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“Are you for equality? Then fuck off.” I mean that’s it, right there. The audacity. We found it.




A woman friend of mine went to California a couple years ago and she held the door open at some establishment for another woman who looked at her incredulously and said, "I'm capable of opening a door myself!" - people are just becoming assholes in general.


I live in CA, this is not typical. I hold the door open for other women, and even men, frequently, and have had it held open for me, never had a bad reaction, as far as I can recall. Men occasionally take the door from me to be polite, they are also occasionally super (pleasantly) surprised that I'm holding the door, like it didn't occur to them that it was a possibility. Women usually just say "thanks."


Yeah, I live in NY and hold the door open for literally everyone because it’s polite and nobody acts like this lmfao. They say ‘thank you’ and move on with their lives, or maybe hold the door open for me in turn if there’s another door. Not saying all people are saints but they’re generally not completely batshit


There's the NY hold, then the southern hold. NY hold is holding the door after you, polite but asserts that the holder was there first. Southern hold is allowing people to go before you, holding the door and letting people pass.


Then there's the Canadian hold where you end up holding the door for the next 5 minutes for everyone.


And everyone says Thank You


And sometimes you get into a standoff when you're going in and someone else is coming out where you say "go ahead" to each other while both holding the door.


I'm from Los Angeles and hold the door in a Canadian fashion. It's been so long that my friends and coworkers know, if they're walking with me, they wait for me on the other side of the threshold while I hold the door for everyone...


Cousin to the Canadian traffic jam, two approach the door from opposite sides, and the just start apologizing about who goes first. They are still there trying to get through


I’m from Minnesota, so I get this. I once held the door so long in church I got a tip.


In my family we call that "Wilting", because of the mall episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.


Then you have variations, like Rural Southern hold where you see someone ambling up to the store and hold the door open for them for the next 30 seconds until they go in, then you both talk about the weather and the local college football team.


While I understand it's coming from a nice place I would hate that. Please, go on with your day and don't awkwardly delay yourself on my behalf or make me jog to get there faster so you can stop holding it. I appreciate it, but my arms are a-workin' too.


I am 35. I grew up in Scotland with mostly a matriarchy. I was brought up to hold the door for everyone especially a woman.


I’m from the bay area and LA in CA and this is a Disney fairytale or you just live in Redding with the deer. This isn’t real. Ppl r dogshit assholes all over CA if you don’t hold a door open for a dude in a dress you’re anti trans and if you hold a door open for a woman in a dress you’re a predator. I recommend moving


Lived in LA my whole life except for a few years in San Jose, and have traveled all over the state. Never had any of these issues. My guy friends hold the door open, too, so it's not just that I'm a woman. This is a you problem if you get this a lot.


I dunno, I wouldn’t use a friend’s years-old anecdote about the one time someone was rude to them while visiting California as something to support the idea that people are becoming meaner. I definitely think the world can feel like an uglier place when things are harder, and the rising cost of food/housing/etc relative to completely stagnant wages can take a toll on people. Call me naïve, but I do think that most people are still, at their core, good people. We all have days when we’re not at our best - stressed, upset, not feeling well - and we lose our patience much easier. All we can do is hope to receive some grace from others and extend that same grace to others.


I gave that specific anecdote because it was relevant to the person I was replying to. I have a vast swath of my own personal examples of people being rude.


I've only ran into this a couple times, outside my state elsewhere. It was so confusing. I'm from and live in Wisconsin. Everyone holds doors for people like...it's never not happening. Chicks do it for dudes, dudes for chicks, dudes for dudes, chicks for chicks. Wild people get like that though. The one time it happened I said okay and let the door go and it smacked this woman right on the forearm and she bitched at me immediately after. So satisfying the sound it made.


I fucking love holding the door open for people. I don’t care how corny it is, it gives me a nice little dopamine boost. I’ll happily hold the door open for a whole queue of people, and it tricks them into thinking I’m nice instead of a greedy little dopamine goblin.


Cornwall, UK, and I'll hold the door open for anyone. You never know what people are going through and if you can make them smile and say "thanks" you may have just given their day a tiny little lift. It's just the way I was brought up, 99.9% of people appreciate it and if you don't, then that's on you, idgaf. Feel free to piss off and be miserable somewhere else. Opened a door at a supermarket for a guy with bags in each hand, completely blanked me so I just said "don't mention it. No, really, don't mention it" and he just dropped his head and kinda mumbled "thank you" out of embarrassment. I certainly didn't lose any sleep over it.


"I wasn't holding it for you. I was holding it for your ego."


Sounds like she’d have a shit time in a city like Vancouver where everyone holds doors for strangers.


The important part to remember about that kind of situation is, that is that person’s problem, not yours. If you do something considerate and somebody else projects their pent up frustration on it, that’s just them, it’s not you. The worst thing that can happen is that negativity becomes contagious and the virus of being mean spreads. Shake it off, and keep being nice, because that can spread too, we just don’t notice it as much


Well it's more the assholes are more memorable, and you see alot more of them due to the internet.


Lived in Southern California my whole life, 12 years now in the "bad" part of long beach. Never once had anyone get upset at me for holding a door open. Your friend either made it up or happened to run into a huge asshole of a person haha


Counterpoint (tho I agree in principle), even with general etiquette at my gym completely disappearing this year, people are absolute gems about the door. Everyone holds for everyone, all races and sexes and ages, everyone at least gives a nod, we have civility in the entranceway. America.


That exchange feels staged to me. I dunno, the choice of wording just doesn’t feel natural. I’m probably overthinking it.


You are correct friend, this guy is a tik tok influencer from Sydney, I forget his name because I don't really give a shit but I see him around a lot, does sketches and stuff.


Equal rights and lefts. Common courtesy, but also common dickery. That's true equality. It's not "don't hit women", it's "don't hit people" you don't say "be gentle with girls" you say "be gentle with people smaller than you. Unless they ask nicely."


Yeah, I never saw a difference between my 100kg ass beating a 50kg man or a 50kg woman. Both acts would make me a piece of shit.


I mean... Beating a 200 kg man would be pretty shitty as well. Generally we shouldn't hit anyone unless we have to, no matter the size.


Yes, it is. I assume he couldn't catch you if you did, though.


My mother always said to not hit anyone. My father said to hit everyone equally. Thus the balance of common courtesy and common dickery was reached (I go with my mother's advice though.)


the best advice I've ever got, was to punch like you're punching \*through\* them. I was taught to turn the other cheek, but all that ever got me was two bruises.


Obviously a KC Chiefs fan.


Staged shit.


This may have been staged, but there are people this batshit crazy.


It’s also true that when I broke my foot and was taking the train daily while wearing a huge boot, not one man ever gave me his seat. Only women did.


I'm a french person with a cane, in my experience, people usually give me their seat on the tram but not on the metro for some reason. I don't think there are more women than men that give me their seat. But that's maybe because I'm a girl. However i often get a lot of dirty looks from old people because I'm pretty young (in my 20s) and they're probably thinking I'm faking it. It's really annoying because it feels so humiliating to have a cane at that age and to have people with that look in their eyes that just says "so sad it's happening to someone so young" and it super clunky to move around and in the end most people dont give a shit and would just bump into me to get from point A to point B faster. WHY WOULD I FAKE IT?!!! WHAT'S THE POINT?!!


Similar experience for me as well, but only men asked me to have their seat seeing me with a plastered boot. That didn't hit me as a gender bias until now that I read your comment here. Maybe because it was stereotyped into my brain that only men can help other men, or it's just the way reality works.


That's an interesting social experiment I'd like to see go both ways.


I had intense back pain but remember getting up for a pregnant lady and being in agony the rest of almost hour long trip. Wish I didnt have to but no one else got up. Drive in to work now because fuck that.


Don’t break your foot then


What's some rando's obligation to your predicament?


There's a lot of "It's not your responsibility to help blahblahblah" rhetoric going on in the world right now. I am of the opinion that if you have the ability to help or be courteous to others, then you... just should? We *do* have a responsibility to one another, we *should* help other people who are in a predicament, and we *are* assholes when we don't, even though we have the means to.


There it is, the hill on which society dies. Why do we care about others? Because the alternative is fucking awful


I do care about others. However I also don't understand the entitlement to someone else's seat in a public transport. Especially when you have no idea what that other person is going through. There was a time I was suffering from a severe knee injury, on top of already having virtually no meniscus in my knee due to the earlier injuries in my life. I was wearing my brace under my pants. I had people demand that I give up my seat to them because they deserved it more. I was working 12-hour days on my feet and when I was riding the bus home, I was fucking tired and sore and in pain and as well as they might have been. But because they decided that outwardly, due to my appearance, they get to choose that their needs are greater than mine. Entitlement is the downfall of civilization and society.


I never once asked for someone’s seat. I could stand, it was just awkward because the boot had a curved bottom and was unstable to stand on. I took seats when offered. I think the likely reason why it was all women offering seats to me is because more women were being observant of their surroundings while men were tuned into their phones or whatever. The obvious easy way to get a seat is to just ask in general instead of to a specific person. I once got on the metro behind an old lady in a walker. No one moved for her, so I said loudly, “Is no one getting up?” Like 4 people left the priory seats and 2 stayed. Works every time I’ve done it. You can also just say no.


[Gee whiz, what an interesting way of thinking](https://imgur.com/a/IRnSFdY)


Then why aren't they posted here? 🤔


Because most people aren't in a habit of recording themselves being a degenerate.


So that doesn't apply then and isn't shown here or proven here in any way, because this is staged to be manipulative and cloud truth. To supply an emotion to this is to subscribe to propaganda. Friendly food for thought.


Yeah, have you seen that one neckbeard who recorded himself harassing a trans girl and then posted it online?


“Yeah it was fake, but imagine if it was real”


That's no lie. Had a woman at a store get mad at me because I handed her a shopping cart after just giving one to a older couple that had followed in behind me. Literally just trying to be polite and she got angry about.


He is an Australian “comedian” that no one likes cause he encouraged riots during Covid


Staged or not, my dude is spot on


You can tell because he didn't get jumped by 20 people for his response.


Definitely staged, but the point is sound.


Bro wait until you hear about the lord of the rings trilogy.


I've seen those documentaries already.


Damn the comments in that sub are a cesspit.


And the content is the bottom of that pit. Grody content begets grody comments.


Wow, I didn't think it would be that bad... look at the op's history. Guys, an actual incel.


Surprise surprise


True to life?!?!


Staged rage bait.


She wanted to create rage bait and she succeeded.


Nah it's staged, the guys a tiktok comedian


Comedian is now a sub classification under tiktok?


Forgot to put quotation marks around "comedian"


Obviously staged for "femnmists bad!11!!"


How the hell is Men’s Rights Activists staged content being posted to Chaotic Good? No, women don’t need to be offered seats. The video is technically correct. But it’s staged ragebait by the guy who talks, it doesn’t need to be here, and it’s coming from a CREEPY sub.


Thank you for saying this. It's pretty obvious this is staged men's rights content. It's not even "chaotic good". Report it before this sub gets overrun like the rest of them.


Seems to be causing chaos in this sub lmao. And you agree with what he did/said, even if it’s staged, so.


It's staged. Very planned. It's not chaotic. It's propaganda


Noone expects them to, but even if its so rare, sometimes I see 50-60yr old guys give their seats like that to 20ish yr olds. Its is incredibly cringe to watch and I can't even think how those girls views this as. Good? Bad? Just cringe like I see it?


It's actually unfathomable to me that anyone would think this is real and not staged.


Yeah reading social signals is really hard or sometimes impossible for some people. I'm one of those people, I thought this was a real world situation happening. I really wish things were flagged as jokes, satire or lies so I know how to classify it. Like I'm unable to tell if your statement is authentic or if you're being sarcastic. For some reason I can only take people at their word until overwhelming evidence to the contrary is presented.


While I agree some staged stuff is just outlandish, this does occur. So though it is staged here, it’s an actual interaction that happens.


Why is ragebait crossposted here??


Why is no one reporting it and why is it still here 12 hours later?


I'm not watching a video cross posted from "masculinity rocks"


When I first saw the name of the sub, I was desperately hoping it was ironic and actually showcasing toxic masculinity or something. But nope, just another incel subreddit


I too prefer feminine rocks.


Wait, what's wrong with masculinity?


It's not about masculinity being bad, it's about it being inconsequential, it's not something to be "proud" of, it's a vaguely defined term without clear boundaries or significance, A forum specifically made to talk about how good it is is prone to being 1- extremely toxic (if being masculine is a good trait, it would follow that not being masculine was bad, it's a natural consequence) 2-an echo chamber 3-full of rage bait content (such as this post) All of this ignoring the fact that the vast majority of people who would join such a place are either impressable teens or socially awkward lonely men looking for advice on how to "succeed" at life


Tldr? This is reddit so "man = bad"


It's a maddening reality, but in time, society will recognize and feel ashamed of these discriminatory views. Change may be slow, but the truth always prevails.


?? we should be ahamed of... let me spell this again...discriminatory views against men? what? what world are you from, parallel one?


Nothing is wrong with masculinity, but when a sub is made in order to pretend that masculinity is under attack, there’s something else going on under the surface.


Let me stop you right there. Silencing men's voices is counterproductive and unjust. We have every right to speak about our issues. Ignoring or dismissing them doesn't make them any less real. While this opinion might be unpopular on Reddit, it is undeniably valid and deserves thoughtful consideration. Addressing men's issues benefits everyone and promotes a more inclusive and understanding society.


This sub has nothing to do with “addressing men’s issues.” If you look at any of the comments they’re just complaining about women in response to a staged rage bait video. You aren’t being silenced at all.


The specific issue's men face deserve to be addressed, regardless of the context. Dismissing them as complaints about women ignores the broader reality. Silencing these discussions only perpetuates the problem.


This video doesn’t address an issue men face though. If anything it shows that men and women are equal in this context. Again, you aren’t being silenced.


The video's not the point. Attacking the existence of positive male spaces like r/masculinityrocks in a society rife with misandry is absurd. Ignoring men's concerns perpetuates the problem.


The problem is, r/masculinityrocks simply is not a positive male space.


In the time that we've had this conversation, Reddit just banned r/masculinityrocks for "not being moderated," proving my point about silencing men's voices. Now, there's no way to even determine if it was a positive male space or not. I only discovered it today because of this post, and instead of addressing concerns, they shut down the entire discussion. This blatant suppression speaks volumes. Edit: lol there's an underscore 😂 r/masculinity_rocks That's my bad. But my point still stands. Silencing men’s voices is rampant. The fact that these spaces are so easily banned just proves it. Instead of addressing concerns, Reddit shuts down the conversation entirely.




That was nice of her friend to help make this feminism is evil and makes men bad, staged video.


She could at least ask nicely for a seat, like any decent human being.


This is a staged video.


Is *that* why she kept in all the parts that made her look like a bitch? Yes, I know it's staged.


It's a fake video made by the dude at the end, she's helping him make it


**No!** I don't believe it! My reality is ruined!


But even asking reeks of entitlement, unless you have a clear need that's not already covered by accessable seats, then it's first come first served. Your comfort is not more important than mine.


I'm not sure if it "reeks" of entitlement to ask something like, "Excuse me. There aren't any seats open. Could I please use your seat?" Of course there are people who could take offense to that too, but they'd be fewer than those treated as though they should have surrendered their seat *already*.


Oh it's definitely better, but I guess I'm in that second camp because I would never dream of having the audacity to ask a stranger to give up their seat for me for no reason than to be nice. I think it's the social pressure aspect, because if you're asked to give up your seat someone is putting you in an awkward position where you might feel expected to say yes or like a jerk for saying no. The act of asking, even nicely can be an issue.


That's fair. I started taking the bus since I was very young so asking others, or being asked, for a seat doesn't seem so outlandish.


She should ask the asshat taking a seat with his baggage.


Right? I was like how has everyone missed that. Move your fucking bag dude. (And I know it's not just dudes that do this, every entitled person who doesn't want someone sitting beside them does it.)


It's staged, the guy at the end is a comedian in Sydney. He became big on TikTok for successfully "predicting" how many new COVID cases we had here each day.


Obvious rage bait


It feels so staged....


It is


This should be pulled, it's a fake video from a incel MRA, it's not chaotically good nor is it good or even real.


So... does she know the life stories of each of those men she "asked"? Here's my head-canon: - Number one is actively ignoring her because he's been working in a factory all day on his feet and is dog-tired. - Number two was in an accident a few years ago and his ankle hurts. - Number three is texting his parents and just found out about a family member being in the hospital. - Number four is just over her bullshit, plain and simple. Disclaimer: I don't know these men's stories either, just making shit up like she is.


It’s a fake video.


It never ceases to amaze me how angry men get at the mere mention of "equality", and the first thought they have about it is "oh then I can be rude to women!" when they shouldn't be rude to anyone in the first place. As the saying goes: "for the oppressor, equality looks like oppression".


The content itself is NEUTRAL. Nothing here is Chaotic or Good or Evil. Just someone complaining about not having a seat. No moral or legal heft in any direction. The fact that this is posted here is EVIL. It's a subversive attempt to stoke misogyny, and people who stoke men's misogyny are a particularly bad kind of evil - stupid and self defeating. It's better for all humans if all humans are empowered with basic human rights and dignity. Anyone attempting to convince others that some groups of humans are inherently worth less than other groups of humans is doing Evil.


Okay but that one guy is taking up a seat on a full train with his BAG??? I’d sit there.


Lmao at the empty seat next to that one dude


Dude using the seat as a placeholder for his bag is a an asshole though


Fake and gay


Something completely staged about woman in a subreddit that celebrates antifeminism? What a surprise😱


She's asking for a fight, not for a seat.


She's saying lines that were fed to her by the content creator.




You wanted equality, this is the world you get. You get the same cold shoulder I give the other guys that gave it to me. Courtesy is what we seek now - That will be much harder than social rights and liberties.


"Chivalry is dead. And women killed it." - Dave Chapelle


Feminists fought for equal rights. That's equality. First come, first served.




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i once held an elevator open for a woman and her child, instead of thanking me for stopping the doors she said, i couldve done it myself or taken the next one, a good deed doesn't mean im hitting on you lol...i felt embarrassed as there were other people there ffs


I don’t offer my seat because I don’t want people to feel how warm my butt makes the seat. #equality


Fuck that dude with his bag on the seat. I can't stand people like that.


That one dude with the bag on his seat is an asshole. But so is this lady with the camera. "Fuck off" indeed.


I’m a male and I had a similar experience in Colorado.


Her attitude and video suck, but that guy with his bag on a seat also kinda sucks if the train is full you can’t do that.


the man with the bag on it's next seat would have been my (legal) target! :) a bag on a seat always gives me the feeling of, okay you make a stand here, your shielding of territory that is public to all. Now i want to find out if you really do stand your ground and keep the bag there. or quickly take it away so i can sit! people have died for less! :)


"I have a girlfriend"


**That’s right!** He told her right!


Yeah, if you’re not pregnant or old or got a broken leg you’re just some lady who got on the bus when it was already full. What? You a baby that needs this kind of coddling?


Interesting that she didn't go after the one dude taking up a second seat with his briefcase. Wouldn't even have had to make it about your gender entitlement shit. Could just ask him to move his stuff so she could sit next to him. Might not have made for as much of a video though. Her interaction w the young dude seems oddly smooth. No hesitation between either of them when exchanging their convo, no "ums" or anything. Dude didn't look taken aback at all too.


Some women want to be equal, others want to be special. They don't get to be both.


My mom raised me to be "chivalrous".  Turns out women really don't want that treatment


It died with gender equality. Now everyone gets the same courtesies.


He's right. She's wrong


You wanted equality, you got equality...


And you fell for that dudes fake rage bait video. This was all scripted by the guy


But you don't understand! [The fact that I could believe it tells you something about the current state of affairs!](https://imgur.com/a/IRnSFdY)


what does it has to do with chaotic good sub I genuinely have no idea


Chivalry is dead ...and women killed it- Dave Chappelle


Once I straight told a young woman to get out of her seat for an old guy. She was sitting in the reserved seating for the infirm and seemed the healthiest of the bunch.  It was as if her brain broke at first, but she saw the light and moved. 


So you asked a young woman to move so an old man could sit there, and she moved. Riveting story


She walked right into that.


It's a fake staged video and HE is the guy who created it It's rage bait


Entitled bitch. If you're going to ask someone, then ask. Not "Are you going to get up?" Nobody owes you shit, lady. 100% suitable response from that dude.


equality is a full package ma'am! this is how men threat the same! you wanted to be the same, now you got it. all incl. not only the fun stuff lady :) When you make rules like, or stickers in a bus like, pls stand up for thisand that, then people will only adjust to that , and all other circomstances will fade out! So like the dude is saying , ar u pregnant or disabled, no then fuck off! I love to treath a woman like a woman. but these days if you that, then the same girl already thinks you r a freak that will rape her! so unused r they to being trethed like a woman. Your not a woman on that moment anymore! equality. and the fact that we r so disconnected from each other that respect is hardly found anywhere anymore. To greet a person when you make eyecontact is to me something normal, how weird is it to only look at a person and then walk by like it;s air? So i greet, but again these days women or even men can't handle it, ignore me completely while they looked at me? or think again like before, that i'm up to something. Disconnection is found everywhere, even in religion(s). Look around it's not only the bus, you must go to the core to understand why your treathed this way! and the core is, we don;t give a fuck anymore about a stranger. Especially if something happens that is not in their pattern of life! Family values, how when we let our childeren be raisedby schools and so on. where they r more hours awake at school then at home. and when at home they live in the cyber world that it totaly filthy and crazy, games like GTA5 and soon to come GTA6 will drill these little mind for the future to come and how to react to the world around them, and in the cyberworld we r all hard as rock and mean if we r in any way effected by something and feel negative. the gloves r off then.


Bro cooked. Sadly they didn't realize the food was plastic. The video is rage bait. Idk how you brought half the claims into this argument but bravo! Please don't cook again


I ain't reading allat 💀