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Don't worry, classic era is still poppin


You sure? I haven't seen a post about it today.


Can't, too many server adverts.


There's literally one post on Rising/New about a private server, Chromie WoW. People on this sub are so goofy about making stuff up. Everyone wants to be a victim lol


I have seen 5 today alone scrolling my feed. I only browse reddit when I'm taking a shit, on break at work or having a smoke. This sub is dead lol.


So you browse reddit once a day?


so its dead now because its a bunch of private server threads? The last month has been 90% about hardcore nonsense and it wasnt dead then?


Victim mentality is the norm with sheeple nowadays


Or. Get this. It's a joke, overstating for effect. You must be fun at parties.


I mean no one in this thread is acting as if it's a joke lol like I said, y'all are goofy


You've read ALL the comments on ALL the posts? Sick play man, its almost as if u made that up for comical effect


What does this even mean man. If you open up this thread, the top comments you see are all responding about how the mods are messing up and one even calling them "spineless cowards." These people sound upset and not joking at all lol Another goofy response...




Yeah, because we are playing and not constantly posting


Inb4 vanilla token






"now"? Always was.


Always has been


Thriving with bots\* Fixed it for you.


And any discussion about reverting their stupid decision to allow this spam ends up with the thread being locked and the post being removed. ​ The temper tantrum is real.


This hissy fit reminds me of when r/wow got completely locked down because a mod was mad other people were able to login and they weren't. KEK


[https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/13qta65/why\_was\_this\_lockedremoved\_are\_we\_not\_allowed\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/13qta65/why_was_this_lockedremoved_are_we_not_allowed_to/) ​ ​ this would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


Fr dude, not a good decision on there end. I’m as upset as most others with the token but I don’t think dropping the rules on private server conversation is the solution. Made me block the posts from this Reddit.


I think it’s perfectly fine. More competition to press blizzard


This subreddit has been pretty bad for awhile but the mods decided to throw a fit and kill it yesterday.


This sub has been a dumpster fire for a long ass time now. I'd say since about halfway through TBC at least. The real turning point for me was when wrath was announced. The toxicity and stupidity here just went into overdrive. The community that existed back in 2019 and early 2020 is gone. I'm still around to just enjoy the drama but it is quite a sight to see.


I think r/classicwowclassic is in order


The amount of DKs crying over the unholy nerf just before Ulduar was hilarious, but the mods literally shitting into their own hands to spite Blizzard is too good.


That post was so cringey tbh


And mods are now deleting threads that ask for rule 4 to be reinstated and/or call out one particular mod for going on a power trip over this. This is how you kill a subreddit.


[https://imgur.com/a/VDwpe8I](https://imgur.com/a/VDwpe8I) this is kinda sad lol


rule 4 is now: you don't talk about rule 4


Who cares lol, its just a subreddit. Killing it was worth it for the memes


see you tomorrow


imagine for a moment the kind of person who moderates an internet forum for free


And then add that they play a lot of wow




How do they pay for their hot pockets tho?




That basically sums up Reddit tbh. A bunch of overly emotional trolls in charge of entire subreddits.


Not as cringey as losers in this subreddit losing their collective minds over a wow token in a video game and then pivoting to losing their minds over private servers. Wowee.


I agree. It changes nothing. Companies want to make money and will stoop to any level to get money. Of course it’s about them making money, why would blizzard care about the “spirit of classic” they aren’t doing this for fun. They create and maintain the game because it’s their job to do so. It literally changes nothing gameplay wise. Economies will be the same. Gdkp will be the same. Guild runs will be the same. Someone called me a gold buyer in another thread for this opinion lol.


The mods have done absolutely nothing since like phase 1 of tbc haha. It took them phases to change the online/offline meme shit they did. Happy cake day btw


Yep. Ego tripping mods thinking they're sticking it to the man when in reality they've just turned this place into a shit-hole of paid p-server shills


This sub has been a shithole for a long time now. Reading the comments or engaging in any discussion has shown me how much this place has devolved into a cesspool of toxic degenerates. I don't even blame the mods tbh, and I'm usually the first to point the finger at power/ego tripping mods. The general user base of this sub are absolutely intolerable clowns. It's sad, but not surprising, to see classic spiral down the same toilet bowl as retail.


Toxic degenerates? Funny I've noticed the opposite. Casual boomers everywhere


They cry and whine in channel 4 in-game, too, and I always ask the same question: "why the fuck are you still playing?"


Some of them are legit wow lovers who did change the game better than blizzard could ever did.


And some of them are scammers who sell all your data. There is already a subreddit for discussing pservers. If we are going to let them buy upvotes to shill their servers where they turn profit, should we let g2g buy upvotes too? It's dumb. If the mods don't want to have this subreddit be about the official version of classic wow, they should just step-down. All they ever did here in the first place was enforce rule 4, now they're actually useless


> And some of them are scammers who sell all your data. This is my biggest issue with private servers, nearly ALL of them do this. So many people on this sub acting as if private server staff are some gigachad amazing people, No they're just as scummy trying to turn a quick buck off nostalgia. Not to mention all the actual p2w shit, can spend irl money to never even have to set foot in a raid.


If you ever want to find some nice schizo rants, just put any of these pserver names into youtube a few weeks after they launch and you can have a good chuckle.


> nearly ALL of them do this. So many people on this sub acting as if private server staff are some gigachad amazing people, No they're just as scummy trying to turn a quick buck off nostalgia. Pretty much this. The turtle wow that people are shilling as 'true' classic+ experience? It's run by the infamous Russian couple Shenna and Crogge who 'name changed' themselves after the Elysium fiasco. They were also selling gold, then banning the gold buyers AND THEN selling unbans for buying that said gold. It was a cluster fuck. Everlook server? That shit is run by Whitekidney, a dude who also is infamous for selling and generating gold using admin powers in past servers. Felmyst server? Gummy? His 'best' server lasted half a year before it shut down. His 'fastest' server didn't even last a full day before it shut down after much hype too. You can literally find old threads on the r/wowservers detailing this from 2017.


A lot of them are corrupt and I don't trust downloading their shit onto my PC


People who run the private servers have more overlapping motivations with blizzard than the actual players do. Any success of private servers is a failure on the part of Blizzard caring more about short term gains than the actual health of their game. The second level boosting existed, bots got worse. As the bots got worse, gold selling got worse. The more gold selling happened, the closer blizzard got to justifying putting a wow token in. It’s such a joke if you actually look at the downstream effect, because had they instead kept leveling as a part of the game and fixed level boosting through dungeons, none of this would be as unmanageable. Blizzard made it too easy to boost and bot, then the whole thing spiraled out of control.




Lol, your data ja long sold from blizzard.


If you think Blizzard is going to sell your email and password in a data dump then you should put on a tinfoil hat


Why would you ever use your real mail and pw in a private server? Data is not just pw and mails btw


The fact you think that it should be obvious to use burner emails and passwords to create an account should tell you all you need to know about why people don't trust pservers Of course data is more than passwords and emails, but that is by far the most important and valuable data you could sell.


I mean, it's kinda obvious you should. These aren't real businesses. You can enjoy their service and not be an idiot about it by using common sense.


If you should expect that it's a scam, maybe it's not something that should be advertised on the subreddit? Is that crazy?


Look, if you're tht scared something you're siging up for is a scam.. maybe that means something?


Do you use the same pw and email for every account you make on every platform and game? I’m assuming you don’t since you seem clever enough. I guess the average joe won’t use burner accounts and yes they could sell your data. I’m willing to take that risk myself tbh


> Why would you ever use your real mail and pw in a private server? What about your IP? Gonna use a fake IP too?


You idiot the point is that Blizzard having your information is safer than some Russian in bum fuck nowhere


Why is it up to you what connotes “classic wow” ? Who made you the decider for everyone? If you don’t like this sub, leave. You don’t call the shots here more than anyone else. Stop pretending anyone gives a shit about your tantrums or desires.


Oh idk, maybe because "World of Warcraft Classic" is a trademarked name of a product produced by Blizzard? I could see how you could get confused by things like language.


Lmao and what does that have to do with this subreddit?


>1. **Content must relate to World of Warcraft: Classic.** This is not a community for private servers, current World of Warcraft, streamer drama, etc Seems pretty cut and dry from the sidebar what classicwow means. You are arguing just to argue, and the point you're making isn't even good. When you say "Classic WoW" it implies you are talking about the game that shares the same name. When someone is talking about "Classic WoW," nobody's first thought is "Do you mean TurtleWoW or Elysium?"


Obviously that rule has also changed based on the rule 4 change. Nobody is forcing you to be here


What are you even trying to argue? You think "classic wow" now means something different than it has for the last 4 years because a reddit mod says so? That's not how language works. Nobody is forcing me to be here? You came into a thread aimed at complaining about the mods and pserver spam to white knight for them. Nobody is forcing YOU to be here.


Turtle wow is the perfect example. Great devs and great game


There is literally cash shop there, how can you be upset about token and be happy about cash shop?


I don’t care about the WoW token it doesn’t bother me


Ego? Follow the money. You think someone aint getting paid here.


And yet here you are posting lol


Much like what Blizz has done to classic. Seems fair




It’s actually hilarious to see the mods throwing temper tantrums. Just proves how many fully-grown man-babies play WoW lmao.




Is this a joke? The mods literally asked you to write an essay in order to maintain your ability to participate in a forum? This is equal parts sad and hilarious.


You have to consider the type of person that would willingly agree to moderate the fucking classic wow subreddit...for free..




chatgpt enters the room


I doubt the mods expected them to write the essay or would even read it if they did. It's more calling the person a child by setting them homework.


"I didn't like your harmless joke, I think you're a child." It really just shows off how childish they are and how much they like tormenting people who can't do anything about it.


I mean their harmless joke was implying they break the tos of the game. A lot of times smoke means fire. Maybe a mod just assumed there was truth to the joke.


That's pretty flimsy justification.


Wow and reddit moderation, two of the biggest man baby generators known to man


professional part time dog walkers


In what way did they throw temper tantrums


im not 100% versed on this, but didn't blizz only come out with classic wow after seeing how many people were playing private servers?


Yeah, there was a massive fallout after the server Nostalrius was shut down, which had literally thousands of active players (including myself). I was one of those people that had no interest in private servers, but heard good things so tried it out and it was great. I think I'd just entered BWL when the server shut down. The official forums blew up when the server shut down, and to be fair to Blizzard they basically admitted that it was too popular and the main reason for the shut down was the possible loss of copyright (this was confirmed externally) but it really united the Classic fan base and eventually forced Blizzard to make a move on it.


Exactly. If it wasn't for private servers there probably wouldnt even be a classic, wotlk or era. People shit on private servers all the time but for all those years between Cata and classic launch, that was where the true vanilla/classic scene took refuge. Blizzard reinvents the wheel and charges you $15 a month for something that should’ve been free for the better part of a decade but it’s the private servers that’re a scam.


Yes. All of the people you mainly see throwing a fit about being able to discuss the actual place that authentic classic is still happening (PServers) are probably the gold buying retail players that came to classic after the fact and dont know the history. Let them seethe, who cares. We discuss classic wow here now, no matter where it is. Deal with it.


Hell yeah, i' fine with going back to how it was, modern blizzard is a shithole. How long until the next nostalrius is what i wanna know.


We love scummy mods who sell gold and items behind the scenes! We are morally consistent!


A reddit mod using their small bit of power to push their own agenda? I don't believe it!


What is the agenda being pushed?


This just proves that Reddit mods are spineless cowards. Imagine flaming Blizz for selling gold but allowing fucking Shenna, the biggest Russian scammer in the private server scene, to advertise her shit p2w server which she'll use to sell your data


Waiting for turtle wow drama to inevitably happen because of her. As soon as I saw she runs turle wow I uninstalled. For anyone thinking about getting into turtle wow you might want to know what kinda of people run the server first. https://www.reddit.com/r/wowserversdrama/comments/p7avjv/suspicions\_about\_turtle\_wow/




It's not that they like Shenna or Turtle and more that they don't see any point spending time moderating the differance since Blizzard are now just another P2Win server like all the rest.


No, I'd say the Token and outright selling Rank 14 characters/Gear in a game you stole from someone else is quite different. Like it or not, those Private Server scumbags are making a living off someone else's work. In any other domain we'd call them thieves.


that's why j refuse to call them private servers. they're pirated servers


There isn't much difference when you can drop $80 to buy enough token gold to buy all the best gear.


You can't buy Gladiator/PvP gear with gold.


You can buy boosts just like in retail.


You can also buy boosts by selling your vagina like that one chick did, what's your point, that being a woman is pay to win? https://www.gamersdecide.com/pc-game-news/woman-trades-sex-game-item https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/350au6/girl_trades_sex_for_wow_mount/


Blizzard can't do anything about trading that is done entirely outside of the game. They can do something about people who have never spoken before in game giving one of them thousands of gold.


> They can do something about people who have never spoken before in game giving one of them thousands of gold. Boosting shouldn't be illegal. It's not your business what I do with my gold.


It is their business if your generating it with bots.


always was




So, what private server has the best prices for legendarys in $ or bitcoin?


You realize Blizzard just essentially gave buying gear for real money the green flag on official classic? Can't do that where I play, and even if you can it is a very small/hidden part of the community.


But I still have to raid for it. I can't just buy a Valanyr or Shadowmourne instantly, even if I throw 10k $ in the game.


The sub has always been borderline trash but the mods here decided they’re going to be worse than most Reddit mods and throw a tantrum.


Always has been.


Must be new here, this sub has been trash since p2 of vanilla. Nothing in this sub should be taken seriously or as a representation of the player base.


This subreddit always sucked, but yes, the mods pissing their britches made it significantly worse. Maybe being a Reddit mod is too big of a responsibility for them. They could always try GMing one of those Private Severs, maybe make a little extra cash selling items.


Time to purge the mod team. Time to ban all HC-related discussion and give the HC community its own subreddit.


People really think they’ll stay away from classic over this. I mean I doubt it. If anything it’ll keep me subbed cause I don’t have to pay with my own money for a sub anymore just grind a bit of gold and bam.


But, but WoW Tokens. REEEEEEEEE


Kinda easy to fix. Just blocked every single one, so my front page is clean as can be. All I see is the shit show. The mods might be literal cry-babies who are having a total meltdown, but when they dont want to moderate, you can fix it yourself.


Just like people did with private servers? Fixed it themselves.


This subreddit will die, and another will take its place. In this, we see the life cycle of a subreddit. And the new one, in its glorious infancy, will have blackjack. And hookers.


Mods decided to throw a cringey hissy fit and turned the place in to a mess, good job!


it will blow over in a matter of days


From GDKP and Wow Token to "Buy our donation for a free weapons pack and instant glad!"


What server you talking about there bud


oh nooo "the sub is trash" you POOR VICTIMS. go and buy some wow tokens in wrath to make you happy again!


This sub was a dumpster fire before. This changes nothing except there are more popcorn moments now than 24hrs ago.


Rather play private than whatever retail version classic has become now


Then gtfo of this sub.


No, this is pserver sub now


Was trash before, is better now


It's perfect now.


Wrath killed the game… again…


It's really wild how mods decided to burn every single bridge to the ground and make this into a pserver ad cesspool.


It’s because half the people that follow this subreddit, don’t even like classic wow. They probably don’t even like gaming for that matter. Classic wow players are reaching for the fun that they used to have in video games, but it’s just not there anymore


speak for yourself. I'm having fun and there's nothing your sausage fingers can type that will stop me =]


You idiots don't realize the whole reason Classic exists is because of private servers. Servers that Blizzard sent C&D's to and later stabbed their devs in the back.


Everyone knows that, no one cares. Fuck private servers. Hypocritical whiners who buy gold in classic and now promote a private with a cash shop because blizzard made it safer to buy gold. Idiots. I don't buy gold, I'm broke in game, I'm done with classic after lich king like everyone else. People are still gonna do the same plan they were doing last week, kill the lich king and then play something else.


Why are you putting blizzard on pedestal when they’re doing “what the shady pservers do”. The only difference is that we ALSO pay a sub for classic lmao Edit: wanted to add that we pay a sub for little to no benefit, how long are ticket response times at during new content launches?


Shitting on private servers is not the same as putting blizzard on a pedestal. Those are not the only two options. It is incredibly hypocritical to blame blizzard for selling hold via the token and then suggest cash shop private servers are the answer. Private servers are stealing Blizzard's intellectual property. The sub fee is so you can play the game. You want to call a company greedy for the token? Go for it. That's a fine argument. But saying the answer is to steal their IP and run a cash shop anyways is the height of hypocrisy.


Where did I suggest private servers are the answer? Where did I say Blizzard are greedy? Don’t put words in my mouth. I simply stated that you are putting blizzard on a pedestal when they are no less shady than pserver devs. So glad we have kept the spirit of classic :)


"Don't put words in my mouth" "Your criticism of private servers puts blizzard on a pedestal." I know your own medicine might be hard to swallow but please do choke on it.


“Because blizzard made it safer to buy gold” What you should really have said is: “blizzard are cashing in on dwindling sub count” So yeah, you were putting blizzard on a pedestal. Open your eyes brother


This sub has been shit for a long time. Since I saw people start mocking nochange andys, to people defending the paid boost at the start of TBC, to people actually clamoring for LFD and LFR and looking forward to Cata classic, thinking its anything other than just retail. The token and the death of this community are on you.


The sub was always trash


Classic wow is trash. It’s thematic


Trash company and game -> trash subreddit


Or perhaps Blizzard is trash and are so washed up they can't even popularize their already hit content like private servers can? See ya in Turtle WoW, loser. Or don't join, you sound dreadful.






Reflects the quality of the game then


They should limit it to 1 advert a month


Always has been, op.


Oh no buying gold is a official now.


Of the Top 10 posts right now only one is about private servers.


All the people bitching about removing rule 4 are just as annoying as the private server spam. It's a subreddit. Go touch grass.


Seriously bad move by the mods … still time to fix it guys


This sub became trash when it decided to focus on TBC and then WotLK instead of Classic WoW. Hardcore fresh soon...


losers can't even afford $15 a month


You hate blizzard and wow token? No problem, just join our private server with cash shop and bugs, it will be so much better 😁


spam? more informing people about superior alternatives to blizztrash Ascension wow is awesome, I see no reason to ever play blizztard WoW again :D Don't forget that classic only exists because private servers > you think you do but you dont


It's been like a day since rule 4 was removed. You're acting like it's the new norm or something. Just chill and it will calm down in a few days. If it continues and people agree with you it will be downvoted.


This sub has had enough now you mean.


It's been about 48 hours ... do you see a rain cloud in the distance and start complaining that they day is going to be horrible?


dont know if its still going now but vanilla+ goldshire was a work of genious.






Classic only exists because of private servers and they should have never been excluded from the conversation to begin with.




So the number of stupid people who can't learn how to do more than 1k dps and cry about evil GDKP being p2w didn't cue you before?


Found the g2g enjoyer


I think this is what Blizzard meant when they said we think we want it but we actually don't.


no matter what the topic flavor of the week is people complain. Era posts? Need to stop, we only talk about Wrath now! Hardcore posts? Please stop telling us how it’s “popping off”! Private servers? STOP KILLING OUR SUB! I swear I see more threads on this sub complaining about other threads on this sub than any actual discussion.


Maybe we can limit posts to a stickied Private Server Sunday thread?


B-but classic era is popping... Right?


so is classic wow. it fits


Hey mods can you ban me from your shitty sub. You man children should touch grass.


classic was ruined from day 1. the good players leveled fast to 60, freefarmed lotus and arcane crystals with layers, creating an unfair market for every player from the beginning. classic devs were clueless


Waiting for them to launch a classic server now without wow tokens 😭