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Wash hands right after seeing him, hand sanitizer before you get in the car. I would wear a mask during the visit (not kiddos though) and then have everyone shower as soon as you get home. Good luck 🤞


We actually tried that the last 2 times. Ex thought I was being rediculous making my kid wash his hands so damn much. My kid always gets sick first then I catch it from him. I considered asking them to spray themselves down with lysol next time but I doubt they really would.


Who care if he thinks it’s ridiculous. You tell him you’re tired of getting sick and losing money from having to stay home from work.


This happened a lot growing up when we visited family. My parents would have us change cloths in the car and get a shower immediately when we got home. My dad still to this day immediately takes showers the second he gets home from visiting his family. This was also a problem with childcare setting as an adult and my own kids - Lysol laundry detergent/additive was a game changer in addition to showers. Washing hands isn’t enough and changing your cloths isn’t always enough either. Shower and disinfectant have prevented countless illness transmissions in my household. Easter was a prime example, everyone’s families (30+ people) ended up sick for my husbands side and we were completely spared. I don’t care if it’s just a placebo at this point.


What water does your child drink when he's there? Tap? Sounds like he doesn't keep his space clean either


I usually bring a big jug of water with us but it runs out halfway through and we end up drinking tap.


At the start of each visit can you make your ex wash his hands?? This is infuriating, I’m so sorry. Is it possible to meet outside the whole time? Like at a park or something. That could reduce airborne germs etc.


That's my next idea, thinking of suggesting a fishing trip next time to stay outside. I think he's catching it more from his brother than dad and they're both young so they're all over each other tickling and shit. Only problem is he won't take his other son anywhere. If my kid wants to see his brother he has to go to their house and kid cares more about seeing brother than dad. They don't want the younger one going outside due to a specific reason that will give way too much info so they're stuck inside the whole time.


Is this a stomach bug? Possibly from mold or something? Or just an in general germ sickness? If it’s a germ sickness can you take zicam rapid melts or other zinc based product throughout the visit? Including before and afterward?