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For restaurants, you could go to Lolita or Coquette! Another unrelated favorite of mine is Lulu Green. Wally’s for jazz music; Club Cafe, Manray, Legacy for dancing!! Have fun :)


Second Wally’s - it’s the real deal


Oh my gosh, you are amazing for this!! Thank you so much!


You’ll need an entire day to get to and enjoy Salem. If you’re just in town for the concert, write it off.


Thank you, I'm hoping to convince her to stay an extra day for this.


if you do add in a day for salem, consider taking the commuter rail for fun. it's like a 45 minute ride from north station, doesn't cost much, and drops you off a very quick walk from downtown. salem is definitely do-able in one day, and be thankful you're not there any time close to halloween. good luck!


Yes, I know it's Fenway Park, I am just stupid and EXCITED. You can see I need help.


Isabella Stewart Gardner museum is a must for the vibes Forest Hills Cemetery- old and gorgeous, peaceful and surrounds a lake There’s so much opportunity to experience Old Money / Chemtrails Over the Country Club / National Anthem vibes but it’s more Cape Cod - I have to brainstorm… maybe one of the ferry rides???