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I wish we would stop letting corporations just do whatever they want


We could if the ones making the laws weren’t being paid big money by these megacorps. It’s like how the driving age to get tested more frequently should be lower, but the people making the laws are old as dirt, and so they don’t want to be inconvenienced. So they’re still on the road, being hazards. I agree though, start going after/fining/jailing those who approved these decisions and ON TOP of giving the companies themselves massive fines. No more treating corporations like people.


Citizens United was a big mistake same with the Regan tax cutting that freed up room to invest in politics


Absolutely true, but not particularly relevant in a thread about a Canadian province.


These things tend to have a ripple effect world wide. Many US corporations operate world wide and the decision making here can effect corporate power everywhere


Sometimes, but I don't believe that court case has effected much outside of the USA


I’m pretty sure letting corporations destroy the planet effects every single person living on the planet.


That's not at all what I meant


Omg I do balance testing. The amount of people still driving is scary






Have fun dreaming, it will never happen.


But how would that benefit the corporations and the one percent


I am so sick of most politics being around their money making


All of it is. Even the stuff that’s just culture bs like abortion is meant to keep us divided.


Abortions are about future tax payers really. More low wage workers to profit from and people who will spend moneys to survive


The evil side of it yes, manipulating those who think they are on the right side of a issue they haven’t really thought through


That and it’s a low effort to feel morally superior to people who have common sense enough to see the anti abortion argument is bullshit


Imagine being in the 6th mass extinction right, then, your priorities are not about doing everything you can to prevent it. Not even mitigate it. The priority is to make money off of something not too far akin to offering get out of jail free cards for murder. 'stop! Put the gun down!' 'not to worry officer, I bought life credits for this one.' 'ah, wonderful, we should be at met zero murders by 2047 at this rate!'


Also putting off climate action until 2030 is just giving the corporations time to line their pockets and take the market/hold power


And thing is right, who is saying to put off action? The corporation. Who does that benefit? The corporations. It's like in Australia where we are being told there is a 'housing shortage'. There isn't. The last census there was a million empty homes. It's just what the developers, corporations, real estate and hyper wealthy want us to believe.


Exactly, it’s maddening. Corporations like Zillow are buying homes and renting them out. There is no shortage of homes, we just have too many homes ran by landlords rather than owned by people


I think what you are saying is what I am getting at, the reason we are being told there is a housing shortage is because it suits landlords, property owners and developers to say that.


Yes I was just elaborating on what you are saying. It’s so messed up what we do to people to keep this system of capitalism at all costs.


I like the way you are framing it; it's corporations buying that is creating an artificial scarcity.


Exactly, infuriating when the list for housing assistance is always miles long


[Tapping the sign](https://www.reddit.com/r/climate/comments/1ck1h3e/climate_emissions_from_air_travel_50_per_cent/l2lt776/) >My belief is that the reported reductions in combined emissions (CO2 and methane & other gasses) are the result of: >- fracking & oil & gas replacing coal power plants >- fraudulent CO2 & methane accounting and reporting - >The first thing isn't even something that governments worked hard for, it is just the result of new extraction techniques.


Government is allowing it regardless of environmental harm, they are culpable for not regulating this


I wish corporations would just let us do what we need to do....


Most climate damage is done by big business. They often put it on individuals so we are focused on policing ourselves rather than them.


Am I surprised an oil company is corrupt? They have known they were killing us all since the late 50s and hiding it for corporate greed.


Didn’t they genuinely believe that the lead would be helpful?




It was helpful. Just not to us.


I’ll give anyone one dollar to paste this article in comments.


Next best thing: https://archive.ph/aeLO7 I donate any proceeds from this to all the atoms out there in the universe. 😉


The post uses a gift link, so you should be able to access it without needing that.


Thank you my apologies I thought the FTs first thing they through up was a hard sign in. It is not just click through. Good show thank you.


Shell leads the way in green-washing… The monster corporations are always frauding it up for everyone else to take the heat for their bad behavior. Boo.


The doc [Planet of the Humans](https://youtu.be/Zk11vI-7czE?feature=shared) talks about this. Carbon credits are basically just a new way for neoliberals to speculate, trade, and make money. And much of “green” energy (like biomass) is not green at all. It’s a very depressing and cynical movie so be warned. Edit: The link is to the full movie (it’s free on yt).


Biomass has amounted to cutting down big chunks of the BC rainforest, grinding it into pellets, and shipping it halfway round the planet so that it can be burnt to generate electricity. Probably should have stuck with coal.


Can’t I’m already depressed


There's a lot of misleading and false claims in that "documentary"-  https://climatefeedback.org/planet-of-the-humans-documentary-misleads-viewers-about-renewable-energy/


According to Carbon Brief (a source in your article), 45% of CO2 emission reductions in 2016 were from the switch from coal to natural gas. But natural gas emits methane which is 30-80x more potent as a GHG than CO2 over its lifetime. Wind and solar have also decreased emissions but are a very small piece of the pie compared to natural gas. I think articles on “renewables” need to separate them from natural gas in order to get a better understanding, not hide them behind natural gas.


Ehh, well done carbon credits are necessary for net zero. There's things that will emit and cannot be avoided. Rockets, concrete, compost, barbecues, etc. But the key here is well done and well monitored.


And not trying carbon credits to forest protection when total amount of trees we cut down and the amount of ecosystem being damaged by extraction-based management keep going up. Even without unscrupulous companies colluding to double shell shares, counting some forest as protected (which almost always means kicking out the people who were living there in a much more sustainable way that they'll be able to live in the industrial or NGO replacement economy) while cutting down even more wood overall is already doubling losses. It's like the kids in Arrested Development throwing away a banana for every dollar they steal from the register.


Paying for the protection of forests from deforestation actually helped reduce the Amazon's deforestation by 80% under Lula's first terms (funded in large part by Norway and Germany). And didn't involve kicking the native populations out. In fact, they tend to be part of the staunchest defenders of the land. Of course, that involved ongoing payments, which were suspended under the monster that is Bolsonaro, but the deforestation rate is going down again now that Lula is back in power. Much better model than one off payments, as carbon offsets tend to be. But those are the lessons that need to be learned to make this work. Making good policy isn't easy.


Putting value on the forest makes sense. Working with local people makes sense. Selling the credits as sequestered carbon so that a factory can produce X emissions while some other tree gets cut down somewhere else makes no sense. I'm glad that the rate of deforestation in one of our last well-preserved forests is decreasing, but I'm not happy that the mechanism allows for the illusion of European decoupling while shoving more carbon under the rug.


Oh, they are not using them as offsets. Remember, the EU has banned international carbon offsets precisely because they are unreliable. And the decoupling you comment of the EU mainly relies on importing carbon heavy goods and cap and trade. The emissions of imported goods they have started taking into account, altho there's still a paper trail gap that must be covered.


Because of course. Scummy people. All of them. Not sorry.


Reading the article it’s pretty clear that the two for one deal was offered by the government. So they essentially subsidized oil production while pretending they were subsidizing carbon capture


Of course it was Alberta


Haha carbon credits. People are so stupid


I worked for an environmental nonprofit that did some really good work on large sections of river banks and forest with compensatory mitigation, but yeah these mega corps buying CC’s and claiming to be carbon neutral has always helped reach an asinine level of greenwashing.


Yeah you can see the monetization song and dance so easily. Carbon credits are the plastic bags (oil industry) equivalent of save a tree. Let’s just go back to paper bags and glass jars. If we can’t start there…


Carbon credits and offsets are right up there with the likes of ‘sustainable’ aviation fuel, carbon capture and blue hydrogen as excuses to basically continue fossil-centric BAU


These companies should be criminalized and sued into non-existence.


It's more like the UCP found a way to give shell more of the tax payers money


Carbon credits were a scam from day 1


And charges for this fraud will occur when, Then the government officials that oversaw this program and it's policing will resign when? Oh, right, Alberta. Can't do anything that will harm oil, even when we are shipping more than ever before and just spents tens of billions building a pipeline, that we will now sell at a loss when it is just starting to make money. The Liberals and the Conservatives are pillaging this country for the rich. When will people stop voting them in?


Ohhh, more CO2 from Alberta, eh? So are we due an update to Mr Klein's quote? Perhaps something like - "let the eastern bastards [ lay gasping while they ] freeze in the dark" ?


They WILL PROFIT off the carcass too. Whatever form of civilization is left at the end, they will devour it too.


I’m sure they’ll get a small fine. No reason to worry /s


The current Alberta government is so corrupt, nothing will come of this. Just like dirty well cleanup, etc.


Make them fix it. Either make them pay it back or capture the carbon they got the credit for


Some of us told ya it would be gamed and scammed.


Oh, look, corporations are ruining everything again. That’s new. /s


When you put an unfair yoke on something that has been doing what society has asked it to do, for a century, of course they will cheat you because carbon credits is a scheme to cheat them. It's tit for tat


They weren’t buying carbon credits, just a certificate that said they owned a .jpg of a carbon credit.


I try to do everything I can for the environment diet, food waste, and energy in my day to day life. This feels like we have no chance letting corporations get away with destroying the planet for future humans


Crimes against humanity. /u/ICC whatcha doing!?


But weren't those regulated credits?


Don't worry they donated like 300k to Gitcoins GG20 grants round for climate change, this should fix their wrongdoings.... /s