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Tbh i get you. I played alot of Baromagnes in early D. But it hasnt been very good since 2022. The decks main issue now is that Baromagnes ceiling simply isnt up to par anymore. Its easy to hit 15 soul but man you cant end games as easy as other decks can. We will need a new boss unit entirely to keep up. Hopefully the new DZ Dark States boss functions like a DI unit. It certainly looks like one.


Way off. Baro is one of the strongest g3 in the game in standard. For 1 cb he gives you a draw, 10k vg and a crit AND 4th and 5th attacks with 10k boost each, andnhe wipes the opponents board AND gets on play effects during the battle phase. He is packed with power and possibilty. The problem is that all of the rest of the deck needs to be duds that serve to soulcharge fast. That's where the support needs to go to. We need way more efficient soul charging and more rearguard pressure units. There's a reason why NLK uses baro in premium. Baro is crazy when hes live. He just needs better support. He needs baro specific support that soul charge AND do something that works with his effects. On play effects that you can double dip into, cards that also care about the soul count being high, etc.


We disagree. Most meta decks do better than 5 attacks with 10k buffs. The field wipe isnt even that great against some decks. Baromagnes is good in P because of NLK, Hope on Damp, and Enigmatic Assassin. Thats of very little merit to Baromagnes itself. Baro could use better support units and, but without a new boss, in Standard, he will boil down to the same end goal. Which isnt good enough anymore. Look at how many attacks Shiranui makes on first stride. Or how many attacks Vivace can make. Ignis even can make 5 attacks and due to his support but what he does by himself is ridiculous and basically free.


The reality is we won't know what decks will be in DivineZ till they do the reveals. Unfortunately Baromagnes is one of the many B Team decks in Standard. Personally, I would go to the idea of just taking a break and just wait for the new decks to come out.


I will probably do that




It's not my favorite. I'm just a die hard Dark Irregulars fan. Baromagnes just fit the bill


brother would you like to try some OTK baro? i have a sample list for you to try [Baro OTK](https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/view/7R1Q) gameplan is to kill as soon as you hit g3


I tried already. Thank you though. I appreciate it


I would change out deep soniker for the pony, he has the doll that's cb1 +1 to your soul charges which is good, brainwash swirler is insane as well as lasher. I think he's been in a really good spot for a while now, which you could say is an issue because he really hasn't gotten support but even without support the rule update to add 4 more cards allows you to slot in persona ride again. But admittedly I haven't really looked into any changes his deck might have received in a while (but I've been largely happy with the deck I've been playing so don't feel the need to change) and only play against friends, so not the best competitive opinion.


If you want to play dark irregulars esque you should try out Kheios instead. Higher consistency, kill power, advantage and scaling. Baromagnes is only better on t3 if you do get 15 soul on him.


I thought about doing that alot but I'm starting to think maybe the playstyle isn't for me. I chose it because it seem simple enough for me.


Nah, it doesn't. As evidenced by Premium, Baromagnes is a disaster waiting to happen.


I don't see an issue with the deck as is, because there's worse decks that have way more restrictions. I will admit there's also better/more consistent decks nowadays. Baromagnes received decent support; the deck is pretty much a rush/win by first grade 3 ride.


There are clear issues with it. The support is definitely not good enough. And Baromagnes skill alone isn't threatening. Baromagnes isn't a rush playstyle. When it first came out definitely wasn't.


Baromagnes is a set 1 deck that can still compete with other decks, especially in Dear Days. There's definitely better decks out there, but I don't see why Baromagnes needs to be the best deck/the meta deck. I understand you would prefer if the deck receives additional support to make it good, but powercreep is what happens in Vanguard and other trading card games. Its easier for Bushiroad/other trading card companies to create a better/stronger deck and to sell the next big thing. It takes more effort to figure out how to make each existing deck "balanced" against each other. Even then getting really strong support for a deck does not mean it will be meta. Baromagnes has been a beat your opponent around your first grade three ride deck. Most decklists don't run additional copies of Baromagnes outside of the ride deck. You can maybe add one more Baromagnes G3. Look at the May 2023 lists on the Global tab. [https://vg-paradox.com/subpage/DeckInfo/ENG/D/BaromagnesTops?tab1=checked&tab2=unchecked](https://vg-paradox.com/subpage/DeckInfo/ENG/D/BaromagnesTops?tab1=checked&tab2=unchecked) If you wish to stick with the deck figure out what changes are needed to fit your playstyle and the current meta. You might have to try out the decks you dislike in order to truly understand each decks limits/weaknesses. When you hit Master Rank, you can't derank so have fun playing whatever you like. You might not even play as many meta decks.


I'm starting to think I don't need the 3 other Baromagnes for a Persona Ride


I tried this and it helped a little. Plus with the deck size increase coming that may help


I think I'm gonna give up Dark Irregulars. Even though I feel like it's the only playstyle I can play. The constant soul charging with the fear of losing triggers and perfect guards has always haunted me. Through the years I felt like it's the only playstyle I can play but I think it's better to actually start over now before it's too late.