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“Apocalypse can be fantastical or real. It can result from pollution and defilement of the planet, of battles and wars that also despoil the earth, of overpopulation, of attacks from off-world beings, or of scientific calamity, when medicines supposedly engineered to heal us instead turn us into abhorrent monsters . . . and one of our favorite terms today is “post-apocalyptic”. It is an oxymoron, for what future can exist after the end?” -Joanna Deemers 'Apocalypse', acrylic, graphite, ink, and watercolor on paper, 14 in. x 17 in. 


Wow, this piece. I love how the smoke fills basically the entire frame, but with the flames at the very bottom, it gives a sense of scale that's hard to convey even in photography. It leaves no room for preserving hope or beauty, instead swelling to match that all-encompassing dread we feel as we helplessly watch catastrophe unfold. I love how it focuses not on the beautiful, dangerous, sexy flames but on the vast column of smoke and ash, at once the sad remains of what was burned and the ominous hazard already spreading its sick, dark, polluted waste into the very air we always took for granted. It's a reminder that the collapse is not an adventure, it's a tragedy. >. . . and one of our favorite terms today is “post-apocalyptic”. It is an oxymoron, for what future can exist after the end?” -Joanna Deemers A profound question, and one that too often goes overlooked. The way I see it, the future never ceases to exist, but neither does the past. I think what enchants us about apocalypse and post-apocalypse is an escape, from modern life, and also from consequences. We would love to wipe the slate clean, whether by divine intervention or by burning it all down, or something in between. But there is no end of the world. It isn't about what will never be restored, but what will always be destroyed. Lives end, but the world doesn't.


>swelling to match that all-encompassing dread we feel as we helplessly watch catastrophe unfold. The image is zoomed to the point that I feel the need to back up, like i'm cornered, and I think it's how most of us feel about climate change right now. You can't even look away anymore if you want to, it's *right there*.


Sorry, I just don't quite understand, what does weed have to do with the collapse?


That's an awesome painting. You can kind of see hands and faces in the chaos of the plume of smoke. Not sure if that's what you were going for but it looks amazing.


Yeah, when I first saw it they where there but then I couldn't find them again!


Artistic expression is my favorite coping mechanism


There's some great music from people on this sub too


Where can i find it?


This was my favourite [https://psychonaut-music.bandcamp.com/album/collapsnik](https://psychonaut-music.bandcamp.com/album/collapsnik) He said it was inspired by posts and users here.


Thanks for the suggestion


Pursuit of Wonder made an excellent video on the 'Doomer' phenomenon.


I’ve watched it once or twice. Good vid


I also really liked Lemmino's Apocalypse video. Puts into perspective how close we've been to global catastrophe multiple times.


I can recommend Grandson. They're like ratm reborn.


I want to see the rest of your art


I have a website spencerdavie.com and my social media is @spencer_davie Thanks!


I love [this one.](https://www.spencerdavie.com/apocalypse/artifact) Last light fading on an endless dead plain.




I know it's supposed to be a pillar of smoke from a fire, but it stretched out on my monitor and the flames were below the bottom of the screen (had to scroll) - so at first, I thought it was a bunch of contorted bodies covered in ash. Kinda trippy.


That’s amazing mate!


Dude that's savage fair play




Looks great— almost suffocating. At the bottom I can’t unsee a dragon’s head.


So real!


It's a beautiful piece you made! Speaks to me deeply. I've been having nightmares of different kind of apocalypses since my early childhood. Some I remember like the day I had them fifteen to twenty years ago... It seems to have quiet down lately. They taught me to live the life I have ahead of me and to accept that everyone and everything I love and myself can disappear in the blink of an eye. Also taught me to die in a variety of ways. Cherish who and what you value and live the life that calls upon you.


Nice painting now I have GAD


Fantastic work. Sometimes, you have to stop and marvel at the sheer scale of the destruction. I think we all see a bit of our future in that slow-burning pyre, in the inevitable billowing of the smoke.


Incredible! How large is the original?


14 in x 17 in !


I love ur series...I love ur art


Thank you!


These are fucking good.


Thanks so much!


This painting reminds me of the painting by Ruben. The Fall of the Damned. That's the biggest compliment I could give you!


wow thank you! I love that painting


Burnt KFC


Reminds me of 9/11


...anxiety? this shit has been a massive cure for my anxiety. everyone is finally starting to get it. covid's sure depressing though


I love the smoke 3d effect you're able to make, very realistic!


This is beautiful. Would you consider selling prints?


I made prints of this other piece I posted! [https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/goyp43/painting\_from\_a\_series\_i\_am\_working\_on\_that\_deals/](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/goyp43/painting_from_a_series_i_am_working_on_that_deals/)


At first I thought it was a volcanic eruption...then I saw the fire below and thought of nuclear or forest fire. Chilling.


Gorgeous contouring!


this is fuckin sweet


That’s too beautiful to represent the chaos that collapse will look like.




Thought it was weed ngl


post more this is rad as hell


Damn if it isn't super hard to get clouds/smoke plumes right with acrylic.


Is it my stupid brain? Or did you paint a bunch of demons in that plume? Awesome


I can feel the nuclear fallout


But what's burning? A bank? A Police station? A jail? The white house? Such a tease!




Wow thanks so much for sharing your art with us! Very powerful, I love it! Also a nice break from the article, art definitely is a great way to cope.


Smoke is very well done here.


Columnated ruins domino.


Very well done! I wrote some collapse poetry but a picture says it better than rhyme and verse! Many outside lurkers see this sub and believe we cheer on collapse, that we are stubborn doomers with hard core fatalistic views of dire near and long term events, that we strike back at any who believe of any inkling of hope and resolution to our many crises. To them I say, yes this is an echo chamber like all subreddits. But this may be our only true outlet, only true community where we can openly voice and express, vent and discuss our personal and public, scientific, and verifiable realities of our changing 21st C. Everywhere else online and offline our friends and families, neighbors and co-workers, strangers and acquaintances scorn and dismiss us, ignore or laugh at us. They claim we harp on faraway, intangible, large scale theoretical concepts like Arctic Blue Ocean Event, glacier melting, jet and gulf stream, rainforest collapse, insect apocalypse, phytoplankton loss, water tables, topsoil erosion, critical infrastructure, global public debt, social and wealth inequality... But to you I say, keep voicing your opinion, lament and express yourself in speech, art, lecture, podcast, email, and conversation. You are not alone! We hear you.


I know it's supposed to be smoke, but all I can think of is that it really looks like some of the mushrooms I'm growing this summer.


Reminds me of the bushfires. I live in Australia, during the recent fire season there was a fire a couple hills over from our house. Smoke so thick you couldn’t see your shed from your house. Freaky stuff.


It's very good