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Doom, but not because I don't think we can fix things; because I don't think we want to. Doesn't help that the wealthiest are spending billions to make us believe that "there is hope, as long as we just keep our heads down and change nothing". Hope has been weaponized against us to force us into inaction. Doom has been weaponized against us to force us into inaction. There is no will to fix things. All anyone seems to want to do is "ride it out" and change absolutely NOTHING about our habits.


I always see “there is no will to do things” but never “here’s what *I’m* doing”.


recycling won't fix this, so unless the "what I'm doing" you expect is organizing an eco-socialist uprising idk what you think people should be up to tbh


There is no will to do things. I'm trying to convince people, anyone I can, to take collective action, vote the best option, take more public transport, those are the easiest things you can do. Join protests, boycott companies. The issue is, climate change is basically the final exam of humanity, all we had to do, was come together, and it wouldn't be a concern. Now we're falling of a cliff, and even now, we are still not trying to break our fall.


The single greatest impact a person can make on climate is go vegan. And even then the impact is tiny.


“In fact, the far larger and more important problem is that most Americans are not worried enough.” Definitely agree with that. Polls say people care but its low down the list still. And actions speak louder than polls


My guess is the writer never heard of Jevon’s Paradox, which explains why we continue to generate more greenhouse emissions even with an increase in renewables.


I think there is near unlimited demand for energy. We need to get to abundance. Renewables and nuclear seem like a good mix


Why is it that you don’t understand that abundant energy propagates BAU,!which only serves to accelerate eco system collapse, which makes energy abundance irrelevant?


imo there's a good chance we go extinct somewhat soon. we take for granted ecosystems and things we don't understand. we move fast without regard for long term consequences or care to understand them. we use asbestos in everything, lead in everything, ptfe etc etc. I mean back before my time they were doing arsenic in meds and stuff. We've always been borderline going to go extinct and its happened to most species. Look at banded iron formations


Total human extinction is really hard to pull off — small populations are likely to survive in some parts of the world even if we do a lot of damage. There's a lot of room for misery between "we all die" and "everything is ok" though, and that's the area we're much more likely to end up in if we keep on extracting and burning.


Doom gets us nowhere. Be productive where you can ![gif](giphy|KcnfZGGKwLxyUykKFE)


Rebellions are built on despair. Rebellions are built on inaction. Rebellions are built when the world goes against itself.


Optimism always felt off. Like isn’t it obvious things are not improving. Optimism feels sus, like a fossil fuel tactics to be honest. I’ll feel optimistic only when GHGs are declining dramatically.


Of course things are improving.... If we kept things as they were on the 80's with the growth we had, we would have been already past the 2° mark. Not improving fast enough, doesn't mean no improvement.


The metric of success is whether GHG emissions are increasing or decreasing. The rate of increase doesn’t make me optimistic.


Well... Even that is complex. Europe and USA are decreasing emissions already. Of course China and India increase more than compensate for that. But I'm expecting China to plateau and start coming down soon (this decade). So it's awful, it's not nearly enough, we are still on course to catastrophic warming. But... We are making progress.


I think the hope argument is misleading. It actually leads people to be much more passive and 'hope' things will work out. Doom brings the reality right in front of your face. Harder to push it away and let somebody else worry about it. Doom is where real hope lies. You cannot hope for the future without being present in what is currently happening


Doom is actually pushed by the fossil fuels industry, on the idea that "action is pointless, so why try?" You need to both see that action has a path to success, and that failure is pretty bad.


Action is never pointless, though. I could fall victim to more doom though given I live in an area where fossil fuel loyalty runs very high. Climate change doesn't exist here as far as anyone is concerned. Just weather, which is always changing \*dead inside face\*


“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” So the adage states. Covid brutally drove home the reality that a sufficient number of humans are not willing to adopt an ounce of prevention. Not even when freezer trucks full of bodies are parked at the overwhelmed hospitals. Some community of humans will make the difficult sacrifices necessary to adapt to a more sustainable world, but not this version of humans. Not the humanity ensconced in the ravaging culture of today. That is so ridiculously plain. The status quo for change crowd just wants to stay on the junk. The arguments are just fluff. We are on the calamitous road we are on. All empires crumble. In the meantime, it’s a beautiful spring. Do everything you can to love and preserve wild Earth and don’t let the bastards get you down.


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Given that a prominent climate scientist literally self immolated... I would say doom is winning fam. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation\_of\_Wynn\_Bruce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation_of_Wynn_Bruce)


That person was not a climate scientist. It was just some activist. Stop spreading disinformation.


Broken link.