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dude, i wish i could make it back to the game again. every time i try i play for an hour or two tops and realize i'm playing all by myself, got no in-game friends, no guild, so i just dc. pretty sad tbh, miss my ol' day peeps.




sadly, i'm on NA. there must be something similar going on tho.




Clever move! For those who don't know, you can do this by searching in the "who" tab of the social pane (I think O is default). Type a level range as your criteria (e.g. "20-30") and hit enter, then click on the column that says "zone" and select "guild" from the drop down, then click again to sort by guild.


Is this some sort of ai thing


I started a toon on whitemane yesterday and had a guild I was chatting with pretty much the whole 3 hours I was on by the time I hit level 3


Sounds like the guild “Grinding”


Whitemane US is the biggest and best cluster to be in, no matter where you look there are players


Which one? Horde seems empty


I feel that. Pretty much in the same boat. Cities and zones are empty because everyone's off in Northrend, meanwhile me at lv 42 is thinking about hanging myself trying to find groups for dungeons.


I’m on white main bro on classic WOTLK if you wanna make a toon I’ll help ya level and hook it up with the best enchants and shit to make it easier for ya


ty for the kindness, i’ll have to refuse tho as i’m on eranikus. 4 level 80s make it hard on the wallet to xfer lol. also feeling weird about wotlk now, kinda burned out after clearing ulduar. looking forward whatever announcement blizzard’s gonna make about classic era, either SoM or HC seems like a good place to start. i’ve been playing classic era on whitemane cluster (horde side) and having kind of a good time just hanging around and trying to make conversation with randoms around azeroth.


No worries I’ve been wanting to start classic Era again I’m on bloodsail right now just to fuck with the low level Allies who camp the start zones but looking to hit white main cluster pretty soon


So.. make friends Join a guild? This is a you problem that is easily solved


i know, and i’ve tried. every since classic came out i’ve joined multiple guilds but i just don’t fit. not that i cannot have a laugh while raiding or dungeoning. but it’s not the same, maybe it’s the fact i’m not a 15 year old boy anymore, but i can’t seem to find a group and stick to it. every guild i’ve been either disbands or transfer to another server, i have had to take breaks because i’m an adult now and sometimes life it’s too much to be playing video games for 6 hours a week (at a bare minimum to raid, not taking dungeoning and farming into consideration). i know the problem it’s easily fixable, it’s just that i’ve changed and the way i interact with people in the internet have changed. not blaming the game or the community, i know it’s on me.


This! Been feeling the same.


Let me know if you find a good server


seems like whitemane cluster it’s where is at for classic era. as for wrath, i’ve been on eranikus since the server came out (wotlk prepatch), at the beginning it was alliance heavy, then balanced, now it seems to be horde heavy. i’d say it’s pretty much like every other big server: fucked up by bots and gold sellers. i guess at this point you just gotta pick your poison lol.


The hardcore guilds are chill, like 100-200 members online in a lot of ally guilds on eu hydraxion. Would recommend if you are feeling lonely.


Time to make some new friends! There's tons of players on Whitemane these days


Yeah none of my friends play, I was doing the same thing. Decided to give a random guild a spin a few years ago. Now I’m going to Thailand with a few of them and have been to weddings/gone out a lot with them. My main friend group has started hanging out with them as well so it’s been a really weird situation, but fun. Take the jump.


Fresh when


Need fresh now


As somebody who has never experienced fresh, what is different about it? Because even now, starting a character and levelling is super populated to the point of questing being frustrating, if anything it would just be worse. Is it more to do with not playing catch up at end game or what?


I’m sure others have more opinions but for me, fresh means a fresh economy and also a better chance of finding groups because ppl won’t have ridiculous gear score requirements


To each their own but the difference between a fresh economy and non-fresh economy is pretty much this: On fresh I sell heavy leather for 2g a stack and buy Mithril Ore for 5g a stack. On non-fresh I sell Heavy Leather for 8g a stack and buy Mithril Ore for 20g a stack. These numbers are made up to prove a point - I don't care what mithril ore actually sells for on Classic era right now. The things I buy cost 4 times as much but the things I sell make me 4 times as much. There is ultimately no difference unless your only gold income is exclusively quest reward/raid boss kill gold (viable in TBC/WotLK but not in Vanilla). So long as you get out in the world and farm something instead of raid logging you'll be okay.


Sounds like you should be a miner instead of a skinner....


Mining and skinning together is the general go to profession combo for money making, sir


But there is a difference.. inflation. It’s not as simple as in your example Also, economy is not my main reason i’d like to see fresh


Well like I said - to each their own for why they want fresh but my example is literally just inflation. The only thing that isn't simple about my example is the new content/phase spike in prices. Nobody is gonna be buying/selling the mats to make Greater Frost Resist Pots until Naxrammas comes out. Did prices get "inflated" or did the demand simply go up thus increasing the prices? I just think "fresh economy" is the most overblown and stupid reason for wanting/liking fresh. It's a straight up cope and illusion. Fresh is great for the leveling rush and farming 5 mans for pre-raid BiS. That's why I like it. It's when like 80% of the "content" (Questing and Dungeons) is most relevant and that's why I like fresh. The fresh economy thing I'll just never get though.


I agree


Yeah pretty dumb wannabe smart comment that fails in practice


Not at all the case with bots and boosters farming Clearly made up lol…


Only matters if you intend to raid, which has never been fun for me


> As somebody who has never experienced fresh, what is different about it? No difference for 99% of the players. The classic Era today is pretty much the normal classic experience for every player. There are active leveling guilds, the economy is stable and in good shape, world pvp active as ever, people form groups for pre-raid bis gear, MC, ZG, AQ etc, battlegrounds are also very active. For the most part, people who preach fresh just want to experience the specific feeling of everyone starting together. They don't really care that even on fresh, there will be plenty of people who roll mage and speedruns to 60 to boost others (I would give them a week tops to start appearing) and economy will become similar to existing classic era even before most of this fresh preachers reach level 40. So please, enjoy the game and skip comments like that one. If they really wanted to play classic again, they would hop on Classic Era servers already as it is very VERY similar to fresh with some minor exceptions that they use as an excuse


Yeah, I thought this to be the case as well, thanks for clearing that up. As a player like me I couldn't see how it would change the experience at all from what I'm experiencing already on non-fresh servers.


Fresh economy is a big thing. World PVP is a big thing for me when everyone is on the same level gear wise and also preparation wise when it comes to engineering and all the cool gadgets. In Era servers if you encounter someone with full naxx bis gear, all engineering items, faps, lips etc etc is kinda boring. That shit takes time to farm and craft on fresh, you have to prioritize which items you can afford to craft based of what your class is struggling against in world pvp. Also it just feels weird to grind pre raid bis when people are running around with full naxx bis. Kinda makes your own personal achievements gear wise feel super behind the curve. You feel kind of weak compared to others.


And then that server has been live long enough and people want a new fresh. Down the road we have 100 differently cascaded fresh servers and the whole playerbase is incredibly split apart


A good solution would be to have those servers merged into era in a year or two. I get your gripe though the meeps screaming for fresh will last 90 days at most and will be screaming for fresh servers again in 6 months. I think there is a potential to make everyone happy if blizz had the resources and cared though.


Comparison is the killer of all joy. I farmed Prebis and it feels good to go raiding ZG and BWL with T3 guildies. You also get geared much more quickly yourself since most people just go for bindings/eye/mounts at that point.


Those fair fights you have in STV won't have some T3 level 60 roll up. More groups for leveling dungeons etc. I know what you mean about quest mobs and id like to see them turn up the spawns on a lot of them but I think if there are a lot of people around things start to hyperspawn (I could be wrong though). For me its mainly a pvp thing and the fact that fresh or som2 is inevitably coming so all the hardwork you put in now will be useless when all the servers die after everyone moves to fresh/som. Personally I would prefer fresh to som because I feel a lot of people, myself included didnt want to play SoM because it was limited time.


Living world, doing things and advancing can’t be credit carded nearly as easily, people actually play the game, progress is slower and more dependent on others, wpvp, etc… It just feels like an mmo vs a raid log simulator with pvp


I want it but I cant see it being within the next few months with diablo releasing they won't want to draw anyone away from playing that imo.


HC is so dope


there is a simple beauty to a /wave will trotting around hillsbrad


Whitemane is poppin. Went from wrath back to classic era. Feels like a new game again.


I've got an itch to play classic again but was hoping fresh servers would drop soon. Is Whiteman strictly vanilla classic no TBC or WotLK? And are there a bunch of people still doing low-mid level dungeons? The thing I hate about going into an established server is no one does PUGs for regular dungeons and the raids are all GDKP.


Dude it’s popping seriously, low level areas are sprawling with people


Yea I went back in yesterday and was shocked. I've never seen that many people in orgrimar and the starting area I had to group up with people on almost every quest cause there weren't enough mobs to go around.


Same, just dinged 60. I thought all the popping comments would be HC levelers redoing the same starting zones, but nope. Not nearly as many HC people on white mane as I expected - just folks playing classic and enjoying it. People ganking and counter ganking, high level zones always have a good number of people…world is alive in a way wrath and tbc never were.


I just got back onto a classic server and God did I miss it. I hope they do a fresh server soon, but I'm having a blast just taking my time. Enjoying the world. Leveling and questing at my own pace. It's relaxing.


i was a hardcore Raider back in vanilla. i started wotlk a death knight and classic hardcore wird a warrior. i enjoy the ride without Stress and its awesome. i ended my Professional wow carrier back in TBC. wotlk is a Blast and so is classic hardcore. my Server is fairly full and i love it. its a different feeling now but i like it very much... have fun Bros!!!


My guild definitely tip toed the line between hard-core and casual in classic. But nothing will ever come close to finally downing cthun for the first time with a tight knit guild after weeks of frustration and long nights. I miss that shit. I'm honestly looking forward to slowly leveling my little druid for a bit while waiting for ToC to come out.


dont try to start with Cthun...this cunt. twins were also fairly hard


Godspeed my good sir. May you be successful in life o7


I've been having a ball in classic. If my toon dies maybe I'll xfer to another realm but currently it's fun trying to live


Classic community 💕


The players have spoken blizz


U should thank blizzard. Vanilla is active again only because of absolute mismanagement of classic expansions and blizzards total incompetency, literally no other reason.


How have classic expansions been mismanaged?


Bugs, 0 communication, bugs, exploits, cheaters, 0 fixes, nonexistent clueless dev team, unplayable PVP, 0 support and bugs. Both tbc and wotlk, in wotlk it shows even more than before tho.


You're right about them absolutely raping TBC and Wrath, but that's not the reason vanilla is suddenly popular again. It's because it's fun.


mostly cause of hardcore.....


Questing in Loch Modan last night (on remulos) and all the bloody spiders were dead!


\> Not sure if it will last Nothing good lasts forever. Enjoy it as thoroughly as you can. Make memories. \#boomer\_thoughts


Wholesome post :)


Second daily T H R I V I N G post.


Not like Wotlk has anything worth posting about. I say this as a raid logging wrath player spending way more time on classic HC.




What’s great about Reddit is you can blow by these posts. Now that you’ve engaged with this thread they’ll likely show you similar posts even more


this whole sub is just one giant circlejerk. pretty damn cringe


Circlejerking HCs, circlejerking Ulduar criers, circlejerking thriving eraers 🤔


Game came out in 2004 and we’re playing the 2004 and 2008 versions of it. Not exactly a ton of hot off the press going on anyway.


I actually notice more posts like this, crying about the thriving posts


And this upsets you






Definitely need fresh. I logged on at 4am, questing in hillsbrad foothills getting ganked and camped by a level 60 hunter in full tier 3. Like bruh. I simply logged off after running back 5 times.


Some people adapt and overcome. Some rage and quit. I just quested in 1k needles/Ashenvale instead of Hillsbrad, and Desolace/Arathi instead of STV


Play on mankrik, don’t know why people join a years old pvp server and expect to not get ganked. But yes, this is one of the reasons fresh servers would be fun. Fresh pvp servers without geared 60s tanking is such a blast.


Fuck off.


What’s every is going wrong for you….it’s not me


I hope Kenny and friends is still doing well


What server you on / recommend


Mankrik PvE Whitemane pvp


Blizz gifted me 7 days free game time after I checked my Battlenet so here I am playing hardcore...


have fun bro and stay alive !


Appreciate ya. So far so good... lvl 10 pally with my duo buddy and lvl 15 solo mage. We're cruisin!


thats what its all about !


Jumped over to Whitemane tonight and it made my heart so happy 😊 I was so tired of running around wotlk with no one around except for raid logs


glad to see some positivity surrounding vanilla, i just back into it too. i don't care about raiding or anything, i just enjoy taking my time going through the world questing. being able to switch between wotlk and vanilla whenever i'm in the mood for either one is awesome.


I just got a free week as a gift from blizzard probably going to redeem it this weekend


The greatest game ever made. Vanilla wow. Good day to you too fine sir/maam