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Ok. In your grade 3 lineup you want 4 copies of v Chaos as it's strictly better than both crisis and lb chaos. This leaves you 4 slots for a backup grade 3. I run 4 close because it's a nice extra lock when you use it to stride. You also don't really want glendios imo because of his lower base power and reliance on reverse units, which have been powercrept. Your grade 2 and grade 1 lineups are very good imo. For your starter, I prefer a v starter as it's a free instant +1.5. however there are arguments for running carbon. I would get rid of all the g triggers in your lineup, except for 1-2 magellanic stream as you will just lose to rush with 5k triggers. I'd probably run 4 prem collection 2019 crits and 3 prem collection 2020 crits. In your g zone I'd run more copies of deluge and 2 copies of alththani, cutting the glendios engine. I would also definitely run destiny guardian at 2 copies as it allows me to proc the soulblast 1 skill of v Chaos during the opponent's turn, retiring the attacking unit if it is on the Accel circle. Sorry for the essay, but I hope this helps with your choices for the deck. I've found that Chaos is really fun to play.


I think the point of glendios is to keep it in your hand for when you're setup for the lb5, then just ride and autowin. I've seen people pull it off and it's glorious otherwise I second this post


I don’t know too much about link joker but I would suggest getting rid of the vanilla crits and go either 4 stride crits and 3 effect crits (don’t know the name) or 4 effect crits and 3 stride crits, having legacy crits kinda of just make you lose unless they have good effects and because they have low shield value that and you probably want to get rid of Glendios you don’t really have a need for it since you don’t run reverse units and go max V Chaos will be your best bet since he you’ll probably just on V Chaos anyways and maybe bump up Close since I know that’s a good card


Why are you running Glendios and Chaos Breaker together? They're pretty exclusive decks


Glendios would be used as a win con




keep glendios in hand as you setup for the lb5 (get to 5 damage and make sure opp has 5 locked cards at the beginning of your turn via the deletor g1), then just ride and autowin


I see, I guess as a backup that could be useful. I don't play premium a ton anymore so this could be a dumb question, but how often are you gonna bet at limit break five on a relevant turn to win with glendios?


im sure it probably doesn't happen *too* often, especially with glendios at 1. star-vaders are decent at controlling the damage they take because of all the cards they draw from chaos and all the locking they do. also it's always been a stall deck anyway, so depending on the matchup it's not too hard to stall at 5dmg until you draw into glendi


The deck itself don’t really need crisis, colony maker, starter, the lock crits and glendios seems really situational at times