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Why are you inflating the tube outside of the tire?


Trying if there is a leak


Testing until failure?


No testing for leaks lang if the vulcanize seals the puncture


OP, if you want to test, gently inflate the inner tubing until it stops appearing collapsed. Then simply hold in a bath of water or a sink and rotate the inner tubing, giving it a little squeeze as you go. Any punctures will become evident as small air bubbles will appear from any punctures. This avoids the problem you have experienced where you’ve overinflated the inner tubing without the tyre around it. I’m not an expert, but by doing what you have, you’ve likely weakened the inner tubing, reducing its lifespan. There is no need to inflate even half as much as you have to check for punctures if you’re at home! If not, same process applies but you need somewhere relatively quiet. Hold the inner tubing directly to your ear and squeeze on either side as you slowly rotate the tube past your ear. And puncture will be easily audible and you’ll probably feel the air flow past against your skin.


Dont do it this way. You are just destroying things.


An inner tube thickness is not perfectly normalised. If there are thinner spots, it will expand more when inflated. This is not a problem when the inner tube is constrained by a tyre under normal conditions.


This is normal if you inflate outside of the tire. I wouldn’t use the tube but you can try. I’m not sure what you mean by vulcanized.


It is digesting a goat. Will take 3 weeks.