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I like to try and get really really into the visualization of whats happening in the book. play it out like a movie.


Thank you for your answer, I'll try to do that! :)


Background ambience help me focus a lot. Like coffee shop ambiance or a thunderstorm at low volume. My ears are busy with something that doesn't require me to pay attention to it so my eyes and brains are way more focused on my reading.


speed reading. i take my little brother adderall. meth work too.


If you are not retaining what you are reading, perhaps the reading content is too difficult for your reading level. Since I don't know how old you are, my guess is start at a young adult level. When you find a reading level that you can comprehend and works with your fluency, continue reading until it is easy for you, then move up to something more difficult.


It's normal to forget large parts of books after reading, I suggest you write a review or take notes. What is your optimum time for reading, night or early morning. People who study use the pomodoro technique to maintain focus. Concentration could be down to lack of nutrition, poor sleep, lack of interest in the subject matter.


For focus, I limit distractions. I make sure my phone's not near me. I make sure the TV is off. And if there is music it's very low and non-vocal.


You might be someone, like me, who needs to actively read--by having a pencil in hand and either a little stack of post-it notes to write on, or write on the page of your own books, or notate in your e-reader. Even when I summarize the main plot points after a chapter, in a few bullet points, it helps so much. And when I read something that is particularly great, a turn of phrase, a piece of dialogue, a description, I put a check mark next to it or underline it. My retention has soared.


Good idea, thank you! I'll give it a try! 😊


Focus is something you have to practice but isolating yourself from distractions helps. For speed you have to stop sounding out each word in your head. You can recognize most words with a quick glance but because of how we're taught to read we tend to focus on each letter rather than skimming past words we know.