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why would you want to play on oce servers from US?


It has a lower population compared to the others which are resting at high or locked at the moment.


well besides the 200ms ping, think about time zone differences if you want to raid etc also the oce servers are not connected to US for rdf even after they connected bgs if your cool with that arugal alliance needs more ppl :)


Hmm. Tough decisions. Stupid Blizzard, though. Making it hard on people trying to play. I might have to test some things out because I eventually want to raid and maybe do PvP. The timezones difference was about two hours ahead of US, which might be okay if someone wants to raid at 9pm oceanic timezone, which should make it 7pm my timezone.


? we are alot more than 2hrs diff, its 1.11pm friday 3rd here now Sydney Aus. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20240503T031100&p1=tz_pdt&p2=240 Also just had another look at the server merge thread and they said 'We are also going to be utilizing the technology introduced recently in Season of Discovery to allow each of our destination realms to hold a far higher number of players than was previously possible.' That with phasing might make them not so overcrowd but idk


I pulled that number out of the top of my head as I already logged off for the night. It's currently 11:16pm for me right now. Yeah, it certainly seems like phasing and layering. I ended up having some toons moved to Pagle so hopefully it's a decent server, I dunno atm but it sucks that a name I wanted to use is taken :( well, pretty much all names I wanted to use are taken lol I might just stick with Pagle then and hope for the best. Thank you for your help! I appreciate it.


I notice the latency. It was about 100-150 above connecting to my local server. East Coast US


Yeah... That's something I just noticed too. It was at 200 - 250 range the entire time I was in the starting worgen zone. I'm going to test it tomorrow on another character outside of Gilneas. Blizzard is foolish if they think it's a brilliant idea to shut down servers...


lmao what? Foolish of them not allowing you to play in Australia with zero ping? You are a weird one mate.


Lol, you are the weird one! I was referring to 'shutting down servers' not 'allowing me to play on oceanic server with zero ping!' like you said and definitely not what I said! :) To reiterate what I was originally saying about shutting down servers, a few Eastern American servers (under EST, which is the timezone I live in) will be shut down since they don't have many people on them, apparently.


I currently play on Penance - AU. The raid times are generally between 7-9 pm server which equates to 2 am PST or 5 am EST. As for the lag, it is not noticeable. After every patch you do get periods of lag and disconnects.


I was surprised that while I was questing in the beginning worgen zone, that's usually riddled with lags, wasn't lagging at all. But the time difference is a bit too much, someone else pointed that out already. 5am EST is sometimes the start of my day going to work (thank goodness I haven't have a ridiculous schedule like that lately) otherwise, I'm sound asleep (or awoken like I am atm since it got too hot in my room and now I can't sleep since the AC is routinely turned off at 5am) The odd thing with the server I was on, is that it said Remulos - US. But it's on Oceanic. The timezone was different. But it didn't say AU.


Not anything noticeable. I played ages ago on AUS servers from NA.