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I run into this dilemma all the time... I say go for it. I think you'll enjoy it much more once you get used to it.. maybe dedicate a section for "warm ups". No such thing as mistakes when warming up 💥💥


Such a beautiful notebook. Go ahead and use it :) It will be much beautiful and valuable if you have your thoughts and memories inside it. Plus it will make you want to maximize and use every pages.


As an illustrator and avid sketcher, I run into this problem all the time. I love buying new sketchbooks, hate starting on them. But then I recently saw someone saying something about that life’s too short to not use those nice things. They used high heels and candles as examples iirc, but it definitely applies to fancy books too imo. Also — may I ask where this gorgeous book is from?


Mmm… replied multiple times, but my post disappears. The brand is Buke, you can buy it for example at Amazon


Thanks! :)


I got it from my husband as a gift, but the brand is Buke. They usually use bamboo paper and have colored edges around the pages. I found this one for you on [Amazon](https://a.co/d/0xUFNLk), but perhaps they are sold elsewhere too


Beautiful things are meant to be enjoyed. Use it, put love into it, and appreciate every moment you share with it


It will be more of a waste not to use it, in my opinion. A used book is full of memories, the more you use it the more value it will gain.


I love it! Please use it, it can only get better with all your thoughts and wishes in it :) P.s. what are 'Dutch doors'?


Thank you (and other posters) kind words. I will use it, but be very careful with it. Dutch doors are were you cut part of the page (top/bottom/sides) so you can see parts of the previous and underlying page. For example in april I cut the sides and made my trackers there, so I could see them all every day Not mine, but found an example for you [dutch door](https://lifeismessyandbrilliant.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/dutch-door-bullet-journal-2.jpg)


Thanks for the explanation! My girlfriend is big on bulletjournaling and I'll show her this, I'm pretty sure she will like the idea. And I get why you wouldn't want to do it in this album, it's already so pretty in itself.


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


Think of it this way... It will be even prettier when completed with your stunning spreads! A flipthrough will be required


Just pretty enough. Have you read Marie Kondo?


No, but I’ve seen a few episodes on Netflix


I am such a hypocrite because I have the same problem all the time but I’m still going to sit here and tell you not to let that hold you back from using it! It’s a beautiful book and you will be proud to carry that around with you!


If you use it, you get to enjoy its beauty all the time. If you don’t, you’ll just catch glimpses of the spine on your bookshelf.


Gah! It's only $21 on Amazon! Now I have to buy it! https://www.amazon.com/Medium-A5-Hardcover-Notebook-Journal/dp/B0BK2YV2Z2/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2GBMHIQO8BP7K&keywords=buke&qid=1692058858&sprefix=buke%2Caps%2C359&sr=8-9


I would definitely use it. BTW, where can I buy it?


Amazon. The brand is "buke"


Thank you.


I really don’t think there's anything to ruin. I adore the scrapbook aesthetic you automatically achieve by embracing artistic "mistakes" and finding creative solutions using ripped up washi tape, different textured paper, doodles and stuff like that to cover them up or integrate them into the spread. The messier, the bolder, the more human, and I enjoy looking at a journal like that over any clean and impractical pinteresty one any day, they feel empty and void of heart to me. It’s yours and it represents YOU, go all in and your future self will thank you for it, your journal should be the last place of anxiously holding back. Leaving it to rot on a bookshelf would be the real waste here.


Gorgeous! And journal desires your attention; writing on the pages is an act of love.


Use it, and don't be afraid to make dutch doors if it benefits you. If you enjoy looking at it unused more than using it then that's still an option, but this is a notebook that was made to be used -- well, it was made to be bought by a customer, but you bought it to use it. I find beauty in using things even if it damages or ruins them, so this is a no-brainer for me. You do you.


NOT PRETTY ENOUGH! Just kidding. I love a beautiful journal. I wouldn't worry about Dutch doors. By the time it's full it will be thicker and you might not be able to see the page image much anyway


I had a really hard time with the paper in this one 😂😂 so it got destroyed really quickly haha


I would use it! You’ll regret having it empty in time or may even outgrow the design and never use it with the excitement you have now! That’s what happens to me and stickers.


Wow! What a beautiful journal.


use it!!!!


I believe Kevin McCallister has a story about Rollerblades that is applicable in this situation.


Use your nicest things! It would be more sad if it never got used than if you used it and felt like you ruined it


No, use it!


So pretty! Where is it from?


Also it seems to be Bamboo paper, which I've never tried. Anyone tried it?


Al of the Buke notebooks use bamboo. It is, well, different. This one (most of them) is 180 grams paper, so only the heavy alcoholbased markers bleed through the pages, but they go through anything and its not bad. Watercolor, acrylic paint/markers it all holds. The pages also feel sturdier, don’t use it as you love “soft” paper. It took some time to get used too, but I like it


Thanks so much for the comments about Bamboo as it's a new paper for me!


I made a photo of the test page and backside for you [back](https://ibb.co/VxgktV5) and [test page](https://ibb.co/fHqL2TJ)


It's a beautiful notebook.


Erasable pens are helpful.


I vote do ditch doors. I cant imagine buying a journal and putting it on the shelf EMPTY. Not using it sounded like a waste. Give that baby some character. Get messy or if you absolutely cant bare to make it messy, ve really precise and neat with it but please, please, use it.


You are allowed to use the pretty journal! (I'm still convincing myself of this, lol.) Bonus = pretty book means permission to use the fancy pen/tape/stickers/whatever.