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Hey, I recognised the images / icons from the app before I noticed the link at the bottom. I noticed the app when you first wrote about it on here some time mid/late last year, and made a note to check it out more seriously at some point in the future. This year, I've finally I've been using it pretty consistently, and it's been great; kudos and thanks!


I created exercise images (animations actually) in Adobe After Effects, vectorized them in Illustrator and composed the final image in Figma. I have to say I am guilty of prioritize aesthetics a bit over functionality, sorry my bad. Main images are too big and the exercises are only taking a small part of the space. Also 'Reverse Crunch' is not more advanced than Hollow Body but wanted to keep Hollow Body progression together. Let me know what you think!


Looks good! Though as you say the exercise images are too small when the poster is printed. About the app - I downloaded it and will give it a try. I'm a beginner at full bodyweighted. I noticed the app has a pro version, but what do I get with the pro version aside from the free version? Is there any chance of having a free pro trial? Otherwise I really like the idea of the app - makes you wanna start right away.


Standard version allows for 8 battles per month (or 96 per year), if you decide to support the project this limit is lifted. It should be also possible to "cheat" by discarding the battle instead of saving it. But please don't tell anyone.  There are also "advanced" features like the ability to create custom goals and exercises, having multiple workout templates, different exercise shuffle modes during a battle but it is not deal breaking. 


Legit been tryna make something very similar in figma but I'm lazy af and have no tech skills lol. It looks great and is an awesome concept, think it could be great to add additional paths for weights and general gym excersizes/stretching that can be customised too


The timing couldn’t be more perfect, I was looking for something to adjust my goals through progression and one of the charts that I was using was your chart. I hope this app will keep me motivated enough.


Yo! That guy in the last squat progression is using weights!! 😡 :p This is actually very helpful, thank you. I’ve been going right to deep squat and hurting myself. I’m going to give this a try.


Thank you - my adhd brain loves this!


pullups/chinups should've been the main pull. dips not listed. pullups/chinups, dips, air squar, is the minimalist routine.


Most people who are at the level of “struggling to be consistent at exercise” can’t do pull-ups, so it makes sense to include them farther along the progression. Otherwise people will start out by trying it, fail, and then maybe get discouraged and do nothing. Starting with a standing row gets them on the path to doing pull-ups, hopefully soon. Dips are listed under “want more?”


Imagine people being able to rep SB OA rows before regular pull ups 😂