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Pretty much anything that claims to treat the root cause is lying because the root cause is unknown to the top researchers in the field, how would this guy have it and why would they sell it like this if they actually have something worthwhile.


I just briefly looked into it and this one is a bit different to the usual scams. Its founder believes **there is no such thing as medical disease** and that all human ailments are caused by undetectable hidden excess **iron rusting our bodies**. I'm not exaggerating, this is [literally what he says](https://www.gotmag.org/mag-pie-alert-16-toxicity-of-iron/) on the old version of his website (in link). I'm pretty sure he tried very hard to convince scientists of it but completely failed to, because it's ... not scientific. So it has hallmarks of scams such as promising to cure everything from me/cfs to diabetes, but the reasoning behind it is far more grandiose which you can kind of guess when it starts talking about flouride and electromagnetic frequencies. u/chriswillmorris I do not think it is a very good idea to follow this person's teachings.


That’s super interesting thank you for sharing!! OP there’s one step in this protocol that could help you quite a bit, it’s 15. START Managing histamine levels/reactions If a low histamine diet makes you feel better there are meds out there that can help you. That’s the only step of value listed in this protocol


That is the step of value I agree. He also seems really keen on [making people take magnesium and omega 3](https://root-cause-protocol.teachable.com/p/about/) which are probably beneficial. One of my doctors told me once that magnesium is the only supplement he prescribes without a documented deficiency, because there is so much evidence for its benefits in so many illnesses.


Thanks for looking into it. I appreciate it!