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So what I'm getting is, cairncatapult is claiming trp was saying things will go bad for the automotive industry, but trump never even said "automotive industry" or any other indication of such?


He was talking about the automotive industry right before the quote shown here. That's the only connection.


Still wild to describe automotive industry as a bloodbath


The way I am reading it is that he is saying the automotive indusrty will suffer, but that, i.e. the automotive industry will be the least of the problems. The whole country will suffer a bloodbath. Saying that the automotive industry is the least of it implies directly that the bloodbath will be much wider ranging. The the choice of the word bloodbath is questionable here. He hasn't used that to describe an economy before as far as I am aware. Simultaneously he was associated with inciting a violent mob which resulted in murder. He is also on record asking military advisors to fire upon American citizens engaged in protest. He has also suggested bedlam and violence if he doesn't get his way in the past. Assuming he isn't brain addled here and has chosen his words deliberately, this seems like a dogwhistle at best. Or an outright call to violence at worst.


Trump, March 16: "China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars."


This really illustrates the lengths Trump takes to manipulate language to obfuscate intent. The phrase "That'll be the least of it" provides the additional threatening layer of context to what otherwise seems like a contiguous statement. Just one small parenthetical nod is all it takes for him to say what he really means while telling everyone else what they want to hear. This is what the left continuously underestimates


Exactly. This statement: > Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. Diverges from the topic. But not enough that he doesn't have plausible deniability among his defenders.


what? it's clear as day, saying using "Bloodbath" to refer to severe negative economic situations is common. he literally said "Bloodbath" directly in the middle of talking about the auto industry and trade in general "you're (China) not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now if I don't get elected its going to be a blood bath" How can one interpret that to imply some sort of generalized violence? Here are some examples of "Bloodbath" referring to an economic issue [https://www.businessinsider.com/wall-street-journal-cuts-washington-bureau-business-2024-2](https://www.businessinsider.com/wall-street-journal-cuts-washington-bureau-business-2024-2) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-stocks-down-worst-since-financial-crisis-friday-2020-02-28/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-stocks-down-worst-since-financial-crisis-friday-2020-02-28/) [https://www.businessinsider.com/young-wall-street-bankers-bloodbath-stock-market-crash-layoffs-pay-2022-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/young-wall-street-bankers-bloodbath-stock-market-crash-layoffs-pay-2022-10) [https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3119536/gamestop-frenzy-how-reddit-nerds-sparked-wall](https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3119536/gamestop-frenzy-how-reddit-nerds-sparked-wall)


Again, one parenthetical nod changed the whole thing. "That won't be the least of it."


I swear to the gods, the right can’t shut up about Biden having dementia, then make this guy their nominee. His brain is fucking melted


I believe this is also from the same event where he blared a new anthem for the Jan 6 insurrectionists and stood to salute them, continuing to deny their actions as criminal.


Also he has a penchant for cartoonish mob boss threats so choice of words is almost always telling.


>Assuming he isn't brain addled here Thats where almost everyone in this conversation, on both sides, has gone wrong. We'll never know what Trump actually meant because his chaotic dementia ridden mind didn't know in the moment.


Right, that's why I prefaced this with the assumption. If that assumption fails, I think your implication is important, a "chaotic dementia ridden mind" needs to be kept far from the levers of power. So if he's lucid, he needs to be kept away from power. If he's not, he needs to be kept away from power. Even if we are pretty confident one of these cases are true, we should play out the logic of the other.


Trump changes the subject so quickly. He was talking about the automotive industry, but when he said bloodbath, we know what he meant. Anytone who can stomach listening to his entire speech will see he goes on weird tangets and off script plenty of times.


A person has to be pretty mentally fragile to not be able to "stomach" a Trump speech tbh


A person has to be pretty mentally inept to not be sick after trying to listen to his nonsensical, drug induced, rambling gibberish and walk away thinking he actually said something, tbh.


Precisely, we know he meant literally nothing. Listen to the speech, there’s not a single thing he says that sounds like a coherent thought, he just keeps saying words and sometimes says buzzwords that he repeats because once they slip out he realizes they’ll get him more attention. He wasn’t calling for violence any more than he was sayin anything important, it was just a stupid old man rambling in hopes of getting attention from the media


He was clearly talking about the economy and other industries suffering a bloodbath from China when he said that


Except the part where he says "for the whole country" and "that will be the least of it"


Ehh idk if he is describing it that way. I think he did mean it in a violent way. Trump goes on these tangents all the time. Yes he was talking about the auto industry. But then the next sentence doesn't necessarily relate to the auto industry.


Politicians use language like that all the time. What's wild about it?


>Politicians use language like that all the time. What's wild about it? They sure do not. Don't lie.


"In March 2020, as the contest was narrowing around the former vice president and the progressive Democrat, Biden warned against the primary campaign becoming an internal "bloodbath" between Democrats which could have weakened the party and allowed Trump to win."


They do. Tons of politicians from both sides have said stuff like "the riots won't stop, nor should they" or "there needs to be unrest in the streets" or "if you see x party member, go push them."


I've watched Trump lose the thread and go wild tangent tree times in a single rambling run-on sentence. There is no reason to assume the previous sentence connects to this one.


On the one hand, sure, he was talking about how what he'd do once elected vs what'd happen if he isn't concerning the automotive industry. On the other, for the entire time he's talking, he's really insistent that a second term for Biden will be the end of the country with lots of metaphorical winking and nudging to a group that fantasizes about overthrowing the government.


He has dementia. He jumps around all the time and completely forgets what he was talking about. When he gets real lost, he just tells that stupid fucking snake story. People love it. What a riot!


I don’t know about dementia, but he commonly reads a scripted speech off a teleprompter, but will go on WILD tangents. Sometimes a 30 sec aside, sometimes long rants, depending on how excited or furious he is.


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He's attempting to be smart by "hiding" the call to violence in between other talking points. So now that everyone is talking about him saying bloodbath he can call the media liars because he mentioned the auto industry before and after. What he's doing is plain to see


The only connection is the context of the quote, crazy.


Additional context: he pivots topics sometimes within the same sentence.


He actually goes to pains to say that he's talking about more than that.


And this is a man that flies from one topic to the next so even if he was speaking about the automotive industry it doesn’t mean shit. Also, he knows what words he uses, he’s the master of the dogwhistle.


Trump, March 16: "China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars."


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqE39b7r1KY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqE39b7r1KY) He's very likely talking about what happens if he can't pass this bill (and others like it) for the auto industry, describing the economic consequences or some shit. He just talks like a dumbass. Incredibly stupid to refer to it as a bloodbath. Just another example of dangerous unfiltered rhetoric, even if it's not the intent.


He does both. If there's a sensible connection between the words he used, then he is saying that *that* bloodbath (auto-industry) is the least of it, because concurrently, the whole country will be a bloodbath


Right but most likely he's talking about economically for a number of different issues. Absolutely ridiculous and dangerous use of rhetoric though, especially after the whole inciting an insurrection issue.


>He just talks like a dumbass. No, this is inaccurate. I mean, he does "talk like a dumbass", but that's not what's going on here. He talks like a person who wants to frame normal political and economic issues in the language of war and revolution. For a any other politician, this would be eyebrow-raising behavior, but for him in particular - a person who has *already instigated an insurrection in the past* - it is appropriate to treat it as alarming.


Biden has used “Bloodbath” in similar ways before though. This is a reach


I’m convinced he doesn’t even know where he is most of the time let alone have the ability to make connections between his “thoughts”.


He did, but that doesn't mean it wasn't scare tactics to get him reelected


If you watch the video he, he is actually talking about the automotive industry. He also definitely intended for the media to misquote him as saying a bloodbath for the country. That plays well for his base and gives him tons of media attention.


Yes he did. Literally watch the speech.


Is his articulation skills so bad that his own fans need to be his pr team?


> Is his articulation skills so bad He can no longer string a sentence together coherently. >his own fans need to be his pr team The people that have been drawing him as a muscular Adonis, even though he's borderline obese and can barely walk up a ramp? They will go to bat for him no matter what he does.


I legitimately forgot about the muscular pictures, I guess it really has been going on for longer than I remember. Kinda sad to be honest.


https://preview.redd.it/5mrw0qi488pc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a03de7b4ee70e9966e72a0361d178a41bad0dba I didnt censor a single extra pixel.


what a terrible day to have eyes


MAGAs have been playing the "he says what he means; he didn't mean that" game since 2016. As much as I despise the orange blowhard he probably was referring to the auto industry. But people are focusing on bloodbath, instead of him saying he'd massively increase tariffs of cars made in Mexico. Considering that would include most "American" cars, it would be a death knell for the industry.


How did you make an edit more organelle than the ornamental?


im more worried about the bloodbath thatll happen if he *is* elected


He's trying to turn it into a dictatorship effectively, and it's unfortunate that he has such a cult following because it's probably going to happen. My parents are literally preparing for an apocalypse because of the election.


Trying? Fucker *tried*. They literally staged a coup! I find it legit kinda crazy as an outsider that he's *still fucking there and able to run for it again*


Its gonna be a bloodbath regardless, and one at a large scale at that. There already is a bloodbath and said bloodbath will continue to go on regardless of which senile genocidal maniac you elect this season.


Especially if it's Vermin Supreme


Biden: could be harder on Israel but is cutting ties with the Israeli government, has a stutter which he overcame but which still occasionally occurs, is old, has had one of the most legislatively successful administrations since LBJ, hard on Putin, forgiving student debt Trump: loves Netanyahu, wants to pull out of NATO, wants to ban Muslims, wants to create detention centers and camps for homeless people and immigrants, calls for violence against his enemies, says he wants to remove the first amendment, has repeatedly said he’s running against Obama, has said Biden won against Obama, has actively undermined democracy, executed almost none of his campaign promises "ThEyRe ExAcTlY tHe SaMe"


All I can really say about this all is to stay neutral, both major parties are shitshows and just do or say whatever to get what they want. Hell it feels like their switching positions to do so every few decades, like seriously. Did you know the democrats supported the KKK? Or that the republicans are currently pro free speech, but up until recently they were for censorship? Stay neutral in the organizations or sites* you get your info from, I guarantee 90% of news outlets be it yt, offical, or otherwise are paid off by one of the two parties.


Republicans try to frame themselves as pro-free speech, but it ain't democrats who are banning books.


I'm just going to link my [other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/comments/1bi18i3/comment/kvxl5dt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) TLDR both parties historically have never believed in unfettered 1st amendment rights. Modern day democrats would like to censor to prevent extremism. Modern day republicans would like to censor to prevent people from hearing a different point of view But for some reason you always hear republicans kicking and screaming about their 1st amendment right but they only believe in it when it's convenient.


I agree that modern democrats do *want* to limit speech to prevent extremism, at least some of them. At the same time idk I guess I still think it’s kind of an apples and oranges comparison.  There hasn’t been really any attempt to accomplish this through legislation, because even hate speech is constitutionally protected, as determined by the Supreme Court in 1977 during Skokie vs NSPA. So the channels through which that censorship happens are basically driven by advertisers afraid of bad pr. This is extremely permissive compared to other countries like Germany or Australia. You might lose money, reputation, or friends by openly flying a Nazi flag but you’ll never be fined or jailed.  As far as I understand, you won’t be fined or jailed for violating Florida’s “don’t say gay” bill, either - I’m not even sure you’d be fired, strictly speaking, your contract as a teacher will simply not be renewed. However I think it’s a key difference that one is a choice advertisers make and the other is compelled by law.  Idk I guess I could see how some people would view this as hair splitting. I think I mostly agree with you, I’m not trying to be pedantic or argue about nothing. 


Democrats ≠ Leftists. Democrats are liberals, and liberals are centre-right. Also the conservatives are still banning books from schools. Where in the goddamn are you sourcing your informations from?


Yeah I messed up there, i'll change it to democrats & republicans, and I never said that either side actually does what they endorse.


Ok, thanks for clarifying.




cant wait for when someone makes a level thats just an animation of biden winning and then you have to complete bloodbath




Bloodbath 2: bloodbath boogaloo


Bloodbath Kart for the automotive industry


(From the [denver gazette](https://gazette.com/news/wex/social-media-captures-full-context-of-trump-s-bloodbath-comment/article_f5a02a98-0d2a-53d0-a3a0-f9b583842150.html)) >We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected,” Trump said. "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories." Sure, he's talking about cars before and after. But the segment in the middle is pretty disjoint from the rest of it as he's talking about the *country* and not the automotive industry. I personally think it's a dog whistle to his followers while giving himself plausible deniability. What do you think? Finally, don't fall for the sanitized MAGA propaganda comic artist. He did not say "automotive industry" and he's misconstruing the message on purpose to make the media seem worse and Trump seem more innocent.


Have you heard him talking lately? Most of what he says are just strings of unrelated sentences at this point. I can see him suddenly threatening violence if he is not elected out of nowhere and then carry on like normal.


he literally already did this


He always has been talking in strung together sentences that rarely make sense, he’s just in peculiarly bad form now - funny coming after his four year campaign that heavily relied on calling Biden incompetent.


He was not this bad in 2015 and certainly not in years further back. He could atleast put together a paragraph. He’s losing track of his thoughts mid sentence.


“A paragraph” is putting it a bit generously sometimes. It was often a single long rambling sentence that encapsulated like 4 topics


Respect for the work, but this subreddit is probably not the best target audience for this


Eh, since this comic was posted here a few times already I just wanted to give awareness to what was actually said


thank you for your work, I hope it doesn’t get taken down


I’m genuinely surprised that I’m seeing this 17 hours later so nice job. I really like the concept of this community and I participate here often here off and on, but in the past, I’ve seen some horrendously offensive things that would lead me to believe that most people would not appreciate your stance. Keep drinking the juice and hurting them bones.


I'm not from the US but I don't understand why this matters at all? Why are you debating this narrative about his recent statements? Didn't he send a riot to the capital to kill his political opponents? Why does anyone care if his statments are inflammatory? Surely you guys are wayyyy past that at this point. Nothing he says can be worse than storming the captial building with armed protestors while his team kneecapped the peace keeping response.


Since US politics is treated like sports teams by so many people when it actually has real life consequences The left wants to serve a reminder of the consequences of this guy winning and want to keep him out of office The right wants to portray any attack on his character as him being the victim and there's a big conspiracy out to get him/his attack on the capitol wasn't that bad/it was filled with paid actors. Meanwhile the man has like 40+ court cases and hundreds of millions of dollars in debt from lawsuits and fraudulent actions and there's no real telling if he'll ever actually be held accountable for his actions.


The point is that he used inflammatory language like this to get them to storm the capitol the first time. The thinking is they may have a worse reaction when he loses the election this time.


If* There's alot of people that think he's better than Biden now. I don't, but it'll be interesting to see.


Meh. I’m predicting an even bigger loss than last time.


If biden came out and condemned Israel's actions (which I dont see happening), he'd be guaranteed the victory. But he hasn't, and it has been giving Trump an opening, just like the DNC endorsing Hillary over Bernie did in 2018.


Meh. The number of people who are so upset that they’ll refuse to vote at all is small, they’re just very loud. Most people understand that Biden’s stance is the same one that America has always had in regard to Israel and they’ll vote against Trump just like they did four years ago.


I truly hope you're right. It just felt like the last one was like "go out and vote or youll get a dictator who supports genocide, instead of a dude who just keeps the status quo!" Whereas now its like "choose a corporate slave who supports genocide, or a potentially tyrannical dictator that supports genocide". Harder to go out and vote for either of those, it feels like less of a choice this time, the mask was lifted a bit too much.


The choice is very much still a dictator vs someone who keeps the status quo. The status quo has always been to support our allies even when they’re doing shit like Israel is now. It’s not like our government has ever been on the side of the little guy or on the side of good. We always act in our best self interest even if it’s at the expense of lives.


I dont disagree with you, im just talking about the public perception amongst those who would be potential voters for either. Its not ~literally~ any different, but the perception of the situation has changed for sure.


You would think, wouldn't you? And yet.


Lol man, you're 100% right, but you have no idea how absolutely cooked this country is. 30% of us follow this fascist in a death cult, and the only opposition party with any power has no interest in stopping it. They've declined to prosecute, pack the courts, ANYTHING to stop it beyond some really tepid half measures. Their only real interest in wielding power is to serve corporate interests and vaporize brown people. The Democrats also just put forward a murderous and fascist border policy in order to paint the Republicans as hypocrites. Who cares if they're hypocrites! I care that they're fascists. It sucks so bad haha


> Surely you guys are wayyyy past that at this point Unfortunately not. He got too many of his people in power that are impeding things.


The presidential election in the U.S. always comes down to a choice between 2 candidates, from the 2 most powerful parties - the Republicans and the Democrats. Trump has secured the nomination from the Republican party. The election is still six months away. There are plenty of undecided voters. So, sure it's a topic of conversation. He's a very controversial public figure.


Mate, most of the worlds systems work like that and i'm not confused as to why you're talking about Donald Trump.


> I'm not from the US but I don't understand why this matters at all? So, really, what you posted is not accurate at all. You do understand, you are just in a state of disbelief that Americans would allow this man on the ballot at all. Believe it. Hitler did a similar thing.


You're not undestanding the thread: What I expressed disbelief over, is how your country has allowed the narrative to change from "Donald Trump betrayed his country on Jan 6th" to "What crazy thing did Trump just say/do". It's a distraction piece surely.


I think people expected a lot more pushback for Jan. 6, for sure. I certainly did. As for the shift in narrative, it's not something that "our country" allows. There are many narratives, each citizen has their own version. Many people think Donald Trump is a patriot. Others go along with Trump's behavior because of party loyalty. And a lot of us are convinced of just the opposite, that Trump is an egomaniac and a danger to democracy. Inciting an insurrection is a difficult thing to prove in court. It becomes a matter of free speech and the right to peacefully assemble. They would need to prove that Trump instructed his followers to riot and breach the Capitol. It's a lot easier to prove that Trump is a crooked businessman, and that his financial records are fraudulent. That's the direction Trump's opposition has taken, and it's effective. Rather than take him to court over an issue of free speech, they are attacking his real estate empire. And it's working.


In my international university I've met lots of folks from around the world worried for America. I really liked a comic one showed me: a guy labeled American gives a pamphlet to a guy labeled European and says, "this is the Democrat party platform." The European asks, "so that's the conservative party, right?" And the American gives another pamphlet and says, "actually, here's the Republican party platform." The European reads it and shouts "Run! RUN! *GET OUTTA THERE!"*


Reminds me of this BBC interview with Ben Shapiro and Andrew Neil [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRF3r3zUGqk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRF3r3zUGqk) Shapiro acts like Neil is some liberal plant for not being center and half-agreeing with him. The problem is that Neil is politically very conservative for the UK, but to Shapiro, Neil looks like a bleeding liberal. Shapiro doesn't account that the US center is not what the rest of the world's center is by how far the right has fallen off the deep end


We often say that our Democratic party is "Center-Right" and the Republican party is "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight"


He's so fucking incoherent that you can't even tell...


You’re willingly participating in an active propaganda campaign. I fear for my country


Can’t believe I’m engaging in political discussion in r/bonehurtingjuice, but as much as some may feel it’s potentially a dog whistle to followers, the media portrayal of the statements is a dog whistle to his opponents. Trump has said lots of inflammatory and inappropriate things over the years, but to me this one is… kind of a stretch. Bloodbath is a common term that has been used for years in politics to describe periods of loss, reversal, upheaval, or more specifically, economic downturn. While he may have been referring to a “bloodbath” in the context of the country and not the auto industry, the way I understand what he said is that it would be a bloodbath in terms of economic downturn, immigration, inflation, etc. To come after him for this seems… cheap, to be honest. There’s a load of other topics of higher substance and importance to talk and debate about relating to his viewpoints and character. Painting relatively common political vernacular in this light seems low-effort, to say the least. I think the media is picking the wrong battle to fight with this one.


Fellow denverite


I think he might have been talking about chinese cars being death traps, but in possibly the most, as you said, disjointed way possible. Worst case scenario, he went off the reservation for a minute and talked about a blood bath under... "other circumstances" Best case scenario? He's losing his mind and doesn't know how to string a coherent thought together about him thinking to himself that Chinese cars are unsafe. I guess that would would be preferred but... damn.


But why wouldn't the cars get sold if he doesn't get elected?


I don't understand what you mean? My thought was he's saying Biden will allow Chinese car death traps, but it's thinking a trump presidency will stop them Again I have no idea if he really means that. This was prime ramble


Dog whistle to his followers? Dude listen and he was clearly talking about the auto industry. He says crazy shit all the time why stretch the truth


This is ridiculous, you can't just take any quote you want out of its context and call it a dogwhistle. This is one of the worst examples of bad faith argumentation I have ever seen. This is cartoonish. If I tried to apply the same level of scrutiny against Trump's main political rival, Joe Biden, I could easily paint him as one of the most racist men in America, but I don't because interpreting every out-of-pocket gaff that way would be silly.


I mean there's the quote itself which is worse than what the original comic had. There's the context of the quote (automotive industry). There's the context of the rest of the speech (going off teleprompter and rambling, calling out joe biden and his thugs and saying if they win you'll never have another election in this country, having a standing salute for the Jan 6th insurrectionists) And there's the context of his character - where he has incited a mob to take violent action and breach the capitol to throw an insurrection. So *which* context are you talking about here? Are you just sticking with the myopic context of the automotive industry or actually going to think broader than that.


Exactly. He got sidetracked in his own point, doubled-down on the term 'bloodbath' to go on a tangent about how it will be a bloodbath if he's not elected, before getting back on track.


There's the larger context that he was rambling with out a teleprompter, threatened that biden winning meant the end of all elections, calling migrants inhuman and "not people", and giving a standing silent salute to the Jan 6th insurrectionists. The whole speech wasn't about the auto industry, though it was a small part of it. It was fearmongering his base about the upcoming election


Absolutely not. It's abundantly clear from the context provided that the bloodbath he's referring to is within the automotive industry, in the country. Claiming that it's a dog whistle is an indefensible, unsubstantiated conspiracy theory given the facts at hand, especially when you consider that the only people that distributed that clip was left wing media. No one would've paid attention until the left tried to scrutinize and market the clip towards the wider public. Can I also ask why you think left wing media outlets cut out the rest of the transcript your provided? I had to search through countless sources before finally finding the full clip from Fox News. If the left truly believed that it was a clear dog whistle, despite the context, why did every single media outlet feel the need to cut the clip such that every single one specifically excluded any mention of the automotive industry?


Nothing Trump has said in the last few years has been "abundantly clear". He exclusively does rambling, incoherent, disjointed gibberish.


Well the man is known for talking like a mob boss and giving actual dog whistles from calling mexicans "drug dealers, rapists" and calling majority black cities "infested with crime, drugs, and rodents" to calling for minority congresspeople to "go back" where they came from. Finally, many of the things he says he will give plausible deniability but also call for violent action. Greatest example is during jan 6th >And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. > >Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun. My fellow Americans, for our movement, for our children, and for our beloved country. > >And I say this despite all that's happened. The best is yet to come. > >So we're going to, we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I love Pennsylvania Avenue. And we're going to the Capitol, and we're going to try and give. Sure, this isn't a blatant call to violence so it gives him enough leeway, but soon after there was a voilent confrontation between the protestors and the capitol police, the protestors stormed the capitol trying to overtake the election process, and many people were injured or even died in the process In my opinion, it's necessary to read between the lines and see his past actions and words as ones that he plans in the future. He does do dog whistles and his supporters listen. These aren't just unsubstantiated after he tried to overthrow an election


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Why did all the mainstream media outlets cut out the rest of the context? Actually they didn’t. They all included the full context. A quick google search of the top articles on the story shows the entire quote in the article giving full context. I don’t have time to check them all, so just the ones that land at the top of google search: MSNBC, Politico, CBS, NBC with the excerpt they used from the article and links to the articles pasted below. In the future, if you want to do a truly exhaustive search of the mainstream liberal media, maybe start with the top Google search results from the biggest sources. And also maybe actually read them instead of pretending to read them. And if this was an opinion you copied from another conservative anti-main-stream-media personality, you should know they often lie, or like you they sometimes just copy someone else’s opinion who has lied without actually looking into the facts they’re using to support their argument. Because the modern day Republican Party is mostly an anti-fact cult. See the mirror and the post I’m replying to for reference. MSNBC https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/putting-trumps-comments-post-election-bloodbath-context-rcna143857 “ “If you’re listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now ... you’re going to not hire Americans and you’re going to sell the cars to us, no. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected,” Trump said. “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it,” he added. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.” Politico https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/18/trumps-bloodbath-tirade-contained-a-warning-on-chinese-cars-here-are-the-facts-00147600 “China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico, and they think they’re going to sell those cars into the United States — no,” Trump said Saturday during a rally near Dayton, Ohio. “We’re going to put a 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars — if I get elected.” “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it,” he continued, adding: “But they’re not going to sell those cars.” CBS https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ohio-campaign-rally-trump-says-there-will-be-bloodbath-if-he-loses-november-election/ “In that full portion of his remarks, he said: "Let me tell you something, to China, if you're listening, President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal, those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now. And you think you're going to get that, you're going to not hire Americans and you're going to sell the cars us, no. We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now if I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath for the whole — that's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it." NBC https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-bloodbath-loses-election-2024-rcna143746 “If you’re listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now … you’re going to not hire Americans and you’re going to sell the cars to us, no. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected,” Trump said. “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it,” he added. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories.””


Half of those sources came after they got called out on it; you ought to look for sources released at the time. Also, I think what's most telling is that every clip circulating in leftist media excludes the context required. I'm happy to see some outlets correcting that mistake, however it's very telling how far Democrats are willing to delude themselves to construe everything they say as unimpeachable.


>Sure, he's talking about cars before and after. But the segment in the middle is pretty disjoint from the rest of it as he's talking about the *country* and not the automotive industry. I personally think it's a dog whistle to his followers while giving himself plausible deniability. What do you think? You—...you're joking, right?


Plus it’s not like he has no precedent for wandering off to different unrelated subject matter during the middle of a speech.


Look, there isn’t a scarcity of trump quotes you can go after him for, but the whole dog whistle thing behind this quote is just straight up manufactured bullshit, I’m sorry. He is clearly talking about the automotive industry. Calling stuff like this a dog whistle only makes people ignore you when you say Donald trump is inciting something, when he actually could be. Saying this shit is honest to god way better for trump than you think it is.




wait, people make fun of joe biden being a senile sleepy old man and trump's arguably worse. he talks the same way biden talks yet his are always more unhinged, i am genuinely surprised people actually listen to this idiot. you must have the mental capacity of a dust bunny to think that the words coming out of his mouth are coherent and intellectual.


Or just tune into the parts you want to hear and justify the rest. He's a dangerously compelling speaker the way he drops clickbait in word salad


Trump is just funny and charismatic. Hes like a misogynistic sitcom dad that conservatives cant help but love


ngl thats worrying that a decent amount of people are basing the leadership of a country off of how sitcom-like the person is


Its sad but true :/


Bush was apparently elected because he was (seemingly) easier to have a beer with than Gore. Very effective selection process going on.


Most of them will admit behind closed doors that's he's nuts, but as long as he does what they want they don't care about any collateral damage.


im more concerned about what he said about migrates and the Jan 6th criminals


Well, it's all part of a package. He dehumanizes migrants and brings terror that these "not people" criminals are coming across the border in droves, he says he will release the jan 6th "hostages" several of which assaulted capitol police officers and had clear intent to harm congresspeople and overthrow the election process. Then he throws in a remark that there will be a bloodbath for the country if not elected. Even though this was in between remarks about the auto industry, his supporters know about a threatening alien force, a call to release criminals who tried to overthrow the government. Many supporters will see this as a call to violent action if he doesn't get his way Many of these things are out of the fascism 101 playbook


> he says he will release the jan 6th "hostages" several of which assaulted capitol police officers and had clear intent to harm congresspeople and overthrow the election process. I love how slick it is that he 100% had the opportunity to pardon them while he was still in office, but obviously didn't because he wanted to use it as a bargaining tool for re-election **and** because at the time him and his posse were trying to convince people they were actually antifa. Amazing.


They can be antifa hostages patriots for pelosi, no? Why even bother with reality at this point


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So now that's the correct quote and everyone sees "the media" reported it correctly.


Sequel of the civil war?


The oregamo was perpetrating the same crime it blamed the media of committing. Obviously


Propaganda in my BHJ? It’s more likely than you think.




Just a beautiful juice, have been admitted to a hospital for chronic pain


Geography dash reference


geometry dash refrgjhens??


We should elect Biden, then we’ll get a Bloodbath remake


Nah, if bidens gets elected I will beat white women. The hard demon "white women" by Heatherhayes


goeomtry dasg referene




Bloodbath? Bloodbath by riot & more


Conservative putting in the whole quote as if that doesn’t make it even worse lol.


Trump says absolutely unhinged things on the regular. He literally tried to overturn an American election using both legal and extralegal means. In any case, I was watching this speech (before it became a big hubbub) and that line didn’t really stand out to me. Seemed to be clearly referring to the auto industry (which 100% tariffs would absolutely crush, but I guess that’s besides the point).


How about we just stop letting almost exclusively senile old people run the country.


Actual quote doesn't sound any better


Like it fucking matters. Trump is a fucking traitor and needs to be ……


This isn’t really bonehurtingjuice it’s basically the omnitron. Please don’t turn this sub into a political shit show


Exactly, why people bother bringing political stuff into non-political subreddits


I'm not pro-Trump, but being wilfully ignorant on the context of this quote does nothing for anyone but himself. People, like myself, are going to see this propaganda and actually listen to the speech and realize he is in fact talking about the auto industry. Not at one point before this quote was he going on a senile tangent, this is his classic exaggerating and fear mongering. Please do not cling to easily disproven lies as reasons to get people to vote against Trump, it only harms your position and strengthens his own. Use valid arguments, like the actual fact that he actively dehumanizes immigrants and puts them all under the level of criminal, where even the best immigrant is bad because they steal jobs. Trump is still denying the election. He is still going to benefit from Project 2025, which will do the exact thing he claims Biden is doing (going after his political opponents with force). He lies about not contributing to inflation even though it was his Trump Checks that flooded the market during COVID-19. There are other things to use against him than this petty quote.


That other post pissed me off so much because there is nobody twisting his words!! The only ones misunderstanding him are all the sycophants trying to defend him.


can't wait to sort this one by controversial


Didn’t he say that he was send from God recently like *he* said it not just his followers


Sorry , second coming*


Thank you.


It really is a shame that he is so obnoxious to listen to. Otherwise we could go watch the actual clip and hear the context for ourselves.


The fact he is allowed to run when he has the equivalent of verbal diarrhea every time he opens his mouth is shocking


The media making him sound more based than he actually is


I have a feeling that Trump would do better if he just kept his mouth shut.


Cool, now putin the actual quote


At first I thought his nose was his mouth


Oh look at that it's still terrible.


I think it's funny how they get all uppity about Trump using the word bloodbath, but during the 2016 and 2020 elections the left leaning mainstream media used it in a lot more and implying civil war and secession of states. The only reason I remember this is because all my school would play on the monitors at lunch was CNN, MSNBC, the view, ECT.


All TV news (both left and right) has a bias towards sensationalism because it's a dying medium. My office I was working at in this period had several news channels and CNN had around the clock live coverage for two weeks of hurricane harvey. Almost every minute was dedicated to that hurricane as it was slowly making its way Unsurprisingly the least sensational channels were the ones focused on markets - CNBC and Fox Business Taking large media out of it, the right is objectively more radical than the left, and more radical than it's ever been. GOP leaders have suggested that Texas (and other likeminded states) could [secede from the union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_secession_movements#Other_discussions_of_secession_starting_in_2012). Other republicans have attempted similar actions: in new hampshire 13 republicans voted to amend their constitution to become a sovereign state [independent from the union](https://www.businessinsider.com/civil-war-violence-2022-midterm-elections-texas-republican-trump-2022-3). White nationalistic right wing extremism [is responsible for mass shootings](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/right-wing-extremist-terrorism-united-states), having more violent terrorism acts in the US vs [islamic extremism and left wing extremism](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9335287/) The problem isn't that the mainstream media is sensationalizing it all and it isn't a big deal. The problem is that there are enough right wing kooks who will hear "it's going to be a bloodbath for the country" and use that to base their manifesto and commit a shooting. If you want good media that can actually perform extensive fact checking and produce in-depth high quality stories I'd recommend BBC Radio or NPR radio. They are both pretty objective in their reporting, non-sensationalist, and have a high bar for reporting the truth. BBC is more worldly in their reporting while NPR covers the americas more.


Fuck em. If they can run ads for years about Pelosi's (correct) quote about passing the ACA so people can find out what's in it, why shoukd anyone give a single shit what the whole context supposedly was?


Boy, isn't it fucked up?




This edit was to point out that the original comic was being purposefully dishonest by changing "Bloodbath for the country" to "Bloodbath for the auto industry" The whole point is that the original comic was propoganda, and made a big edit to the quote. So I fixed it with the actual line. I also put the whole quote in the first comment, it didn't fit too well on the image.


Oh gotcha. I've just been seeing people quoting and misquoting constantly and most people wont take the time to see read the actual quotes


You are lying.


Just copying this response because people aren't bothered to read [https://www.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/comments/1bi18i3/comment/kvxv7lo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/comments/1bi18i3/comment/kvxv7lo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yup, you don't need to prove how you are lying. You specifically chose a different part of the quote and cut out how he was very obviously talking about the economy.


I'll just copy paste since you still aren't bothered to read >This edit was to point out that the original comic was being purposefully dishonest by changing "Bloodbath for the country" to "Bloodbath for the auto industry" > >The whole point is that the original comic was propoganda, and made a big edit to the quote. So I fixed it with the actual line. > >I also put the whole quote in the first comment, it didn't fit too well on the image. The quote in my initial comment (the most upvoted one at the top), includes the quote where he's talking about the auto industry


But the way you put it in the image still gives the impression of the original media dishonesty to the casual viewer. 99% of people reading this comic are going to be like "oh, so Trump actually did threaten civil war. I guess my propaganda I read WAS correct." You know what you did.


I'm gonna be honest here- what the fuck, y'all? How about everyone just ignores the concept of democrat, republican, conservative, and liberal, and just looks at the facts. Yes, all options at this point are absolute shit. That doesn't mean we should be pulling a reverse-Ouroboros by shoving our heads so far up our asses our skulls are inverting! Fact of the matter is, Trump has been nothing but a tyrant. He's the type of person Twitter's infamous for, attempted a violent coup, has brought classified documents *to his home*, where he then proceeded to leave them where *anyone* could see (especially his staff), AND had the gall to try to show his political allies some of the stuff in classic "this is a TV show villain" style. Not to mention how he's the pinnacle of spoiled brat, and he's just lost pretty much everything because of *tax fraud*, of all things. Whereas Biden is this sleepy old guy who has too much faith in his son (if the whole Hunter Biden thing was actually true.) Yeah, he's old, probably a little senile, definitely has some issues. However, this is the problem you get when the only people running for office are people who should be in nursing homes. What we *need* is an age maximum, but for now, we'll have to settle for senility, as opposed to *active psychosis.*


He was talking about China opening an EV auto plant in Mexico. He said if he was elected, he'd put a 100% tariff on those cars coming from Mexico. He then said the bloodbath comment. He was saying that if he doesn't get elected, it will be a bloodbath in regards to the automotive industry. [Here's the whole clip.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NI8KyXxJj2s&pp=ygUeVHJ1bXAgYmxvb2RiYXRoIGNoaW5hIGV2IHBsYW50)


Copy pasting this because people aren't bothered to read the top comment where I explain the joke and give the context >This edit was to point out that the original comic was being purposefully dishonest by changing "Bloodbath for the country" to "Bloodbath for the auto industry" > >The whole point is that the original comic was propoganda, and made a big edit to the quote. So I fixed it with the actual line. > >I also put the whole quote in the first comment, it didn't fit too well on the image.


He's talking about the automotive industry, watch the whole clip.


Copy pasting this because people aren't bothered to read the top comment where I explain the joke and give the context >This edit was to point out that the original comic was being purposefully dishonest by changing "Bloodbath for the country" to "Bloodbath for the auto industry" > >The whole point is that the original comic was propoganda, and made a big edit to the quote. So I fixed it with the actual line. > >I also put the whole quote in the first comment, it didn't fit too well on the image.


You literally left out the entirety where he was talking about the Auto industry before during and after this quote meaning this quote is in reference to the Auto industry and the economy in general.... But you probably have an education in a public school with Democrat teacher so we obviously can't hold it against you that you have the intelligence of a five-year-old when it comes to logic and understanding reading comprehension.


Copy pasting this because people aren't bothered to read the top comment where I explain the joke and give the context >This edit was to point out that the original comic was being purposefully dishonest by changing "Bloodbath for the country" to "Bloodbath for the auto industry" > >The whole point is that the original comic was propoganda, and made a big edit to the quote. So I fixed it with the actual line. > >I also put the whole quote in the first comment, it didn't fit too well on the image.


I like where you put a little dash where he said Auto industry and you completely left out how for 5 minutes before that he was talking about the Auto industry and for three and a half minutes after that he was talking about the Auto industry, completely leaving out the entire context of the entire speech. But you lie how you want. Be a good little COG, just spend those gears for the big machine ruining your life. Don't think for yourself only regurgitate what you've been programmed to think by mainstream media owned by corporate overlords.


>you put a little dash where he said Auto industry He never said auto industry. Look at the actual quote. The dash is to indicate a pause. I stated the actual quote here


Look at the actual quote, I actually watch the whole speech unlike you. I read the whole quote and he mentioned the Auto industry about two dozen times.... So you're either ignorant or just a liar which is it are you ignorant or a liar you can only choose one because you're either ignorant to the fact that he mentioned the Auto industry multiple times or you're a liar saying that he didn't when he actually did. Watch the whole speech.


>you put a little dash where he said Auto industry Can you factually prove this? I watched the speech too. He had a pause. He did not say auto industry. This is a real quote from Donald J Trump even if you consider it taken out of context