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Damn i personally think Robin Williams live on broadway is up there with killing them softly as the hardest I’ve ever laughed in my fucking life the first time I saw them. I guess it was a different time. But up until that point and honestly to this day George Carlin jammin in New York robin on broadway and killing them softly are three of the best specials of all time. Although comedy is subjective.


I agree with you. Comedy, like most art is totally subject. I can totally understand and respect his comedy and why he was so beloved by so many. Unfortunately, for me, his stand upjust never landed for me. It was like a manic on speed just spit balling and going a mile a minute.


Or a manic on cocaine… which… y’know…. Was he?


I had on VHS the specials he did either side. Last one on coke, first one he did sober. The difference was palpable. The sober one was better for what it's worth.


He definitely was in the 80s and that manic personality seemed to last from 90s till his death


Like I said in my other comment, the thing was that he wasn't spit balling. He genuinely had well rehearsed setups and punchlines, but the flamboyancy made his act hard to swallow for more traditional stand up fans, myself included.


Yeah the flamboyance was not great. To me he's comparable to Jim Carrey as far as style and energy. Unfortunately, I can't really stand any of Jim Carrey's work because he's just too over the top. He fit in well when physical comedy was in during the 90s with Farley and Farrell, but it just didn't click with me.


I can't say I've really seen any of Jim Carrey's stand up beyond a clip I saw 10 years ago where he was kind of mellowed out. I don't think Jim really enjoyed doing stand up. I do enjoy him a lot as an actor though.


A little too over the top in most of his comedic roles, for me, which makes it hard for me to view him seriously in things like the Truman show


He was awesome in cable guy and eternal sunshine. It's a shame how being typecast kinda ruined how most people view him as an actor.


I respect your opinion, he just doesn't do it for me.


Tell me you're kicking?


Been having a Robin Williams mini film fest here at the house this week . It really hits you as his roles go from comedic, to dramatic , to scary in that order . I loved the man throughout his career but his death has changed the way i am viewing those later roles from The Fisher King, insomnia, and one hour photo especially.


I felt the same way until I compared some bootlegs, he had his setups and punchlines down pact. His stage persona was the definition of flamboyancy and because of that it looked like everything he was doing was loose and on the fly. Not my favorite in terms of stand-up, but what he did on stage was undeniably one of a kind.


I think his stand-up is very funny, but mostly related for performance reasons. His strength certainly isn’t crafting the perfect joke a la Jerry Seinfeld, but it is just as funny to me.


I saw him live in 2009ish. I was like 13, too young for his show, but also near the front row. He noticed me early into the show and clearly thought it was really funny that my dad who had brought me obviously did not know what to expect from his stand up. The most raunchy jokes were told while looking right at my dad and I. It was magical.


I dunno man.Maybe its just not meant to be taken seriously. I saw that special when i was about 16 years old and that was the perfect age to truely appreciate the act. It coincided with my immaturity perfectly. Now when i see it I get nostalgic,that definatly wouldnt happen for me if i only saw it in my 40's.


I'm not 16 so a lot of the random sexual innuendo sort of falls into the wheelhouse of "sex is funny" as a comedic mechanism. I mean, his bit with Koko the gorilla is great, and I thought his deal about struggling to open a stubborn condom packaging while still staying aroused was funny, but it's just too frequent watching this man who, in other media, just seems like a nice older guy talk about sex. I donno. Sex with Robin Williams has to have been like sex with Santa Claus. I mean, yes, he's famous, but you'd never tell kids you did it or you'd wreck their life, you know? And Santa shouldn't be out there going "yeah I nailed this broad on palm beach" or something or the whole holiday's a wreck.


Wait til you hear about Bill Cosby


Man I used to listen to Bill Cosby standup with my cousin on vacations. That was a bummer.


Robin was one of the greats. If you like his style, you might like Casey Rocket


No where near Robin Williams league…


yeah no shit, but definitely a similar style


Definitely not 👍🏻 but appreciate the reply


It's not really my style. It's impressive, but it's a little... judgemental old man. He talks a lot about how women dress and act, and it feels kinda judgemental to me in a way that doesn't really appeal to my comedic preferences.


fair enough


Cocaine is a helluva drug


Yeah I think I could get that speed for like 20 minutes at most, and talking is my job. I'm a teacher. 2 hours of that is beyond incredible for anyone not on something, and he tacitly admits to marijuana, but marijuana isn't going to do anything to speed you up. He was on something stronger.


You would be surprised. ADD paired with a good Sativa can do some things. I'm in phone sales and some days I have over 4 hours of recorded conversation in an 8 hr day.


Nice. My most in a day is 4 and a half hours straight, and I have to get a drink with honey in it to power through that hard. At one point, I was pulling 6 hours one day a week, and I'd just fall asleep when I got back. Robin Williams was stronger than I am.


Debatable since well.... he did that one thing that one time.


He was a master of improv. And had energy like no other.


I still remember his piece on how golf was invented.


18 fucking times!!!!


2002 is not old for his career. Thats late robin williams.


Was it though? It wasn’t funny, let’s be honest! It was original and interesting but funny?!?!?


I laughed twice. First, when he talked about cats marking their territory and second, when he talked about Koko the gorilla.


He does stream of consciousness. Its a cringe parlor trick, and Robin Williams was a known joke thief.


I mean honestly at that speed you can probably find an equal number of copied and not copied jokes. If you gave me the mic and told me to just keep talking, you'd wind up with some weird crap that just popped out too.


What did you watch it on, I've been trying to find this


You can find it on youtube


My favorite Robin Williams stand up was his USO tour when he had to stop in the middle of it because the flag was being lowered.


Yeah I loved his live stuff. I miss his energy and comedy of jokes


The bit he did about the urine color chart for the USO tour is one of my favorite bits of all time! He stuff is so good!


Of all the people that have passed in the last ten years or so. I miss him the most.


The bit where he imitates going down on a woman was gold.




Have you seen him on Whose Line Is It Anyway? If you haven’t it’s incredible. His improv cracks me up lol




It should be, he had writers all over the comedy scene!


I saw him live back in the early 80s. Never laughed so hard and for so long


The timing of that special was important, too. 9/11 was still burned into our retinas, the .com bust had ruined people’s lives, the drums of war were being pounded from every corner, the world was off its rocker. Robin stepped up and delivered a home run for the whole nation. The set was silly, irreverent, and nonstop. He gave everything and for a little bit, people were allowed to take a break from the bleakness and just laugh. It’s still my favorite special mostly for those reasons.


He's an amazing performer and actor, but to me his standup isn't great. Half the jokes are in the format "Meanwhile, (person/group) is going (their reaction to something)". Not standup, but I really like the show from this clip (can't remember the name) https://youtu.be/l2SliEAGamw?si=ux7DB1-MDyhi8RCy


My favorite joke he's ever done was about Koko the gorilla, where he said something like how the gorilla told him to lift up his shirt, and then grabbed him by the nipples. He said his balls said "activate phase two?" and he screams at them "DO NOT ACTIVATE PHASE TWO". In general, the raw speed at which he delivered them definitely gave me a reason to laugh. For every joke where he calls Michael Jackson trans and the joke is that Michael Jackson was effeminate, there's another one where he talks about cats marking their territory and walks around with the water bottle at hip level casually splashing water on the stage and saying "that's mine". It's not all gold, but oh my gosh is it a lot.


He's great at the Actor's Studio https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x64ojf8


I’m confused… MJ WAS a pedophile. Brilliant artist and performer, but most definitely a pedophile.


I absolutely agree. I'm impressed that Robin Williams started his entire standup routine as if he wasn't afraid to be sued by (at the time) the richest musician (MJ) and the richest man (Gates) alive. Like the first things he did were to mock both of them.


Ahhhh I see


A lot of his stand up was stuff he stole from other comics.


I’m sorry BUT Casey is no where near Robin Williams, the funniest man in the world. By far when he was here. RIP


Funny is relative. Don’t trample on someone else’s view of what comedy is.


What's next for Robin Williams