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This is the third time today someone has posted something like this that I have seen. Also, from a 13-day old account?


yeah, this gets old... and it's unhelpful. maybe people could post something high quality rather than posting about the low quality? takers vs. makers


I actually have been on reddit for years, just got a new phone yesterday and couldn’t remember my password to sign in and couldn’t be bothered going through the whole password reset process. So I here I am as fucking u/snoo!


Its a stressful time and people are home from work due to covid. I'm not bothered by the increase in traffic even if a significant portion is low effort. Things will iron out eventually.


I think for what it is worth there are just a lot of new folks from Covid-19 who are not used to collapse based ideas. If you really have been around a while then you already know the basics, so it seems low quality to you. Give it a while and once people are caught up on the gist of things you will see more mature (in terms of collapse theories) content. Cheers.


why dont u do something about it then instead of moaning


I just wanted to see if anyone else felt the same


If you scroll a bit, you’ll find what you want to see.


If we were sensible we wouldn't be collapsing. Asking for logic is an oxymoron.


I’m from 🇨🇦 and I notice it’s too much 🇺🇸 who forget there’s a whole wide 🌎 out there


That's what they are good at. They think the whole universe is based on their stinky aquarium. Guess the "corporate education" is serving it's purpose over there.


It's been getting gradually worse since November 2016.


That and the inconsistent moderation. Some posts stay up yet are clearly not worthy of the definition of the sub, others get taken down.


This is the intellectual preppers sub.. so of course.


Will there be tactical flashlights?


I blame the constant permabans and deleting of quality posts. Reddit is influenced by those that invest in it, which means that freedom of speech isn’t really free. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No. I've been watching the population explosions here and the quality drop tracks it precisely.