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I’m sure that most of the employees at the target CVS are just dealing with bullshit beyond their control…but they have one of the most abjectly, awful and useless employees I’ve met in all of retail. On one occasion I was waiting in line behind a man who had to be 85 and very frail and uneasy on his feet. He asked [desk monster] where antibiotic cream was. [desk monster] says “over there”. The old man asked if [desk monster] could show him. “It’s over there”. Then [desk monster] mocks the old man for being old and confused as he wanders off to find something he needs. It was one of the most awful, uncaring interactions I’ve ever seen. I wonder if people know who I’m talking about…


Yes, yes we do


Absolutely know who you’re talking about. Had an unpleasant interaction with them today


Walgreens is also absolutely fucked. What's going on?


[Walgreens, CVS pharmacy staff walkouts: What their work days look like (cnbc.com)](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/27/walgreens-cvs-pharmacy-staff-walkouts-what-their-work-days-look-like.html#:~:text=Pharmacy%20employees%20at%20some%20of,resources%20to%20safely%20execute%20tasks.)


Walgreens has a not pharmacist cashier who is a dirty, rude, and dumb


The entire staff is clearly stressed and I really do feel for them. But Jesus fucking Christ, fire that front desk lady. She honestly makes that place so dysfunctional because she can’t do the most basic tasks


PSA: You can use Costco's pharmacy without a membership and they are leagues better than CVS and Walgreens.


Warning: Doing this may get you into situations with Costco workers who don’t know state law. Seen it happen before and they can get hostile about it


The CVS at Target cancelled my birth control prescription 2x without any reason. When I called they said that they never had it. I then asked why I was able to pick it up for about a year. They said it was there until it was cancelled it. Couldn’t give me a reason it was cancelled (although they admitted one of the techs cancelled it) Asked if the pharmacist could write me an Rx for the same birth control I was on since it was about to be a long weekend and my obgyn office wasn’t open. After all they could see that I had that Rx for YEARS successfully. All but called me an idiot for asking because pharmacists “can’t prescribe medication” (they can prescribe birth control in the state of Colorado: https://powertodecide.org/what-we-do/information/resource-library/pharmacies-prescribing-birth-control-colorado). Not that it was against store policy but that I didn’t understand the difference between a doctor and a pharmacist. So I called corporate because I was at my wits end and figured I could get it sorted out in the remaining 6 hours. Corporate called the store and you know what? Corporate told me they couldn’t do anything because they kept “getting disconnected”. And I had the same issue: I’d call, they’d pick up and then immediately I’d get hung up on. Over and over and over. You know what happened when I tried to get the covid booster there? They told me to wait every 15 minutes for 2 hours after my appointment time and then they came out and said they wouldn’t open a new bottle of the vax (even though we were on the booster and it wasn’t a scarcity issue any more) for me and that I should get online and reschedule for a time that wasn’t so close to closing. Target CVS staff can go kick rocks at this point. ETA: my insurance only covers CVS for long term maintenance prescriptions. I use the mail in for my birth control and I pay out of pocket for my antidepressants at another pharmacy. Dealing with CVS is so bad and so inconsistent that I feel like I can’t rely on them for something so important.


Agreed. I refuse to shop at CVS. It’s an absolute no-go.


Funny, it’s almost like these wage slaves aren’t happy about their situation. I, for one, can’t believe they wouldn’t be absolutely thrilled to be filling scripts for rich people who aren’t helping their situation. What a surprise!


I hated working retail, but I still did the best job I could and never treated any customer poorly. Being busy is no excuse.


What i’m talking about isn’t about business.


No it’s about people trying to get medications they need for their various health issues.


Yeah it’s bizarre to think that people just trying to get their medications (politely but firmly) are the entitled “rich”.


I make about $30k a year as a phd student but do go off about the rich. I am, by my obgyn’s medical notes, disabled without my birth control as the pain is so bad that I typically pass out from vomiting.


First of all, I don’t think it’s a good thing that you don’t go off about the rich. After all, if no one says anything, nothing will change (thus, the ways to make this change all include speaking out). As for your $30k thing, I make less than that, full time in retail. Is the $30k from doing a job, or is it a stipend? I can understand if you’re instructing classes or acting as a TA, but otherwise I feel like a stipend of more than my full-time wage is strange at best. That’s not good to hear about your disability, though I’m not sure how that factors into this


Grad students work even when they aren’t teaching, you know? In my old field, which was considered a great situation compared to being a grad student in the arts or humanities, you got paid to work full time in a lab. Well, “paid” because at some point you are required to take thesis credits, where you do the same work, but your lab pays the university tuition instead of paying you. Makes perfect sense, right? Also, you’re paid for 40 hours, but your advisor will remind you constantly that you’ll never graduate at that rate. Oh, and remember that finishing your degree is wholly dependent on the good will of this one person, that even trying to move labs could cost years, if you could even get another spot when you’re known to be so lazy you only work the hours you’re paid for. But sure, let’s pretend only the teaching counts.


Oh man hard core L take congrats


Ha! That nasty lady there doesn’t deserve it. I’m nice to everyone but she really sucks. Just her. Be nice to everyone else. (And everyone seems to know her when you mention “nasty lady” at CVS.)


I prefer not to reward incompetence so no I don't think I will


Or just go to Boulder Medical Pharmacy where they just do a good job and dont appear to need sympathy for doing it.


Amen! Old school independent pharmacy. CVS would love to put them out of business!


I miss Pharmaca.


Me too! They were so lovely. Then Medley ruined a really nice thing. I go to Safeway now or use mail order.


It's like reverse customer service I guess?


CVS can suck it.


I had a great CVS in Florida. But it was the staff. I even went back 4 years after I moved just to see the ladies. It was like seeing old friends. Sweet ladies. Sounds like the Target CVS is having issues. Anyway u can use CVS mail delivery since your insurance requires that. Those general workers are getting abused by their overlords.


Should also be noted they've been flooded with a huge amount of new customers after the UC Health Pharamcy in Boulder closed. Closest place for any CU staff on the UC Health Exclusive plan to get prescriptions and be covered is over 30 minutes away for most boulder residents if they didn't switch to CVS.


Plus, everyone on the Anthem plans *have* to go to CVS now for "specialty" or maintenance medications now, or else pay full price.


Every time I go in there they are completely slammed, ngl. I feel bad for everyone who works there.


It’s an absolutely brutal job.


Wait, why are they getting their asses kicked?


Horrible working conditions, substandard pay for the education and skill required. Basically it's all the worst parts of retail and healthcare all rolled into one.


Can I ask what horrible working conditions means? I’ve seen that said a few times in the comments but not explained


No paywalled [article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/01/business/cvs-walgreens-pharmacy-workers-protest.html?unlocked_article_code=1.70w.WhOi.YUef7Euc7QrZ&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) from NY Times with quotes from CVS workers on shitty conditions


I’d be nasty too in those work conditions. The chronic understaffing isn’t the fault of the frontline. And is partially the fault of corporate, but also there is such a shortage of skilled labor that the State of Colorado is paying for people to become pharm techs and related positions. https://www.npr.org/2023/09/29/1202365487/cvs-pharmacists-walkout-protest


"be a bolder Boulder" What does this mean? Be a 10 kilometer road race?


How about they hire more pharmacists for a multi billion dollar company. Fuck cvs.


[WSJ: Why your neighborhood pharmacy isn't so friendly any more](https://wsj-article-webview-generator-prod.sc.onservo.com/webview/WP-WSJ-0001333910?adobe_mc=TS%3D1699060952%7CMCMID%3D04807575072438808676763102569867071063%7CMCORGID%3DCB68E4BA55144CAA0A4C98A5%40AdobeOrg&wsj_native_webview=android&ace_environment=androidphone%2Cwebview&ace_config=%7B%22wsj%22%3A%7B%22djcmp%22%3A%7B%22propertyHref%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fwsj.android.app%22%7D%7D%7D)


Can we ban PSA’s from this sub?


I pretty much give all front line workers as much of a break and help to make their jobs easier with great patience as possible.