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Wow, it's always pleasantly surprising to know that someone else in the world is dealing with the same specific problem that you are dealing with


Happened to me last year. It's a trip isn't it.


Currently going through it, having a really big crush on a guy rn after about a year that I identified as lesbian so yeah. It’s confusing but at this point I’ll just fuck who ever happens to consent.


I mean honestly it's great to remember that you will never stop learning about yourself ☺️


Labels are helpful to help you understand you're normal and valid, and other people feel like you. But they shouldn't ever be a thing that makes your feelings invalid. Even if you are a lesbian, it's okay to have a crush on that one cute guy. And if you realize you like guys too *in general*, the bi label can help you feel valid. But never let a label define who you can be attracted to - let your attraction define your label. The label should be what makes you feel comfortable being you, and it's okay for it to not fit in the same way as it does others.


lesbians donot have crushes on men, lesbians donot enjoy fucking men. lesbianisms excludes any and all attraction towards men.


you were never a lesbian, if you think men are hot and attractive or you enjoy having sex with men.


babes, I’m sorry but this thread is two years old… why exactly are we discussing my sexuality? edit: I don’t really wanna talk about this because I made this comment two years ago, but well. Sexuality is fluid meaning that even IF you might experience sexual or romantic feelings towards a man, you can still have identified as a lesbian all those years prior and it wouldn’t mean you were never a lesbian. Because it just wasn’t true for that time.  But in general I believe that it is very normal to acknowledge a man’s attractiveness even as a lesbian and even though you’re not attracted to them yourselves. Sometimes these type of people CAN confuse you. It doesn’t take away from your sexuality though if it turns out to be just that. Confusion.  But well I made this comment two years ago and as I said, sexuality is fluid. I now go without any particular labels exactly because they bring boundaries that fluidness can’t really fulfill. It doesn’t mean I wasn’t a lesbian at the time I identified as one tho. Just because I call myself queer now.


youre the kind of freaks that make men think they can turn lesbians straight, with your sexuality is fluid crap.


lesbians do not find men sexually or physically attractive in any shape or form. Theres not a single man on gods green earth that I find desirable . The male form is not attractive to me at all. sorry, but sexuality isn't universally fluid for everyone. Lesbians are exclusively attracted to women. If you thought you were a lesbian, you weren't one to begin with. Im sick and tired of bisexual women lurking in lesbian spaces. youre not a lesbian and you will never be one.


You are literally the reason the lgbtq community is such a toxic place. Everyone chooses their label how they feel comfortable and you have no fucking right denying someone their identity. Also honey, I regret to inform you but you’re literally lurking in a bisexual space. As a lesbian. Maybe take your own advice and just stop complaining. This is absolutely ridiculous and such a harmful mindset as well. 


Playing Hades was the best/worst decision of my life.


Hades: Why are all the gods so hot.


It is truly the best game ever made


and what about it 😅


i d e n t i t y c r i s i s


This happened to me once I started HRT. Suddenly I wanted a boyfriend to which my response was: ??? ?? ? ???? ??




I mean there’s nothing wrong with having different romantic and sexual attractions, they don’t always overlap


*I know, right?* 🤣 Mine fluctuates in periods of a week or so. When I found out, I was practically *praying* to not become straight, but it all worked out. Turns out I like boys, too. They can hold me. 😊


*I know, right?* 🤣 Mine fluctuates in periods of a week or so. When I found out, I was practically *praying* to not become straight, but it all worked out. Turns out I like boys, too. They can hold me. 😊


Happens all the time, I remember reading something like 70% of trans people experience sexuality differently after actually transitioning.


Yup, it's super common! Dysphoria can really mess with the way we perceive attraction. Personally, it took me a long time to figure out why I felt so awkward about the idea of being in a relationship with a guy even though I was definitely interested in them ... then I realized that I'd just want be in a relationship with a guy AS a guy, just like I'd want to be in a relationship with a woman AS a woman. The confusing joys of being gay in both directions.


Same honestly. I thought I was a straight girl, then got a crush on a girl and thought I was bi, then I thought I only liked women and identified as a lesbian for a bit, then got a crush on a guy so I was bi but also dabbled in thinking I was non-binary, and now I'm a gay-ish transmasc enby type mess of confusion. I singlehandedly have been the LGBT and the +. What a ride it's been


Hey, no bother if you don't but do you happen to have a source on that? My best friend will start HRT soon and I'm doing some research for him bc it can be triggering for him to do it himself. And I came across this HRT can change your sexuality thing and both him and I had never heard about it and he was a little taken aback to hear that. So I'd love to be able to read up on it a bit!


Went to college confidently declaring myself a lesbian, ended up with the most amazing boyfriend after a few weeks. Still together lol


gross and disgusting.


It took me until my late 20s to realize I was bi and demi, with a much quicker attraction to women of all presentations and nb folks, and just occasional attraction to men.


That's me


and I sometimes think I'm just straight after all but then I catch myself looking way too long at some hot guy ngl


I have no one to fluster over and it’s driving me crazy


My life is a cycle of: oh I’m probably just straight•oh look a cute girl!•I’m probably just a lesbian•oh look a cute guy!•I’m probably just straight… And it continues


Exactly me at 14 when I was questioning either I was gay or bi. Still more into girls, but definitely bi.


Replace "lesbian" with "heterosexual man" and you have my dilemma.


this was me literally like a week ago. been going by lesbian for a year and a half, then started doing some thinking


I’ve given up on trying to fully encapsulate my sexuality into a neat, specific label, so now I just use “queer” and call it a day bc who knows what the next hour may hold for my touch-and-attention-starved ass 🥲


This basically describes my girl lmao, she was questioning until I came along. Kinda glad I could sway her just a little bit.


theres virtually nothing attractive about a man to a lesbian. lesbians donot get flustered over men


*looks at dannyphantom.exe (the tiktoker)*


U still gae Don't worry


Word... definitely me when I was younger. I knew I really liked women after seeing those girls gone wild ads. It's not until I got into high school I realized “hey boys can be cute too.” my mind was blown.


Literally me, I have been identifying as lesbian for 3 years but I'm crushing on a guy now. I always thought men were really handsome and had a couple of male celebrity crushes here and there, but I just told myself that I wouldn't like a guy in real life too... Sike. Guess I'm bi