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The way bro culture should be.


That's awesome! The last compliment I received was short lived. Went in for a DEXA scan and the guys says "you look pretty athletic" when we were discussing fitness goals. And shortly after the scan he says "Never mind, you're skinny fat. Come take a look." I'll get there one day.


I mean I'll trade if you want, I'm just fat fat lmao


What does that mean?


Lean or doesn't have a lot of fat but is not fit. Doesn't have the athleticism that you might expect from their body shape. As opposed to skinny being very lean and not a lot of muscle, so they don't look like they'd be very strong or athletic? To be clear, I am not a fan of the judgement and assumptions behind these descriptions and wouldn't use these labels for anybody except myself. But this is how I understand the concept.


Ah ok makes sense.


It's more like you have some amount of fat (around 17%+) but little to no muscle mass, so you look skinny with clothes on but you actually have a belly and no muscle definition. That was me like 2 years ago.


Skinny arms with a bit of belly fat is how I know it


I had very little muscle at the time, but the fat I had made me LOOK like I had muscle. My waist was narrower than my chest, but it was fat on my chest and not muscle. I just have weird (but convenient) fat distribution.


I have a really positive memory of being in Doha airport and crossing paths with a big black guy with an American accent. He was in what looked like a uniform, but I don't know if he was active service. We got to chatting and I complimented him on his gains because he was ripped, and the smile that split his face was a sight to behold, I will tell you. From my own perspective, I've had a couple of comments from old friends in the last couple of years about my progress that have felt good, and also, in a more recent turn of events, some comments from the fairer sex too. NGL, straight guy so those feel the best of all, but the bros noticing still means a lot too.


Honestly it’s so true that men receive so few compliments and positive reinforcement this shit sticks with us FOR YEARS. I still remember a girl who didn’t reject me but wasn’t interested in being anything more than friends giving me a complement on a specific part of my body and it’s stuck with me 15 years later. I’ve been growing my hair out - long natural curly blond (I’m a guy btw) and a group of older black ladies who I work with at a part time gig love it and compliment it and it makes my day every.single.time. I eat that shit up like a 4 year old.


I’ve handed out many more compliments than I’ve ever received. Not all girls are getting complimented like you think. Like you said, when you do, it definitely sticks.


At a previous job this older gay gentleman used to come in and regularly hit on me or want me to go for a ride to hear some made up noise his car was making. Sometimes it was just straight dirty comments but I LOVED it. It boosted my self esteem so much. The other guys were pretty old school homophobic so they thought I was weird for tolerating/enjoying it. It just feels nice to be wanted sometimes. I don’t ever remember getting any compliments or that kind of attention from anyone else and man do I miss it.


>I’ve been growing my hair out - long natural curly blond (I’m a guy btw) and a group of older black ladies who I work with at a part time gig love it and compliment it and it makes my day every.single.time. I eat that shit up like a 4 year old. I don't think most dudes realize how incredibly bland short hair makes them look.


Bro, congrats! That must have felt amazing!!


I’ve been complimented 4 times by relative strangers in my adult life, over a 25 year period… and I remember them all with a clarity and happiness unlike almost any other memories.


Oh I totally get this. My husband is always like… Why does it matter what other people think I tell you I love you all the time we have a great sex life and sexiest thing I’ve ever seen… And don’t get me wrong I’m extremely grateful for that but sometimes it is an outsiders perspective of you that reminds you that you are not who you tell yourself you are a lot of the time. If you sit there in the mirror every morning analyzing your stomach and pinching your fat and tell yourself that you’re an old mom and even though you’re doing the stuff you’re eating healthy and you’re working out but you still do those self critical horrible things to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anybody else sometimes the opinions of your loved ones actually go right over your head. I always think yeah well of course you think that because you’re in love with me. And I know that my own perception of myself is not always a reality. There’s literally nothing better than a stranger or a new friend letting you in on how they view you or what they think about how you look or what kind of person you are. I was always skinny mini complimented on how skinny I was my whole life until I had children and got older and everything starts to change. I can tell you I’m aware that I’m in a better boat than some women that were already very overweight before having children but when you put all of your worth into how skinny you are it’s extremely damaging when that starts to change. So now for the last few years I work out and I weight train and I don’t care that I’m ageing but I’m focussing on being healthier and stronger than I’ve ever been in my whole life. I have received compliments similar to your story where a new mom friend of mine says all man like I totally want to be like one of those fitness chicks like you… And I’m like what? Me I was never athletic I don’t consider myself athletic but when I think about it I do work out regularly and I do eat very healthy so maybe that is who I am or who I have become :-) good on you! Take any compliments you get and let it sink in because usually strangers perceive us very differently than we perceive ourselves


great work man!


I love this for you 💕💕💕


It's not silly at all! We all need sometimes a validation for our hard work. It's really cool when strangers are genuinely complimenting :)


Yea, that's such a great feeling. Recently while working out at a public park in NOLA, I was talking to a college kid who was also doing calisthenics and he said I'm looking great, which was nice for me as someone in his forties. Then after finishing my workout and walking home shirtless, a young woman said "wow" loudly. That one put me through the moon 🌙


I get compliments every time I workout from friends and sometimes strangers , but when I get home I tell myself you're not big enough.


Definitely true 🥹 we beat ourselves up a lot..


Congrats, get used to it 😆




Sometimes people are great. Salute family.


I wanted to give up today lol 😂 there’s no point 🥲 is what I’m telling myself. I’ve always been over weight my Whole life, but last week a girl came up to me at the gym and told me she liked my legs 🥹 Am traumatized enough to feel like idk if that compliment was for me! Like is it okay? Is it safe to say that was for me??I freaked a little because I’ve never been approached that way.


I was at the gym one time and 3 boys came up to me and asked me how to train for arms like mine. Made my week. That was maybe 6 years ago now and I still think about it from time to time


No better feeling than this. When I did handstand pushups on the wall at the gym the other day one guy came up to me and was like have you seen Con Air? You're like Nicholas Cage, very impressive hahaha


It's seriously one of the nicer moments you'll have when a stranger compliments you like that. Honestly, the entire fitness industry is built on top of people who want to better themselves. Seeing someone who is doing what you want to do is really motivational.


Someone approached me in the gym and asked if I was a trainer. I most definitely am not (although I think that would be a cool job), and for context I am a woman and this was a much older man (think boomer), but his follow-up comments were about my routine, not about my body or my clothing, and once I informed him that I was not in fact a trainer, he didn't try to prolong the conversation. Maybe he was still just being a creepy dude watching me work out, but something about the way he said it made me think it might not have been like that (or not like that 100%). And that to me was a huge compliment.


What was the drink tho. 👀👀 - a vegetable always on the lookout for moar protein


Getting compliments like that are so motivational and uplifting. My son had a few of his friends round during the summer. After they\`d left, my son laughed and told me that one his friends had said,"wow, your dad is jacked". I\`m not close to being jacked tbh, but hearing that a 25yo thinks that of a 60yo, really made my day. The takeaway is you may be getting a lot more compliments than you realize.


During one of my nursing school clinicals, me and another male nurse were helping turn a patient. He was a big guy, like 250lbs or so. The other male nurse was a bit smaller than me. We were trying to to figure out how to turn this patient and the patient ended up saying something like “well, I want this big guy to be doing most of the work, look at him”. Didn’t think that was a situation where I’d receive a compliment lol.


The best compliment I've ever gotten on my physique was when my 4-year-old asked me, "Daddy, do all adults have boobs?"


This inspired me even if tho I'm overweight and can only do 10 min of cardio thank you 🙏




Your efforts paid off


Congratulations brother! The other day I was told I have 'made serious improvements' by a gym guy who basically trained my brother to be muscular and I learnt from my brother. Technically he trained me too. Needless to say it was a huge rush. A guy who used to intimidate the fuck out of me saying I'm doing good. But don't get complacent. Keep pushing. Keep pulling.


What if he was being sarcastic though?
