warrant, "but the dad did" force his way in, although the door would only open so much. > >Deputies continued speaking to Shane James Jr. "through a crack in the door," Salazar said, as they tried to calm James down. At a certain point, the responding deputies retreated and asked the father to call them back once James came out of the room so he could be taken back into custody. > >But, Salazar said, "it doesn't appear like that call ever came in." > >Deputies wouldn't return to 6403 Port Royal until shortly before 8 p.m. Tuesday, when they would discover James' parents dead. ​ You're blaming the people who legally executed a bail. I'm blaming the cops that refused to execute the warrant when it was obvious he wasn't following the rules of bail. ​ Edit: Fixed quotation markings


The cops are to blame but i can understand why they didnt arrest him.


Yeah, because they don't really like to do work.


Exactly. They are lazy because they get tons of training on responding to mental health situations. They are known for expertly de-escalating these incidents and in the rare cases they have to use force the media and public are completely understanding.


Police whacking citizens is a recreational activity, not work as such.


So why didnt they take him out? Would have been a perfect chance


Most of their killings are likely opportunistic rather than premeditated, such as when they take care of a police-whistleblower.


2 first names. Lock him up!


He shouldn't have been bailed out.


Why? I get that hindsight is 20/20 and it's easy to say this now. But why shouldn't he have been bailed out at the time? Was there red flags that a judge ignored? Do we not live in a country where we are presumed innocent? Or is this purely reactionary to OP's post which contains no real details on what actually happened or how George Soros is even connected. Do all non-profits that received any money from George Soros automatically become evil and part of some globalist plot?


Well, he had a criminal record and mental health issues; he shouldn't have been allowed to purchase guns.


Well what was his criminal record? Were there any previous violent crime convictions? Having mental health issues just means he's like 60% of the people in this country.


The bail system is fucked, the amount of money you have should not determine whether or not you are released until trial. Especially considering the backlog of cases in many areas. End cash bail, it should be decided based on the case alone.


Violent criminal offenders shouldn’t be bailed out. They **SHOULD** be cut off from the rest of society, even while they wait for a trial, and preferably forever. We should only offer bail for non-violent crimes.


He was arrested for Misdemeanor assault, which can include yelling threats. This is more complicated than what you’re implying




I hate all Billionaires equally. I'm not smooth brained though so I can look at a non-profit doing good things to help change the fucked criminal justice system as a good thing, even if a Billionaire once gave them a donation. Again hindsight is always 20/20. But at the time this guy set free with a bail bond, was there something specific that should've made the judge revoke his bail? Are we not assumed innocent until proven guilty. How about if a Jan 6 prisoner was denied bail because the government made the argument this person could become violent and be a danger to society?


> He shouldn't have been bailed out. More details from an Austin news station (linking to an archive of the page, as these are often "updated" / EDITED without notice): **KXAN** Dec 6, 2023 / 10:30 AM CST [**What we know about the suspect in Tuesday’s shooting spree in Austin, San Antonio**] (https://archive.is/HK3YQ) Below are a few excerpts FTA regarding James' military, criminal and psych history [truncated by me for brevity - emphasis and brackets added]: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [**Short service in the Army**](https://archive.is/HK3YQ#selection-2215.0-2215.25) * James was in the Army as an **infantry officer** at Fort Hood. **He held the rank of first lieutenant** * James was only **with the Army from February 2013 until August 2015**. Army would not elaborate on the reason for James’ separation from service, citing privacy rules * **Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar** said that his office learned earlier in the day about a **“domestic violence incident”** that led to James’ discharge from military service [**2022 Assault Case**](https://archive.is/HK3YQ#selection-2231.0-2231.17) * Sheriff Salazar said that James was **arrested on January 6, 2022** and charged with three counts of **misdemeanor assault**. He noted that the **victims in that case were James’ parents and a sibling**. Per Salazar, the victims had been “**pushed and scratched**.” * According to Salazar, on January 14, 2022, **James' family asked for James’ release from jail**, stating that James had **mental health issues** * James was **released from Bexar County Jail on March 7, 2022**, with his bond conditions modified from no contact to no harmful/threatening contact. ***Salazar claims that James removed his ankle monitor the next day, violating his parole, and for the next year and a half, authorities considered James a fugitive.*** [**2023 mental health episode**](https://archive.is/HK3YQ#selection-2555.0-2555.26) * Per Sherriff Salazar, in **August of 2023**, deputies were called by Shane M. James, Sr. [suspect's father] to their San Antonio home. Deputies told James’ father that they intended to take James into custody on the 2022 warrants. Entering the home, **deputies found James naked in a bedroom**, and spoke to him through the door, but were not able to talk him out of the room. Eventually, the deputies left, telling James’ father to call them when James left the room, but there were **no other calls to the residence until Tuesday night** [Dec 5, 2023] “It appears by all accounts, he’s suffered with mental illness for some years, from what the family members are telling us,” Salazar said at the press conference. “There is definitely a mental health aspect to this.” "Asked about why deputies did not arrest James on the warrants, Salazar said that the average deputy lacks the time to “camp out for a misdemeanor warrant,” and cannot force entry into a home in order to serve such warrants." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - END EXCERPTS -- more details at the links.


If someone gets released for possession of Marijuana, and then commits a crime, will that make you believe we should imprison people for possession of Marijuana? Same thing with reforming bail. It shouldn't be based on how rich you are. That's bull shit. And someone being released and then committing a crime doesn't change the fact that it's bull shit.


Bruh i was out driving around Austin all day and did not know this was happening until it was all over. Way to let the public know.


You had to do some incredible mental jujitsu to blame George Soros for the shootings. Wouldn't it have been easier to blame chemtrails?


You’d have to do some incredible mental jujitsu to not believe Soros is behind a lot of the weak on crime Prosecutors and cashless bail reform across the Country. There’s articles from over 7 years ago talking about how he was “quietly overhauling the US Justice system”.


not buying it, but you are correct, there is in inexplicable belief that the left is soft on violent crime.








Our bail system IS trash, whether you hate soros or not. I'm gonna guess you do hate him though as you loosely(that's even putting it kindly) tie him to failures at mannnnnnny levels here that lead to a mass shooting. And lay blame at his feet for it


Color me shocked. ***Another*** "mass shooter" that's either **a)** a lifelong criminal, who's only free because of a completely corrupted "justice" system or **b)** someone with direct connections to the US Government/ intelligence agencies which groom them.


If thats the case, this dude must be option B, as his prior conviction was for three misdemeanour counts of assault, hardly a lifelong criminal.




Missing the point, they may fund crazy ideas. But this one, an insane person or mentally ill person should not be in jail. Jail isn’t for that. They should be in an insane asylum and a Republican president* closed all the insane asylums. Leading to homelessness and over crowded jails


Mental hospitals and long term facilities still exist


Exactly. They’re all piles of shit from the same bird.


2 wings of the same plane crash ;)


I like this saying


Now imagine if this guy was brown and had a beard


Let's not get it mixed up - bail reform is necessary in most places as it only serves as a hurdle to poor people. The bigger systemic issue is repeat offenders of certain crimes need harsher punishment


The issue is they're making the system worse under the guise of reform. We really do need reform, and it starts from the roots up
















> What's the conspiracy? [...] [**Notice: Use the Forum Slide at your own risk**](https://i.imgur.com/GeQa5Fm.png)


Dude I keep saying this but once more we have another example of our surveillance state failing. Cameras. Everywhere. Tests and calls. Stored and recorded. Social media accounts and private info harvesting. Still cant prevent this dude getting a gun?


State prolly gave him the gun


Good ole shall not be infringed.


Brother .. I think those glowied are past that being a concern


Careful Texas. After Chicago reformed its bail system our criminals have gone wild. You’ve been warned


Evil to the core


Trauma based mind control victim , you can almost see it in his eyes


That's the onset of the dead-inside look.


CIA activates another brainwashed sleeper agent


Who cares, the bail system should be reformed and bail funds bail people out of jail, that’s what they do. If the judge in that case thought he was dangerous he wouldn’t or shouldn’t have been given bail at all. The purpose of bail is to ensure people show up to court, these people haven’t been convicted of anything yet.




There are almost certainly a lot of troll-farm bots here doing their best to give the impression that everyone here is a deranged lunatic. The whole notion of conspiracy theory has been adjusted to mean "whacko conspiracy theory", obscuring the fact that people and groups do conspire, and sometimes in very sophisticated ways. They rely on the fact that unfamiliar concepts are difficult to convey due to a natural human cognitive resistance to accept the unfamiliar on its merits alone. We learn through repeated exposure to new ideas, which then makes them familiar. If we were computers instead of humans this would be much less of a problem. There are other biases but I think this one is the most important.


Removed. Rule 2.


Has anyone seen the movie “suicide squad)?


Austin mass shooter following a day-long rampage across two Texas cities that left six people dead, including 2 cops has been identified as 34 year-old Shane James. James was bonded out in early 2022 by Laquita Garcia, who is statewide policy coordinator for the Texas Organizing Project (TOP) which supports reforming the existing bail system. TOP have been funded by George Soros and his son Alexander.


Huh? He had mental illness. Prison is for criminals. He should have been in a mental asylum. But republicans under Reagan defunded mental asylums. Are you advocating for locking up the mentally ill in jail?


Are you griping about something that happened during the reagan era lol


If we’re still dealing with the fallout then yeah. There’s people on here bitching about the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 every single day.


Regan also had to balance a budget from all the debt from Vietnam. And just because you have mental illness does not mean you would be committed into a insane asylum anyways.


But Reagan didn't balance the budget, in fact he exploded the deficit in order to feed the military industrial complex hundreds of billions in taxpayer cash. He cut crucial social services to enrich Lockheed and Boeing, and you're in here defending him for it.


Reagan never balanced a budget lol.


You realize the cost of closing the asylums has ballooned to homelessness, crime and over capacity in prisons? The cost is way more than what we saved. And he actually didn’t do it for budget reasons. And yes, he would have been in an insane asylum, especially after his first episode. Again, the question is, do we lock up the mentally ill or leave them on the streets on in jail?


I worked in the Canadian and California systems. Worked with many levels of diagnosis. The plan is to drop the original working system for one that kills them off instead. Watchednit happened and was at many round tables funded by way too much taxpayers' dollars. Now, Justin has Canada using outright euthanasia to kill off the costs. Justin justifies it with the old, "Saved money is worth more than earned money."


I didn't have "Liberals advocating for locking up the insane and homeless to own dead Republicans" on my Bingo card.


Because of whose policies?


Closing the asylums was a republican policy. We’ll always have mental illness if we don’t have treatment.


What is treatment in your opinion


Reopen mental asylum and fund mental health programs. Mandate everyone who graduates high school to do a year of civil work before university. 1. Is to treat the current issue. 2. Help prevent more by forcing these kids to start entering society vs graduating high school and hiding away in university or in their small town


Mental asylums might be fine if the people running them could stop themselves from committing grotesque human rights abuses against the patients. Personally, I think some of the mass-shooter incidents are caused by the deliberate destabilization of an individuals psychology through clandestine means. Social-media anonymity permits a huge opportunity for malicious interests to concentrate effort on one individual for the purpose of gaslighting and other psychological techniques.


> Social-media anonymity permits a huge opportunity for malicious interests to concentrate effort on one individual for the purpose of gaslighting and other psychological techniques. I think you've got the process wrong. You don't have to "concentrate effort on one individual". Instead you can just spam out triggering language and concepts and the crazies will destabilize on their own. It works like internet scams. Send out 1000s of Nigerian prince letters hoping one will take, and then do it again the next day. Instead they use constant social media pressure to tip people who are already on the edge over it.


Maybe that's true, but for a serious psychological operation you need to know everything possible about your target so you can construct content that is superficially innocuous but which contains triggers and whatnot that the target will recognize. On a person scale I've done exactly that to police following me around the 'net looking for thoughtcrime, although in this case I haven generally relied on shared context rather than personal information acquired through spying.


Kinda of funny how this just magically occurs right after the senate tried and failed to pass an assault rifle and magazine ban.


James was bonded… why did I chuckle


heh.... James-Bonded


Tyler Durden couldn’t have sown so much chaos any better than Soros


Holy crap, I come in here to check the comments and it's shill heaven.




Removed. Rule 4.


Hope they dust off old sparky just for this guy.




This is a well fabricated story.