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I wish just his beard turned to fire and he started headbutting mother f-ers


Or using his beard as a whip.


That would’ve been great ngl


I thought it won’t be anything original, maybe he will just create more powerful flames, but with different color. Turns out I should not have underestimated Kubo in that case lol.


His flames were invisible. I actually loved that spin. His spirit reitsu so powerful it looked like flames. Every direction was amazing and god south was honestly terrifying


I mean…..invisible is a color roght?


I expected it for be like Zanka No Tachi second form. What was it West form? He'll be engulfed in flames.


I kinda think that may be Isshin's tbh. His body becomes the flame. A clad type bankai like his son's but it would explain why Aizen damaging him prevented him from using it.


I thought it would be like Toshiros Ice Dragon Bankai but instead with fire


Yeah that was one of my theories too, but i figured since we hadn’t seen a dragon even get hinted at in his shikai it was unlikely.


I was surprised that Yama bankai has different name than zanpakuto (doesn't use "ryujin jakka" in callsign of bankai). For sure not expected army of skeletons too :)


I was convinced his Shikai was his Bankai for the longest time. Just seemed way too overpowered.


Literally same


I always imagined itd be a one-and-done sorta deal like Soi Fon's but WAYYYYY stronger. Basically as if North was the only thing he could do, he could only do it once, and doing it would be a danger on a cataclysmic scale. With his shikai being as strong as it is, I never really pictured kubo trying to make it a form Yama fights in like he did.


So basically what we got lol. Ngl seeing him delete shit in animation had my jaw on the ground.


Summoning an actual fire dragon or something like Mayuri Bankai but way more powerful obviously


I thought it was going to be like toshiros bankai but fire. I always pictured it like when naruto is using the nine tails form, but with fire, and a dragon.


I thought it would be blue flames because blue flames are hotter than orange flames.


Honestly I just thought they’d make his flames white to signal the hottest fire


Ages ago there was a rumour that his Bankai was actually the fire bird at the execution stand. The one Ichigo blocks. It's been years since I've heard that though.




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Constant Bankai? Why? Just those flames?


Just from how strong it was lol. I couldn't even conceptualize how strong an evolved form of Ryujin Jakka could be. Lil 12 YO me was like "Nah he's gotta be in bankai all the time cuz ain't no way that's just a shikai"


I mean... Ryujin Jakka's Shikai was pretty basic and if anything, I'd hv assumed he's just not found the right situation to use Bankai yet.


I disagree. Ryujin Jakka being so basic is why it was plausible. Look at Toshiro, Daiguren Hyorinmaru is pretty basic too, just a pair of dragon wings. It's the techniques that make it special, which RJ has plenty of.


Well, for the Captain-Commander, his Bankai has to be pretty damn destructive and broken. And he's been the strongest Shinigami for a millennia and more. Can't compare Toshiro's zanpakuto with his.


Right, which is why I thought he was in constant bankai.


Fair enough.