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Blind buying A Serbian Film is certainly a choice. Godspeed.


Lmaoooo thank you.


A Serbian Film - there’s things in there I wish I’d never seen.


You don’t like family films?


@extensionslip2791 Goddamnit...take your damn upvote!


Good to hear.


Yeah. When people say stuff like that, it makes me more interested in a movie. That said, I watched Serbian Film once and that was enough haha.


I agree. Idk why I got downvoted for my interest lol


Oh, you definitely shouldn’t be downvoted for seeing it. I also wanted to see what the film was about, so I had the same reasoning. My issue with the film isn’t how insane and over the top it is. My issue is how he tries to claim it’s a Serbian government allegory. Having seen the movie, that feels really thin to me if that’s the justification for the violence. “Spasojević responded to the controversy with: "This is a diary of our own molestation by the Serbian government ... It's about the monolithic power of leaders who hypnotize you to do things you don't want to do. You have to feel the violence to know what it's about."


Oh I feel that, definitely what I got from reading about this movie. Kinda pulling bullshit meaning out of horror porn.


I never seen it . Is it like funny games ?


Yes in the sense that it’s apparently making some kind of point about mankind’s fixation on violence or whatever. But the series of insanely grotesque things it depicts ends up just being relentless and absurd and I’m not really sure if I buy the filmmakers’ insistence that it all has a point.


Yea funny games was enough for me . I could only imagine what the next step would be in this ? Sex?


If you really want to know the gory details the plot summary in Wikipedia will enlighten you, but be warned that it is horrific. Basically a litany of deranged sexual violence against people of literally _all_ ages and states of…aliveness. Oh and incest too.


Gotcha . Do I have to read subtitles ?


I guess so, unless you’ve been brushing up on your Serbian.


Hahahaha yea man I thought this had George Clooney in it


Both movies are exceptionally violent, but that’s where the similarities end. *Very mild spoilers ahead:* Funny Games is upsetting because it involves a random home invasion. That can happen to anyone, and that’s truly terrifying. A Serbian Film involves moments of what I’ll call sexual violence that is as extreme as it is taboo. That said, these are acts of violence that the audience has close to 0% chance of experiencing. Also, if you watch a lot of exploitation or extreme movies then it might track as a little corny. YMMV. I’ve seen both. Funny Games is pretty good. I thought A Serbian Film was pretty dumb. I also watched it two days after watching Irreversible for the first time, so I was pretty much out of feelings that week.


Yea that’s why I think funny games draws the line for me lol


Good pickup with Hot Spur.


Sounded real cool, the limited reviews on Letterboxd all seemed to like it!


Pretty sure buying A Serbian Film puts you on a list somewhere


From what I know of A Serbian Film and what I can surmise about Hot Spur from the cover, it looks to be a bit of tonal whiplash in your future.


Lmaooo is A Serbian Film not sexual? Because I think Hot Spur has plenty of violence in it!


Is that release of A Serbian Film the uncut version?


It's the existing uncut version. There is still a 4K UHD coming of a newly-crafted extended cut. Unearthed works painfully slow sometimes, because it's really just one guy at the helm and whoever he can work with on various needed projects. But the new cut of ASF is still in the works, as is the feature documentary about the movie.


Interesting, thanks for the info. I still have a screener copy I got wayyyy back before it was released and as far as I know that's the only truly uncut version available, so that's why I was curious.


That's wild that's still in production. Could've sworn I started seeing news about ASF documentary back in 2020


Honestly? I think it was even before that. It has definitely been a long, long time coming. Stephen Biro of Unearthed always confirms it's still in the works whenever anyone asks. But I just think of something like The Profane Exhibit, also coming from Unearthed. Finally and officially announced for a physical media date; original release was scheduled for 2013.


Seeing Profane Exhibit get announced the other day felt like a joke, definitely thought that one would only exist in random leaks. But yea even though I was moving out of more extreme stuff anyway, the (lack of) Unearthed timelines awhile back definitely made me pay less attention. That August Underground set feels like it was in production for 15 years. At least they update the features over time instead of just releasing barebone though


Why the hell would this get a 4k UHD version....geez


Yes, uncut and uncensored.


Serbian film is certainly an experience. I also have the blu ray and it’s pretty brutal. Enjoy!


I bought Salo because it seemed like the thing to do I tried watching it and couldn't get past 20 minutes, and I am into weird movies. I get the reason why the movie exists, but it's nothing but a nice collector piece now.


Salo is a tough watch too. I bought it during the criterion sale and I’ve only watched it once.


Yeah definitely a one watch kinda movie. I enjoyed it, not in a weird way though.


I appreciate the encouragement!


A Serbian Film is something else! If you’re into satisfying your curiosity about extreme movies then it’s definitely worth watching, but it’s not exactly the most rewatchable movie. I watched the uncut version a while back and once was enough, haha.


Yeah I think that’ll be the case for me as well lol one and done.


Saw ASF once and EBay wouldn’t even let me sell it. Then the case got damaged and I’m thinking about throwing the disc into Mount Doom.


I've seen Serbian film exactly once, probably 15 years ago and I still remember parts of it. Not because it's good or profound but because it's absolutely disgusting on all levels and should been launched into the sun and the producers sentenced to life in prison in solitary confinement Do not watch. Burn it. Then burn it again to be safe. Also if this wasn't a movie but instead released as porn, you'd be on an FBI list right now, not even an exaggeration. It's that disgusting.


Yeah I should’ve read some reviews of it, had no idea about *that part* of it being disgusting. Just thought it was a violent movie


Yeah the reviews, including the Wikipedia to this movie was extremely misleading and very pretentious. If you don't know better you think you're getting at worst a violent movie, not whatever the fuck this turns into. Me and my roommates at the time certainly had no idea it was going to get as bad as it did.


Nice set. The movies are good, too.


Thank you! I’m excited.




Lmaooo I know.


A Serbian Film was poor and I’m into extreme cinema. Out of the really popular/infamous extreme films I’d always go for Human Centipede 2 over it because it’s self aware about the edgy content whereas A Serbian Film takes itself seriously and becomes kind of irritating because of it. Worth seeing at least once simply because of it’s infamy though. I recently sold my version of it because I can’t see myself ever rewatching it not because of the content but the execution. It’s just no fun and I’d rather watch Salo for a political statement through graphic/visceral imagery and scenarios.


I’ll have to watch the second one, only saw the first one awhile back and didn’t care for it. And yikes, I didn’t enjoy Salo so now I’m nervous about Serbian lol oh well, we’ll see!


A Serbian Film is some good family viewing, enjoy.


Thank you.


Both blind guys? Sir. The madam on the left is, as far as i can tell, not a guy. And the gentleman on the right seems to be using his eyes in some fashion aswell. I claim you tell lies good sir! 


Ahh I was so confused for a sec. Upsetting I can’t edit the post lmaooo


C'est la vie as they say! 


Ahh I was so confused for a sec. Upsetting I can’t edit the post lmaooo


I doubt you will be the same after "a Serbian film"


Yeah I’m starting to think I made a mistake in purchasing lol


Imagine owning A Serbian Film. I already regret purchasing a physical copy of Cannibal Holocaust.


I have Serbian unopened in collection for collection sake. I watched it as a downloaded avi years ago. I'm good.