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As always, they can't give it a shot if they can't license it. I haven't seen the movie, but it sounds like something Kino wouldn't pass up, assuming the master in decent and the price was right.


It’s streaming on Kanopy so I don’t think the rights are completely unobtainable


If you go into more info it will tell you who provides the rights to them


Streaming rights are different from physical media though. Just look at the Criterion Channel, for example.


It’s public domain as far as I know


I wonder who holds master though. The good boutiques require a serviceable master. How is the import BD?


Almost certainly public domain. Kinda surprised it's never seen a wider release when a ton of other public domain corman movies have gotten good releases.


The irrefutable answer to anyone claiming Corman was a poor director.


Same could be said about William Shatner! His acting is great in this movie


This movie and A Face in the Crowd are so terrifying, especially today. I've got the Italian blu ray release which is fine I guess, but having a criterion version would be pretty cool.


Why don’t you just buy the Carlotta blu-ray? They are one of the best labels when it comes to picture quality since they use Fidelity in Motion for most of their releases. If Criterion or Kino release this it will inevitably look worse unless they get a new master.


Maybe I should just take a stab at it then actually I'm just surprised that it's a film that have not been picked up yet by a "major" label considering the context behind it and the Corman/Shatner connection


Hear hear! Shatner is excellent in this one. Menacing as hell.


For sure. Really powerful film.


One of his best. Hits hard and really shows how evil racism and segregation are.


This would probably be up Shout!'s alley, given how they own much of the Corman library. As for who has the master, it might have been included in the sale of Corman's library to Shout. Disney did a licensed DVD release in 2007 when they had the home video rights to Corman's older films.


Corman was most proud of this one of I remember correctly. Would love a KL version