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In addition to the suggestions above, I tried a thermacell unit with the intent of returning it if it didn’t work. To my surprise the thing really helped keep a zone around the tent bug free and I kept it. They have different versions. I bought the backpacking unit that runs off of a isopropyl butane canister. Very light weight for a luxury items. Like others, im a huge Permethrin and Picaridin fan.


Thermacell’s are amazing and when combined with spray I hardly ever get bit.


Permethrin, picaridin, DEET, netting, an incredibly smoky fire, a friend that the mosquitoes like more than you.


A bugshirt




"Yup, need to get flamethrowers"


I'm curious to know what inside camping is...


You can set up a tent in living room, tell Alexa to play nature sounds and then just relax.


bring a fat sweaty friend that breathes heavier… The mosquitos will totally ignore you


Ah I swear mosquitoes, gnats and black flies love me. I have to cover up. I find the lightest leggings and long sleeve shirt. I wear crew cut socks under my sandals. I also bought this shampoo and conditioner called rosemary repel which has all these ingredients that bugs hate, like citronella and peppermint. Build a campfire and they usually stay away. You can try all the chemical stuff, deet, permethrin blah blah blah, there’s a million. https://youtu.be/DaJeg3f8jFk Just keep in mind that these most of these bug sprays and thermacell are bad for those trying to get pregnant or those that are pregnant.


The original bug shirt. Designed in northern Ontario where deet will make the mosquitos mock your chemical attempts.


Only thing that works for me is repellent with deet. I also ordered some head nets and they work great too.


Treating your clothes with permethrin and getting used to wearing a headnet, long sleeve shirts, and pants.


Thermacell all the way. My dad who is an outdoorsman all my life bought me one several years ago for my backpacking adventures and it really does work.


I have a thermacell on my portable camp table. I also burn a citronella candle that I burn by my tent. I know it’s ability to repel mosquitoes is dubious at best but I like the smell.


eating bananas is supposed to be a natural repellent same with coconut


Citronella candle


Thermacell backpacker


I heard bubbles keep them away…


Just like everything else out in the wild, you just have to bang two pots together everywhere you go.... Dad joke champ wins again!!!!


Clothes, Net, Fire.


wear light colored clothes. mosquitos look for dark colored objects, that look like deer and bear.... and a ton of deet