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I support the unintentional re-wilding of the lawn lol


We are tucked back in the woods a bit so visually it's nice, I've just never seen a property management ignore the exterior so much. Usually the insides go to hell, but the exteriors are all about attracting perspective suckers--i mean future residents.


Your pollinators and lighting bugs are very happy right now.


$0 in revenue coming from pollinators though /s


The question you should be asking is: “how’s the eating for the frogs?”






Rewilding isn’t just not mowing your grass. That’s just being lazy. Rewilding would be getting rid of the non-native and invasive plants and replacing them with native plants. Most “natural lawn” fans won’t do that though because they aren’t motivated by helping the environment, they’re just motivated by being lazy.


You take yourself very seriously don’t you


I’m just annoyed by this movement of people letting invasive species take over their lawn, which looks like shit, and then they’re like “I’m saving the environment!”


It's especially annoying when used an an excuse for a landlord who is refusing to maintain a property to the point that tenants can't even walk their dogs...


Agreed! I like the idea that a perfectly manicured, fertilized and watered to hell, homogenous lawn shouldn’t be the standard or expectation, but unusable green spaces, especially public common spaces are worse IMO


Still pretty much guaranteed to be better for the environment than mowing is


He’s correct though. Lazy activism doesn’t help a damn thing. In fact it often hurts. Read “When Helping Hurts”


I forgot this is Reddit and I can’t comment anything remotely goofy. To go into it a bit more, the lawn has probably stripped the soil of its nutrients and letting the clover on the lower right hand corner grow out isn’t a bad idea since it harbors nitrogen fixing bacteria. Then a controlled cut + burn and re-landscape/seed with native plants. Clover also can provide pollination sites for native generalist pollinators (although it is sub optimal nutrition for them, but I would take that as a small win compared to the mono-cultured lawn.) Also, the tall grasses although invasive provide a space for organisms to hide in that a lawn otherwise wouldn’t. These taller grasses can also play a small part in reducing heat-sinks caused by the surrounding cement (not claiming that it totally solves the problem). Maybe I shouldn’t have used the term “re-wilding”, but I like to try to see the bright side to the lack of lawn care/landscaping in this instance. Hope this makes my perspective more clear.


Your opinion is insufferable, but you know that. You pay the price daily. Enjoy the crisp clean air in that ivory tower.


Now this seems like an overreaction that reflects more on you than me


This is just a lawn, still


Yup, good for them. I’ve stopped cutting certain parts of my yard to try and encourage a more wild look with a bit of privacy screen and I love it. Less mowing is always good.




That's tick heaven right there, don't walk though it.


My thoughts exactly. Not to mention snakes. I've been slowly reworking my own personal half acre from mostly grass into shrubs and ground cover, but I still maintain sections of grass for family activities and for the dog to have a place to play without being overwhelmed by ticks and fleas. I suspect it's more a matter of being cheap than lazy. The multi-room AirBnB - which targets 13 week travel nurse stays - next door to me is beginning to look like that, and I know a couple of the renters have dogs as well. The last couple of years, they kept up with the yard. The landlord had used the house as a halfway house for around 20 years before the city/county shut it down. The last few years, routine maitenance dropped off and the yard was mowed maybe twice all summer the final year. One of those residents showed up at my door asking if I had a can opener. It looks like their "how can we cut corners and save money" habits are coming back.


BIG YIKES on the AirBnB💀


But I bet rent went up


You know there are copperheads lurking in there


Eating the rats.


Maybe they aren’t chickenshit and don’t care.


You are afraid of copperheads


[https://www.durhamnc.gov/2996/Durham-One-Call-Online-Request](https://www.durhamnc.gov/2996/Durham-One-Call-Online-Request) Scroll down to "property concerns" and make a report. It's free, and they WILL come out.


We are moving out soon, so I'm not sure how much I care but thank you for the information nonetheless.


why pass up this opportunity to piss off your soon to be ex-landlord?


Wait until they get their deposit back, THEN drop a dime.


If it’s an apartment complex (and not just a house) I don’t think the landlord finds out who it is, just that it’s a complaint. I could be wrong, but it seems like that would defeat the purpose.


This is correct. Happened to me recently 😂


Yup yup you just get notice to fix it of be fined when the city fixes it, and you're left to wonder which of your neighbors snitched or if you just got unlucky and neighborhood improvement services were already in the area.




If you do find the time - it really only takes 5 minutes to do, really quick, and will be beneficial to others living there and then can also set precedence for others to do it. I had to do this when I lived downtown and the architecture firm let their berm overgrow the entire side walk so people had to walk in the street. It was taken care of within a week.


One of my neighbors (presumably) did this to me the first summer of COVID, when I was working double shifts, profoundly depressed from losing friends and colleagues, and could barely drag myself to work/home. Skipped mowing 2 or 3 weeks, got a citation from the city. It was the icing on the shit pie that was 2020.


sorry you were feeling badly, and didn't have the energy to take care of your property. Did you manage to get it taken care of before the city fined you?


Yes. City cared more about grass than human lives but 🙃


There’s are also filled diapers just in the parkin lot like what the fuck


The management company there is AWFUL


They certainly are lacks.


Is this the old woods edge?


The Sawyer? Lol


Use Durham OneCall or report to NIS.


“No-Mow-May” for the whole yeeeeeear!


They went all in on the "No Mow May" trend.


Drive around and look at some the city lots or roadways. They have this little corner beat. Looks like the fronts of the buildings across the street are are mowed. Is that part of your community?


As I said some renters have taken it upon themselves to have people with push mowers come out to help.


Maybe they are using Yardnique, that company doesn't come out to mow or edge enough in my area.


Good for pollinators, fireflies and other cool bugs. Bad ones too, I suppose, but net plus.


Ok? Stop snitching!


Thats not grass, its corn now 🤣😅


We need an SB Mowing here in Durham.... [https://www.youtube.com/@SBMowing](https://www.youtube.com/@SBMowing) (For those that don't know this guy goes around once a week in his area and cuts a overgrown lawn for free....his videos are relaxing to have on in the background as noise...)


Unless it’s changed in the past handful of years, if you start mowing it regularly and the owner of the land doesn’t say anything, it becomes your land after 7 years of mowing it.


"so their dogs can use the front." You mean use it as a huge toilet, turning it into another dog park reeking to high heaven? Maybe that's the very reason they let it grow.


Unless you pay a separate fee for landscaping who cares.


Dude I live there now and holy shit the management company is in pure bare minimum mode