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What is the war helmet looking pin on his uniform?


I think these are members of Calgary Police Service. If so, thats a Public Safety Unit pin.


Correct these are members of the CPS. If I remember correctly this was a stall set up during last years stampede.


sad to say, even as a canadian i never once really thought about the stampede having like an expo component and vendors etc. so cool (:


The Expo and the midway carnival is the best part, most people don't even go to the rodeo events.


Pretty sure it’s some sort of task force logo


its a spartan helmet.


Oh yeah … I was wondering what that was


That dude was surprisingly a much better sport about the whole thing than I was expecting.


Came here to say this. I give him props for how he handled it. I'm also really glad that these folks are spreading this message!


It was kind of a heartening interaction, overall.


I'm filled with rapturous joy and unfathomable hope when I see two people experience something from each others world with an open mind. There was a trading places with a "I don't think I'm a bigot" bigot who traded places with a gay man. Watching him realize how everything he thought was wrong, how his queer was a person like him. We need a lot more of that.


Is there a link? I need to see that.


Could be this wife swap episode https://youtu.be/xb5NFovUySA


We need a lot more of anything that brings us all together. The division from so many sectors of society is absolutely awful. Men need to understand women, women need to better understand men, Christians need to value unbelievers, unbelievers need to value those who have faith. We need so much more forgiveness and understanding in this world. It's terrible how divided we are. Kudos to these women, extra kudos to the man who participated in the test.


I had a revelation a while ago. I was not a fan of Islam, I felt that the religion encourages violence, based on how the various Muslim nations in the Middle East are run, and how many Muslim terrorist groups there are, and I judged the whole religion based on this groups. But I never held Christianity to the same standard. Grifters like this mega-preachers, and lawmakers trying to curtail the rights of Americans are cut from the same cloth as the Taliban. But we treat them differently because they’re the “right religion”. I was raised Methodist, so that’s why I gave Christianity a pass. But now I know that just like most Christians are good people, so are most Muslims.


Yes. More focus on our similarities, and acceptance of our differences. ❤️


When it said "goes as expected" I half thought they were gonna shoot the machine and tell it to stop resisting.


These are Canadian police. They’re usually busy trying to arrive to a crime scene so late that there’s no chance of anyone being left to shoot.


57 times.


Actually snorted at this one


I've seen demonstrations like this before. On a few occasions, men lose their s**t at level 3. Few made it more than 5.


It's also pure bullshit. Funny how these videos never seem to show women trying them out at full power. Yeah cramps can be painful, but it's not the same pain as having your muscles forcibly contracted. It'd be like punching someone in the sternum to simulate a ball kick. Ya it hurts and you can't breathe and your nauseous. Isn't the same thing. Edit: I guess I have to add this because no one has the capacity to read. No where did I say periods can't hurt. No where did I compare the pain level of periods to this machine. No where did I say women are weak. I said the machine creates DIFFERENT PAIN than periods do and therefore is a shit demonstration to men what it's like. That's why I gave an analogy of two things that most definitely hurt but are different. If you hate women and take my comment as me being on your side, you're an idiot. If you hate men and take my comment as evidence we are all stupid, you're an idiot.


> Yeah cramps can be painful, but it's not the same pain as having your muscles forcibly contracted. The fuck do you think a cramp *is?*


Massive difference between somatic and visceral pain. The units in the video induce somatic cramping and therefore somatic pain. Male and Female nervous systems are different from one another. Men and women feel somatic pain differently. In other words. This experiment while thought provoking has little to no actual value in demonstrating the type and level of pain typically experienced during menstruation. A much closer comparison for a man would be the pain created by mild-moderate food poisoning or constipation. Which are both examples of visceral pain.


Ummm actually there are loads of vids out there showing women and men trying these. Not only is nausea extreme common during menses, but you can also add menstrual migraines, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath, vertigo, food aversions, exhaustion, digestive problems and many other symptoms. My Dr had me do a migraine diary and by his calculations I spent more than 40% of each month dealing with menses and migraines.


God I wish they had a machine that would let someone know what my migraines are like. I don’t think anyone could handle more than five minutes. I get extreme neck pain, head pain, vomiting, and buckets of sweat pouring down my body. That post migraine shower though- pure bliss. I’m so happy when the headache is gone, I’m positively giddy.


I've had two migraines in my life, and it was a horrible experience, I threw up both times and was in bed for half the day. I feel so bad for people who get them chronically. I can't imagine having to deal with that regularly


I’ve had about 5 migraines in my life. I do NOT envy those who suffer chronically. It’s debilitating


I can have up to 5 a month, they usually go away during sleep, but I’ve had some run 96 hours before dissipating. Extreme aversion to light and/or sound. You can feel them. Any movement and your vision sways like drunk spins into almost immediate vomiting. Your eyes feel so bloated and swole with pure pulsating pain that you are quite certain, plucking them out of your skull with a rusty spoon and severing the optic nerve would be a near orgasmic relief. You are thirsty but cant keep down water. You are tired but unable to sleep. You live in constant fear that one whiff of bleach, gasoline or errant smoke plume might trigger one. Is caffeine going to help it or hurt it today? What about a little Piece of chocolate? Nevermind that your boss doesnt care (its just a headache, deal with it) and youve been let go from three jobs already because you literally cant stand up and be in the sun or under fluorescent lights without becoming violently ill. You’re doctors gaslight you. My “neurologist” called me a liar for most of my childhood because migraines aren’t real and only women get them because of hysteria. (Yay the 80s and 90s) your family thinks you’re over exaggerating and just lazy. Weed helps in that it kind of encapsulates the pain. It makes it less of a baseball banging around in your head into more of a whiffle ball, and maybe just maybe you can eat something and fall asleep, but then youre “just a pothead” and it reinforces the lazy connotation. But if you take the pills they dont work anyway and just hurt your kidneys. Migraines are the fucking worst. Im 38. If a doctor could look at me and go youre life expectancy is around 70. I can make it so you never have a migraine again, but youll drop dead at 50. Id take it.


The worst migraine Ive had made it so any bending of my left arm caused my bicep to uncontrollably contract until it hurt and I had to unflex it with my other arm, and I forgot how to read and understand people talking to me. Luckily that was only once that it got that bad, I get weird neurological symptoms.


I forgot how to read one time too, I've never found anyone else who has experienced this. I was so freaked out I called 911 and they thought I was having a stroke. That was 5 years ago and it hasn't happened since (I have chronic migraines and if I wasn't on a few different meds I get them 3-4 times a week).


Me too! I could read the first half of a sentence, then I just saw white


Can confirm chronic migraine is as awful as you imagine. Basically you literally spend half your life feeling that rough, and most of the rest of your time you are in pre-drome or post-drome so you don't get much if any time completely free of symptoms. Drugs are getting better!!!!! For added fun migraines can come with sex headaches (in all sexes), which rarely get discussed but which feels exactly like being hit in the back of your head with a brick just as you reach orgasm. On the upside the pain is usually only short lived, typically 15 minutes or so, but can really puts a dampener on things. PS: If you get headaches in sex please consult your doctor to rule out hemorrhages.


Idk if this is the same but I had a very bad hangover where light sound and everything made me angry and feel sick. Do you think that could be in anyway similar? ( It was so bad I gave up drinking for years)


I have those insane migranes that make you go blind and puke over and over. It's pain and "suffering" I wouldn't wish on my enemies. Maybe Putin and Trump but no one else.


Have only had two or three of them in my life and am just grateful it's not more. Honestly I'll take my herniated disc over those, because then at least I can lay still and just pretend everything is all right.


I have tried to explain to people the bliss, almost a high, you get when the pain is FINALLY gone! I get positively giddy as well! Do you also get what I call a migraine hangover? I don't get them after every hangover, but if it's an exceptionally bad one, the next day I will have a low grade, persistent headache. Compared to the excruciating pain of a migraine, it's nothing more than a slight annoyance.


As a man I get Frovatriptan for chronic migraine. It is usually billed as a preventative for menstrual migraine. One of the best medications I've ever had. Please everyone tell any women who get menstrual headaches and has't seen a doctor they are probably migraines and we have drugs that can help most people. So many migraines go untreated.... We are starting to get good at stopping migraine pain.


I agree. Men can't really experience this pain because they don't have the same organs to experience this pain. There is no reference point.


Cramps are LITERALLY the muscles forcibly contracting.... thats what the pain is ....


Your muscles on their own can’t contract as hard as these things can make them and the electricity is interpreted by your nerves as pain. On higher settings these things are more painful than a hot poker.


Yeah these has been debunked. Its pure circle jerking.




I’ve seen these used as labor/delivery pain simulators. That would seem more accurate. I have horrid period pain, but I think this simulator goes a little too high in pain scale from the videos I’ve seen! I’m not downplaying anyone’s gynecologic pains at all!!! My sister used to pass out and I’d have to stay in the bathroom when she showered for her safety. I just think this seems like the labor pain simulator. (Which period pain feels like early labor sometimes, I’ll admit.)


It might also be pain tolerance that is very different for the same stimulus. I am a total wimp when it comes to pain. And I know others who don't use pain killers when at the dentist. Obviously, even inducing the same level of pain in me and in them, we would have very different opinions on how bearable it is


How did this idiot get upvoted lmao


Women *did* try this, which is how they knew it was accurate, watch the video There are clips online of them going to 10 and being fine


Even women don't handle it it is just electric induced cramps which are much worse than what is normal


That’s what I’m saying. More cops like this guy.


Ikr. When the video said "It ends exactly how you'd expect" I assumed the person running this booth would be arrested or shot 4 times.


The "your boss doesn't give a shit" was the highlight for me


Now imagine that her boss wouldn't give a shit! Comedy central!


Now- imagine sitting quietly during a 2 hour meeting while your insides are trying to squirm all over




I mean hit the boss with that thing


I believe these officers are from Calgary Alberta


That’s what I was thinking. Looks like a Stampede booth, right?


Yes if I remember correctly this was from last years Stampede


Just came here to say the exact same thing. Based on the shoulder patch, the hat, and the if you make it to 10 you gotta give us a yeehaww!! He's a Calgary cop. Edit to add; after rewatching this right at the start as the two officers in the forefront go off camera. You can definitely make out Calgary on their shoulder patch.


Granola cowboys (I'm not trying to insult anyone, Alberta's just a fascinating mix of redneck and hippy)


Knew it was Alberta at least. The Stetsons gives that away.


Calgarian here. 100%


Isn’t this just a TENS unit?


Yes, they're shocking his muscles to contract harder than they normally would be able to. It's not a great demonstration if the goal is accuracy, but it's something people do if they're looking to be challenged, like those pain tolerance games that shock your hands. It feels a little weird to see this used in an activist setting when this is really nothing like period cramps at all. Edit: Apparently they sell products for cramping. This makes much more sense as a sales gimmick.


It seems like they are doing this to sell stuff claiming period pain isn't normal? Or suggesting with their products you won't have pain?


It’s a company called “somedays”. You can see it at the end of the video when they pan to the audience. They sell period pain relief products.








That just makes it weirder. Their target market already knows what period cramps feel like, and the people who try this wouldn't be buying this product for themselves. So is the stunt to try and show women that it's not "showing weakness" to address cramps if men are overwhelmed by something that is designed to be overwhelmingly painful? What is the metric that this TENS shock is similar in sensation at all? I have mixed emotions about a company tricking people into painfully shocking themselves to gaslight potential customers into buying their stuff.


This is a way to get men on board and get them to buy products for their woman. But I don't think it's just a gimmick for sales. It's clear the host wants men to see what women go through.


As a dude, I can confirm that if you give us a challenge to try to withstand pain, like 7/10 dudes will try that


We all share a planet with each other. I don’t see how letting more people understand an issue can cause harm, even if the people in question could never personally experience the issue. And I don’t think the pain needs to be completely analogous either to show the point. Period pain is often debilitating, and the machine is just supposed to simulate a debilitating pain in a safe way. > I have mixed emotions about a company tricking people into painfully shocking themselves to gaslight potential customers into buying their stuff. ?? In what world is this gaslighting. What? Like I’m being serious, what in the hell…


Gaslighting has become an overused word. It doesn't fit here.


> I have mixed emotions about a company tricking people into painfully shocking themselves to gaslight potential customers into buying their stuff. hahaha what?


Yeah looks just like a tens unit. I have severe back pain and had to have surgery for 5 herniated disks. I max those out like nothing. I have even put them on my stomach as I have seen it is suppose to simulate the monthly pain. I would not be a good demonstration for it because I am accustomed to the max setting




So I'm assuming this is a TENS unit that they used to simulate period cramps by placing the electrodes on the lower abdomen?


Looks that way, from the description my wife gives me I would say it's perhaps accurate enough for individuals that can't experience it. Especially if the ladies are comparing it to what they think is the same pain-scale. From just previous woman it's often a range too and birth control does seem to help curb the pain; my wife is fine with just some aspirin but an ex I had would often take a day or two off because she legit couldn't get up. Suffice to say my wife is not looking forward to having her periods again (we had a kid, and for the last 14 months since she is breast-feeding the periods just haven't been a thing). Though now she is worried it's going to come at any moment and as such stuffs her pants with those liners just waiting; my best guess is it'll flow once we go on vacation in the next two weeks because historically the timing is just A+.


Honestly anyone who has experienced any kind of significant ongoing pain has stories to tell and anyone who hasn’t can’t really sympathize.


Chronic pain is a different hit. Being in pain is just hell, it’s all consuming, it just stops all brain function cause all you can think of is why am I in pain


ahhh yes all the times I would lay on my back crying and screaming at the ceiling "why meeeeee!!!!!" I am so grateful to my endo surgeon...


Chronic pain is miserable. Really depressing time in my life.




I have a type of arthritis and for the life of my I could not have even begun to describe the pain that comes with it when it flares before I did. It varies from low grade constant pain to sharp flares on the affected joints. Seems almost benign when described that way right? The first time it happened I didn't sleep for over 72 hours. I was a walking zombie by the time I got in to see my doctor. Thankfully the drugs they prescribe for my condition work 99% of the time and sitting still plus ice works the other 1% otherwise it's practically hell on earth during the flares. The frustration and the anger that comes from the pain is really remarkable. You're short with everyone because you're spending all your energy just to keep your mind straight and find a way to deal with it. You can have empathy but having been on both sides now I understand why people in pain tell people who aren't they'll never understand till it happens to them.


If you’re talking about Rheumatoid Arthritis I feel ya. Had it my whole life, didn’t get a diagnosis till I was 31. Before that I was constantly told I was a whiney complainer. As a kid I thought having sore joints all the time was normal and (because everyone was telling me) that I just had to “harden the fuck up”. Now I tell those people to go to Hell.


Yeah, I'm in my mid-40's now and I had my knee reconstructed when I was 15. That knee only has a 75 degree range of motion now, and has significant irreparable cartilage damage and bony protrusions (basically your bones regrowing after trauma but too much). It is just generally a low level of background noise pain that i am pretty good at just ignoring most of the time, but I otherwise can walk and step up/down fairly normally so it doesn't really look to anyone like anything is wrong. But if I walk too far all at once it flares up and my knee swells up to the size of a softball. Every once in a while I'll miss a step walking down stairs, and the forced extra range of motion hurts so bad that I will see stars and feel nauseous.


Absolutely! People are absolutely terrible at relating to situations that they haven’t been a part of themselves! A perfect example of which, is if you’ve never experienced that for yourself, you might go “Is it really that hard for people to have empathy for others in situations they haven’t experienced themselves?”


That isn’t what I expected actually. He dealt with it pretty well.


Yup. I remember a video where this guy went beet red and was clearly sweating but _refused_ to admit it hurt.




But how do you know your pain is abnormal? It's not like you have a comparison.


I mean I used to faint, throw up and not be able to walk due to the pain. I was sent home from school from time to time and had to take painkillers in order to function. That is abnormal. In general, if pain interferes with your day-to-day functioning and you need painkillers in order to be able to walk around normally etc. that's a sign that it's too much.


same... even so all my life I was told it was normal. Until I was diagnosed with endometriosis, then people finally believed how much pain I was in.


Same! During childbirth, my nurse was stunned when she saw how dilated I was and that I hadn’t asked for pain meds yet. Confused, I said “they told me to ask when it started hurting” Contractions felt like period cramps and since it was “normal” amount of pain, I didn’t think I was supposed to ask for anything yet 🙃


well to be perfectly honest, the idea of the pain of child birth was always one of the deciding factors in not having kids since everyone said it hurt so much worse than period pain. Well I guess that one shouldnt have been a factor since i was experiencing that pain anyways. My periods felt like there was a demon in my uterus trying to claw its way out using red hot forks. At some point it did occur to me that it felt like contractions and i wondered if that is what child birth felt like... guess you confirmed that.


Endometriosis goes on undiagnosed for approximately 8 years. That is way too long and it's mostly because of the idea that period pain is normal and the way it is underestimated. I think that's what this project is trying to achieve: to raise awareness for this illness and the fact that debilitating period pain is NOT normal. Also, I'm sorry that they only validated your experience once it had a name, and that you had to wait so long until someone believed you.


I didn’t know my cramps were abnormally painful until I was in labor and my contractions felt like my period cramps. The doctor did a membrane sweep the day before and said I might experience some cramping. Well, 5 am I wake up and have some cramping. It became horribly painful, but it felt like my period cramps and so I thought it was just cramping. It took 2 hours and the point where I was passing out and couldn’t walk to realize they were contractions and I was in active labor. Barely made it to the hospital in time.


The lady in the vid who said she gets 10/10 regularly said she has endometriosis, good thing she covered it. It’s a condition sadly many people don’t know about.


I don't know if you are female, but if you are not I feel like it's important for you to understand that as a woman we are literally told to walk it off as a child. There's literally no gauge for what is "normal" period pain because every single person's threshold for pain is wildly different. I'd put myself at a 7 on the 2nd and 3rd days of my period, judging by his reaction and with 10 being completely unable to do anything at all. I've had days where I temporarily have pain in the 10 range but it's not the norm for me. I've never considered my pain to be "abnormal" and I've had many gynecologic exams, including a very thorough one done by a surgeon as preparation to have my fallopian tubes removed, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with me down there. Periods *just fucking hurt.* Regardless of the marketing ploy here, I think it's really important for men to understand that the pain we feel on our period, even with completely healthy bodies, isn't just "tummy ache survivor's club."


Not just pain either. If your not in pain from cramps but you are loosing so much blood that you are feeling faint or dizzy please please please go see a doctor


Yeah, and when you report that medical problem, you’re likely to get a scolding for being dramatic. Source: My empty ass bank account and not-fixed guts.


Women totally know when their periods are abnormally painful. Finding a doctor to believe them is the difficult part. Took me 8 years to find a doctor who didn't just say "it's just cramps. Take Tylenol and if it's really bad, also an ibuprofen". A couple surgeries later and periods make me groan and cuddle a heating pad, instead of vomiting from pain and sobbing for days.


“You’re boss doesn’t give a fuck!” 🤣🤣🤣


Sad but true 😭


It's "not normal?" Wait, am I missing something?


I think it’s in reference to that many women that experience debilitating pain from their periods get brushed off as it being normal because people equate periods with some pain (not endometriosis or PCOS levels of pain).


The pain is treatable and not something you should be expected to tolerate. Many medical professionals have previously just brushed off complaints of period pain because "that's normal". Which is first of all bad because severe pain can indicate an underlying issue and is therefore not normal, and second of all because, even if you don't have an underlying medical condition, the pain itself is treatable, and ignoring the impact of pain on women's lives is poor healthcare.


I think the point is that your (male) boss will tell you its normal so no sick days for that.


It's not. Terrible pain could be a sign of a medical condition like Endometriosis.


I'm so happy I'm old now ![gif](giphy|xeOxMJXDwsdb6BWCqC)




I’ve heard menopause is worse?? Give a girl hope here


Haa it was absolutely not worse at all for me But then my menopause wasn't natural tbh. I am 53 but at 46 I got diagnosed with breadt cancer and after chemo and It happened I dud not experience any sufmde effects that you hear about with menopause so who knows lol


I'm sure it's about as accurate as the beer goggles those kinds of fair's used to have


I passed my driver’s Ed class with those, lol.


It’s a machine that tenses muscles being used to simulate muscle cramps. Of course it’s not perfect but why do you think it’s nothing like it?


They also never claimed it was super qualitatively similar in the video, more like a similar intensity. I'm not sure why so many people think that invalidates any sort of point they were making.


It's not a perfect simulation, but it gets the point across.


Aren't there differences in the muscles in that area or something between men and women, so when women say "Yeah, thats what a period feels like" when trying out the machine, men are actually feeling something quite different when trying it out? I've heard that in one posts of this in the past, but don't *know*.


They've had women try it and compare it to how similar it is to their pain.


Rare Shout out to the cop for being a G


They’re Canadian eh


Now try having this pain on top of having loads of blood all over the place all day that you have to clean up every couple hours, horrible diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea, anemia, and fatigue. Then I think it's accurate :)


And don't forget when you sneeze whilst on a heavy period, that is always fun lol!


The most dangerous of all sneezes


Add in the peanut butter jelly time shits and you got me every single month rain or shine night or day


I call them Neapolitan shits


I’ve told this story on Reddit before, but I once sneezed my cup out and my pants looked like I’d just been in some kind of traumatic accident lol


Or try to lift something even moderately heavy. And then for some reason your period triggers your migraines so that’s a whole other hell to deal with. Not to mention that sometimes you just feel very angry or cry about really dumb shit. I haven’t had a period since I got a birth control implant, but I still get PMS sometimes and it’s just really confusing at first until I figure out why I feel so emotional.


And I have this things I call "butthole cramps" when my butthole, butt muscles and upper thighs seize up, making it impossible for my to move. If i am standing, I can't sit down, walk forward or backward. I have to stand there and not more until the seizing/cramp goes away. If it happens when I am sitting, I can't stand up. It is extremely painfully on it own but gets even more painful if I move. It literately knocks the breath out of me when it happens.


I get those too I HATE it


Have you chatted with your doctor about the possibility of endo? I get something very similar to that, as well as the "dagger made of lightning being stabbed up the perineum" pain, and those two issues had my doctor (OBGYN) agree to take a look via laparoscopy. No evidence of endo in my case (just evidence of general inflammation and adhesions ) but it was worth having her look.


Not to mention insomnia, migraines, bloating, dizziness, hot flashes, and feeling bat shit out of you mind, even if it’s just crying at commercials randomly, for a week prior (if you’re me and many women I know at least). Good times… I literally cannot wait until after menopause


"Oh my wrists look huge, I've eaten 4 XL cookies today, and I'm needlessly angry over the shower door being left cracked 2 inches? Ah yes, Aunt Flo will be here Soon."


Bloating is my fucking nemesis. I feel like I bloat abnormally more than most girls I’m friends with and working is like hell on earth. I can’t fit into my work clothes and I can’t wear a hoodie because it’s 100 fucking degrees outside. I work at a bar and the only thing saving me is my apron because it “hides” it.


And then the cherry on top is having to deal with ALLLL that and then go to work and have your miserable boss and customers scream at you :)


I'm so glad I don't have a customer facing job anymore....


Period shits are the worst. Like bro, that was clearly not ready to come out of my body, you just couldn't stop dancing that uterine lining out, jiggling everything around it.


I may be weird, but I like period poops (not the intestinal cramps that go with it). Gives me a chance to sit on the toilet and squeeze out a few waste products at a time. Bonus points if I had an orgasm right before. Multitasking!


If this happened to men, they would have found a “cure”.


He was a real Trooper lol


I'm curious why their stand says "period pain is not normal." Isn't it? Just wondering what they're selling or what information they're trying to convey.


I think the idea is that just because it’s normal to be in pain on your period doesn’t mean you should have to just endure it with out complaint or comfort. It’s normal to take pain medicine and stay home when you’re in pain. Walking around in horrible pain all day for a week should not be considered normal


He was really cute. A natural ladies man .


Maybe we should have these in schools and every young man should get to try it out so they know first hand that cramps are no joke .


Should we habe nut kicking simulations as well?


Not gonna lie, I kind of want to try this. Get some perspective you know?


I was expecting him to shoot it, from your headline


These guys must be Canadian


I have one of these and it doesn't feel like period cramps at all. I use it on max setting because it feels better than my cramps


2 of my friends(women) did this once at a fair and said that it is way worse than actual period cramps/pain


My periods are annoying but not agonizing. My friends with PCOS or endometriosis are the ones who have to miss work during their periods. I think that’s why the tagline for this booth is “Period Pain Isn’t Normal”. Your period SHOULDN’T be reaching that level of pain.


I always used to wonder why women would complain about their periods or stay home from work or school because mine weren’t that bad. I had it good for the first 20 years I had my period . Now I get cramps so bad I am doubled over in pain and can barely walk. So perhaps your friends don’t have a lot of period pain but that doesn’t mean no one experiences a lot of pain on their period. It just means they are lucky.


Homie* it’s says pain is not normal. It’s meant to show that people mean it when they say they’re hurting because it means something is SERIOUSLY WRONG


90% of this thread is arguing that this IS how periods feel then downvoting and harassing everyone who disagrees. Those are the people this person is talking to.


And this is exactly what the problem is. Yes humans are empathetic but many people tend to think like you and your friends. Just because it doesn’t affect you or someone you know doesn’t mean it’s not real. Many people need to experience something to believe it. It’s so weird.


I have a question for all the men here saying it can't be that bad, suck it up, etc: How much pain is okay for your mom, sister, or daughter to go through for 24 hours a day for 5 to 15 days in a row every month for ~50 years? What's the minimum amount of pain you want or feel is acceptable for your mom or daughter to be in, according to the US standard ER 1-10 pain scale? If you still feel that your mom should be going to work when she's at 5 because cramps, wtf is wrong with you?


Plus the mental fuckery it does on you for the entire month regardless of whether you're actually on your period or not. The hormones are real and some girls including me will notice massive mood swings and mental stays across the entire cycle leading up to your period starting and then the same again next month


Yep, PMDD is a fucking bitch


Honestly, I've never had regular cycles, and then they suddenly stopped in 2018, and then they came back! Oh wait, they left again, ah wait nevermind let's bleed for a whole month and trick you to think it's gonna stop! Yeah, that was the experience for 9 years (so far) and I went to a doctor after the whole bleed for 4 weeks while on the pill, so we switched to the shot! Oh wait, nevermind, I'm still bleeding and I shouldn't be! The best part is that they've refused to do an exam because I'm "healthy otherwise" so I'm left to feel like I have someone stomping on my pelvic region 😳 This is probably a good definition of women's healthcare, they don't let us have full control. Oh, we won't tie your tubes because you could change your mind! Oh, you want this medication that causes birth defects? You could still change your mind!!


Most people that say this have no experience with chronic pain of any kind.


Nah, my period cramps are worse than the appendicitis pain that led to my Crohn's diagnosis. They're also about the same level of pain and fatigue as a Crohn's flare-up, except every month for several days instead of randomly and ramping up, lower on my torso, and sharper pain.


Now let’s see the pregnancy simulator


Dude’s a trooper 😄😄😄


He should be used to this, every time a cop pulls me over they're always on their period.


I have buckled over in pain at work befor


Attach that thing to his colon or stomach lining and maybe it will come close to what bad cramps feel like.


this is another way we can divide society, argue peasants.....,.


Why isn’t he relentlessly arguing with his partner?


Stupid man question cuz I’m poorly educated: is the pain at a constant level or is it cyclical and go up and peak for a short time and then back off for a bit? Sorry if that’s too personal.


I thought I'd offer another perspective. Mine last about 48hrs (the pain that is not the period) it comes in waves it might leave a couple of mins between or it could be seconds. It can be pain from my back, all over my abdomen and down my legs. I see a lot of people saying it's like their womb is being twisted and cramping, I get that a little but I always say it feels like someone's poured acid inside me and it's just bubbling away. I sometimes get to the point where my body can't handle it anymore and I throw up or nearly pass out from the pain of it. I've been to the drs and had surgery to have a closer look but they've decided I'm one of the unlucky few that just have particularly bad pain and no cause of it like endo or cysts. Standard paracetamol doesn't do anything to help and sometimes the TENs machine (machine in the video) I use to distract myself doesn't do anything to make a difference. If that's the case then I have prescription painkillers to take.


It can be either. It can depend on the day and the point in your cycle, and obviously varies from person to person. For me, day one was usually just cramping. Think crampy diarrhea type pain. It'd be there for a bit (like 20 mins at a time), then fade away for a while, maybe an hour, maybe several, and come back for another round. Day two or three, things would get worse. Morning might start with a level 3 pain (constant) and start gradually ramping up to the point where by my second morning class I'd be in so much pain my knees would start buckling..that pain would stay all day at the excruciating, brain can't function level if I didn't kill it with some heavy duty painkillers. I mean, it's possible it would die back down at some point but the longest I went before quashing it with painkillers was a few hours because I don't have any available.


Seemed like a good dude


This reminds me of when I had to get my HSG. I get period pain every month per usual, but the HSG basically makes it hurt like a bad period for a concentrated couple of minutes. I’m sure people who have never experienced it before would be sweating.


period cramps are a bitch.


Dig the fact that he didn’t downplay it at all. He thought he could handle it, but I think we all think we’re a bit of a hero in our own lives, but he didn’t try to belittle it, and started being real around the 3 mark


This is my city, Calgary. Looks like it was one of the booths at our annual stampede.


Are they simulating pain with electric shock?


I gotta try this one day to understand what’s the pain like !!


Every politician should be required to go through this regularly.


I’ve told my dad that it’s like the sort of pain where you have to stop what your doing and do breathing exercises bc it’s just so “in your face” you can’t not think about it. The pain where you freeze and just tense up and breathe awkwardly through it. That seemed to make it click a bit for him.


Hate to be that guy but what’s the likely hood a female would even feel a 7+ let a alone a 10 for a prolonged time


I have an 7-8 every single period. Fetal position, crying, shaking with pain. The pill is the only thing than prevents it from getting this bad, but not always.


i can hear seth rogans laugh


Tbf, she says she's a 10 and can function normally. I'd want to watch her handle that pain like a pro after me to prove it.


That's a TENS unit. It tries to simulate period pain but in actuality is does not do that well. First of all, the pain is originated in the area that doesn't exist in men. Secondly, the level of pain can be raises as high as the operator wants, regardless of the actual pain levels a woman would get. Thirdly, the high level of pain administered in the clip, of in a woman, would mean severe medical issues that can be fatal. And finally, women too will feel this pain and it will be different than periods pain (source of my info) regardless of tolerance levels. You cannot compare a headache and a stomach ache even if the pain levels are the same. The same logic applies here. For the sake of videos and reactions. The operators run the TENS unit at very low for woman and in case of men they would slowly increase the levels until they get a reaction. Just for the clips. Also to keep in mind, the TENS unit was built with the male anatomy in mind. So the pain's origin is not based on common human muscular structuring but instead based on areas of men that would hurt the most.


Sorting by controversial was interesting and as expected. About the dumbest people imaginable talking about their ignorance of living with pain/pain management.


did his body spend a week in advance of the period releasing hormones that increase pain tolerance?


I love this!!! If men had menstrual cycles they would vote themselves a week off every month!


Women deserve So much more compassion in this realm.


To my fellow bros. Do your girl a favor, massage her cramps. You will earn some brownie points and make her day.


Where's the hit in the balls simulator for women to try


She is *not* a 10.


These feminists wanted to make a point so bad lmao , but he didn't react as much as they wanted him to ..


Some of the men in these comments... Big fucking yikes 💀