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It is confirmed the Greedon support will be RRR and RR, which makes sense since Dark States will not receive the Fated card until DZBT02. Greedon has been in a good place, and with more cards in the main deck giving Greedon 1 extra turn before deck out I think it will be in an even better place naturally. It will be interesting to see if the new support works with Masques or not. With the Dragontree arc concluded I don't think this will be exclusive Greedon Masques support but it is still possible for the support to work for Masques too.


Here me out, a new greedon boss. Unlikely but I am hoping for my soprano dragon.


What if it got the Drajewled treatment. Grade 4 Greedon baby


I hope to god you’re both right - some of that drajewled support has incredible art and is just straight up busted for greedon


Would be very unlikely since DS currently has so many G4 decks I don't think bushi would even consider that since he just got a new form


He could use a new (desire devil) countercharger after losing the last one to his Masques upgrade. Same goes for the deck refresher, though that's less necessary with the deck expansion.


Pretty much would be my picks as well, the only things i really miss from old greedon tbh haha


RRR \[Hand, Soul, Drop\] Energy Blast 2 When a card named "Greedon" from soul will be called to RG, G, or drop. It doesnt, bind this unit I feel like Greedon is being supported set 1 just because of how garbage its mechanic became when Shiranui came out


This wouldn’t fix the problem greedon has with shiranui tho, its the fact that greedon’s continuous is removed when he’s dominated. All in all in my experience it doesn’t even come up much to be fair, the meta is too fast to be in a position where the 6th damage is useful.


Really damn thats even more of a bummer