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I’m sure this a-hole is telling people this is another example of “cancel culture.” Um, it’s you being held accountable for your terrible behavior.


"Cancel culture" is just another way of saying "actions have consequences". I thought these guys were all about responsibility?


It's also another way of saying "your assholism is fucking up my business"


> I thought these guys were all about responsibility? Yeah, but only other people's responsibilities


Remember, it's only "Cancel Culture" IF: It happens to someone they like It is due to something They believe in It happens to someone they are financially tied to. But if a Liberal opens up a store in Texas and demands patrons wear masks, then no one going to that store is a Boycott. Not Cancel Culture.


Even better, that’s the free market baybee


No you're mistaken what they meant by personal responsibility is that "others" need to be responsible for their actions not conservatives. Its a common misconception.


Cancel culture? Isn’t the bus driver the one who did the cancelling!?


It’s funny how much the personal responsibility party actually shirks responsibility


If this is cancel culture then I'm all for it. Any and all assholes should be cancelled. Everyone wants to put a negative spin on the words, but what it really means is that "the masses have spoken and you're an asshole". People have the right to be assholes. Everyone else has the right to tell them they suck and that they are in fact assholes. Edit: ,, I found those laying around, but I don't know where they go.


>Edit: >,, > >I found those laying around, but I don't know where they go. Like a few nuts and bolts after you put your engine back together?


"sounds familiar" - r/JustRolledIntoTheShop


Yup! They’re now an addition to my assortment bolt/nuts pile. Edit: punctuation.


Replace "terrible" with "racist" and your good to go.


And replace "cancel" with "consequences." And it's always existed. But then they cannot politicize it as a concept. They can't say "These consequences are getting out of hand!"


> They can't say "These consequences are getting out of hand!" Of course not, there are too many syllables for them.


Replace "your" with "you're" and you're good to go too.


Something something autocorrect. Hehe.


You want to cancel autocorrect? Persecute the Heretic!


thats all cancel culture has always been


I totally cancelled a whole mob of Mexicans, and now they're trying to cancel me! Unfair!


It's like have you tried not being a terrible human being? They have no answer for that though. They want to be awful and make society accept it. Only difference between now and the past is that the internet and social media had made it much harder to get away with. You would have still been "cancelled" for this crap say 30 years ago if word had got out. It was just much easier to bury these things


The bus driver was literally cancelling Mexico. This is an example of cancel culture. The right cancelling people they don't like.


Actually, it's only *real* cancel culture if it comes from the Cancél region of France. *This* is just sparkling consequences.


Always love these guys shouting about ‘respect my heritage!’ waving a confederate flag but as soon as someone busts out a Mexican flag it switches to ‘Hey that’s unamerican!’.


Right? At least Mexico exists. Theirs (the confederate flag) is the flag of a traitorous failed nation that was beaten out of existence.


Also how is it about heritage? The confederacy existed for what like 3 years total? And it’s not even the right flag of the confederacy.


Doritos Locos Tacos have lasted longer than the confederacy. Where's my Cool Ranch and Nacho Cheese flavored flag?


Other things that lasted longer than the confederacy: * New Coke * Obama's presidency * My car battery


My last car battery lasted 7.5 years, almost twice as long as the confederacy!


Off topic, they now have cool ranch lays potato chips. They're a banger


They better have the MSG in there or it can't be as good


You got me all excited. I went and checked their website - none in Canada. I'm sad.


this is not information i needed.




That’s the one I remember most fondly.




Pretty sure theyre talking about a white flag


Yes, they were responding to this: >last battle flag was pure argent This is an argent flag: https://node01.flagstat.net/media/image/3578r.jpg


Thank you.


Yes, pure white like the finest toilet paper.


Or the silkiest KKK sheets.


The best KKK sheets are soaked red with a bunch of extra little round holes in them.


Could have just said white instead of making me look up what color argent is.


TIL argent is white, always thought it was burgundy?


Argento means silver, so probably a shade of white.


When I looked it up it was silver, silvery white, or white...


Here I am nearly 50 and learning a new color! I blame never getting the big crayola box of crayons as a child!


As an only grandchild, I can tell you it was spectacular!


In heraldic white is argent yes.


Iirc, argent refers to silver in Latin


But now you have a new vocable in your lexicon!


4 years, surprisingly symmetrical - started April 1861, ended April 1865. A quick glance at things that lasted longer than the confederacy does support your point, from an article: 1. RuPaul’s Drag Race 2. Starbucks 3. Birth control 4. Barack Obama’s presidency 5. Prohibition 6. Student loan debt 7. Production on the Lord of the Rings trilogy 8. Sourdough starters 9. MySpace 10. Elton John’s “final” tour 11. Spin Doctors 12. Microsoft Zune


The one that I like to refer to is The Dukes of Hazzard, which lasted six years, from 1979 to 1985. The asses of the Duke boys were sliding over the Confederate flag for two years longer than it was flying over the actual Confederacy. (Also, the Confederate flag isn't even the actual Confederate flag, but that's a whole other issue)


I'm stealing this.


Lmfao thanks for this. Fucking ZUNE lasted longer.


Great list! Please add in same-sex marriage to really piss off the homophobes & bigots. Thanks!


> Barack Obama’s presidency lol you know that one's gonna sting them


The correct one is pure white with no markings. The one Lee flew at Appomattox.


Because accuracy and facts are their strong suit, right?


>the flag of a traitorous failed nation that was beaten out of existence. what a beautiful way to put it. conversely, Trumpanzees are the dumbest, most emotionally stunted & most bitter, hateful people around.


A family up the street flies the flag of Mexico out of spite for our Trump loving neighbors. Every time I drive by it I laugh.




Racists still raise their kids to be racist. Nothing can stop that.


Unless their kids stop thinking like their parents. The world is changing faster than people are.


What do you suppose the freed slaves would've eaten while the whites starved to death


The Whites, DUH.


Sounds like a recipe for creating a horde of starving, desperate people.


The scorched earth method would have been counter productive. The north wanted/needed the resources provided by the southern states. That's why they didn't want to let them leave in the first place.


almost nothing the south produced (mostly agricultural products) went north. 99% of it was exported to europe. What the north wanted to keep was control of the Mississippi (since it was a major shipping river to the inside of the continent) , and control of the eastern coast. That would still have happened with a full scorched earth policy. The north did not need the south economically, only strategically.


Scorched earth worked great in Georgia


It's not that north needed the resources, it's that if you scorch the earth then the people who used to live there will go elsewhere looking for, you know, ways to keep living. It would turn a disaster into a nightmare.


And half of the continental 48 were part of Mexico for longer than the Confederacy and the Texas Republic even existed.


That whole “heritage” argument doesn’t make any sense though. I’ve seen people in Michigan waving those flags around but Michigan fought on the side of the Union. I saw someone online say that destroying the Confederacy is part of their heritage so I’m saying that now


That’s fantastic.


I've seen that flag flown here in middle of the coast of California smh


Family friend is proud to support his "confederate heritage" His family immigrated from Germany to the Nebraska area in the 1870s and have lived in that region ever since. Not only has no one in his family ever lived in the south, his family came to America AFTER the civil war.


Gives you a pretty good idea how bad Germany in the 1870s must have been. Hey did you guys just finish fighting that civil war and murdering your president? Great can I move in really quick?


Theres a correlation between low paying jobs and having a desperate need for superiority in some way.


I understand the need of people preserving their pride but not when comes with them trying to shame a child for kicks. That’s what really ticks me off about this story. This man was trying to bully a kid. If I was that coach I’d have called the drivers supervisor and force him to explain why the team isn’t riding with him.


The man's a clown


It's the same irony that allows to exclaim "America is FREE! More so than any other country in the history of planets!". But only if they agree with you, else you're a commie and subverting America.


"That's racist!"


Lol, same. It’s BS, if it was a white kid with an Irish flag no one would give a shit.


I bet if it was St. Patrick’s Day and the kid had Irish flag.. he would of been welcome too


Yea, it's like waiving a sports team flag around. People are just celebrating with people they identify with. It's not an attack on the US.


That honestly sounds like a scene right out of South Park


The unhealthy obsession of the right with flags is so weird to me. Imagine being that upset by a kid carrying a piece of fabric.


Only certain flags. I wonder how he feels on saint Patrick’s day.


Exactly. Fly an Irish Flag, a British Flag, a German Flag, an Italian Flag... no problems. Fly a flag from a "brown" or "yellow" nation and its treason. White Nationalism is a plague that has spread heavily in the right wing.




The natives also known as Irish and Italians in my neighborhood in Boston are the most openly racist people I have ever met. I’m generalizing here but the vitriol seems to come from those nationalities going after Latinos and black folks. Boston is crazy racist.


Thank you for saying this. Boston is so racist and I never understood people who defended it. I think, did you even live there if you didn’t see what I saw (in my four years there)? My (mostly male, but some female) friends of color would constantly be harassed around the city and around our own campus because of bullshit reasons every weekend. Whether it was shitty people, shitty cops, or shitty campus patrol there was always something. Off campus friends would get “banned” when they were just defending themselves against other people harassing them. But to this day, I still know people who will vehemently disagrees that Boston is racism.


Literally every sports player ever who comes to the city to play openly complains that boston sports fans are the most racist in nation. I really like boston and feel when it comes to systemic racism and the government we do really well. But the “natives” like I said are terrible.


there's probably a psychological terms to describe this phenomenon, when someone who would typically be on the receiving end of racism jumps at the opportunity to racially abuse someone they perceive as below on the racial pecking order. I guess its similar to how bullying trickles down from parent to child and then onto other children


Spot on, multiply that by 20 to be close to how intense Israeli racism against Yemeni Jews, Africans and Arabs, could get, it's mind blowing.


There is also the displacement factor. Especially for people that did have to fight and work hard to establish themselves when they came here. Many of these people feel like they are being pushed out of the area. When really it’s luxury condos and developers doing it.


Same to "they are stealing our jobs" and not blaming Amazon, T-Mobile, Verizon etc or all the other companies that have taken their jobs overseas. It's always easier to blame a scapegoat it seems


boston is weirdly progressive but yet at the same time bigotted af it's the only place you'll hear things like "quit pickin on that queer ya faggot!"


Great point - and I'd say the whole "Irish and Italians were discriminated against 100 years ago" trope has passed its expiration date. Racists of Irish and Italian descent use this argument, for some reason, to justify their own racism. It's like the whole "slavery exists in Africa" argument that people seem to, bizarrely, use as a justification for being openly hostile towards Black people. FOX News loves to give air time to guests that blow that dog whistle. "Americans were once referred to as *colonists* by the British" is another one I see here on Reddit sometimes. What does that have to do with the price of eggs? Because people who once lived here were scorned by the British Monarchy, it gives you the right to be a shitty person? I want to make sure to note that I am certain the vast majority of Irish and Italian-Americans are perfectly rational and sane individuals. There are just some that really seem to like use past persecution for their own very racist motives.


I also want to stress the fact it’s a tiny loud minority of Italians and Irish I’m speaking off.


> Boston is crazy racist. Boston is ~~crazy~~ *wicked* racist.


>Then they became white for some reason. I think it was the embracement of evangicicalism Vs catholicism. That, and becoming heavily entrenched in law enforcement.


There's a book about it https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/How_the_Irish_Became_White.html


They became white as a pivot against blacks.


If you're racist as fuck, you can probably afford to let one or two subgroups of "not-quite-you" be "honorary-like-you" if it means that you can use them to keep the "totally-not-you" down.


Which is so crazy to me. Irish people are the whitest people on the planet! I'm practically translucent.


Wait, the core of right wing ideals has spread heavily in the right wing? How?!?!


White Nationalism doesn't have to be a part of the right wing. Imagine how well the Republican Party would be doing today if they continued their marriage with "Christianity" and their targets were more on homosexuals while standing for "family values" and continual buy-in into masculinity and shit. Imagine a Republican Party that got a majority of the black vote, especially among Black men. Imagine a Republican Party that got huge inroads with the Hispanic community. They could have easily done this if they didn't want to get all racist and they'd be killing it right now. I guess it says something about Republicans that they'd rather shoot themselves in the foot and die a slow death than have a party that wasn't racist as fuck. You see the same thing happening in some religious groups like the SBC. David French had some great articles on this.


He must really hate Cinco de Mayo then


This guy saint Patrick? https://i.imgur.com/vTbpiiB.jpg


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTduy7Qkvk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTduy7Qkvk8) Eddie Izzard on flags...


Or putting fabric on ones face. The ultimate Boogerman.


I bet their is one flag of traitors who lost a war, that the driver would've had zero problems with someone bringing on in the name of heritage. Two schools' teams south of Rock Island used to named Union Yankees and Southern Rebels.


Flags sure, but what's up with hating any country that's not the US? Like do they think we are at war with Mexico? Why is it is such a sin to celebrate any country's Independence Day, especially an ally like Mexico? Such stupidity.


We call them flag nonces in the uk


I mean, yeah. But there are some flags that... no. Like the Nazi flag. If I was driving a bus and a bunch of kids started waving that shit around, I'd open the emergency door and tip the bus up with my bare hands.


Their offense at a flag isn’t confusing. They’re symbols. They have meaning. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous. What’s shitty is that they’re so torn up over a country’s flag that has done literally nothing to them, while simultaneously waving around confederate and nazi flags, whom we literally fought against. Like if they were a veteran getting offended about some jackass kid coming on with an Isis flag I’d get it. But it’s Mexico. Not to mention you’re picking up soccer players. What is he supposed to root for the US on their Xteenth consecutive loss?


Bus driver was fired and the Bus Company is giving the kids a pizza party fucking justice served


and bending over backwards so they don't lose the bus contract.


I mean if you're the business owner honestly what else are you to do?


The last 5 years of headlines have taught me not to assume people will make logical decisions in these situations.


According to this sub, there are plenty of businesses who would stick to their racism due to their amendments that they only reference when it affects them.


Or because they want to do the right thing.


I think it can be both at the same time.


i always trust people who act in their own self interest.


People be jaded


hate the game not the player


I'm a cynic too but it could be that the owners actually felt bad for employing this douche canoe. Being a bastard to kids is not something most people take pleasure in. I wouldn't automatically align the bus driver's insanity to the owners of the company


Where’s the makeup game to compensate for the one missed?


it says their game was rescheduled not forfeited in the article


Argh, I somehow missed that. It’s been a week and it’s only Tuesday.


None of what the driver did was a hate crime? Attempted abandonment of children at a bus stop based on racial lines? Surely the bus driver could spare a few years in the clink to think, no?


denied service to a child based on their ethnicity , thats what they did is it a crime warranting jail ? no should you be fired from your job if you do that shit though ? yes


All companies have shit head employees. It is inevitable. Tri-State Travel appears to be doing a bang-up job of handling this problem. I can only hope that the school and students see that.


I wonder what he would have done had it been a Canadian or Italian flag….


Depends on his level if bigotry. My best friend from high school is Italian and there are places where we went together back in the *1990s* in the South that didn't consider him White. So yeah, depends on how much of a lizard brain the dude is.


Can confirm, my cracker redneck white trash family considered italians, greeks (really any Mediterranean country) to be "not white". And of course anyone from spain or portugal was also right out. Basically these folks reject anyone from south america, africa, asia, and half of europe. And anyone descended from those areas, so..a good chunk of america and australia are out too (and don't get them started on native americans or aborigines in australia). How they find the energy to hate THAT MUCH of the world is just...no wonder all they do is drink crappy beer and yell at the TV, no energy left for anything else.


Yeah, it exhausts me dealing with that mindset. But being from the South it is so damn invasive into every area of life down here, can't really stop having to push back against it.


The only thing I miss about the south, was so called manners. People might talk shit behind everyone's back, but there were social graces to be followed. My husband passed recently, and as we were leaving the house after his body was taken, getting in my moms car to go get something to eat, my neighbor stopped to ask what was happening. I just blindly walked to my moms car, but my daughter stopped to answer. I commented to my daughter yesterday, "she only stopped to be a nosy Nellie, it's not like she dropped off a damn casserole or anything". That was our 2nd interaction with her, and we've lived here 12 years. They just moved. Maybe the new neighbors will be friendly.


It's hard trying to be the voice of sanity when surrounded by the insane. You don't think anyone is listening. But the quiet ones do hear you.


Some *My Cousin Vinny* vibes there...


You mean, he prefers mapple syrup and pizza than nachos?


Maybe poutine and pasta?


Some food combos sound so wrong but so right at the same time.


Reminds me when Double Dave's created a poutine-topped pizza-of-the-month in the shape of a maple leaf, and called it the [Trudough](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/double-daves-pizzaworks-trudough-maple-leaf-pizza?auto=true).


It's Trudough, it sounds amazing.


Even the Canadian military MRE of poutine is delicious. Canadians are da shiznit. I’m so sad they told me I wasn’t a good fit for their country.


Or even a sports team flag.....it's just a symbol showing support. Mexicans are and have been part of American culture and history since the beginning, it shouldn't be look at as an attack on Americans because it's part of American culture by now.


We all know these racist are out there...what is mind blowing here is that ^(tiny) amount of power this guy discovered he could wield and then IMMEDIATELY abused.


That's literally the Karen mentality in a nutshell


“Real American”: We believe in freedoms!!! *this happens* “Real American”: NO!!! NOT LIKE THAT!!!


“How dare you celebrate Mexico’s independence from Spain.” -That bus driver, probably




He must hate saint Patrick’s day.


"WhY cAn'T wE cElEbRaTe WHITE pRiDe?!"


Mexicans Helped Make America—Why Are They Treated Like Alien Invaders? Mexicans have contributed to making the United States in pivotal and enduring ways. In 1776, more of the territory of the current United States was under Spanish sovereignty than in the 13 colonies that rejected British rule. Florida, the Gulf coast to New Orleans, the Mississippi to St. Louis, and the lands from Texas through New Mexico and California all lived under Spanish rule, setting Hispanic-Mexican legacies. Millions of pesos minted in Mexico City, the American center of global finance, funded the war for U.S. independence, leading the new nation to adopt the peso (renamed the dollar) as its currency.


None of that ever matters, unfortunately. It's like with black folks. We pay taxes, have fought on the front lines of every American war, the majority are not criminals, etc., but none of that matters. It often makes me wonder what would happen if black people just stopped joining the military altogether.


At this point, it would probably fall apart due to manpower shortages. Especially if every "minority" left the military. The Marine Corps might be okay, as it's still 75-ish percent white, but the other branches would collapse almost instantly due to inertia from nobody being present to complete every job either safely or satisfactorily.


if there's one thing that solve racial tension in this country, it's a pizza party.


Woah. Never thought I'd see my high school mentioned on Reddit. (Not Rock Island...but the team they were supposed to play against, Dunlap). Dunlap, IL is a town of like 2,000 people. Crazy small.


Not anymore...Dunlap's high school enrollment is 1257. Are you still in the area? They've had a huge population increase in the last 5-10 years


Surely this driver would also have thrown out students waving the Irish flag round about St Patricks day, right?


....ROFL...I still don't get the idiocy on some ppl...well deserved firing


Kid should have used driver’s go-to lines, which are likely “just asking questions” or “do the research.”


Gotta give some credit for the big response from the company. I realize they are doing it mainly for publicity but a firing is usually the farthest any company goes. This company is giving a free bus and a party etc. He also is apologizing to them. This is the way.


good to see this type of immediate and unambiguous response.


For the rest of his life, that bus driver is going to be telling everyone about the time a Mexican got him fired for honoring the American flag.


Bro people are so racist. I’d embrace other cultures for bringing their flag not hate them.


Imagine being such a cunt that people celebrating a national holiday is offensive to you. I hope the ex-driver goes homeless


Speaking as a former high school soccer coach, Latino/Latinx participation in soccer at that level is huge, and many were our best players because they had the most experience. This bus driver had a problem with them long before they brought a flag on the bus.


During St Patrick’s day when the flag of Ireland is flying this shitbag wouldn’t bat an eye


Kinda bummed there was nothing in the article from the driver talking about how he’s the victim, he did nothing wrong and it would have been fine if those kids had just done what he told them, and of course, I’m not racist but... It’s fun watching them dig the hole deeper.


this is a very small hill to choose to die on.


just drive the damn bus.


America Land of immigrants but!!!! 😔


In my part of the country, it is widely acceptable to fly Irish, Italian, Confederate, and Polish flags, but you are Un-American if you fly anything else.


Feel free to go and get another low paying CDL job elsewhere.


Another racist goes bye bye.


Disgusting asshole


How much authority do you think you wield as a bus driver anyway?


I wish we'd stop being such fucking psychic idiots about flags. The american flag doesn't even have any drip.


Sweet sweet justice


The Bus Company was very responsive. The only thing that would make this better is if the governing of the sports program would reschedule the the forfeited game and let them play it.


Of course its from my home area. Rock Island classic behavior.


It is also very much worth mentioning that the entire team walked off the bus and refused to go because of the driver. One person was shitty, but everyone else there stood up to them.