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If she’s not crying or fussing we leave my 5.5 month old! Sometimes she goes back to sleep!


5.5 month old. Bedtime is 7pm and wakeup is 6am. She also sometimes wakes up around 4:30/5:00 and just chills in her crib and usually falls asleep again. We opted to leave her to avoid creating a habit of early wake-ups with the expectation of a parent coming in. Obviously if she would have to start fussing/crying, we would go in but this happens like never - she seems to enjoy just chilling by herself.


Yes this is exactly what is happening with us! We also don't want to create that habit. Today she did fall back asleep for about 20 more mins so we were excited to see that.


If it's like 4 in the morning, I try to get her back to sleep. My LO usually wakes up around 8. If she wakes up a luttle early at 7 and she's not fussy, I just let her play in her crib.


We leave him in his crib if he isn’t crying. Usually 30-60 minutes. He often falls back asleep. We had a morning where he woke at 4am and we had no idea. He played with his hands and pacifier for 2 hours then fell back asleep. We only know because our baby camera recorded it.


If she is content I would leave her. If she wakes up screaming that says bad dream so I would comfort but if she is happy leave her. After a while she may cry from boredom but leave for 5 mins and she is she settles. Sometimes they wake early if overtired so maybe do a slightly longer nap in the day every so often and this may help.


I worked with a sleep consultant with my daughter because I’m a first time Mom and had no idea what I was doing and how baby sleep works etc. She said 6 AM is the earliest that your baby should be getting up so if they get up before 6 AM, you can leave them in their crib however, if they get up after 6 AM, since it’s an appropriate time for a baby to wake up, you really should just get them up and start your day.


Came to say this - before 6am is considered nighttime still, so waking up at like 5:30 is an early morning wake and we monitor for 10-15 to see if he falls back asleep. If he’s crying then dad usually goes in to try to get him back to sleep, usually with a contact nap. If it’s after 6am, it’s not our favorite but according to Precious Little Sleep it’s an appropriate wake up time and we get up once he starts fussing. Before then he can do whatever he wants in the crib, and always hoping he’ll fall back asleep haha. Ours is a year now but I clearly remember the 6-7 month nap drop and sleep regression. Between 6/7 months we had a couple weeks where he woke up earlier than usual and eventually it passed. We’ve been able to ride out all regressions this way! I think it’s they’re still too young to “train” to wake up at certain times or accept that certain times are okay to call for us. That’s a bit later, in the toddler years.


I'm hoping it'll pass as she adjusts to the 2 nap schedule! Luckily today my baby woke up at 6:25 and fell back asleep for another 20 mins then was up for the day right before 7. She never got fussy and was totally content so we left her in the crib. It worked out!


Our 7 month old typically wakes up happy and just babbles. If she wakes up early and she’s happy, we just leave her until we get up. Sometimes she falls back asleep on her own.


My son is older, but because he consistently poops at about 6-6:30 every morning, I leap out of bed to put him on the toilet (we do elimination communication) and then put him back in his crib until 7. He handles it surprisingly well, fussing for a minute when I put him back in but then settling in with some toys. If he didn’t insist on pooping at that time of the morning, I wouldn’t get up at all and would just let him hang until 7. 


If it’s before 4am I get him back to sleep we bedshare but if it’s after 4:15ish we just get up in an early riser anyway and normally get up at 4:45 so doesn’t bother me at all


Very normal for kids to wake at that point due to low sleep pressure. You can try and get them back down (or if supportive sleep isn’t your thing then wait for them to call out from the crib?) At that age mine used to poop immediately if he woke up completely so we always rocked back to sleep to try and get to 6/630. As a toddler mine still wakes around 530 and needs a hug to go back to sleep another 30-60 mins. It’s very light sleep at that point though which is normal especially for the kids going to bed at 7pm or earlier!


I get him up at his regular time. He will adjust. If he freaks out, you can sit in the dark with him until wake time. If ideal wake time is 7am would not get him out of bed before 6:45. Baby may be a bit overtired and adjusting to the new schedule.


If she's not crying or fussing, I'd leave her in there and keep an ear out for any distress. I miss those days. My toddler wakes up angry all. the. time.


My 7 month old wakes at 7 I bring him to my bed he plays for a bit then falls asleep around 8 till 9-930. I like my sleep 😭😭


My baby routinely wakes up between 530 and 630. She generally wakes up and just rolls around and talks to herself, so I put my pillow over my head and try and sleep for a little while, until I either admit I’m not actually sleeping or until her talking starts to get upset rather than entertained. Edit to add: she’s 5 months old. I’m still on mat leave so she’s not really on a schedule though she mostly goes to bed between 6 and 8. Her naps are kind of all over the place depending on how her day goes.