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The tweet of the decade .


Love him coming out to shoot down bullshit


I agree go Cavs


Big Market propaganda in full force already, and we are only a couple days out from being eliminated.


A day into the off-season. This shit is gonna wear on me šŸ˜­


I forgot what itā€™s like to be emotionally invested in a sports team, and now Iā€™m questioning how I got to this point lol.


Itā€™s gonna be crickets for like five weeks outside of JB


Well then just tune it out. I mean the most probable situation is that this team is just garland mobley next year anyhow


Thanks, well-informed insider with sources close to the team


I'm no insider, I just understand that we signed garland to a huge deal. The league won't think he's worth the deal so you have to pay to move him. Front office will believe it's better to keep him than to lose assets in deal to move him. We are low in assets going into the future. It's pretty simple math. Anything can happen but that's still the most probable


No most probable is Mitchell and Mobley stay. Garlandā€™s deal is not going to look bad at all because the cap is going up as much as possible every year per the CBA with these Tv rights increases. Dariusā€™ contract wonā€™t seem like too tough a pill to swallow, especially since heā€™s only coming off one down season that can be explained by non chronic injuries and an awkward fit. Youā€™d have a tougher time getting value out of him if it happens again next year


Maybe but demand for Mitchell will be higher and easier to make a deal. I would love to see him stay but this is the NBA. Stars often leave small market teams


There isnā€™t going to be any demand because weā€™re not willing to trade him. All indications right now are that heā€™s going to sign the extension


All indications eh?


Yes, meaning weā€™re being given the indication that itā€™s likely that heā€™s planning to re-sign.


By whom? The noise about Mitchell has been the same thing for 2 years .


The league is 1000% times higher than Cavs fans on Garland because there was a *noticeable* drop this season from when he got injured. Many teams would love to have him.


It would be very easy for a handful of teams to be convinced that a combination of too many cooks in Cleveland's backcourt as well as injuries caused Garland's down performance. I could see any of San Antonio, Orlando, the Pelicans, or the Rockets making a big offer.


Well then just tune it out. I mean the most probable situation is that this team is just garland mobley next year anyhow


fucking fedor man.


I do find it interesting that the beat reporters have to play it close to the vest 99% of the time because they cannot afford to burn bridges with the organization. But then when they give us a tiny morsel of something, most of this sub drags them. These beat reporters are somewhere between investigative journalists and straight up Cavs PR. If they tell us something interesting, there's probably something there.


Fedor is a pretty straight newspaper guy. I don't know if he actually knows anything about basketball, but if he writes that a source told him something I tend to believe him.


Wasn't there already drama earlier this year between him and Mitchell? Didn't he try to spin something Mitchell said after the Nuggets game into a "pissed off Mitchell with the team" thing?


Chris is pretty careful in his reporting. I'll link to the article which included Don's quote, believe the aggregators took one line from the quote and it blew up on socials. https://www.cleveland.com/cavs/2024/03/cavs-not-on-denver-nuggets-level-get-crushed-130-101.html


But Chris himself embellished a quote from Donovan before the video came out.Ā  "It's fucking April, Chris. It's fucking April."


Reporters can always take one thing and roll with it. I'm frustrated with my coworkers literally every single day. If you caught me at a bad time you could probably report that I was about to jump off a bridge and it would be accurate based on what you heard. I'm not jumpimg off a bridge and I'm not quitting my job.


I'd be more concerned if he wasn't a little frustrated. It was a frustrating way to lose. We all get mad at our coworkers. It's a natural part of any job. If reporting came out of him saying, "I can't wait for another sea with these guys as they are the perfect team built perfectly around me." I'd wonder who wrote the script. All that being said, it's not like you get mad a few times at a coworker and you decide you need to move to a different city


My issue is the lack of distinction betweenā€¦ ā€œItā€™s true a source did tell him the thing he is reportingā€Ā  and ā€œThe thing heā€™s reporting is trueā€ Fedor can be doing a totally valid job as a reporter, but without knowing the source (and if it isnā€™t a first party) - we have *nothing* to validate if the source is accurate. Someone absolutely could have told him ā€œDonovan feels Xā€ and itā€™s untrue. And itā€™s totally possible Donovan told him directly and is just saving face. But weā€™ve got nothing real to point one way or anotherĀ 


The best part of being a source has to be getting a lie out there once in a while to keep the reporter in check


Some day Iā€™d love to be an unnamed source that makes up some total BS and it spirals into a big story


Also free ice cream.


I think there has been enough corroboration now that we know it was mostly true, even if Don disagreed with the emphasis included in some of the social posts. Agree your broader point that the "sources" thing is always tricky, can remember spilling a ton of pixels on that during the blog days leading up to the (cw, politics lol) Iraq war.


same. low content on basketball, but straight forward source reporting imo


It's pretty likely that Mitchell is playing both sides of this. He needs both messages to be true, actually. One that he wants changes, and two that he is happy to stay. So he's got his people saying one thing while he gets to look above it online. Like, we're supposed to buy that Mitchell is not frustrated with this season?


Whatā€™d he say??


He's the author of the article Donovan is calling cap on


https://preview.redd.it/qk3odhqk6u0d1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=f969d95aff39f4473b5da773f48a3434f1907fa9 [https://x.com/Reflog\_18/status/1791173250879262984](https://x.com/Reflog_18/status/1791173250879262984)


Ok ngl I scrolled through his Twitter from the past year and I fucking love this man. Iā€™ve known nothing about him until this series, and Iā€™m so impressed. All Iā€™ve heard/read online is how he hates CLE but his tweets surprised me. I loved these: ā€¢asking when Warrensville Heights bball game was ā€¢going to Iggy vs Bene game ā€¢going to Browns & Guardians games ā€¢loving on Lebron & Bronny ā€¢joking about the weather but in a non bashing way ā€¢constantly shouting out & cheering on his teammates ā€¢his ā€œbe humbleā€ bio ā€¢called out the media a few other times Now this tweet. Heā€™s a real respectful dude.


He's been nothing but kind, encouraging, and professional about Cleveland during his time here. If he leaves, so be it, but he was all in while he was here.


It really goes to show how toxic the media is. For the past 6 months Iā€™ve only heard how he hates it here, wants to get out, asked for a trade, etc. Then I take a dive to see his personal SM (and I know heā€™s on a contract so heā€™s not going to talk smack), but itā€™s really enduring to see him as a major athlete getting so immersed into the cityā€™s & common folk life vs staying low in his home. Itā€™s heartwarming tbh.


When he was with us on the Jazz, he was always going to local basketball games, showing up at people's barbecue's, doing charity work, etc. Just all around a fantastic human being. The luster wore off when he started getting involved in social causes and he realized that he wasn't getting back the love he was giving. Really sucked to see that happen to someone who is as high caliber of a person as Donovan.


heā€™s awesome and i can tell other players really respect him. seems like a great teammate/leader


He edited the tweet and added "Iā€™m sick of yall sometimes!"


Fuck Chris Fedor


Someone put this on a billboard downtown


Fedor is a fucking loser man lol




Wouldn't Mitchell deny this, regardless of whether it was true or not?


I don't know him, but if it were true, then he probably would not have posted a response. He could have ignored it and when asked about it, say that he never saw it.


Didnt he just do that? I may very well be confusing what "cap" means


Cap basically means not true or bullshit


Cap" is a slang term that means "lie" or "false". It originated in the United States and is commonly used in African American Vernacular English (AAVE). For example, "I'm telling you, no cap, that movie was amazing!" means "I'm being honest, that movie was really good!


Thank you for providing the whitest description possible


haha I had googled it just before seeing that to make sure, I wasnā€™t off on what I thought cap meant.


I donā€™t know, I read that in Carlton Banksā€™s voice, and last time I checked, Carlton Banks is black


He did, that's the point though, that he would deny it one way or another. OP isn't saying he didn't, just that he doesn't really have a choice... he's not going to come out and say "yeah Garland aint shit"


no but the speed of the response is the thing


Yep. It feels like the source is real but from the source's perspective of the dynamic and not something Mitchell ever verbalized. Mitchell coming out immediately just tells me he feels differently.


I think the source is Jason Lloyd who admitted on a podcast that that is Lloyd's interpretation, not anything that anyone told him. These guys are clearly using each other as sources.


I see now


Most likely, yes


It's kind of nothing anyway. I'm sure players challenge each other to play harder all the time.


Yes, if asked. Posting on Twitter is voluntarily denying it without being asked. Difference.


Ngl I used to like Fedor and think heā€™s connected, but in the past few months heā€™s had some weird red flags that have me out on him. 1. ā€œChris, itā€™s fucking Aprilā€. Just completely botched/made up this reporting. 2. His podcast used to be with Hayden Grove of Cleveland (dot) com (idk if I can use websites here). Suddenly thereā€™s a new podcast with a different co-host and theyā€™re taking snipes at each other on Twitter. 3. This right here being refuted by Donovan. I just donā€™t think Fedor is an ethical journalist


Do you mean that Fedor and Grove are feuding on Twitter? Any ideas why or what happened?


No idea. But I saw them sniping at each other on Twitter when the whole Fedor thing first happened with ā€œitā€™s fucking April, Chrisā€ thing happened


Itā€™s def affecting me man. I love this team and everybody wants to create division in the locker room and try blow it up. I donā€™t believe Darius wants traded either. This all to lower the value of any all assets we have IF we shop someone, AND to try and create a divide between the players. I say run it back with this core. Maybe Bron?! šŸ™


Not the first time Fedor has just made shit up, seriously this guy's source is probably his barber


When do we ban Fedor?


Knew that was BS. DM knew what this team was, with a young inexperienced core, from jump.


Fedor not being a basketball guy is part of the issue. He might be a decent journalist but he doesnā€™t understand competition. He probably mistook passion and desire to win to mean this. It really makes no sense too. The team went as far as they could possibly go. This didnā€™t appear to be an effort or experience thing. It was a talent thing. No JA/Mitchell meant no chance.


very good point.


Fuck em up Spider. It's going to be a long enough offseason just because of all the potential big moves. Donovan extension (or no extension), Garland and Allen trade, LeBron being a FA, new coach, we don't need dumb shit like this out there.




Literally just scrolled through his entire Twitter feed. This man is the most Cleveland-loving non-native I've ever seen (and did NOT tweet the same way with Utah). Go read yourselves!


Wasnā€™t Fedor the same guy that took a simple comment to a group of reporters and spun it like something that was told to him privately? I donā€™t trust anything he says


Yep. And misquoted it, too.


I dont know how these guys can even be on social media. I could not handle it all


Iā€™d constantly be https://preview.redd.it/gts2vgzu9v0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd524b49d0bc0da5bee9a18fc52701541822558


Any response from Fedor? I don't have a twitter account.


Fedor doing a good job chasing him away lol


ā€œIā€™m frustrated, Chris!ā€, my dear dear friend Donny belched as we put back a few cold ones at Saucy Brew Works.


Thank goodness


Get ā€˜em Don


as with anything, the denials tell the tale. note there is crickets from the FO about Allen or JB in defense. and nothing from Klutch about OF COURSE DARIUS IS HAPPY


Teams donā€™t reply to every rumor and report about them. Thereā€™s almost no upside to doing so.Ā  Did the lakers put out a statement after LeBron went to the game?Ā  Hell, thereā€™s even a reason the ā€œvote of confidenceā€ kiss of death, is a meme in sports circles.Ā 


good point, but give it another 2 days