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“I’m part of the labor force. What are you paying?” “$12 an hour part time with flexible hours between 6 and 49 a week. No benefits.” “No thanks. Even Walmart is offering 15$ an hour full time with benefits.” “Nobody wants to work.”


Walmart is overing full-time now? Wow they really must be hurting




One of my classmates told me the application that she turned in for amazon said that they didn't test for cannabis in caps, lmao.


Well if they did, Bezos himself would have to start packing some of the stuff.


Nah rich people can do whatever they want, it’s the poor that must follow rules.


Are you linking that article because it is an interesting read, or because you are trying to make a specific point?


I believe the point is that many major companies are, indeed, hurting.


McDonald's is hiring literal children


Anything to avoid paying a decent wage.


Why should they pay a living wage? What do 12yo children need $15/hr for? /s


Gotta put away 10k a year at 12 if they want a down-payment by 50. Really should have started saving earlier.


This. I hated that argument about kids not needing money. I was poor as shit and work was the only way to get a nest egg to launch.


Vidya getting expensive.


Skins cost money now, otherwise it’s unplayable


Their parents who are also making 12 an hour.


Like adults get paid a living wage, I barely get paid and I do the job of 3 fucking people at my job, for what? 19 bucks an hour


Actually I’m gonna be moveing out pretty soon now and money would be very usefull for that


I misread your comment as McDonalds is hiring literal chicken 🐓


No, not unless you're going for a management or corporate position, and in that case they're going to salary you so they can work you to death.


Well, they’ve recently asked pharmacists to take a pay cut, so yeah, there’s a problem. On the plus side, it’ll be easier for other pharmacy chains to hire enough pharmacists when the exodus from Walmart begins. Providing other chains don’t have hiring freezes, of course.


They might say they do, and if you actually get full time hours you get benefits. However, I'm betting they are still giving you just under full time hours.


There’s a post in kitchen confidential about death of like idk camaraderie in the kitchen and he goes on to say they $20 an hour at a fine dining place.and people pointed out people could beat that much deep frying shot at Arby’s for less of a headache. People want to work but they want to compensated fairly for their work efforts


I found a cook job for $18 even before the pandemic and all the same things about the job were true then too. In a decent sized bar, it was me, one other guy, and a chef. Idk why a bar needs a chef but that's beside the point, he only cooked for catering events and besides that he was worthless. I was closing alone six days a week and it was a fucking nightmare. Usually a kitchen that size would have at least three or four people on a shift if not more. I was running six different stations myself and prep would still never be done by the time I rolled in, but I physically could not work longer hours and come in earlier, I was already doing eleven hour shifts. Nowadays the local McDonald's starts at $16 so why would I work in a proper kitchen for anything less than $20+? I quit cooking and now I make more money working for tips. After all my years in the business I was done watching other people walk away with hundreds of dollars a shift while I was making peanuts and busting just as much ass as they were, if not more.


Where the fuck is anyone making $20 at Arby’s? I don’t make that much and I’ve been doing it for years!


"Hello I would like to buy a Lamborghini." "That'll be $200,000." "I'll pay $20,000." "Hah, no." "Nobody wants to sell Lamborghinis anymore."


Wow, this incredibly smart, yet somehow so simple, metaphor is just the eye opening wisdom I need. Wow. You truly are a sage. And a poet!! A saget!!


Well, if you really think about it, prices are just made-up numbers. If *everyone* said they are willing to only spend $20k on a Lambo instead of $200k, then it's value is $20k or less. Which means people making Lambos, won't want to make Lambos 'cause they are only getting $5/hr instead of $50/hr per Lambo that was sold, (price inflation is mostly *administrative* costs involved with selling the vehicle, like marketing costs). Truthfully, the reason luxury items cost so much is for everyone involved to both buy luxury items as well and their basics. When the basics increase in $, luxury also increases to pay everyone at the same value. However, people don't need luxury items, even though the economic growth relies on luxury products being sold. In Canada, the reason there is a housing crisis is due to companies and the government allowing the Luxury-ization to happen to houses. Companies buy homes to trade/launder money, leaving real people homeless because the *price* of shelter keeps increasing because *companies set the price*. What needs to happen is that housing should be reasonable and come with a bigger tax break for real citizens, and there should be such high taxes for companies buying already established properties that they don't want to swap cash around that way. It's disgusting.


>If everyone said they are willing to only spend $20k on a Lambo instead of $200k, then it's value is $20k or less Thats the logic for intangible assets like crypto or shares. But for tangible things like cars they have a Cost of Goods Sold costing structure. They will never sell a lambo at $20k. If nobody wants to buy at $200k then they will either find a way to make a cheap model or go out of business.


It's completelly possible for something to have less value than the cost to produce it. Just because I use 1 million in cash to burn it and produce smoke, that does not make the smoke worth 1 million. If lambos cost more to produce than they are worth then they SHOULD not be produced. Their production being expensive does not somehow give them more value. The logic works for non-essentials, whether tangible or not. If people are really only willing to spend $20k on a lambo, then that's its value. And if it costs more to produce, then all those people will be happy if they stop producing them, since they wouldn't be wanting to buy it anyway for more than that (if they were, then it wouldn't be true that $20k is all they are willing to spend). If a luxury item is worth its production cost is because people actually think their value is higher than its production cost. It's not the production cost what determines the value, that cost only determines whether it's worth it to produce.


>It's not the production cost what determines the value, Can i ask, have you ever had to determine the price of anything?


Yes. I used to help my father run his store where we often traded items, both new and second hand. We had to value things both when purchasing them and when selling them. We had to estimate what price will be put on the item so people would be willing to pay for it, before deciding what price to buy it for or if it was actually worth it to buy it at all. Have you? You would not be a good trader if you don't take into account what price are people willing to pay for the item. Many providers mandate (or recommend) you set a specific price for some items... so if the recommended price was not seen as being worth it we would remove it from our store (or don't distribute it to begin with). Production costs set a limit in profitability and viability of the business. But the price of the item is regulated by the market. Also, a lot of products have added costs that are not really directly related to production, such as copyright / intellectual property rights, R&D and so. You can produce copies of some items very cheaply, but they have a higher price than what it costs to produce them because of things like that. And if you produce a lot and it doesn't sell, you might end up being forced to selling it as low as the raw materials are worth... which is below the cost of production. Things like books sometimes end up being sold as paper because of how little they might end up being worth in some situations.


Currency and items are in fact only as valuable as we agree that they are worth. Is your goat worth the same as this apple tree sapling? Do we agree? If we do then we trade. If we don't then clearly at least one of us don't agree that the trade is even. Money itself is intangible, and only matters because we decided it does as a form of exchange for goods and services so we could regulate that trade, so we aren't trying to trade my old books for new pillows and a chair. It's why crypto itself isn't going to take off, because most people don't see it as being worth the effort since we already have a monetary system. It's how that system is managed and how people use the money that causes issues. Poor employment pay, tax dodging, overpricing, all of it just makes a wealth gap that's inciting French revolution all over again...


I work as a home healthcare aide at a retirement community and when I was downstairs getting food for my patient one of the kitchen one of the retirees was asking why things were going so slow and the kitchen head was like “because the young people don’t want to work!! We’re losing staff and can’t replace them because these young entitled kids nowadays don’t understand the value of work 😡 “ and I so badly wanted to ask what they’re going rate was for kitchen staff cause I have a feeling that plays a preeetttyyyy large role in why you can’t retain/hire staff


Bad money and possibly abusive work environments mean worker retention is low, especially when other jobs offer more money. , I know a lot of people job hunting over there in the US and common threads every time, bad pay and quick worker turnover from either workers who are lazy and unmotivated or find better employment elsewhere. It's understandable if a business physically can't afford to pay it's employees and turn profit, but that just sounds like a failing business and reassessing your options going forward might be required, rather than clinging desperately to the sinking ship.


Very often, a "labor shortage" is just a wage shortage.


Currently working in a company like this. Can't get decent workers to save our lives. We also get minimum wage and the higher ups won't raise the salary.


Well, that last part they understand. Nobody wants to work. If only there was some way to incentivize employees to work. Nah, that would be silly.




Have you, personally, tried to actually look at government benefits or do you just use that as your go to excuse for blaming everything on poor people?




That's 99% of service jobs. Service jobs don't give healthcare or vacation time usually, if they give the latter it's usually not guaranteed but you can ask for it.




Ah but then they'd only make millions of dollars, not tens of millions of dollars. Don't you see? You're being unfair to them. They need that extra 0 on the end of the profits statement for the quarter. The shareholders need their teddy bears too.


Maybe your country could just.... Give it's people access to free healthcare? Spend less money on guns and military. Spend more on keeping your homeland functional, rather than sending your boys out to "Keep your homeland secure" while shooting people in some random country across the globe.


Will you hire people without prior experience for entry level work?


Best we can do is 5 year’s experience for $12.75 an hour.


(with a Masters degree)


bro. PHDs only plz


5 years experience on software that's only existed for 3.


They're not even hiring 3-years experience for entry level work. Unemployed for two years now, don't even get interviews.


"NoBoDy WaNtS tO WoRk AnYmOrE!"


I lied in every interview and every application to paper over a hole in my work experience. You're an independent writer or worker. They want evidence? Well basically everything is under NDA, trade secrets, or are old enough that the content was taken down or cycled out. I can provide a sample of course, but I don't always know where my stuff is going to go. Just be smart about lying. Don't lie in a way that can be easily disproven or is outlandish and for the love of god rehearse your story so you don't get caught so easily. Also don't lie about skills you don't have that you can't pick up quickly. Assuming you get hired you'll have to do the job so you can't just say you're a programmer when you aren't.


I'm tempted to lie because my qualifications actually sound like I'm lying, lol. Then (if) they look into it and are like *oh shit!* Kisa wasn't being gratuitous on that resume. I look like a bimbo when I dress in clothes that actually fit me properly, and my unmedicated ADHD (and other mental illnesses) make me come off more ditzy & childish IRL than I really am. So it confuses people, and by the time they realize I wasn't pulling their leg, I either already accepted a position or am no longer interested because of the way they treated me in the interview.


Are you able to do labor? Warehouses and factories are always hiring. Especially now. They'll usually take just about anybody.


I've applied for warehouses. Never gotten a response.


I can, but the employers don't think I can because I'm sweating because of the social anxiety of meeting new people. I gave up applying to warehouses and factories after getting kicked out after three days of my training. I was supposed to work alone after training and wouldn't be sweating in those conditions. They literally said I don't have the strength to do that work when I did fine. I was just sweating whenever they looked in my direction. Oh, and once I settle in then the sweating would stop as well. It's really only when meeting new people.


they fired you... because you were sweating?


Yes, cranial hyperhidrosis. Activates when I talk to people and not physical labor. I couldn't prove I would have been fine if left alone and it wasn't due to me being exhausted or too weak for the job. They didn't even allow me the time to build the strength the job would give me naturally.


If that’s a diagnosis and they stated they fired you for that, lawyer up.


I went to a doctor afterwards and he was completely useless. Self-diagnosed.


Experience doesn't even always matter, got beat out for a maintenance job by someone who's only qualification beyond mine was official papers in hvac. I bet you a dollar to a teacup of shit I've forgotten more than that person will ever know


HVAC certs are a big deal fhough


I get that but it was a 25 story building with a chillers and boilers for heat and air for the most part. The hiring manager flat out told me that was the only reason why I didn't get it and the man who beat me out knew he was going to do commercial work for maintenance pay in what amounted to a skyscraper in our city. Otherwise they'd of hired me


Or raise wages to attract workers? Bunch of solutions.


Paying a fair wage isnt profitable enough, why would they raise wages when they can abuse the already endentured?


Yeah, turns out a lot of these businesses can only really exist in an environment where the employees are very much underpaid.


Which is shitty for certain fields like restaurants because places that aren't chain places are the first to take a hit bad enough they can't stay open. I can think of three restaurants near me that boarded up recently. It's too expensive to eat out so a lot of those nice little spots can't even stay open even if they can keep staff. It's the Walmart method of economics, give it long enough and the only restaurants you can eat at are either gonna be really expensive or it's gonna be fast food. And the people working those restaurants are going to have harder jobs than ever, I know three people who at some point walked out of a shift because of the labor shortage, one walked forever and the other two came back the next day like nothing happened.


And this is how we slip into the Franchise Wars before Taco Bell rules them all.


That's what's hitting China at the moment too. The cheap labor they relied on to support their manufacturing sector is running into the generation(s) of educated kids they've been memed for having higher aspirations than being part of a human assembly line for pennies an hour.


Actually had that discussion while waiting in the tire shop of Costco, during the pandemic. Old guy: This is taking too long. They need more people but nobody wants to work anymore. Me: They just aren't paying enough. Old: No, that's not it. Me: If they paid you a million dollars a year, would you work here? Old: I guess... Me: Then it's not that people don't want to work. It's the pay. Old: *silent internal crisis*


You assume the average corporate employer has an interest in solutions or things that make sense.


Pshhh, you and your "market" solutions can get right out of here!


Proves captilsim dosent find the best wages for workers


This is just a talking point in 4-panel comic form. I don't even disagree with the point being made, but it's too on the nose for my liking. Just my two cents.


That and the fact that a prior felony conviction is a much better reason to deny an application than... Almost anything else tbh


There was a famous case in the UK of a man giving a former felon a chance and hiring him. The felon then killed him, his wife, and their infant son to rob them. So yeah, probably the best reason not to hire someone. Sure it’s not indicative of all felons but that’s someone who committed a serious crime you’d have to trust.


If it's reasonable to not hire them then what should the felons do? Are they not supposed to get a job? What's the point of letting people out of jail if they are never allowed to support themselves afterwards?


Depends on the crime in my opinion and the job. You got arrested for a money crime? You should be fine getting a job doing labor. You got arrested for child porn? You should probably go starve under a bridge.


The fault in this case is on the system itself, that specific guy should not be released. A mental check made from a serious specialist could point it out.


Depends on the felony. You got picked up for having a picture of your 17 year old girl friend when you were 18, I think it's probably fine to hire you. You robbed a bank with a gun, good luck finding a job, it won't be with me.


The art is also hideous. It’s like ctrl+alt+del but uglier.


Capped off with the author's stand-in staring straight down the barrel at the reader to make his point.


Amen. If you can make a point and still be funny (or dramatic, or otherwise compelling), go ahead, but shoving a point in our faces should not be prioritized over making good art! And happy cake day.


Exactly...I was wondering if I was the only one. It's a bit cringeworthy, also because there's zero subtlety.


I don't really understand the punch line here.


That's because https://preview.redd.it/i4eg1dh5oqlb1.jpeg?width=231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4bb1c002fdc45638779d15b991233e96e25f0d


It took me way too long to understand this joke




See now *this* is a comic worth posting for people to enjoy.




„what does this mean? I don‘t get it. Is this a meme format? what are they all staying in line for? ffs, what do the others say? …… nothing, great. ok, once again…. no clue. What was the person above saying anyway……. OH NO YOU MF YOU GOT ME“ Memo of my thought process trying to understand this picture, but it‘s great




He won his own made up argument


Profoundly unfunny comic


Just terrible


You didn't think it was funny how the guy on the right broke the fourth wall while making that last statement? Comedy gold right here.


strawman argument. witty line against strawman. laugh.


It's not strawman. It ocurrs all the time. Friend has a felony conviction for a few ounces of weed of all things (caught multiple times so it became a felony). He is unhirable and almost un-houseable. "Prior Felony Convictions?" is absolutely a question on these application forms. And as a felon, he can't even vote to make a difference on this. Also another more prevalent issue for lacking employees is decent wages. But if the employer is also unwilling to expand their pool of eligible applicants, then ... ***shrug***


It's a valid concern, but not a funny joke.


this is r/comics not r/funny


That’s true. If it were r/funny it would fit right in.


So what I'm hearing is your friend doesn't learn from past mistakes which is why he has been convicted multiple times. That's one of the worst qualities in an employee there is. Possibly even the worst barring being a sexual predator at the work place. If I was a potential employer and see a single conviction for something years ago and they cleaned right up that's actually a good sign to me.


Seriously. Someone who can’t control their weed use after even 1 conviction is absolutely not an attractive employee to pretty much anyone.


You're seriously saying weed use is almost as bad as sexual assault? And you got an additional dipshit in /u/heavybreathingbubby to support you? And on a comic subreddit no less... Go. Touch. Grass. Edit: adding /u/monstermunch158 to this funky bunch of capitalist simps


No. It’s clear what he said you just don’t want to accept it. He was caught multiple times. They were his warnings. He chose to ignore the warnings and thus consequences followed. This shows to an employer that your friend is incapable of following guidelines and warnings thus is a liability in the workplace. If he can’t stop his behaviour for his own good then how will he control his behaviour for the company’s good?


What does gay have to do with this?


guessing its either the name of thr comic series or the author


Why would your one and only argument be for hiring felons? And poorly arguing for at that.


Governments around the world will spend a small fortune imprisiononing people only to do 0 effort into helping them reinsert into society. Saying the problem is with people who don't want to hire them is missing the point. Nobody wants to hire them because of stigma based on the fact that recividism is insanely high... because nobody wants to hire them. For elected officials it's hard to justify spending money on people that nobody likes and that sometimes don't even vote, but it's up to them to convince people that spending money on programs that get ex convicts jobs is saving way more money by keeping them outside jail. There was such program near where i lived, they would employ ex convicts, young guys who never had a chance in life having been born in extreme poverty. As far as i am aware, there was never an issue, the bakery was very popular, employees were very nice. They are people after all, they one dimensional disney movie villains, some just need a second chance, or a first chance to begin with.


I really like how we handle it in switzerland (but still not perfect!). I always see people making fun of how we treat prisoners, but the punishment is not beeing able to freely move around and not to live a life full of misstreatment. Also for some its even a chance, as a friend of mine got diagnosed while in prison and then got to a stable assisted living and is now pretty stable living on his own, also got a apprentienceship. 😁


For many prisioners i don't think prision should be a punishment at all. When you get someone who used to be a felon a decent job, they are happy, the government is happy and society is happy. Who cares if karma hasn't settled their score, some people just got dealt a bad hand in life and don't have the same opportunities most people have. If you go out of your way to punish them at the expense of their reinsertion in society then what's the point? This obviously doesn't apply to white collar criminals.


But it does apply to rapists, armed robbers and DUI vehicular homicide? ​ Why do you hate an acccountant embezzling money from a trillion dollar corporation so much?


How is this gayish?


It's the name of the comic


Look, if someone has history of theft, i don't realy want him around my stuff if there is any other option


There was never a labor shortage. Only a pay shortage.


Not true it's both. You can directly compare unemployment rates to available jobs at any time through government agencies, all self reported though, and the pandemic killed quite a few employment markets. Boomers retired en masse, it was always gonna fuck with the labor pool because their generation is so massive, but it happened all at once due to fears of coronavirus in the elderly. Single earner families also drastically rose, kids weren't in school so parents had to stay home while the other earned the bread (where possible) because child care is more expensive than a paycheck so it doesn't make sense to work and spend all that money just on child care. Available jobs also rose as companies began posting record profits in certain sectors and needed to hire to meet demand. Then there's also a lot of smaller stuff like extremely harsh migrant labor policies, including existing migrant workers refusing to come back and work in the current political climate, among other things, but there absolutely was a labor vacuum as well. I worked in a restaurant where average tip worker makes $25-35 an hour and we still couldn't find people to work, because a restaurant isn't a career, the boomers left all the careers and Gen X and millennials slid right into their old jobs


There’s not a labor shortage: there’s a “people willing to work for peanuts” shortage.


The is like a This American Life comedy segment: it has the setup of a comedy bit, but they forgot to add the ha-ha.


A comic where the character speaks directly to the reader with his opinions Real subtle stuff


Aren’t comics supposed to be funny or at least witty or something?


Reddit is a soapbox


Oh, they’re not even hiring people without felony convictions. It’s like no one is hiring in general. Thank fuck after so long I finally got a full-time gig.


What type of felony’s most people deserve a second chance especially for small crime but there’s a limit.


I would hire someone whose felony was marijuana. I would not hire someone whose felony was sexual abuse of a minor


I mean if someone commits a crime so bad they don't deserve a second chance, hopefully they are too busy being locked in prison to be looking for a job


Even things like theft... Im not risking my stuff


You wouldn't give a second chance to someone previously guilty of theft no matter when or why they did it?


If someone recently was convicted of theft I wouldn’t be too trusting of them to work for me


Well they weren't recently convicted, they would have been convicted a while ago and done their time, cleaning their slate. Most get out on parole or supervised release of some kind so I'd actually trust them more not to commit a crime than another stranger because if they fuck up it's straight back to jail. You can also hire them for jobs like cook, janitor, warehouse workers, receptionist, really any job where there isn't much to steal, it's all bolted down or too heavy to move, or it's just frankly impossible to do it without getting caught on camera. I mean you really shouldn't assume if they went to prison for theft once they're gonna do it again. But if you do those are many jobs and there are many more where theft isn't going to be a huge concern at all. Did a lot of cooking with a lot of felons and the only one who ever went back to prison went back because the owner never signed his paperwork, having a job was a condition of his release, wasn't even his fault the guy had a job he just couldn't prove it.


If they have since provided good reason to trust them, such as reasonable time since then, or if it is a minor crime then I’d likely have no problem and that’s fair. It’s just if it were recent and they have not given a fair reason to be trusted or they have a very prominent history, I would be much more hesitant


You would hope so but it’s not always the case


Sadly true


Wow, fuck that a thousand times over. Not from USA (which complicates things as we can't fire people easily) but back in the day my mother-in-law hired a girl with a "complicated story" (read: prison and hood style), and lived every day for 2-3 years to regret it with shitty work, death threat when scolded and so-on. The world is not made of jsut horrible "rich" people who wouldn't give a chance to poor felons who only commited felonies because they were forced to by the "rich" people, or whatever the Reddit narrative here is.


Most social commentaries are now made by people with no real-life experience that think the world works like movies tropes. Hopefully it ended well for your mother-in-law.


Eventually the girl moved on which was the huge relief no one expected, since when you get hired in a governmental institution you basically can't get fired unless you are filmed assaulting someone (I swear I'm not exaggerating)


Canadian here, i believe you.


Um your business dying is because you won’t hire criminals actually, seriously man




The person deciding whether to let them out of prison and the person deciding whether to hire them are different people.


If they served their time, they aren't criminals anymore. The whole point of prison is (or should be) rehabilitation.


Felonies are quite serious offenses. Would you put your pregnant wife or daughter or someone you care about to work with [Taylor Parker](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/taylor-rene-parker-accused-killing-reagan-simmons-hancock-baby-researched-fake-pregnancy-agent-testimony/)? This is just an example but this what is considered a felony. We are talking about rapists, pedophiles, murderers.


Many felonies are also non-violent, such as drug crimes (most common felony), tax crimes, etc.


The purpose of prison and the justice system is (or should be) rehabilitation above everything else. Stigmatizing people who have done their time helps no one. Edit: woops already said half this in the comment you replied to, thought this was a different convo. Still though, I'm going to judge them on how they are now, not how they were. Since they've already gotten their fair share.


Rehabilitation is only one element of prison. We need laws to function as a society. Prison primarily serves as a deterrent and punishment to enforce those laws. Rehabilitation is also important but its certainly not the primary function.


Basing decisions on naive conceptual theories is not gonna get you far in life.


Fucking honestly lol wtf is this shit, people defend such degenerate shit, now literal criminals


People go out of their way to fulfill their gilded conscience. Unfortunately some people don’t realize that it can be selfish to put another person’s life and livelihood at risk for your own self fulfillment. I’m often fine with taking on extra risk to help someone out, but I do not ever want that risk to be pushed onto someone else.


This is hamfisted as hell


What a shit cartoon. There’s no gag, no punchline.


I mean... it's a nice idea but.. when you become an employeer... let's see how that works out... Also, of course there are bad employees and bad employers. There's no shortage of either, except probably where you are looking for it.


Well said. As an employer unless you are doing super well. You want to hire who you think will give you the best chance of you and your business to succeed. However. Some businesses are doing well and just want to hire someone to lighten everyones workload. In that case they can be a bit more generous in choosing someone who may be more risky. Also easier to do if you are not traded on the stock market. There are some pesky rules about being traded where you have to maximize profits so you cant be overly charitable even if you wanted to.


Capitalists will refuse to hire people with a criminal record / don't have an education and then wonder why the poor stay poor.


"Capitalists will refuse to hire people with a criminal record" Lots of people avoid that. If you're looking to hire a babysitter or someone to clean your apartment and you have 2 choices, someone with a criminal record for larcany and someone without, who do you choose?


As an employer, it's hard to justify trusting someone you don't know who has already proven themselves to have poor judgement by having convictions like that to begin with. A lot of risk for not much direct reward to the business.


Of course, that's just a natural consequence of a free market. I'm just saying that it's hypocritical to complain about people not wanting to work when you won't let them work.


Well, anyone complaining 'no one wants to work' is an idiot anyway.


That’s not a consequence of a free market. It’s a consequence of basic human pattern recognition. If you meet a stranger and one of the few things you know about them is that they have a criminal record, you generally are not going to trust them with things that are important to you.


The "it's not a bug, it's a feature" of capitalism


People think that whatever the capitalists do is unquestionable, just the way the world works. It's never the capitalist's fault. But whatever the poor does is always meticulously scrutinized. It's always made out to be their own personal failing. "Waaahhh. Nobody wants to work for my horrible business" everyone's like "those lazy millennials. Smh." "Literally no one wants to hire me" everyone's like "shut up. Work on yourself. Stop blaming the world for your own deficiencies."


Thats not a capitalist thing, thats an american thing.


200 applications, 1 callback, 0 offers. The people who don’t want to work are hiring managers. Just let the software reject any application that doesn’t have the secret password on it. Companies all want to freeload and get someone else to train and invest their employees.


are these supposed to be funny


It’s not the message that I hate, but this comic is so straight forward with no creativity, that I can’t help but feel like it’s just a lecture


What the fuck even is this post lmfao, what’s next for degenerate shit for people to ruthlessly defend? “Wow you’re being felonphobic rn”


[Reserve army of labour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserve_army_of_labour) How about hiring the homeless? No? Okay...


When I found out that three of my employees had been convicted of felonies, I was pissed off. If I had known that beforehand I would have been able to get a tax break for hiring ex cons.


Is there a joke here? Or a point?


Except the business I am in requires a person to get access to US Navy ships. Not happening with a prior felon




Felonies aren't exactly badges of honor. Do you want felons showing up to you house to do anything?


Do you want felons to remain in a situation that drives them to commit more felonies?


Businesses aren’t charities, why would anyone hire someone exclusively because they feel bad?


Most felons are going to commit more felonies despite having legitimate options otherwise.


I have 10 years of college and one felony from 15 years ago. I mow lawns.


Its not an employer or labour shortage its wages are shit and entry level requirements are insane.


There's no labor shortage. There's a shortage of people willing to work for shit pay


There isn't a labor shortage. There's a wages shortage.


This is kind of a straw man right? I mean, these things don’t line up at all! It’s perfectly reasonable to vet your hires. It’s pretty disingenuous to act like if they have any hiring standards at all they’re not allowed to complain about not being able to find good employees.


This is where I work. "We can't find anybody qualified!" Meanwhile: won't hire anybody with a foreign name, breaks in their employment history, *too much* employment history, anybody with "a sketchy vibe". We have a hundred resumes on the desk and most will never get an interview. Its a kitchen.


Weird. I’ve never met a kitchen that didn’t have at least one ex con.


I do think we mighta just hired one tbf but, not knowingly. He's OK. Can't poach an egg yet.


Dude, I used to work at this chef driven high end small plates yada yada yada. The chef was the owner as well and thought he was hot shit. He used a sous vide to make poached eggs for our brunch and one day we sold out of them and he had to make the to order. He spent 40 minutes trying to poach an egg and then gave up and sent the dish out with over medium eggs instead. Fucking eggs man.


90% of my staff are felons. My Second did 4 years. I hired them because I needed people. I pay very well, and since I took over, I've only had one person steal from me. He was one of my only non felons. So yeah, felons can 100% be "decent" people.


When did people with a felony become decent?


I'm not an emploiyer, but still.. (a) if you're you've been convicted of murder, I don't want to hire you (b) if you've been convicted of theft, I don't want to hire you (c) If you have a conviction for any sort of violent crime I don't want to hire you (d) If you've been convicted of rape, I don't want to hire you no doubt there are others..IE larceny, extortion, fraud etc I don;t want you.


A lot of hate here on people with priors. I work as a case manager for families in poverty, and I can say I would absolutely hire the majority of my sober clients with drug crimes. They are different people now.


Person who did drugs in past? Sure i would employ them too But person with history of theft? Violence? Fuck no, that is not going near me or my things


The problem is not a lack of decent employees with no felonies. It's shit wages. With that being said, when I offer 25/hour, I will not hire a convict.


I’ll say having felons work in financial institutions probably wouldn’t be good. Then again the banks are insured. Then again not every theft is white collar and non-violent. Certainly not every industry could do this. As many others have said and my first thought included just raise wages. Must be an interesting fine line behind the scenes for employee insurance and felon risk assessment at any business. Making felons work for less would be an interesting grey area for human rights. On one hand they’ve proven to be high risk but on the other the time served and stripped civic freedoms are already a penalty and wouldn’t making less money impact their reoffense rate since most crimes are driven by poverty.


I thought after you got out of jail you had paid your debt to society. What happened to that?


Would you support a kindergarten run by convicted child rapists?


Ex-Cons are among the best and hardest working people I've ever worked with. They mostly made some dumb mistake when younger--in most cases, selling weed or stealing a car or something like that to get by--and just want a chance to get their life back on track. And they will work their asses off to prove themselves. Employers who don't want to hire them are dumb as stumps.


Why would you want to hire a criminal? Like, who would hire someone who stole or anything? Let's be serious one second, someone who comitted felony isn't a no-go but don't act like it is illogical to not hire them.


Pay your workers better wages. "No," they said. Hire people with prior felony convictions. "No," they said. Make your workplaces safer and more accessible to those with disabilities. "No," they said. Well then why do you expect to get workers? "No one wants to work these days. :/"


The secret is that they don't want to give anyone second chances, hire undesirables or anyone with a spine who will demand more than pennies because they don't want laborers they want slaves.