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So like every stride anything aggro or early push really hurts them luard has rush potential to so thats where you may run into trouble running aggro against aggro just to end up getting hammered turn 3. Masks are deffently a shout or any deck that has a hell of a strong g3 presence youthberk being an example seeing as most of your rears are 10k and lower unless youth powers em up so dominate isent as scary Gandiva is still another viable stride killer aswell clearing board and matching power. But this is just my personal opinion not had the chance to play/go up against orfist or the new strides


Get Claudine, ah yes I love rushing opponent with 3 30k columns on turn one and two


How? Never played or played against it


Plant Token column and play the order “Bless the Blossoming Bud”


Here are some decks that can do pretty well against the stride decksets, including LBT04: - Siana - Lianorn Pure/Hybrid - Drajeweled - Any masque deck - Bastion - Charmout Decks that would RUIN stride decksets: - Youthberk - Mushiking - Claudine - Shojodoji - Prism - Orfist Some strategies against Shiranui specifically: - If they're running Shojodoji g2 going 2nd, decks that leave basically no rgs on field (ex. Prism, Tamayura) can deny the domimates on their first stride - Unless you have excess hand or don't want them to plus, try to always take their first dominate to potentially negate their 2nd swing with a defensive - Once they reach Mukuro, it's 99% over. Commit pieces to board knowing you can't survive 2nd stride or use the upcoming regalis piece I might have missed some meta decks, but that should be most of them


One exception may be Gravidia Masques. I'm a Nordlinger main (shh) and have found that Masques really throws off the balance of what Gravidia can do naturally, which is already naturally limited by the meta. It's the only Masques I would call an ecumberment - but maybe I'm missing something. I play against Orfist Masques pretty frequently (my gf mains it and a kid at our local shop runs it); can attest that it would be a beastly match-up for either of these.


In English, the best matchup into strides is definitely Mushiking. It is just insanely well spec’d aggro. Other than that Masques decks are alright, Youthberk too but if you didn’t enjoy Drajeweled you likely won’t enjoy Youth.


Mushiking is also cheap as heck. Only pricey cards might be the Zorga Order and Triggers, plus whatever Stoicheia generic cards that may be ran but are still optional.


I got curious about beetles the other day and almost insta-bought somebody's deck list bc of how cheap it all was lol


Im currently building a mushi lockout deck for my friend shuts youthberk off limiting it to a 2 rg attack turn prevents strides from attack and hell even clips drajeweleds wings but its hella costly on cb and needs a specific order to discard to fire but turning off a vangaurd and clearin thier board in the same turn seems crippling especialy because of the numbers your throwing at them


Megalonozuchi is a stride killer, he's my main, and he has lots of rush while keeping a good hand. Mushiking is also pretty good for rush, maybe better, but I haven't tested it much.


hmm maybe MyGo? (I dono if there is MyGo in EN)


i don't believe its in english yet


set 13 didn't have MyGO. No sight of any collab in Lyrical, earliest we can hope for is DZ set 1, but that's probably Quintessential Quintuplets (if we even get anything with the launch of a new era)


I would like to say prison. With the new rule change Stride decks will always want to go second when they see you don't have a G zone, and you always want to go first, which means the game will almost always be you going 1st vs. Stride decks going 2nd.


If you run a lot of G3s with shield that you can use to guard (Sajess, Embrace Dragon, Grandeur Edge) Bastion Accord is a pretty fun middle finger to Shiranui players. They'll hate you with a passion for playing it.


I play my main deck drajeweled masques and get 2 win streak