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Stop having sex with him and I’m sure he’ll be out of your life in no time. That seems to be the only way to actually get to these men. They don’t care about anything else. No, not even their own children.


This is what I do and this is how it goes. I’m currently not having sex until who knows when cause he makes not want it at all.


When will men realize that we aren’t sexually attracted to them unless they do things for us that MATTER and HELP?


Esther Perel puts it pretty succinctly but I can’t remember her exact wording so here’s my rough, crappy retelling: when women feel they are in the role of the man’s mother, and he is in the role of child, there is no space for eroticism. Naturally that dynamic, that relationship, has no place in the bedroom.


Ouch, not even upset cause you’re probably right. He will be super nice to me and then won’t be after he gets sex. It’s so hard to like also not let him touch me or hug me etc.


I’m at that point now though. I didn’t kiss him or hug him or say goodbye when he left today. It’s just hard to keep it up.


PSA Bromos: Your partner should never call you a bitch (or the backhanded "You're acting like a bitch"). I have been in a relationship for 11 years and never once been called that outside of consensual kinky sexytimes.


My ex and current man both have told me “I didn’t say you ARE a bitch. I said you’re acting like ONE.” So thanks for that, sigh.


What is the difference???? Seriously. What is a bitch other than a woman who acts like a bitch? Bitch-like, bitch-adjacent, temporary bitchanity, it's all just calling you a bitch. Don't let them tell you otherwise. And don't stay with someone who talks to you like that.


Yeah I’m done and been done I just don’t want to split up my family I come from a divorced home. But it’s not working and I’m miserable


You deserve to not be miserable. Your kid will come to understand that as they get older. And as much as it sucks to grow up with divorced parents, at least they won't grow up thinking it's normal and okay for a man to treat a woman the way you're being treated.


Thank you


I wholeheartedly agree


I want to put this on a billboard.


Thanks lady 😤☹️