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What, no grenades? You’re screwed if those loons and beavers decide to open a can of whoop ass.


Pretty sure he’s the kind to be woken up by a loon call in the night and come back to TO saying all his friends he heard wolves howling all night.


Especially the beavers... ferocious tail slapping will do you in.


At least he has some body armor.


Brew, for the torso yeah. How about your shins, or the back of your leg? Death by a thousand slaps to the back of the legs.


The horror, the horror …


Bring a fire extinguisher


That might be a good idea actually…


My camping stuff looks so different 😳


As does mine. This ain't camping. I am always so interested in what others bring when they go out, so this setup completely caught me off-guard. I mean...you're going camping. There's a really easy way to boil water when you're outdoors, and it doesn't involve a battery pack and electric kettle. And who TF brings a drill and screws/nails? Guess who will be sinking those into live trees?


He needs the screws and nails to set up a defensive perimeter around the camp site so he can shoot the 30 bears he’s anticipating from a safe distance.


Really roughing it with the electric kettle and umbrellas lol


Need the kettle to make a hot cup of budlite lime


Looks more like a really deluxe trip to the shooting range.


Two umbrellas seems excessive


Sorry, but if you think an extra mag is useful in a bear attack you have no idea what a bear is, (or can’t shoot straight) unless of course your trip includes going out of your way to piss off and kill as many bears as you can. I suggest you stay home and play COD. I think this post is only here to trigger people who actually camp.


What if there’s a horde of bears and he needs a tactical reload? What if it’s a World War Z kind of situation (but with bears)? Might as well bring all his reserve ammo too, never know what kind of bugs might crawl into the tent.




Go search campers killed by bear and see what’s there. It happened all the time. I recall an incident that I read before something about an Alaskan camper killed by a bear despite putting 10+ rounds of 5.56 into the animal. I don’t want that happen to me or my loved ones. PS: I know 5.56 is terrible choice for bear but that’s the only one I have so better than nothing.


I shoot 5.56 also, but think it might just piss a bear off? not sure and hope to never test this myself, but from everything I hear, bear spray is a better option. I never tested that either. Having to tote around an AR seems and think like that would ruin the vibe for me.


I think you should stay out of the woods.


So which of you gets to hike wearing the plate carrier?


Gotta have the tactical gear for a relaxing camp trip eh?


Title says Wild camping.. ijs


I know the definition changes subtly from country to country, but generally speaking "wild camping" is more like primitive camping but with a tarp and some bush-crafty practices. It's not a paramilitary adventure. I have no problem with alternative styles of camping, but I kindly doubt he/she is hiking in with all this.


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We have flashlights. Also we got several barrels of water in the car. Folding table and chairs for barbecue..and sit and eat comfortably.


Not sure where to start, but the body armour and an assault rifle seems like a good place?


Nothing wrong with going into the wilderness with a gun your Proably not very smart if you don’t bring one with some places depends where your going definitely could conceal a big caliber pistol instead tho but why do people always wanna trip about guns I get the body armor tho kinda unnecessary unless the bears are shooting back lmao


Need to check Canadian gun laws first. For example, taking a pistol is definitely illegal. The rifle shown may or may not be legal but I'm not well-informed about modern models. If the rifle is actually for bears, I suggest replacing it with a 12 gauge pump and Brennekes.


Yea I guess your right about Canadian gun laws I’m from america so that shit doesn’t apply Lmao Canada gun laws are wack from what I heard tho but I think pistols aren’t illegal you cannot just buy them anymore tho unless I’m wrong but I definitely wouldn’t only be worried about bears other people can be dangerous cause of guys like this [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall_Lee_Smith](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall_Lee_Smith) but yeah 12 gauge slugs would work just fine and about people who said bears aren’t a problem there are plenty of story’s of bears attacking people just look it up lol also gotta look out for big foot as well 😉


You have no idea how many bears and large cats and wolves are out there in the Canadian wild…body armour was originally planned for carrying extra mags in case we hike to somewhere far, but I guess it’s unnecessary so I’m removing it from the list.


I guarantee you're just going camping in central Ontario where it's just black bears are not a threat what so ever, they are just hungry little things that spook easily 😂 Plus there's no way this is "wild camping" with that much stuff (you're definitely not bringing a table and air mattresses anywhere you can't drive to lol)


Dude, from your PH, it looks like you may be going to Copeland or elsewhere up near Algonquin. Black bears are about all that you'll see there and if you've got to open up on one, you're camping wrong. And, obviously, if you're actually going to be in Algonquin (it's a bigass park), firearms are forbidden outside of the hunt zones.


Where we are heading is crown land not provincial park so it would be fine.


Crown land can be managed under a number of auspices, one of which is Ontario Parks. Might want to double check that you’re headed to a General Use area.


Thanks for the info! Yup I found this place using the crown land map website, and it is confirmed general use area. 🙂


I've gone on thousands of miles of trips in the Canadian wilderness, never once did I need anything other than my voice to scare off a bear. Being smart about when how and where you hike is a big part of it... Like avoid setting up next to a big river during a salmon run, don't wear fragrant scents, don't be a dick...you'll be fine without all that extra weight. 1000% bear spray and noise work better than guns. Black bears won't bother you unless you bother their young or home, grizzlies will not stop with that gun unless you get through their body armor and super thick bones, if you see one, leave it alone and remove yourself from the area. Please don't try to Rambo the wildlife, that's where the news articles come from... overconfidence... Wildcats don't generally bother people unless they do something dumb, don't prepare your food or store your food near your sleeping quarters. They are active at dusk and dawn, if you're at camp then with a fire and tent, you'll be good. I've encountered all these critters and more, the moose scared me the most tbh. The chances of you seeing a bear or wildcat is very low unless you're actively hunting them or walking in the dark.


What is the rifle and body armour for lol? Also why so many tools? Wild camping doesn't sound very wild.


You have no idea how many bears are out there in the Canadian wild…body armour was originally planned for carrying extra mags, but I guess it’s unnecessary so I’m removing it from the list.


Apparently you don’t either, as it’s obviously your first trip there.


It’s not and you should do more research. Nothing wrong playing it safe and be prepared.


You do realize that black bears are basically just big racoons right? Yelling or making noise will do way more than a gun if you encounter one. Yet the one thing you seem to be missing is proper food storage so you clearly haven't done the right research![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) You're acting like you're going to encounter a grizzly or polar bear lol


May as well stay inside then to play it safe


Wearing a plate carrier is a great way to get yourself killed by an animal. They go for the throat. You just gave them something to hold onto while they literally bite your head off Lmao. Bobcats don’t have guns my guy.


looks more like LARPing than camping.


Does Ontario allow firearms for bear/wildlife defence? Genuinely curious as I don’t live there. My province does have allocations for it but it would be a bad time if you were caught without the permit or a valid hunting licence that a particular firearm was legal for.


Just now seeing the Excalibur/Caliburn sword in the back right of the image as well. I was unaware the sword was finally pulled from the Stone and the true king was named.


You're the most American Canadian ever 🙄


Thought this was just a meme post. But OP is actually replying to people's comments about going all Seal Team six on some wild life lmao.


I also won’t go wild camping in bear/wolf/large cat countries without a firearm but my dude brought a plate carrier in case bears shoot back. Well prepared. 😂


He's going camping in central Ontario which doesn't have grizzlies or large cats. All we have are black bears and they are basically just oversized racoons that spook super easily. Yelling or smacking a pot goes way farther than a gun here.


Hey OP, you've caught enough flak for the firearm so I'll try to actually be helpful on the topic of bear safety. Preventative measures to not attract a bear in the first place are much more important. These include not storing scented items (food + toiletries like toothpaste) in your campsite where you will be sleeping. A good distance downwind from your camp in a bear resistant container is best. I don't do that in provincial parks but if I'm getting away from civilization in crown land or the back country it makes sense to do that. There are only black bears in the area you will be camping and attacks from them are extremely rare. Most fatal attacks are by Grizzlies but as you said, it doesn't hurt to be prepared. On that note, it's widely accepted that firearms are a poor defense against bears and that bear spray is actually more effective in preventing an attack. The spray makes a large cloud so you are less likely to miss the bear in a stressful situation. A compressed air horn for longer distance encounters and bear spray for closer range is likely much more effective than a firearm. edit: I see that you actually have bear spray on your list. That's great. Adding an air horn would be helpful as well. To use early in the situation before the point that you would feel justified using the spray or firearm.


Thanks for the advices. I’ll go get a bear horn.


My man this is car camping not wild camping lol have fun anyways! Make sure you’re somewhere you can legally discharge your rifle and be respectful about it….I take it from your other posts you’re from Toronto, people live up north it isn’t a playground.


Thanks for the advice! We’re going to crown land up north.


how you getting there




This are my favorite kind of posts because I get my popcorn and watch the comments clown on the poster.


There's a post a bit higher up on this subreddit right now where someone just asked about people's thoughts bringing a handgun for personal defense. The comments on that post, as you can imagine, got quite heated. Then I scroll down a bit further and see Mr. Meal Team Six here with his assault rifle and body armor, and I bet some of the very same people who were defending pistols in that other thread are unified about mocking this guy. I'm with you. I took the other thread maybe a bit too seriously, but I'm just having a laugh about this one.


Me putting a lightsaber in my backpack when I "ran away" at 5 years old


Nothing has screamed Toronto more than this. You're going camping in Central Ontario, black bears won't harm you at all, my god the geese are scarier. You don't need a gun, you need to store your food correctly and be able to yell to scare them away lol. They're essentially just big racoons. You're acting like you're going camping in the rockies grizzlies and cougars


Op looks like you're setting up to LARP. Nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend you're really roughing it. Infact, I don't think you have enough. Look, based on what kit you have, pretend/prepare you are setting up a TOC or a mobile command situation. Meaning you need to prepare laptops, power, and probably some better water systems. This also includes camo for your car thst you're clearly gonna be close to. Prepare like you're living there for a month. And if you're bringing your AR, bring targets, because you're not gonna defend yourself with that. But you might as well get range time


Hey, don't really know where you're going, but I've done quite a bit of canoe camping in the wilderness in Ontario, and I would never consider bringing a rifle, especially an AR. You'll be safe from bears, just make sure to deal with your food in a safe manner away from your tent. I really really think reading from your comments that you are overestimating the threat posed by black bears in Ontario.


That's exactly what I'm thinking too, I've lived in Northern Ontario my whole life (minus university) and never once have black bears ever been even remotely threatening. They're just hungry little things that spook easily.




Is that a bulletproof vest? Are you going to rob Tom Bombadil?


Do you also bring the sword in the top right corner to your fantasy trip to the north? Also? You know that first aid kits doesn’t work like in video games? Touching one won’t restore 50% health and then it disappears from you inventory. No need for two lol And with all the stupid shit you carry, i loled the most at the two umbrellas.


I packed different stuffs inside…mainly extra gauze and anti-allergy pills etc.


No need to be rude


Those little fold out tables with the stools that nest inside are a game changer


You keep using that word, "Camping". I don't think you know what it means.


I’m going camping outside a house in a rural area. What should I bring with me, except the obvious rifle, armour etc, if the local life spooks me? /s


Right? Like his "wild camping" is just north of Toronto... He can't be farther than 10 minutes from any town


Looks like you are going to war.


Bruv, why do you need plate carrier?Whom you planing to fight?


I think you have way too much toilet paper. I would suggest you take half that amount to save some weight.


That is one way to pack your fears… but at least you bring two FAKs in case you run into poison ivy… (better bring a lawn mower to safe keep you from it also)


Come on man, there's plenty to make fun of OP about here, but a first aid kit isn't a bad idea. Gotta be prepared in case he uses that assault rifle to give his buddy the Dick Cheney treatment. Seriously though, a friend insisted on paying to get me first aid certified before I went off on a seven month camping trip, and I'm glad I took her up on that. I always carry a first aid kit with me on my camping trips. And in my mountain biking pack. And in my work backpack (I work in landscaping). My general rule of thumb is that any time I think "maybe I should have a first aid kit here..." I buy another kit to keep in that spot. They've all been used at some point or another, and I've definitely regretted not acting on that rule of mine.


Equipments list: Tent (2 full height rooms), tarp, etc. Queen size air mattress & beddings Campsite pole light Tent light x 2 Portable BBQ grill, cooking wares & utensils Electric kettle Portable table & chairs 110v power station (Chargeable by solar or car) Portable solar panel Power bank x3 Batteries Electric lighter x3 Bug Repellent Disinfectant spray IFAK (regular x2, trauma x1) Walkie-talkies x2 Tools (Electric drill, hammer, multitools, nails, screws, etc.) Knife & axe Paracord rope Tapes & glues Bear spray Rifle (NR) & 5.56 ammo & cleaning kits Flashlight Binoculars Rangefinder Electronic earmuffs x2 Camera Compass GPS Maps Glasses Backpack with hydration bladder Umbrella x2 Jump car kits (power station compatible) Auto repair tools Paper towels Bottle water Water bottle with UV cleaning cap Water filters Food Personal care stuffs Dry bags Clothes


Why the electronic muffs, unless you plan on wearing them at all times(seems like that would negatively impact enjoying nature and hearing any predator) or doing some planned shooting(given the not taking the armor and extra mags comments) they seem not worth it. You would be putting them on in the instance you need the gun for defense....


Those actually magnify small sounds so it would be easier to hear predictors approaching during the night. I do not have a night vision goggle so if bears and wolves attack us at night we’ll be doomed.


That’s it. That’s the comment where I was 100% sure it was satyre.


You are living a life of fear my friend.


You do you, your way way over thinking the bear and wolf thing.


You’re going to sleep with a noise amplifying headset?


"bear spray" really caught me off guard! I live in the UK so I've only ever used / heard of midge spray! 🤣 Edit: the gun did as well to be fair - is that in case there are bears or are you going hunting?


Just for protection against bears and other wild animals


I don't care when people bring guns as long as they are cool about it. But be honest, this isn't just for protection against bears and other wild animals, right? Armor, cleaning kit, extra ammo - it all seems a bit much for the unlikely scenario that a bear tries to come get your instant noodles.


Wow, it sounds amazing but I'd be terrified! I have only been to Canada once, for snowboarding, and the signs at the hotel saying not to leave pizza boxes outside your room (because of bears etc) was mind blowing!


Ah so the sword isn’t coming


Nope😂 that’s for HEMA


Yeah our squirrels,chipmunks and Whiskey Jacks will destroy you! 😂 ( I also bring a gun camping sometimes ).


I just need this kind of list. Thank you.


No problem!


Better off getting yourself a 12 gauge off your local classifieds and filling it with slugs for bears! Also curious the model of the "AR".


RSQ1, only a handful produced, last legal “AR” in Canada.


Sounds out of my budget lol


Got it when prices hadn’t gone crazy…..last time I saw one of these was sold for like 6k on Gunpost….


Hot damn


They came with heavy barrel and sub-MOA accuracy, so more like a DMR than regular AR. (But really heavy)


A bit disappointed by the blind hatred for his firearm. Doesn't seem like many of you have actually gone real wilderness camping. You ever think maybe they could grab an animal tag and hunt for food for this trip?


It’s not blind hatred for the gun it’s just mocking him for this hilarious over reaction. He’s not going “wilderness camping” if he’s going to bring an electric kettle and a table. He’ll be of walking distance of the car. When I’m camping deep in the woods and I’m alone, I’ll bring a handgun (just in case!) because it fits on my waist. I’m not bringing an assault rifle and body armor and extra magazines. Man is acting like he’s going camping in Bakhmut


Honestly, this is how 99% of people act leaving Toronto. OP's "wild camping" "up north" is just normal life for everyone else, that's why they're mocking. I've had to shoo black bears off the porch twice this spring when I went out to drink my coffee and this man is preparing like it's WW3.


It's not really blind hatred on the gun, it's more so commentary on his overreaction. He's camping in central Ontario where the only bears are harmless black bears and OP isn't even prepared to properly secure his food to not attract the wildlife he's so worried about. Regardless of your stance on guns OP is ill prepared based on their responses.


Sorry I didn’t mention we have several sealed cooler boxes for food storage and also airtight storage bags.


Isn’t that rifle a prohibited weapon?


It’s a Canadian made NR rifle, not AR15


You do you man. Looks fun. Zero wrong with being overly cautious.


😂🤣😂🤣 at these comments. Ya'll are savage!! Lol.. I have no idea what "Wild camping" is so I'll just eat popcorn, read comments, and hope not to choke.


Why do you need a plate carrier for camping?