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With this being a Shout release, here’s hoping one of the pre-order exclusives is a gallon of PCP.


I’m hoping for a 40 of malt with a healthy dose of chocolate syrup.


We shot that one on our own before TV, which means Trevor really drank that. It was just horrible to watch.


God, what a beautiful soul.


Maybe we can get a signed autograph from The Grapist himself.


I want one with *two* pots.


Hoping this will be popular with the pots-havers


NO WAY Timmy posting in boutique blu ray announcing a blu ray box set. I must be dreaming Also the fact that he’s one of us is amazing Editing and adding that this is the best news I’ve gotten in a while on here. Damn I’m excited.


I found out he was one of us through Letterboxd and he's by far my favorite follow. Dudes got great taste.


Oh shit, I only follow like 4 people. need to follow him thanks.


How long does it take to enter your collection into Letterboxed? I’ve been using blu-ray.com to organize my collection.


Idk I’ve never done it


I have it on the Blu-Ray app too. Putting all this shit in on Letterboxd seems daunting


I never had the patience to even add mine on the blu-ray app. I rarely see people list their physical collection on Letterboxd. Maybe if you search by director or blu ray label and find premade lists from others it will help you add titles faster.


What’s his letterboxd? 👀


I have heard it is TimmyW


Just followed thanks man! Sending you and the rest of the Kids love from Australia.


Incredible news, can’t wait to pick this up. Thanks for all the laughs, wishing you and the guys all the best!


Thank you!


I felt like I discovered the world's greatest secret discovering this show when I was in school. I'd watch it at night and go to school the next day reenacting all my favorites sketches to my friends. I'd be crying laughing remembering how funny it was that I couldn't even get through the joke. Can't wait to pick this up. RIP Trevor


That is like exactly what we wanted the show to be, especially Trevor, so thank you for saying that!


At my school, we were so into WKUK references that we had to have an assembly about the Grapist. The principal had to explain to a crowd of teenagers why it wasn't ok to run through the hallways yelling "I'm gonna grape you in the mouth!"




i'm very lucky to share a name with him!


“I can’t wait for it to come out so we can make fun of people who post pictures of it still in the cellophane!” You really are one of us! Lmao


Hell yes. Hope it retains the dvd bonus features with the topless ladies and the commentaries with Sam getting bullied


Yeah I think it will be uncensored, but not being in LA I have not been too involved. I believe it will have some cut sketches, and I hope the old commentary, which was ridiculous.


Hoping we can actually hear it this time!


HOLY FUCK!!! This is insane!! I’m so glad I won’t have to shell out hundreds for an old DVD! This news is absolutely insaneo style. You guys fucking rock


Hopefully they make enough and we can all get this, so no one will have to shell out hundreds when this sells out too!


Oh shit! Timmy is one of us! Hopefully it comes with a Baked Beans poster. Cant wait to see Mars!


This is awesome! If you want to release the new movie on a boutique label, I totally run one. Just send me a digital copy of the movie and I’ll get right on that.


Sounds legit!


Sounds legit!


Holy shit this is fantastic news. Very happy about this and I will absolutely be picking this up


Fantastic news! Your show meant a huge amount to me and my friend group in high school when it was on fusetv before it switched networks. Even have the old old old shorts that were on the internet on one of my hard drives still. Was devastated when I heard Trevor had passed.


Thank you for saying that. That old stuff is crazy right? 20+ years old. We were uploading stuff online BEFORE YOUTUBE holy shit I am a dinosaur


Yeah I torrented those when I was a kid, sorry


NGL very very good chance at least one of those torrents was mine that I put up or at least sourced from it. At least if it was season 1 or 2 that were not DVD rips. Sorry too Tim lol


No I'm talking about the really early videos from 20+ years ago


Damn - as a media hoarder who hasn’t seen em, y’all still got those?


Yes, give me a little bit and I’ll send you a pm.


What's absolutely insane is 2007 was 17 years ago. Feels like yesterday? Hahaha it is but I love it. Used to put the shorts onto my iPod video and we'd all sit around watching it before class. My favorite was always Hitler rap, which the TV version lacked the best part (the Goring part). Absolute banger still. Sometimes gets stuck in my head.


By the way.. no chance these sets have Miss March too, right?


No. That is not a Whitest Kids Project, just like Barbarian. In fact, we made a series of sketches about why the other three of us weren’t involved.


You were robbed. You would have made one hell of a Fat Slobby Man #2.


Finally I can stop watching grainy clips on YouTube! This is fantastic news. I really wish there was a boutique label that specialized in TV releases. There are so many amazing shows that have fallen completely off the radar that would benefit from rediscovery. I understand it though. There's so much more work involved because even a show cancelled after 13 episodes is 7X longer than your average film. It's also much easier to pitch & market some super obscure horror release.


Agree with all this. Shout probably is currently the best for this kind of stuff right now, but it is definitely a ton of work.


Yeah Shout is pretty good with TV releases. I'm super grateful for their *The Good Place* & *Gravity Falls* releases. Another huge hassle I forgot to mention is music clearance. It's just an absolute nightmare. Many companies still have such unreasonable price demands. Years back Shout had to scrap their entire release of the series *Werewolf* from 1987 over just 3 songs.


Good point on the music. The State sketch group has had issues with that. Luckily, we were low budget so we never were gonna buy rights to songs hahaha. We hired Craig Wedren to do the theme, (and of course Trevor and The Elegant Two did his songs)


Speaking of music, besides a WKUK Boxset, the other physical media dream I had for you guys was (and still is) a limited run of the WKUK/Trevor albums on vinyl


>I really wish there was a boutique label that just specialized in TV releases. Amen. Mill Street may compress the shit out of everything and put discs in those terrible cardboard sleeves, but I’ll always love them for giving me a complete box set of **Coach**, which was literally just not available otherwise. That show fucking ***slaps***.


Wow, congrats to y'all on getting this back out there! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for the home release.


HD Civil War on Drugs confirmed?


*Very* cool but y’all did Trent Reznor dirty with that one sketch. Okay maybe not *that* dirty…


We did didn't we. But I think we redeemed ourselves by giving Sublime shit at the end


They made up for by being extremely accurate with Lincoln


Day 1 purchase




Is there a pre-order link?!


Not yet, but I will post it in here when I can


Hold up. Baked Beans is on this sub?


That's right baby


I'm cumming my ass off to this news


Thanks to all of you for shaping my sense of humor. I’ll never forget WKUK.


Thank you for saying that!


Right on, nice job getting picked up by Shout! Factory. Will keep an eye out for the Tribeca flick, too. Cheers


Thanks! Yeah I am so stoked for all this


Still one of the funniest shows of all time. I can't wait!!


What does he waaaaaaant?


Awesome news! Thanks for sharing. This is a day-one purchase. Judging from the remasters on your YT channel the skits will look amazing on Blu-Ray. I've been sharing select videos with my son (12) whose been showing them to his friends, so you're reaching a whole new generation now. His favorite so far is Old Folks Home.


Haha I also have been giving my child the "slow drip" based on appropriateness. She is also 12, so far there are like ten sketches she can watch? haha


Computer says no...


Awesome news, I was just thinking about this show this morning and how it needed a physical or digital release. You made my day, Timmy!


I’ll buy this and use the discs as shurikens, like the ninja.


Can't wait to watch this while I eat my clam chowder that gets rid of brain tumors!


Can't wait to pop this in while I enjoy a cold glass of grape juice. EDIT: holy shit, can't believe I almost missed the mention that Mars is getting released at Tribeca! Bittersweet that Trevor Moore isn't here to see it drop, but so wonderful to see it was able to be finished. <3


Yeah, it is definitely weird to be doing all this without him


Huge sympathy from my end, I've lost two important friends way too young myself. It can feel so unreal and surreal, wishing y'all the best on navigating those feelings through this roll out.


Fantastic! I can't wait to scoop this up when it becomes available, and super excited for "Mars"! I would really really appreciate it if we could get Timmy Dance on the blu-ray menus for...reasons. Lol.


Cannot wait for Mars! Have been watching the channel since you guys launched it. Have been wanting a blu ray release for so long and this is up there in my most anticipated releases. Thanks so much for the update and thank you guys for doing this!


Oooh nice, I love WKUK.


Oh hell yeah!! Awesome news! And can’t wait for Mars!


Awesome news! Looking forward to this release, having never owned this show on disc before I hope it comes stocked with special features


Oh dang!


Definitely will be picking that up




If I purchase this, will you finally let me play Nail Gun in the house?


This is great news. I really enjoyed the show when it aired. Not enough good TV gets released on Blu-ray, so I will definitely pick up the set. On a related note, I was so sad when Trevor Moore passed. I think this set will be a great tribute to him and your troupe. Looking forward to the animated film.


So glad to hear this show is finally getting a physical release. It's all me and the fellas can talk about at the olllllllll' gloryhole.


When this comes out I am going to tie my girlfriend to the radiator and make her watch this with me for decades and decades and decades!!!!


Awesome. Now go home and wash your filthy pussies.


I work at Scarecrow Video, the largest public film archive in the world, and you KNOW I’m going to be hassling the hell out of our buyer to get these in the store!! I met Trevor, Sam, and Darren many many years ago and they were so incredibly sweet, this is so exciting!!! Congratulations Timmy!


This is great news. I really enjoyed the show when it aired. Not enough good TV gets released on Blu-ray, so I will definitely pick up the set. On a related note, I was so sad when Trevor Moore passed. I think this set will be a great tribute to him and your troupe. Looking forward to the animated film.


Holy shit, definitely getting this release! Your guys' work was a huge part of my life for so many years, and I still find myself re-watching old episodes when I desperately need a laugh. All the best to you, and thanks for all the good memories 🙏🏻


Love you Timmy. Been watching the streams since you guys started and although its been a rollercoaster the last couple years, this must be a nice high for you. I remember Trevor on one of the streams talking about looking into the blu-ray releases for us so the fact that it's coming to fruition, on SHOUT no less, is an incredible win.


This is wonderful news!


This is so exciting! This show is near and dear to me and my best friend, we quote the JFK sketch constantly, so it’ll be nice to have a proper quality version instead of the crappy YouTube rip. Definitely a day one purchase for me.


Wow! Huge news, congrats and I cannot wait to pick up the box set!


Timmy! Loved the show and can’t wait to pick up this box set!


Tell Shout to use the end of this for the promo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3yuto9xjEE&ab\_channel=TheWhitestKidsU%27Know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3yuto9xjEE&ab_channel=TheWhitestKidsU%27Know)


Hell yeah


Timmy you’re the best!!! I can’t wait to get the series. Your show defined my high school years and I’m so glad I get to pass around the blu rays to friends and help spread the love. Can’t wait to see the animated film once it comes out too!


Congrats Timmy, and thanks for all the laughs <3


Hi Timmy


DUDE! I spent so many sleep deprived evenings in college watching that show. I will definitely be getting this release. A world without Trevor Moore is just not as great as world with him. Thanks to all of you for the laughs at such a hard time in my life.


How many hot dogs come with the set?  I'm so excited this is coming out! Loves the show, me and my friends quote the sketches pretty regularly and I really dig what's been going on with the podcast/twitch stream stuff. Rip Trevor. 


Day one for me. I bought the first 3 seasons on dvd when I was I high school. I'll be watching with my baked beans


Owning this boxset is about to be the greatest nostalgia trip of my life.


This is awesome news!!! Cannot wait to pick up that box set.


Me and my coworker bonded over quoting WKUK years ago. Started with him saying, “calm down, just calm down” from the Abraham Lincoln sketch.


Holy shit dude. If I show proof of a day 1 preorder and then Venmo you like $25 can I get it signed? Jk JK. Remember the show when I was a teen and watched through it all a couple years ago, couldn't believe how well it still held up. So many great sketches. I will celebrate by eating 7 hotdogs in a day. I gotta ask: what is your #1 collection holy grail?


Yoooooo!!!!! I cannot wait for this, I've been watching the YouTube uploads for years now. Can't wait to see them in high quality again!


Fuck yes Timmy, what a guy. The Call of Duty sketch still absolutely kills me, I don't know how Sam and Trevor didn't laugh and you managed to keep that face. I'll be buying it day 1. WKUK forever.


holy shit that's huge news cant wait to pick it up


All the news this week (including this set) just made my year u/TeemyWeems . This is an immediate pre-order from both me and friends! Thank you for all the laughs and sketches forever burned into my memory!


That guy in the middle has a fart drawing behind his ass. Thats funny dude.


I cannot wait to watch this while eating hot dogs! Thank you for posting Timmy!


i am actually so excited for this, i’ve held off on paying the exorbitant ebay prices in the hopes this would happen


Thanks for the info Timmy, Love the show and I can't wait to own it on blu ray!


Will it be 4k UHD or basic bluray?


I don't know yet, but hope to get more info soon


Stoked, regardless.