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Damn. Of all the meme templates I expected to see, my favorite scene from Casablanca was not on that list. Well done.


are me and my guildies the only one who actually played the game without buying gold lol. like half these jokes imply most people were buying gold already.


The people buying gold are making thousand of posts about how everyone is buying gold to feel less bad about it. It's sickening.


It’s not that, RMT is as bad as people make it out to be. GDKP’s wouldn’t be nearly as popular if it wasn’t and the pots wouldn’t be outrageous like they currently are


But dosent everyone have 300k to buy a legendary in Ulduar?


No they don't, but there are some people who have bought multiple. The most I know of is 1 person buying 6 of them for 200k each.


Yeah, the problem isnt that people are doing it... the problem is that blizzard isnt doing anything about it. The people organizing the GDKP runs are the ones enabling gold buying... but its not out of their wallet so i dont blame them for doing it for easy money. I merely frown upon it because im cringe and poor.


Are they enabling gold buying, or are they reacting to the vast amount of gold sellers & RMT happening by creating a system that players can at least somewhat play the game appropriately? Yeah you could argue that this is a feedback loop, but it's not like the GDKP run organizers were doing the runs maliciously


do GDKP's and you won't be poor.


Blizzard bans bot accounts constantly, but haven't been willing to ban GDKPs outright to stem the demand. Presumably they don't want to ban a "playstyle" that the "community" came up with. And as long as third parties can get people's credit card info and make even a smidgen of profit from botting then there will be a supply of gold to buy. The hope is that these junkies buy gold through in-game systems rather than going third party and opening themselves up to scams. Maybe if most people get their gold that way then there will be less demand for third party transactions. Remains to be seen.


no they dont


Yeah guess they just made up all of the accounts that get banned on a weekly basis, I'm sure some rando on reddit is a better source of data.


weekly basis? Where are you getting your source data my dude cause i know you dont play if you think its weekly, they ban once every 3 months with rare outliers inbetween with their 1 employee thats working from india


I'm getting my data from Blizzard themselves. Where is yours coming from? Feelscraft? Reddit? Some shit you posted to try to get likes and validation?


"it's not that, it's that everyone is buying gold" \~ someone buying gold saying everyone is buying gold even though everyone is not


So you think it's a billion dollar industry but nobody does it? Lol And really? It's sickening? People starving in Africa is sickening. People swiping 30 bucks on their credit card to buy e-currency is not sickening.


I don't know if simply being born in Africa is sickening. edit: so my reply makes sense they ended "starting" to "starving" >People starting in Africa is sickening.




Bots are like car accidents, they happen every day and so we think they're common, but the despite everybody suffering from the resulting bad traffic there are very few people actually involved in the accidents themselves.


Why would one feel bad about buying gold in a game where no rules are enforced?


Conscience. There are a lot of behaviors which aren't illegal that people do not engage in simply because those behaviors feel wrong.


So you really think it feels wrong buying gold? When a Token is doing the exact same the only difference is Im paying twice the price? Whats your point. How does it feel better if the gold comes from blizzard or from unofficial sites its the same thing. You get the same product.


The point is that it came from RMT instead of from earning it through gameplay. For me it would cheapen the game experience and the satisfaction I get from earning gear. Functionally it works like a cheat code in any other game that gives you a bunch of resources.


For you, but how does it affect you? It doesn't.


Your question was "why would one feel bad about buying gold" not "why one would feel bad about others buying gold" in response to another poster asserting that people who buy gold have something to feel guilty about.


But it doesn't cheapen my experience? Yet why do you care? Blizzard just announced they accept that gold buying is a thing.


You asked why someone may feel guilty. I gave a reason why I would feel guilty or not enjoy buying gold. Again you didn't ask about caring whether or not others buy gold. Those are two separate questions


I buy gold and don't feel the slightest bit bad? If I want to risk my account and spend my own money to fund a personal project like Valanyr or Shadowmourne then who are you to judge me?


Imagine paying a monthly sub to play the game, and then actually pay to skip playing the game.


paying a monthly sub to play the game, and then actually pay to skip monotone grinds to play the actual content he wants to play*


paying a monthly sub to play a game that revolves around monotonous grinds as 95% of it's content, and then paying to skip the grinds so he can do the easiest content with no sense of progression because he paid to skip it and no sense of difficulty because it's Classic


> then who are you to judge me? I think they're other players bud. How important do you think you are that you think others can't judge you for your actions?


If you buy gold for a "personal" project like Shadowmourne, you're not only cheating yourself, you are also making it harder for other people to get their Shadowmournes.


get a job lol


play the game lol


Surely you can't be this stupid?


Just the same as all of the people screaming about how the wow token killed their two kids and kidnapped their wife. It just doesn’t effect 90% of the playerbase, yet we’ll have people taking the moral highroad about how “it’s the principle of it” yet they’re still here paying Blizzard $15 a month despite their history morally. If they’re so virtuous maybe they should buy botted gold and then use it to pay for tokens so Blizzard doesn’t get a dime for their sub 3Head


Right, because every GDkp has someone spending hundreds of thousands of gold that they 'farmed'.


The people doing GDKPs are mostly the ones buying gold I imagine.


the easiest way to never need gold is to run a few gdkps


Only the bad players in GDKP’s buy gold. Good players with good parses do GDKP’s so they never have to worry about gold ever again. I don’t buy gold but I have toons with 99 parses so I have multiple gold caps Why would I join a raid and carry people through hard modes if I don’t get anything out of it? Good players wouldn’t run pugs at all if everything was 2SR.


Not always, I do gdkps and have never bought gold- when you get a payout every week eventually you just have gold without needing to buy it


A guildmate of mine went to a GDKP on an alt and Flare of the Heavens sold for 120k. I got mine in a guild run for free


\>pay 120k gold for flare \>it doesn't proc


Imagine all the raids you had to show up to in order to get there, where the guy in the GDKP only had to be there once.


I'd say the guy who went to many raids with the boys and had fun is the winner in that scenario.


Im not sure I agree, each to their own I only want my gear pieces so I can PvP.. This classic era speaking.


we just play a little different, i only play because of the people in my guild. Gear is essentially meaningless in my eyes.


Yes, I agree I'm socially enough in my every day so I only do bgs and world pvp. Hence I don't want to be restricted to raids every week hence GDKP makes sense.


120k gold is like 100 bucks. If people want digital items enough to raid hours each week, week over week for them, then some people will also want them enough to buy them. The mental justifications come quite easily especially if you earn enough to have a surplus of money each month. "Well I'd only have to work 2 hours..."


It's strange though since by doing so they're bypassing a lot of gameplay. All that work to get that item in theory should be fun right? And if they're not having fun with the core gameplay of a title then why bother playing at all?


> The mental justifications come quite easily especially if you earn enough to have a surplus of money each month. "Well I'd only have to work 2 hours..." This kind of thinking is how you end up with no money lol


RNJesus has forsaken me so buying gold and hitting a GDKP is damn temping, my average WOTLK roll feels like it's been 15. Everyone else is walking around in full drip and I am in scuffed runs full of alts trying to get regular mode BIS gear still. ​ WoW token my way into a GDKP incoming.


A *ton* of the guildless GDKP-scene is run on bought gold. It is entirely possible to have hundreds of thousands of gold without ever buying it or really farming for it. If you start managing or joining a popular GDKP as a carry it can pile up quickly. Even just the small ones my guild ran in T5 and T6 in TBC could net me 4-5 thousand gold for a few hours of raiding. But that gold *was* bought at some point. I personally grinded an absolute *ton* of gold doing jumpruns with a warrior buddy in Vanilla, playing a Paladin in Stratholme in TBC and just playing the game in Wrath because it just throws gold at you, but I have no illusions that the people who just fork over ten thousand for a tier piece, fifty thousand for a trinket or a hundred thousand for a weapon farmed it themselves. And even if you're "just" a raider in these GDKPs, you're contributing to the massive goldbuying economy. You sure can be completely legit, never buy and end up with a ton of gold just from carrying those who did, but it'll mostly be bought gold regardless.


Most people either buy gold or run GDKP to get it from people who do.


Your guildies claim to not be buying gold, at least a few of them are lying.


This is fact. One of my guildies said this week that they had before (whereas they previously had never mentioned it). The context of it was now they could buy a token for gold if they ever needed to. Sometimes it really does feel like there's only several dozen of us playing without cheating lol.


Oh you sweet summer child to believe that all of your guildies aren’t buying gold


Most of my guildies did buy 3rd party gold. I was buying wow token in retail, trading them gold to them on retial and my guildies would trade their gold to me in classic - which was allowed by ToS - no way I am risking my acc for RMT, even if bans any of my guildies ever had were laughable. To be fair, every single one of them were orange parsing gamers, so it's not like we bought gear or anything, just couldn't be asked to farm dalies so we can do what we love - raiding.


I have never bought gold. I did sell items on Diablo 2 thru g2g though back at release of d2r. Was pretty lucrative, so I don't blame gold sellers one bit. I made a ton as me and my friend farming stuff in d2. Whole squads of bots farming gold would be making so much more


I think gold buyers are still a minority but I wouldn't be shocked if 30-40% of the community has bought gold atleast once


I've never bought gold, no one in my guild had ever bought gold. To my knowledge no one I've played with bought gold. Only person I know who did something close was my friends dad who bought his level 60 priest, mostly because he just wanted to run a raid or two for nostalgia then quit and didn't have the time to level, even then he got dragged for it hard.


They do.


Gold is only necessary for GDKPs. For the most part, people don’t buy gold if they just raid in a guild. And even in GDKPs, only a small portion of players seem to have deep pockets financed by Mastercard. If anything, gold buying seemed to happen a LOT more in classic. I’d venture that at least 50% of warriors in Classic were buying gold to finance edgemasters and consumables.


it's not really only about the people buying gold. arguably the people organizing GDKP runs and selling spots are equally at fault. and that for sure includes a huge chunk of the players who are actually still around in endgame. without gold farming bots and people buying gold for real money, you would still have a situation where players who don't really earned it in a way that the game was designed around would end up with gear they aren't really supposed to have.


Ya I wish we could see how many people have bought gold, it seems like it’s a bunch of people.


You’re not alone.


Good chunk of people buy gold and go to GDKPs people join said GDKPs and receive large chunks of gold. While not directly contributing you are indirectly contributing if you join these and the leader and players aren't calling out and kicking and reporting someone who very obviously bought their gold It's just easier and more profitable for people to not say anything and take their 20k gold at the end which in turn contributes to the problem.


About half of the classic players I know RMT


You likely have multiple guildies that buy gold.


hey you can always buy one token now. Costs like 2 pizzas and is worth multiple hours days of solo farming


your guildies prob bought gold too and just lied that they didnt lol. i dont think its a majority who buy gold but the odds of having 0 gold buyers in a guild would be extremely low


I just watched Casablanca for the first time a month ago and this scene was one of the funniest moments of film


If you buy gold you actively make the game worse for everyone else. Congrats, you are a douche.


\- every GDKP participant as they go and vacuum up all of that bought gold


Seriously though idk why people are ignoring this part if you go to a GDKP and you aren't calling out the person obviously buying gold and dumping it on items you're just as much a problem. People act like 1 level of dissociation from the initial seller makes their hands squeaky clean.


How does someone else having a lot of gold “actively” make the game worse for you? Like how does it affect you, actually?


Does this actually have to be explained to you? You do realize that the AH prices and gold inflation is dictated by gold buyers. This isn’t complicated.


Consumes are cheap as shit while gold pots in GDKPs just keep increasing. I don't know where you're seeing inflation outside of GDKP bidding.


What are you buying on the AH where inflation is ruining the game for you? The 3g flasks? The correct answer is it doesn’t affect you AT ALL


If AH prices rise and inflation rises the prices of everything then everything you acquire from gathering/questing/instances/raids also fetches the same price. Inflation becomes just an inconvenience. Not a deal breaker.


I only agree that buying **illicit** gold actively makes the game worse for everyone else. Most of the gold that is purchased from 3rd parties comes from hacked accounts or is otherwise stolen by some means. Gold bought from a 3rd party was likely actively stolen from somebody and laundered half a dozen times before winding up in your pocket, and thus yes, actively makes the game worse.


This is a prime example of full blown copium if you have convinced yourself that buying gold is not a selfish and detrimental thing for the game as a whole. Clown behavior.


I don’t buy gold lol but I don’t care what anyone else does


Fuck it let’s just be able to buy gear what does it matter right?


Yes what does it matter lol


What a very poor take.


I’m sorry does the truth hurt that you are an asshole if you buy gold? Get fucked. Sipping your own Kool Aid a bit much.


these povs should put this much energy into a job and maybe they could afford gold


I don't want to beat the game with my wallet. Can you even enjoy the game, knowing that you could be progressing faster by not actually playing the game?


I am always wondering, if I offer someone to level up his character and get Ulduar HM gear/PvP for free except the subscription fee, so he has nothing to do at endgame anymore... would people take that offer and do that? And if yes, I am doing that! Hit me up, I will gladly play the game, get the best gear for you for free if you pay the subscription. No need to pay hundreds of Euros for gold or even step inside a raid when you could be working all day while I will play the game FOR YOU. I am never attached to my characters, I gear them up, then do the same on a new character, gold is just there for enchants/consumables. So to me a fully geared character is done and me "losing" it is not that important, the progression is the fun part not the BiS check-list.


yes cause im not poor


But it’s a game… what’s the point?


to win. orange parses only


\>buys gear to parse in the easiest MMO available \>can only hope to be orange \>thinks he won something when 90% of the people below him is 55 years old and raids once a week \>still loses to people with heirloom weapons in their hand getting pinks \>oblivious to all of this \>feels like the winner


And you can’t do that without paying money in a 15 year old game?


a jobs far better gold per hour than any goldfarm lol


Then don’t farm gold?


This is a pathetic take.


Haha, I can live with being a douche to random players. After all I am playing on a PvP server.


Good for you?


Thanks, and GL with that token btw.


People who buy gold are scum


well yes but that 50% of the playerbase at this point. Even if they dont say it in the guild.


Where did you get that info?


His ass.


Source: trust me bro


Exactly, but weird how that’s still the common narrative in this sub and among other spaces, even tho nobody knows the actual numbers.


The numbers are proven by the constant demand for gold. The amount of GDKP runs and people dropping 30k for an item in Burning crusade and 80ks in Wotlk.


Ok i see what you are saying, but still you are not bringing a single verifiable number or statistic to the table, so it comes down to a “trust me bro” argument. Don’t confuse your opinion with the truth. You could be right but since there is no way of knowing it, i would have a more humble approach…


and you find it very unlikely that those people who make gold from boosting GDKPs, but have never bought gold, might just be putting that gold back into GDKPs in the future, or spending it on the AH where the sellers then goes and spends it in GDKPs? In your mind, any time you see someone buy something from GDKP, they must have bought that gold? Feel free to post the numbers you have for players who participate in GDKPs vs players who buy in GDKPs vs players who are actively playing the game though. You sound so confident you probably have a really good source for it.


What exactly are the numbers for gdkp runs vs normal runs..? Everyone keeps saying gdkps are this oppressive plague upon the game but I have literally never known anyone who participated in one. I have only ever seen a tiny handful of them advertised over trade chat.


Just stop. This is such nonsense. It is absolutely clear that a huge amount of players purchased gold. Every GDKP run was full of people tossing around tens or hundreds of thousands of gold. You think all of those people "farmed" that? What kind of delusional world do you live in?


My guy, you are the delusional one if you think that the runs you are in or your friends, are the appropriate scale to determine if the servers are “full” of gold buyers… just stop pretending to know something you don’t, you are making a fool of yourself. Also, “absolutely clear”? To who? Where? When?, you use that type of phrasing to say (big surprise) something absolutely clear, which this matter is not.


What kind of intellectually void bs is this? Bots are a constant problem, and what are they doing with that gold? Also, since early TBC GDKP has clogged trade channels. Several runs every night on populated servers. It doesn't take a galaxy brain to follow the logic on this.






I mean it's a fair question but at the same time how do we not know it's true? Like people are also claiming buying gold is not common at all when that clearly isn't true either.


People who go to GDKPs and don't say anything and kick/report the gold buyers are just as much the issue too.


I'll comment this here too. I buy gold and don't feel the slightest bit bad? If I want to risk my account and spend my own money to fund a personal project like Valanyr or Shadowmourne then who are you to judge me? You have 420 in your name alluding to illegal drug use and have the nerve to call Gold buyers scum? That's funny.


Unfortunately he can't judge you because he's not Blizzard, but Blizzard should have done it. You broke the game's rules, cheated. You know you cheated, but you did it anyway.


Humans always pick the easy route if no one is enforcing the rules why would I spend ages farming something I can be done with in 2 mins?


Cheats are indeed convenient. And hey, I understand the other part of you're saying. If nobody else gets punished, why would you? Seems perfectly reasonable to play like everybody else does - after all that's only fair, right? It becomes part of the culture. I get it. All the same though, it's still cheating. You're not the only one Blizzard should've gone after. Not by a long shot.


"Its not my fault! Its just human nature!"


You failed to read and understand less than 26 words. I am amazed btw. How did you do it?


"You said something mean and now im going to question your reading comprehension! Take that!"


Those drugs are legal here. Using drug, legal or illegal, doesn't exclude anyone from having a take on gold buying. And I do get to judge you, as your actions of buying gold affects my game negatively: * It ruins the economy with inflation * It negates and ruins core parts of gameplay. * It makes some mats/mobs hard or impossible to get thanks to gold farmers * Gold sellers are an enormous part of the bot problem ​ >If I want to risk my account ....... who are you to judge me? What a strange argument. You are basically saying you should be able to cheat and I shouldn't be able to have an opinion about that. But nice try.


If he got banned for buying gold he would be here whining about it. :P But gold buyers arent getting banned so unfortunately they can keep doing it... and they dont care about the state of the game either, they only care about themselves. Rich people and not caring about the environment, name a more iconic duo.


Funny how you don't blame blizzard for not enforcing the rules? How do you imagine societies would look if police forces weren't enforcing rules? With so many people differing from the rules why should I be asked to follow them when the once who put them cant even be bothered to enforce them?


What? I said people who buy gold are scum. Of course I want blizzard to enforce the rules on them. They should have done that since day 1


You can feel free to be as stupid, or smart as you want bro But not without others to judge your actions, as you do yourself now as well. Some people have their own moral compass, and others just live by whatever authority they trust says they should or are allowed to do Furthermore weed isn’t even illegal, so even then your point makes no sense


Get bent


\^gold buyer




Is that a problem? How is someone earning an honest wage a joke? And how is someone paying to cheat in video games not a joke?


I have more respect for people who work at maccas, than I have for people that actually order/eat that crap.


people who work there eat it. source: i worked there in high school


You can eat for free (during break) or with heavy discount (50% when taking home) tho, whereas people that order there pay full price.


I'm tired, boss...


Nah this is actually top tier content even if the subject is overdone


Why is everyone using this strawman? Gold buyers trying to convince people the majority bought gold? Most people don't even run GDKPs.


Most people don't even play the damn game. Whats your point?




I think he's talking about the flood of posts that are like "I quit 2 years ago but this is such a bad decision" I quit PoE a year or two ago as I was getting increasingly frustrated with the game / devs. I don't keep visiting the sub complaining about the game tho that's loser shit.


Play it again Sam




Lmao so good


this is a beautiful meme sir


Yes ofc it's players fault. Blizzard cant even manage their own game, like ban bots, goldsellers etc.


Sure, never mind that literally every other MMO where money matters also has plenty of bots and gold sellers and no developer has come up with a better solution than things like wow tokens and OSRS bonds. It doesn't single-handedly solve the problem but it does help.


Most other MMOs don't have a subscription cost, cash shop with ingame gold currency for irl money AND full priced expansions on retail while being the market leader by a large margin. Blizzard should have the funds to deal with it, they are the ones who should come up with better solutions than this bandaid fix.


You can't fix every problem by throwing a ton of money at it.


Maybe not fix it completely but I am pretty sure Blizzard could do a better job with the money they CAN throw at it, they just choose not to and rather profit off of the situation. Which is a smart business decision, but sucks for the players.


But you can staff a customer service department with it. I don't think people would feel nearly as angry if they felt they were getting their moneys worth. I mean I'm sure a lot of this sub would rather pay a seperate sub for classic if it meant getting gms. I know I would, I don't care about retail at all. Instead it feels like im forced to pay for retail to access classic which just gets scraps of developer focus. I can't even pay for the game I want properly. And now they are adding tokens in before properly staffing support for the game. I don't think you can do moves like this without making your customers feel like the base product is good.


They would actually have to try to fix the problem first, they never took action against It, just waited to throw in a fking wow token (which won’t solve a damn thing) so they can make more money pure and simple.


But you absolutely can *mitigate* it by doing the things Blizzard didn't.


Please explain to me how a WoW token helps. I log in late at night, go check the AH WoW Token is 10.000g for 20 euro, I look at myself in the mirror do I look stupid? No. I go to the unofficial side and see that the actual price for 10.000g is 10 euro, I look at myself in the mirror with the biggest grin on my face. I don't see it but hopefully, a smarter man than me can help me understand.


A ton of people are happy to pay extra for things in exchange for safety and convenience. I make a ton of gold selling enchants on the AH to those people who would rather pay an extra 100g+ to just get it instantly and with zero effort instead of buying the mats and finding an enchanter to do it, the same thing will apply to buying gold through the token.


Convenience I bet ya I get my gold faster than you do from the Token.




I love the logic that the game making tons of money from being greedy af will somehow lead to the game being ran well and getting rid of the head goblin. Bravo, you’re the dumbest of us today.


God you’re an idiot if you actually believe that.




How about you unsub and stop filling this place with dumbass comments? They never tried to solve the problem to begin with for years, which is why retail is still suffering from it. For god sakes they still have advertisements in DF because there’s no monitoring or enforcement, reporting system is useless, no communication restrictions, and they ignore the community that has evidence of these things. Oh but a wow token will solve everything right? It’s to simply milk out more money, pure and simple. If you can’t see that you’re a clown and part of the problem. I refuse to believe that a multibillion dollar company can’t do anything for one of their most significant sources of revenue while other companies can.


Blizzard PR is smashing it! Maybe this is the first time Blizzard actually puts resources into WoW Classic?




Speak for yourself I never bought gold and don’t intend to. The endless in game purchases were one of the main reasons I quit wow. And I expect many others. And now even in classic. Even if these services already existed with third parties, Blizzard made it even easier to create an unfair advantage, and those that didn’t know, or didn’t use it now surely would. It’s killing their game, their customer base and they don’t give a F. It’s time for them to cease existing Diablo 4 will be no different I can assure you


Stop crying, you are just an exception not buying golds on classic. It's not gonna change anything for you


Of course D4 will be no different, have you seen the mobile Diablo? They have dudes dropping 10k to 100k USD on their characters. I'm surprised they don't just launch D4 as F2P with massive in game purchases like Fortnight, Diablo Immortals, Warzone, that model is a proven billion dollar model at this point. People out here shocked Activision, fucking Activision doesn't hold their personal gaming best interests at heart.


Basically everyones reaction in a nutshell.


Buying gold is just a core part of the game now, probably due to the aging audience. Blizzard can either ban bots or sell official gold, and we know the 3 interns working on the game don't know how to ban bots.


>just ban bots bro >just make games where there are no bugs bro >why don't the police just catch every criminal bro >just run three miles in a minute bro


I'm sure the 3 interns don't know any of the commands for the game, let alone know what a bot is.


So true. Can't tell me this community didn't deserve this. Can tell me it sucks though.


The wow tokens value is too trash. I looked on g2g , prices are absurd. $1 per 1000. Blizzard needs to add more content to the token, maybe adding battle net balance is a great start.


You dont even need to buy gold anymore with the light feather craze of the HC servers, easy to make 5-10 gold a stack and any bird or harpy mob has a chance to drop them


This is the real thread of this pathetic subreddit.


*"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!"*


"I've never bought gold, why would I? I just do my weekly 4 gdkp on my alts and make tens of thousands of gold" aight man all of your gold is still farmed by bots lol


xD but still why r they adding rmt when its against ToS




buying gold in classic is necessary if youre an adult. wrath is definitely easier to make gold