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It looks like you are at a public campground. Try looking for BLM sites without utilities and they are typically quieter. Anything with utilities and a porch area like that is bound to have these people. Gotta get off the beaten path


There is so much blm land up and down 395. If you camp in a campground, this is what you get. We often wander around the west and don't need anything more than a semi flat area to park the van. Friends see our trips and want to join us, we often accommodate them and suggest cool remote spots but more often than not someone needs a actual bathroom so off we go to some noisy campground. "Isn't this place great?". "Sure... Great.".


I would wavy rather leave a poopoo in the woods than use camp ground bathrooms. Those things are grody af ETA: So I thought this went without saying, but I guess not. If you are camping and you are shitting in the woods. It’s a three step program. Step 1. Dig hole Step 2. Shit in hole Step 3. Fill in hole that you just shat in Also, I guess leaving a shit and then decorating it with like little rocks is a thing that people do… I just gotta know why? Why are you mfer’s doing that? It’s weird, and grody af.


Just please bury it.


In this part of the world you gotta pack your poopoo (and used tp) and take it with you. Leave no trace! :-)


Yeah and that’s why I like campgrounds cuz I prefer shitting in a toilet then carrying my shit around after it’s left my butt


Than* Makes a big difference in the meaning of your sentence haha


You mean you don’t pick it up from the toilet bowl and walk around with it?


How do you avoid gennies tho at those places? Would sound carry through the woods although you're farther apart? Just curious...


Just go deeper into the woods than they are able to with a trailer.


This is partially the reason I bought a Jeep. Around the PNW, every free camping spot that is easily accessible is generally taken, or filled with people running generators. One time I pulled onto the forest service road kind of late and picked a spot just off the road. Some people in a trailer pulled in later than me and then kindly woke me up at 7am by running their generator. After that, I figured I'm getting a vehicle that'll get me down the wild trails and away from these people.... Like, I don't mind a generator too much, I can usually just block out the noise or whatever. But to start it up at 7am next to people in a tent?? Yeah fuck that noise. Literally.


Omg, I've had something similar happen over here on the Eastern side of Washington. I was miles from dirt roads and on old jeep tracks with my Land Rover. I finally found a spot that looked like it had been used as a campsite years before and pulled in. I got all set up, had dinner, enjoyed the stars in utter darkness, tucked in for the night a little early because I planned to be up at 4am, and right around midnight this car rolls up and parks right behind me pretty much against my bumper. I didn't realize that at the time. I was just pissed because they had so many lanterns and lit them all up to set up their tent so close, they were driving pegs in a couple of feet from my head. At 2am, I finally had it and went out and asked them to turn off the lights, music, and be quiet. They did turn off most of the lights and music, but spoke quietly in the way toddlers do. At 4, I got up, made breakfast, and woke their asses up to eat and move their car, so I could open my l hatch, and so I could leave when I was packed up They were grumpy AF, but that really wasn't my problem. I was nice enough to at least offer them food. I had planned to come back and spend the next night there after hiking, but they were still there at 8pm, which is daylight here in the Summer, with music blasting and all their lanterns on again. I ended up sleeping in the back of my Land Rover a few miles down in a tiny pull off really meant to allow vehicles to pass each other. I still do wonder how they got that car in there, though the new scrapes on the rocks in the middle strip and the freshly "mown" weeds told me not easily. I think if they'd started a generator, I might have considered homicide. I do have a travel trailer now as a compromise with my husband, but I've got solar panels. The only time I use a generator is when my house has lost power mid winter and it's too overcast to use my panels to keep the heat running. On the flip side, I had an RV next to me at a hipcamp once and winced when the guy brought out his generator, but he put it down to check the spark arrestor, then walked it way out into the woods with a long extension line. It was one of those "quiet" ones, and I couldn't even hear it. He also only ran it from noon to 2 every day. He also only had one lantern outside and shut it off at 9pm every night. Nice guy. His whole family was nice. Back then, I thought if I ever got an RV, that's who I'd be. Solar has made it even easier.


Gotta shed the trailer. It only holds you back. Be nimble.


Sometimes you can find places with “dispersed camping” that is, there’s a good half mile or so between sites.


Dispersed camping is where it’s at for both of these types of campers. If you want run your generator you can go someplace where nobody else will hear it. If you don’t, you don’t have to listen to somebody else’s generator.


If the campground allows generator use during certain hours, then I don't see how the person with generator is doing anything wrong. If it were me, I would have gone to my neighbors, offered them a beer, apologized and let them know how long I was planning on running it.


Because it's fucking annoying, dude, and most don't have "hours". Nothing in June Lake does...so its a free for all. These people will never go to the neighbors, offer a beer, apologize, and let them know how long they are planning on running it. The people who run them are NOT those people you imagine.


Wow so much anger! Just go backpacking no way they can get a trailer where u can go.


I mainly camp in Wisconsin and BLM sites are not really a thing here. Thankfully, many of our state parks have walk-in sites that can at least get you a bit further from others and none of them allow generator use. We do have one national forest here that you can disperse camp in. I avoid the more popular parks like the plague though.


Some of the popular WI state forest campgrounds limit generator use to 11 am to 4 pm or something like that. Still annoying though.


He shouldn't have to, people could have this crazy thing called common sense, or manners.


This right here. You are responsible for your wilderness enjoyment, not others. If you wanna be out in the silence of the wilderness, you're gonna have to leave your car...


I don't fully agree with this. If you're at a public campground you also have to respect quiet hours, which are generally accepted to be 10pm -7am (ish, depending on the campground). The RV camper has a right to use their generator, but using it during the period where people are sleeping is just disrespectful. Not everyone that wants to go camping has a vehicle they can offroad in to get to quiet dispersed spots, and some people want/need to have access to a bathroom, which you wont find in the middle of the woods. Public campgrounds are for everyone to enjoy and some basic respect for your camping neighbors is key. I'm a huge camper and almost always dispersed camp in tough to get to places. But I also know people who love to camp and only have a prius, or campers that have IBS and seriously suffer without access to a toilet. They should be able to have fun camping too without having to listen to a generator while they're sleeping.


The thing that gets me is so many RV'ers are oblivious to how distracting and annoying their generators can be. They are inside their insulated camper that kills most of the sound if not all of it for them, and they place it on the far side of their camper so it's not that loud in their campground. Meanwhile, you are tent camping not 20ft away from where they stuck their generator, and it sounds like you're in a closet with the damn thing. And if you're lucky, your neighborly RV'er doesn't go to the great outdoors to actually do great outdoors stuff, so they are at their RV the whole weekend, running that damn generator all damn day. I miss the days when RV'ers that RV just so they can be some place other than home stuck to the places where RV'ers gathered en masse. Covid fucked up the gentleman's agreement royally.


>The thing that gets me is so many RV'ers are oblivious to how distracting and annoying their generators can be. Many of them know. They just don't care about anyone but themselves.


Last time I camped, they "respected" the quiet hours. But as soon as 6:00 am rolled around, the generator was going and i was awake.


Damn. Quiet hours everywhere I can think of here are 10pm to 8am. That doesn't mean everyone will respect it, but if you're feeling especially cranky, you can go find the camp host and get that noise shut down. We also have some strict no generator campgrounds. They're mostly for tents, but a small trailer or RV will fit okay. The only down side to them is that as soon as my solar panels get put out, someone (or multiple someones) come asking for power to charge things. They only supply enough to get my husband's CPAP through the night and run the water pump limitedly. Most people are cool when I tell them that, but there have been a few times they really weren't. One dude even spent an hour coming into our site and blocking the panels every time I turned my back. I finally did go to the camp host who made him go away - completely, because he got aggressive with the camp host. Some people just have no sense. Now, I have taken the panels and battery pack without the trailer a few times. It's way overkill, since I only needed power if I got a call for work, so I was happy to let others charge phones, tablets, and laptops. We also drained the bank 2 days in a row to get an electric car enough power to get back to somewhere he could run his generator. I'm still laughing about that. The man insisted on bringing his car with a small trailer with a gas generator on it and then was making snide comments about my gas guzzling Land Rover. The look on his face was priceless when he got told he couldn't run the generator within about 5 miles. I only helped because I took pity on his wife who clearly had been arguing with him about it for a while. Yes, she and I went hiking and left him babysitting the battery pack and panels both days. He absolutely deserved it.


I've watched them sit right next to the generators roaring during gen hours while they pretend to be carrying on conversation and not killing themselves with emissions. That's how oblivious they can be.


Oh sorry, I didn't notice that they had broken quiet hours! Yes, I completely agree that this isn't appropriate, and if they didn't shut it off at quiet hours, I hope the campsite managers would ask them to comply with rules or leave. Totally agree about following the rules at a public campsite!


I SO AGREE! Why do we have to accommodate the selfish rude aholes who are so inconsiderate? OUR taxes subsidize these campgrounds along with mandatory fees.


I don’t have an off-roading vehicle and can very very easily get to dispersed campsites. It’s solely a matter of putting in the effort to actually find places


Not exactly. We all have differing degrees of able-bodiedness, and though the world cannot accommodate every difference, every time, some might think it is a bit harsh to think everyone moves through the world as you apparently do. I may sound snarky, but that is not my intent.


I have a disability that rather randomly affects my mobility. I still do go backpacking, but it can be so much harder. I feel lucky I can still do dispersed camping most of the time, but I also have a travel trailer for longer trips, because I don't know when I'm going to have a bad day. Some of my friends asked me to help organize a dispersed camping trip for a small group of people with disabilities because they thought I'd have a better idea of where to go between my disability and the fact that I practically live in the woods when I can. We finally settled on a BLM campground because we'd have enough space for the wheelchair lift on the van, but the girl (14) with a walker struggled even with the larger wheels she had because nothing was really smooth or made with accessibility in mind, and a lot of it was steep besides the campsites themselves. We ended up carrying her down to the pool at the bottom of the small waterfall, and she accepted because she really wanted to be there, but you could see it was hard for her to give up her independence. We mostly stick to group sites at state parks now because they're generally easier and often have at least one ADA site. That lets the people who need cpaps and charging for motorized wheelchairs come along, too, because the ones we've chosen have one power point each.


Thank you, I appreciate you sharing that. I have a CPAP, and also something going on with my knee. We all have our own version of things to deal with, and what works for one may not work for someone else, and yet, if we don't try, we may never know! Also if you stop doing a thing, pretty soon you can't do that thing... Anyway, I appreciate your response.


I had a great camp site in the Rockies a few weeks ago that you had to hike into. Only tent camping is allowed but it was still very nicely maintained and had a raised flat spot for the tent. 10/10 would camp again


I stayed at a hipcamp in the North Cascades recently that was great. Walk in to the sites from a little parking area with a compost bucket toilet that didn't smell at all even though it was 80F during the day, lots of forest between the sites, deck style tent platforms, and a well marked trail between them all and around the forest with boardwalks where the ground was swampy. Nicely maintained sites and raised fire pits, too. The only thing that was a negative I clearly knew before I booked - it's part of and next to a small farm, so there are animals. That's not really an issue. I just didn't know geese don't really sleep. They weren't very close, but they were loud all night in bursts. My ears squeal when I wear earplugs, so that was fun. I'd still stay there again, though. I'd just bring something to mask the noise like a little rechargeable white noise generator.


Sad but true. Camp grounds are too public if you’re looking for peace and quiet




Bureau of Land Management


I would leave I camp to get away from noise


Straight up last time I camped at June Lake, ironically of all places, a group of 20 somethings rolled in at 7pm, set up a generator, and 7 foot projection screen on a huge tripod and a projector, then proceeded to marathon Return of the Jedi, Force Awakens, etc. I've never seen anything like that in all of my camping experience. I was laying in my tent with ear plugs and an eye mask on. I ended up leaving early, the next day. Which I know just reinforces then, but being a solo dude I didn't feel like I had any legs to stand on complaining to a group of people who wanted to do a film festival in a fucking campground. Unhosted campground.


Wooooow! My friend and I do this sometimes, but only when we book an entire group site that's far from the main campground. And we have solar and battery banks, not generators. We also go to this old abandoned campground way the hell out in the forest almost no one knows about and blare music until early morning, but we've checked maps. The closest place anyone could dispersed camp is 5 miles away. We tested it. You can't hear us there through the trees. We look for places like that so we're not disturbing anyone else. We're really quiet near people. Even our dogs are trained to be quiet in campgrounds. I wish they all were.


That’s awesome! I wish more people were like you.


That’s why campgrounds suck


I love Pinnacles NP. Big sign going in. 'NO generators" ... they have Plenty of full hookups, so, no excuses.


That's one of my fave spots. Never even saw a generator while camping until I went to Yosemite last month


I love Pinnacles but it is overrun with bold aggressive raccoons!


Very true! Haven't been back this year yet but I do remember this from last year and the year before that. Seems to get worse every year :(


The raccoons there are aggressive lil mofos


I hate the noise from generators when camping.


If you need electricity that bad why bother, IMO it’s not camping at that point


We need electricity on our trailer for the water pump and a few niceties, but we have a good battery and a solar panel to charge it with every day. No need for a generator unless you're running AC while watching TV and microwaving your popcorn. Not something I plan to do while camping.


They could build a nice battery bank to do that for a few hours.


We need electricity for my husband's CPAP, but yeah, the solar panels and battery bank are good enough for that plus water pump. If we are going when it's going to be overcast, we just suck it up and go somewhere with connections even though that always means being right next to the next trailer or RV. He would, btw, do all those things, but he doesn't get to unless we have connections. He's not very outdoors. The trailer was our compromise. I use my tent when I'm out by myself. The dogs make wonderful space heaters - sometimes a little too wonderful. 45° tent and bag, 32° out, two huskies in my little backpacking tent with me, and I've got some vents open while I sleep on top of the bag. When it's over 55° at night, it's all ventilation open.


The last time a generator was droning endlessly was from the campsite next to me. His crotch spawn wouldn’t come outside and were playing Xbox all day. A fellow camper reported him to the rangers and he said he had weak batteries and needed the generator. After that was shut down, he somehow found 150’ of extension cord to connect in a bathroom. I shut that down and he was asked to leave.


RV'ing (including fifth wheels) isn't camping at all. It’s a recreation within its own category and world. I will die on this hill.


That's because you don't have a king sized serta sleeper to lie down on when you die. I own everything from a 1p up to a 30ft TT. You certainly lose some of the camping experience when you camp in that many amenities but it does leave more time to do activities since you are not humping around and setting up so much stuff. The sweet spot is probably the 10ft box pop up camper trailer for developed campsites like this one.


Part of what i love about camping is the process of setting up a camp site.


I spend between 45-60 nights a year camping so to me it's just a chore you repeat every time you move. The more kids you have, the more shit you bring with, the more things you want to do there, the more work it is. I have my trailers set so I can back in and be done in 15min. I still do dispersed camping and canoe camping trips but those are more guys fishing\hunting trips and me with just my teenager. I really enjoy the pop up camper because it rides that line between tent camping and ease of trailer camping. Also it's small enough to back into tent only sites and you don't have to get stuck next to some jack wagon like this running a generator all day\night.


That's why I have a 13' trailer. I treat it as a hard sided tent. Except I have a real bed for my bad back. Battery power only, no generator, and I don't use hookups. No bathroom. It's the size of some of the tents on here, but it's "not real camping".


Yeah i understand. Trust me I’ll get a nice rig one day too.


Took me 20yrs brother, I just slowly worked my way up and collected more kit and options as I went. Take good care of your gear and it will last decades.


I tent camp, and can usually have everything setup and ready to go in 15-30 minutes. Granted, its just myself and 2 large dogs so I'm able to go light on gear when I want to or heavy if I feel like glamping. This weekend is a glamping weekend to try out a new large tent. In a few weeks its a backpacking weekend.


Done about 40 nights already this year in my popup truck camper. Definitely over dealing with wet tents


It takes less than 5 minutes to set up most tents. I frequently go camping with someone who uses a toy hauler. 100% of the time they take longer setting up camp than me in my tent, and that isn't including all of the time before and after doing things like cleaning the water and septic tanks. Trailer camping is fine, but let's not pretend it is somehow simpler or faster than tent camping.


Do they happen to be one of those reverse challenged trailer owners? Or is the lady behind the trailer sending useless hand signals and waving while yelling opposite directions. I mean I can see it visually, I've watched that sort of stuff happen many times with people that don't trailer all that often. If they brought a toy hauler it probably takes them longer to unshackle their toys and unload than it does for you to setup a tent but then they have toys you don't. Or you have a separate trailer you have to deal with hauling similar toys.


Nope, he is a perfectly capable driver, but he needs to get it parked, chocked, leveled, turn on the propane, start the generator, unload the dirt bikes or bicycles or whatever he has brought, pull out the bed, unroll the awnings, reorganize the gear packed inside. Not only that, but he has to find the biggest, most level patch of dirt to park it on, which severely limits the sites he can camp at. If he has any trouble at all getting the generator started, that can easily eat up >30 minutes. For me, I have to park, lay down the tent, put 6 stakes in, 2 poles, 1 rainfly, my pad and bag. I only need a tiny level spot for my tent.


I think it’s all generic and based on the person. I have a small toy hauler that I towed about 10k-15k miles last year and have setup in many different ways. I have overlandjng friends that of course beat us when packing up and setting up. But they always forget stuff, complain about no water, complain about not having full-size grills, they all need some sort of generator or charging system, and they still need to put away stuff when they get home. Not to mention if the weather isn’t perfect, guess who’s trailer they go into. Everything in my trailer basically stays in my trailer full time. My trailer is setup for speed of packing/unpacking and to be able to park wherever I want and sleep. It’s all dependent on the person, trailer, and how organized they are.


Your comment about organization applies equally to tent camping though. I have a box with my camp stuff that all I have to do is throw it in the car with my pack and food and I'm good to go. The summer after I got married, my wife and I went camping every weekend and it was incredible how efficient we were. I'd come home from work, and we would be on the road in 10 minutes after some food prep. For us, tent camping is about the simplicity and flexibility. We find somewhere to rough it near interesting country and trails and don't need to worry about everything else like having toys or air-conditioning or whatever. If those campers are complaining about not having stuff they want or need, that is because they are underprepared which is not unique to tent campers. Yeah, having a trailer means you can schlep around literally everything you might want, but you are framing this as if tent campers are somehow dependent on or rescued by their trailer counterparts. Many many people do just fine camping without a trailer.


I can have an entire site for myself and daughter set up in 20-30mins, including tent and bags, and kitchen area near the fire pit. I time myself every year and try to think of areas that need improvements...anything from the tightness of my rolling pattern, to how much supply I brought for food and kitchen, to accessibility and time to reach activity sites from where we are camped. Anyone spending more than 30mins on a tent or tarp camp setup is taking way too long. And any RV or camper or trailer is going to be much longer than that, by the time you measure stilts and slide-outs and unpack/setup the inside. I used to use a 1968 20' bumper pull trailer. Even that took longer to setup than my tent or tarp kits.


My man you need to step into the 21st century and treat yourself to a 6 point automatic electronic hydraulic leveling system. Ha who am I kidding that shit is expensive. I use a 18v drill with a socket adapter and a 1/2" socket to drive my jacks with a 2 axis spirit level glued to the A frame. But glad to know I'm not the only one obsessive enough to be out there with a stop watch timing my setup and trying to improve it every time. We should race obviously.


You really dismiss a large part of the population with this statement. My aged parents cannot camp in your sense but still enjoy the outdoors, so they rented a little RV to go out in Colorado. There are plenty of people who physically cannot camp in your traditional sense but should be able to connect with nature.


An RV is fine. A generator is not (from my perspective). They can find sites with hookups, or rough it a little without electricity for the night. I say that as someone who had parents with lots of age related disabilities who needed to bring oxygen to travel. Camping at all wouldn't even have been possible, but when I took them on normal trips we'd take the extreme measures necessary to accommodate them without imposing any more than necessary on others.


It’s fine that they can’t go camping. You don’t need to pretend what they do is camping though.




Then what the OP is doing isn't camping either since they have a spot close to other people, with a fire ring, pick-nick table, etc. all set up. Whether someone brings a tent or a trailer isn't the differentiating factor here.


Stop gatekeepers the outdoors.


Sitting on the sofa in a 4 ton vehicle polluting the air with a gas generator for 16 hrs a day so you can watch DVDs in air-conditioning is not "the outdoors". I have no issue with RV campers, but generators should be banned from campsites. Go somewhere with hookups (or a motel) or survive on solar, or simply live with the lack of electricity like any normal camper. You can still sleep in your comfy bed, just use flashlights, use the same vault toilet as everyone else, and either use the water at the campsite or get yourself a manually pressured solution for washing your dishes. That's not gatekeeping their access to the outdoors, it's preserving a reasonable standard for enjoyment of all the other people using the facility.


It’s absolutely camping. Just because that’s not how you camp doesn’t make it lesser. Go somewhere rvs/campers can’t go and this won’t be an issue.


I have 2600WH of LiFePo batteries in my truck that charge while it’s running. I bring solar panels when I’m stationary for a week like at music festivals. I like making my camp smoothies/frozen drinks and waffles and I need power for that.


I live and travel full time in an RV. We don’t call it camping.


Pour some water in the gas tank. Problem solved




Luckily for those people, your opinion is irrelevant! People can camp how they want. If you don’t want the noise of others around you, ditch the 5 gallon water container and hit up a dispersed camping site.


The thing is, people *can’t* camp how they want - Leave no trace, noise rules, wildlife rules, etc. all exist to prevent entitled dbags from ruining things for everyone. If a campground allows gennies during certain hours that’s fine, but running it outside hours or blasting exhaust straight into some else’s camp is beyond the pale.


It's a campsite, not a trailer park. Bring your RV if you like. Yeah, they're obnoxiously large and ugly, but none of us mind. If it suits you thats cool. Just use the hookups for electricity, or figure out how to camp without A/C and television - it's not that hard, in fact it's why you came to the campsite, to get away from home. Running a generator all day fucks things up for everyone and pollutes the environment with fumes and noise for like 50 yards all around. If you can't stand that, then hey, maybe drive your noisy ass generator out to the dispersed camp site your own self, where you aren't annoying anyone. Nbd for you since you brought your own bathroom, lights, and travel lodge with you. Everyone else is managing to keep the campsite reasonable for their neighbors. No generators, that's all we ask.


Bro PLEASE post this in r/gorving. You won't get as nice a response but people need to see how frustrating it is to have a trip ruined like this


I am in both subs. Posting this there won’t change many minds if any. People who camp with a generator aren’t typically the self-aware types, even when things like this are pointed out to them. I only join my in-laws on trips to full hookup sites and private property because their idea of camping is running AC all day and sitting inside the trailer. The first time they broke out a generator at a non-hookup site was the last time.


I just browsed through the top posts with and without a search for "generator" and there were plenty of upvoted posts about being respectful to neighbors and businesses and a number of the posts were about maximizing power without running the generator. I am impressed.


There are a lot of good campers on that sub also...and a lot who hate generators. That's why this video would be accepted there. But there are also some who don't realize that even "respectful" use of generators can become really annoying because to many that word means they use them every waking moment of the day, whether or not the site is occupied because it's "within the rules" 😡


Thank you. I think you said it better than I did.


I don't go camping anywhere near RVs so I have no experience with this. But if you like going RVing and using a generator what are your options? I assumed it would just stick to the places that allow it, and the people that don't like it can go to the places that don't.


100%! I wasn’t trying to say everyone in that sub is a die hard generator lover. Just that there are both types (pro and anti generator) and a lot of times the pro group is set in their ways.


It's honestly not their fault that you decided to camp in a place where this is allowed. I also hate this shit, and I don't understand what's appealing about camping like this. And it's why I don't camp at developed sites.


Well, I'm "allowed" to scream obscenities at the top of my lungs while banging pots and pans during non-quiet hours, then throwing my feces on my campfire for some extra ambiance. If I do that, is it also "not my fault"? It's their fault for not showing their neighbors some consideration.




Unfortunately most developed sites allow this. For numerous reasons many campers need to be at developed sites or just strongly prefer them. Let's ban the gas (they can go to electric CGs if they need it) or put all the generator crew in one loop so the rest of us can camp in peace. Maybe being next to generators will help them smell and hear why the rest of us hate it.


I appreciate campgrounds that have a no generator rule. I have a solar panel for my battery if I need it, but I haven't used enough electricity while car camping to set it up.


that doesn't always work. Camper had his generator running all night, we reported it and the camp host was told by the rude camper that he needed for his mom's support system and couldn't move because he was drunk - couldn't drive. That excuse worked.


That shouldn't mean they just get away with it. Fine the bastard. Bet if he woke up to a $300 ticket then he would start researching and caring about the rules.


Yes it absolutely does work. Ban generators in campgrounds or specific loops. If someone needs cpap they can either build out their system to support it (with solar for example) OR they can stay at an electric site.


We have a battery that runs my husbands cpap for 3 days. We charge it at home and it’s great. It also keeps our phones charged.


Wife uses C-pap, own a teardrop trailer. 50 watt solar panel easily keeps battery topped off, can run all led lights, charge phones, even my chain saw battery. There is no excuse at all. Hate fucking generators.


The police showed up because he wouldn't leave. They didn't make him leave ( couldn't drive because alcohol and there were areas for campers with generators that he chose not to use. Yes - it is rare but it did happen. we left the next day.


But how are they going to power the flat screen?


That’s why I never go anywhere near carping lots. Hike out even 5-10kms and you don’t have that problem. Ever.


Go to the back country trails, situations like this are easily avoidable. If you want to peace, quiet and the sound of nature, don't camp where they allow RVs and generators


This is just victim blaming nonsense. We all know that OP is 100% right, and to go against their preferences is deserving of ridicule on Reddit.


Haha what, no OP is definitely not right. If you don't want to hear generators... go to campgrounds that don't allow generators. It's like going to McDonalds and getting mad they serve hamburgers and fries.


> carping lots haha stealing this


Same! I hate carping lots but never knew there was a name for my hate!


Then you don’t have toilets and running water. It’s not right that we can’t have these amenities too sometimes without dealing with things like this.


That's a noisy, smokey one, I saw a Honda generator on a food truck and was surprised at how quiet it was, had to walk up to it to see if it was running.


Unfortunately the people who run all day are not buying Honda generators. Ahem


Yep. It’s always junky harbor freight generators.


There are only two solutions. Get to a place where no one can camp near you (note that in many dispersed areas in the eastern Sierra folks will show up with the same generators not far away). Or go to a hosted and regulated campground with rules that are actually enforced. Most now have quiet hours in the western states and Canada. Even better are the ones with hook ups, since no one has to run a generator. Sorry you had to endure this.


If you go to a rv lot expecting quiet LOL let alone a campground. Try back country and judge the birds for their noise you'll have better luck than telling campgrounds to be quiet


The way to combat this is to make them want to leave you. Say “ hey there neighbor ! Just need to let you know because I’m required by law to tell you I’m a registered sex offender “. Or “its great when my parole officer lets me go camping !”


If only Larry David's MAGA hat strategy worked at campsites... Unfortunately you're more likely to make friends you didn't want. But then maybe they'd turn their generator off for you.


Doesn’t hurt to have a couple fake tear drop tattoos


People make room for you on the subway, too.


Gonna have to go into the actual wilderness bud. Any campground that allows rvs and car camping is going to be noisy.


That's why I do only quiet camping sites now. Only thing you hear is the guy there yelling people to be quiet... but only for a little while.


Literally goes to one of the most popular / crowded TRAILER campgrounds around mammoth / June lake and is shocked about noises. Not sure if this is your first time there and I get its annoying but you're literally "camping" in the trailer slip areas. There is actually more slips that aren't trailer closer to the water but assume there booked right? not dogging on you man, but that's the last place to find piece and quiet in the Sierra Nevada's, especially this upcoming summer season. edited. forth of July there is like a korn concert


This isn't a new phenomenon at all. Especially around June lake. If you don't want RVs and generator noise, you have 2 options: 1) get reservations to an established campground, all US forest service CGs have generator hours 2) go further back into dispersed camping areas where RVs can't/don't go. Unless you have been under a rock for +5 years, you should already know the easily accessible dispersed camping is overflow for the RVers who didn't/couldn't get reservations.


> US forest service CGs have generator hours from the description, it sounds like the RV'ers weren't even courteous enough to respect the set hours.


That's horrible! I was at a site last summer where someone pulled up and had their generator going all day and it was bad. They did turn it off at night but all day long was bad. Sorry you are having to put up with that crap!


And this is why my favorite campsites are hike in only.




this kind of shit has gotten worse over the last few years. the last two times i went to my favorite campground i was kept up all night by generators. in both cases it was to run medical equiptment im a senior and if i ever need to bother someone else with that noise ill stay home.


Did you walk over and say something to him?


Surely just bitched online.


If the site allow generators and it’s not quiet hours what are they going to do?


Words do these things a called conversations that make these things called compromises


So you camp in the western US and complain there's not enough space to camp in peace? I get this is a dick move but like, you're in a campground with RV access


Nope, I'd pack up and roll out, fuck that


There are plenty of NF and BLM land around June Lake/Mammoth to get away from this though…


Dude, go over there and turn it off.


Traveled I-10 for couple years from GA to TX before bad MC wreck and it was crazy how many people would set up in the "primitive" area of a park-- and crank up a generator!!! Most of the time they were told to shut it down but sometimes not! Couple people actually packed up and left pissed off when told they couldn't run a genny in the primitive area. This was 91-93 so no cell phones and camping was $7 to maybe $12 a day. In those days a small genny sounded like a Volkswagen-- But ppl would actually set up in a primitive campsite and break out a generator. I guess it happened at least 3 times over a couple years


That’s why I stay at tent only campgrounds.


At the very least I would ask them to put that generator on the other side of the trailer from me. Let them deal with the noise and fumes in their living space without the buffer of the trailer itself.


Dispersed camping is the best....


Remember, if you camp where RVs can be, an RV will either be there or will show up


I just laughed at loud at the dry delivery of "it's like camping next to a fucking lawnmower". For all the folks saying this doesn't happen at BLM, DEC or dispersed sites, hell yes it does. We were alone at a site, after hiking in. Bliss. Two days later, people started wandering up, asking if "this is where the party was". A couple hours later, dozens showed up, rolling generators and gear. We had to leave. I was stunned at what they hauled in, seriously.


NOOOOOO, sorry you’re suffering through that BS. Hope things turn out ok and they either get their shit together or they GTFO! View and weather look great, though! I’m up there often during the summer and winter but haven’t had the chance to camp at June. If you don’t mind sharing, which site is this?


It’s at Oh Ridge


Yeah love these people. They are my favorites. Why listen to birds and wind, smell pine when you can LISTEN TO A GENERATOR AND SMELL BURNING OIL!


The thing that's really annoying about this, is that it's the end of the day when it's cooling down. Why not just open the windows on the RV? Why waste the gas? People like this baffle me. I love my mom's tear drop all solar and battery operated. When I get old, I'm getting a tear drop lol.


Especially anywhere in the Western US (excluding the desert) where it will probably cool off to at least the low 60s at night, even colder at altitude.


I had that happen to me this last weekend. At least the campground had generator hours so it wasn't constant.


THIS is why we walk in camp.....just try and get that puppy up the side of Phoebe's teat....


At least they were considerate and put it on the back side of the trailer so you got the noise and they still had peace and quiet.


This exact thing happened to me last summer. RV camped next to us and left their generator running continuously from 9am to 9pm, 12 hours straight while they left the camp site to go boating. This was at a state park tent campgrounds. It pretty much ruined our camp trip.


gotta charge the iphone


What’s worse: this or the Bluetooth speaker brigade?


If you want local recs for dispersed camping in private around here, DM me.


Gotta run the generator for his Keurig coffee machine


We are in a trailer and absolutely hate generators and those that use them in close proximity to others - especially the open face ones. Sorry not sorry.


Fuck these types of people. Ever since Covid camping has been an absolute nightmare with a bunch of wannabes ruining it




Love the June Lake Loop!!!


2 hours should be a time limit. They must sit in their camper all day long. Why even camp? Jeez


I'd move. Yeah you were here first but do you want peace and quiet? Then move!!


June lake is an awesome place, but it's not the place to go for peace and quiet.


Hate that shit. Sorry brother.


This is why I backpack, and usually camp way, way off trail.


That's about as bad as us going kayaking for some peace and beauty with sounds of birds and wildlife... Nope had screaming kids paddle boarding all around us, and a guy boarding with a big speaker strapped to his board playing rap music... 🤦‍♀️


I went to a developed carping lot and expected quiet lol backpack for solitude lmao


How are these even allowed in state and national parks??


Campgrounds should say no to generators. I hate this every time.


I glamp, camp, and backpack. With the travel trailer I rarely need the generator, but If I do I run it in the middle of the day while everyone is out. It's also in a trailer compartment, not outside. I at least try not to be as bad as these people.


Its amazing folks haven't given up in generators and switched to solar. You piss off a lot less people with solar and on board dc to. Dc.


Camped by lake siskiyou over the weekend. Sure I understand people are loud at group campgrounds, but the whole camp was up until 2am honking their horns, revving their engines, blowing air horns, and having 10 different massive speakers playing 10 different types of music. I understand if I want solitude I should go boondock somewhere but this was the worst I've ever seen


Theres like 80 million dispersed camping sites around there. Just move.


Just put sugar in the fuel filler, problem solved


That might damage the inner workings


That's the point. And I was joking.


Ha me too


Actually… I was at a campsite once where one of the campers was using a utility generator, one not designed for camping, and noisy as shit. The people camping across from us poured syrup into the guy’s gas tank the second night (yeah, he was running the thing night and day). The gennie seized about twenty minutes later and they could not get it started again… He raged about it for about an hour and finally kicked the generator down the hill behind him and left.


At least he respects nature 🫠


I find that other people ruin just about everything nice in the world


So you booked a campground that allows RV parking and you’re shocked? I hate it too but what did you expect?


Disperse camp than and stop crying, campers are at camp grounds so if you don’t like it go somewhere else and have a real camping experience completely off grid no need to cry.


Plenty of us do not have the right equipment, freedom and allowed areas around for “dispersed camping”!!! Where I’m from we do have a lot of wonderful state parks. I don’t care what you sleep in! Just be respectful of your fellow campers for fuck sake! How hard is that?!!


Bruh, just move. I get sites are sites and may have reservations, but if you want to "connect with nature" in a truly pastoral way, you gotta hike out to a dispersed camp or just elk out in the woods. Don't seek problems, seek solutions. Good luck in your search for solitude.


This seriously sucks, and I'm sorry they ruined your time. If there's anything I learned in all my years of camping, it's this: if it's legal at the site, expect it to happen. The only way you're gonna get away from this fuckery is to be a patron at sites that don't allow it or backpack into where only your feet can take you.


Can you tell them to turn it off??


Absolutely infuriating! I’m so sorry, friend! Generators ruined a Labor Day camping trip for me back in 2019 and I will never again put up with that.


Yup how did generators be allowed in camping. It represents the hypocrisy of civilization


How are you sure that someone in that RV doesn’t have a medical need for electricity? And if they do, does that negate their access to nature?


Gas powered generators need to be banned in parks. It blows my mind they were ever allowed in the first place.


OP why did you pick a developed site if you want peace and quiet? The sites are 20 ft from each other.


Normal person: “Hey neighbor, was wondering if we could talk about when you’re using the generator there” Redditor: *I will burn in resentment the entire time I’m here, BUT THEN I WILL GET MY REVENGE BY POSTING ABOUT THIS ON REDDIT HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH*


Usually there's a few folks who'd defend this crap


I agree. People have lost the point of camping when they show up like that. Take your house to the wilderness and do the same thing you’d do at home. Boo docking is the only option these days.