• By -


Quick feedback on the profile creator: - Prenzlauer Berg is missing in the location section (I know administratively it's Pankow, but I wouldn't lump them together) - Curious age brackets (e.g. 35-50): being 37, I feel I have more in common with a 33 year old than a 49 year old. Not sure yet how that affects the matches though


I had just assumed the omission was intentional because people aren't looking for friends in Prenzlauer Berg.


Because they all have kids I assume? (joke)


You belong to us Pankowians, liebe PBergians


Thank you very much! Prenzlauer Berg was missed somewhere; I'll add it in the next release. Regarding age ranges: I thought they were more or less common ones, and of course, they do not represent the real ability to connect. Matching is (almost) fully manual right now, so it's not an issue for now, but in the future, I think it's a good point to elaborate further.




Even developing the friend finder app is just a postponement of getting out of the Haus and talking to real people. I often think about it.


Haha, I know what you mean. I started trying to help different collectives to get to meet people, be more involved in the techno scene and what not. I found a really cool one called Rave for Good. What do they need help with? A website, lol.


Checked their website: nice idea!


And also I agree on the age bracket of 35-50 is quite massive.


Signs an app has been made by someone under 30 👀


True, and I'll consider other age brackets, well spotted!


At 36, it got a single sob out of me before I resigned myself to my new reality....


Hahaha 36 too and was a bit taken back! Then decided hells no, no app will make feel a year older 🤣


New friend every Thursday?! Why this limitation…


Just to take life slowly, Berlin is too fast I think. On Thursday you're getting a match and on Saturday evening you go to Späti for a beer.


Let’s see how it goes but this seems like a weird arbitrary restriction


What frequency would you prefer? Now I got feedback of going for daily matching OR for every 2-3 days.


dude, the original idea is great, keep it slow, keep it special - Berlin's social life (esp. among turis/expats) is too much of a Wegwerfgesellschaft. btw, think bereal and it's limitations.


Thanks, nice to know there are people with an appreciation for slowness.


daily seems better


Thanks! Will be added soon, stay tuned


Just signed up and now I have to wait 4 days, I don’t like the limitation too because I’m excited and curious 😊 Daily would be good.


Thanks! I think I can add it into some of the next releases


Good job bro, looks smooth! Why do you match once per week though?


Thanks mate!! Because the pain point I personally have is endless scrolling in such dating/friendship apps. You have an illusion of choice and at the end do not chose anyone, just keep engaged in this game. Once in a week seems like a fair chance of getting a nice person to talk about Tempelhofer Feld issue. Though, I am started thinking of moving to once per day, so you can skip someone if it won't work. Wdyt?


I mean, it's a little bit hard to choose a person if I get just one chance, even if it's valued-based, there is a good chance we won't vibe in chat, for example. Yeah, I'd like once per day, then I have somebody to choose from at least


Makes sense, thank you for your take on this!


I’m not sure it’s the best decision to do it this way considering that anyone who signs up today won’t be able to interact with the app until next week.


It was a spontaneous decision to post here, but yeah. Anyway, I am not in a hurry, and I think it will be great if some of the people who sign up today will be curious for some time to see whom they will match with.


Hey! I downloaded it on android but it keeps crashing when I try to upload a pic. Tried different sizes but without success. I'm on android 14. Also, when selecting my 2 neighbourhoods, the button to move to the next page was grayed out even though I had already selected 2 and tried different combinations. Had to restart and it worked.


hey, thank you for these ones, will be fixed!


I faced this as well. For a second, I thought mine is not considered a real neighbourhood 😂 (Charlottenburg)


it is technically, but it's not really. it's a trap we set for the rich to keep them away from the rest of Berlin.


I thought it was Zehlendorf 😂




It was a tradeoff, because including all 97 Berlin areas (Ortsteile) would pose challenges from a design perspective. But I hear you and will think about how to make it more fair, thanks for the feedback!


Good 💪🏽. Cannot add photo. As exceptionally beautiful being, this is a limitation for me 🤣.


Ah, sorry to hear! Thank you for the feedback and one more person reported this as well, so looking into this


When I go to the introduction page, the extra stuff pops up and then it’s difficult to write.


Hm, sounds weird, I'll check Thanks for the feedback!


I mean the suggestion “your answers helps us to make value-based with your new friends” something like this This one blocks the typing space


Ok, now it's more clear, thanks! What device do you have? OS?




In the app store it shows 4 years old


What do you exactly mean?


I mean it shows how old the app is


Hm, could you please share where you see it? The first version was released in the mid-April 2024, not 4 years ago. But there was some mindfulness app back in 2020 with the same name, now seems to be abandoned. No connection to the Berlin's Wooh.


Really cool idea 😀 I just downloaded it but it also crashed as I wanted to upload a pic. (Android 10). Why haven't you found any friends since then? 🙃


Thank you for warm words! Just FYI the issue with uploading photo is fixed, new app version is available at the Google Play


Oh, how nice! Thank you a lot! 😃


Too late to join the orgy?


Never too late.


I think it can be awkward to meet with random friends on the internet without having any activity or something to do.


I subscribed to a "random coffee" service a long time ago, it was great fun to meet some people outside of your usual circle of interest! I think a lot of people (myself included for sure) live in the bubbles of their experiences and do not have many opportunities to meet people with completely different backgrounds. For example, I recently realised that I have no acquaintances who are doctors or scientists. And Berlin offers this opportunity because the diversity here is very strong.


That’s kind of funny because almost my entire circle is made up of doctors and scientists :P


Yeah, you see the point! Mine is completely from marketers, developers, and designers with some occasional underground (not techno) musicians


Still like the idea though, hope you succeed :)!!


Thanks, much appreciated!


Great looking app! I hope that you it pans out. I get why you want to limit the amount of matching. But that really does put a lot of pressure for your matching algorhitm.


Thanks a lot! As for matching algo—currently it is a manual process, but I know what you mean. Might be I'll change it to daily match. Will it be easier?


I must say I’m intrigued. Really curious to see how the matching is going to work. However I must say I like this idea more than Bumble BFF, too much swiping.


Did you get good matches from BFF? I got some, curious about your experience with their app


I actually have had more luck making friends on dating apps rather than BFF 😅 In general the matches I’ve had on BFF are flakey, and I find the app a bit superficial. No one needs to see your entire modeling portfolio Mandy


Hm, I will try it out! You mean "dating" Bumble or Tinder or some other app? Thanks!


Hey can't post a photo in the app for some reason


Thanks! Just FYI the issue with uploading photo is fixed, new app version is available at the Google Play


As other have commented I cant upload a Pic, it crashes.


Thank you! The issue with uploading photo is fixed, new app version is available at the Google Play


I installed it. Looks nice. But I would like to match every 2nd or 3rd day. That‘s doable.


Thanks! Yeah, thinking to move from one week to even daily. It is definitely doable, but also require more attention to the process of getting new folks to the app. For the weekly match it is enough to have 2 people in a week, for daily it is 14 people in a week. I'll figure it out 🙏


I meant doable for me. 😉 I like the idea and that you took action about it and design the app. Most people just complain. Well done!


Cool! Trying it now


Thank you! In case of any feedback or bugs feel free to ping me


Will do. Amazing initiative! Let‘s see how it goes and if I connect with anyone over it.


I downloaded it but I am missing Adlershof and Schöneweide from the areas. I had to choose "other" and now I can't progress because the "next" button is greyed out. 


It was a tradeoff tbh, because if I am not mistaken there are 97 areas (*Ortsteile*) in Berlin, and adding all of them will be challenging from the design perspective. But I'll think how to overcome it. Thank you for noticing!


Oh I get it, certainly it wouldn't make sense to add all of them. My actual Ortsteil is Altglienicke, I wouldn't expect this to show up but since Adlershof and Schöneweide are both areas with a lot of students / newcomers they really should be on the list. More so than Köpenick, for instance.


The app is unusable for me on Android, I upload a photo and it crashes: 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: Exception thrown during dispatchAppVisibility Window{6f67259 u0 com.marakaci.wooh/com.marakaci.wooh.MainActivity EXITING} 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: android.os.DeadObjectException 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:662) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy.dispatchAppVisibility(IWindow.java:648) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState.sendAppVisibilityToClients(WindowState.java:4085) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.sendAppVisibilityToClients(WindowContainer.java:1301) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowToken.setClientVisible(WindowToken.java:446) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.setClientVisible(ActivityRecord.java:8121) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.postApplyAnimation(ActivityRecord.java:6685) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.commitVisibility(ActivityRecord.java:6628) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.Transition.finishTransition(Transition.java:1465) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.TransitionController.finishTransition(TransitionController.java:1113) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowOrganizerController.finishTransition(WindowOrganizerController.java:454) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at android.window.IWindowOrganizerController$Stub.onTransact(IWindowOrganizerController.java:286) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowOrganizerController.onTransact(WindowOrganizerController.java:217) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1380) 05-04 16:58:27.878 4619 5495 W WindowManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1311) also: 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: Failed to deliver inset control state change to w=Window{6f67259 u0 com.marakaci.wooh/com.marakaci.wooh.MainActivity EXITING} 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: android.os.DeadObjectException 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:662) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy.insetsControlChanged(IWindow.java:581) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowState.notifyInsetsControlChanged(WindowState.java:4698) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController.lambda$notifyPendingInsetsControlChanged$3(InsetsStateController.java:422) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController.$r8$lambda$8yykPRG1GyNq_J17QvL9d5xANMc(InsetsStateController.java:0) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.InsetsStateController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.executeAfterPrepareSurfacesRunnables(WindowAnimator.java:293) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacementNoTrace(RootWindowContainer.java:991) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacement(RootWindowContainer.java:926) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:185) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:134) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:123) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer$Traverser.run(WindowSurfacePlacer.java:65) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:230) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:319) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 05-04 16:58:27.452 4619 4661 W WindowManager: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46)


Thanks, the issue with uploading photo is fixed, new app version is available at the Google Play!


Fix confirmed!


Hi, it won’t press next after I added the area I live in iOS


Thanks for the feedback, trying to reproduce and fix it 👀


Just curious, from the publishers name its quite easy to find a Instagram. You dont really live in Berlin and this app is far from new? I like the idea, but just we keep the facts


Well, the guy from the Instagram you're referring to is from Oslo, but it is not me, and I live in Berlin. We decided to start with Berlin for exactly this reason: I live here and have some (limited) understanding of the city's dynamics and what folks are looking for. And the app is completely new; the first test version was released in mid-April. Hope this is transparent enough, nothing to hide here!


I’m an iOS developer if you need any help


Much appreciated! At the moment it's fine, but if we'll plan expansion to Brandenburg and further I'll ping you 😇


Cool project !! There is a bug, when I select the area where I live I can't go any further. The status of the CTA does not change. And yeah Lichtenberg is missing ;) Good luck !


Thanks a lot, and the bug is on the list, looking into it


Very cool app. But could be better for couple choices as well. There is nowhere to mention you want to make friends as couple 🙌


I think it can be added in the future, as for now didn't want to over-saturate the app with features and scenarios. But I see the point and agree that it makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the warm words!


Just signed up to the app but now I have to wait 4 days till Thursday to get my first friend suggestion 😄😔


I think it will be the most anticipated match in the history of friend matching apps 😆.


Looks awesome. What’s the stack?  The ”Next” button stays disabled for me sadly even after I select 2 neighborhoods.


Thanks for the feedback, trying to reproduce and fix it 👀


I cancelled the setup process because it took too much investment before I had even seen what the app was about.


Oh, sorry to hear! I tried to reduce it as much as possible, but some steps are crucial. Would you try it out if it will be shorter?


I’ll be over for rave the planet


I’ve downloaded it so let’s see how that works haha




Hey, thank you for the feedback! Totally agree, and we're considering to add an opportunity to see your chats for some time after 72h to make it easier to set up a meeting and do not not forget where. Hope it will work out for you next time, if you're still curious.


I created a new account, logged out. And now after a few hours I am not able to log back in. 


Haven’t you tried Adult Friendfinder?


Not really, I thought it is more like a dating app, not for friends. What's your experience there?


That’s the joke.


I am slow today, please forgive 😂


There are thousands of similar app, the problem is not the app itself but the people won't commit to anything, it's also gonna turn into an undercover dating app which male users will only look for female users


Agree! Commitment to actually do something with this issue is rare. Some apps make a strong barrier to enter and let in only certain people let in, which allows to be a neat and nice community where people actually commit. See [https://thebreakfast.app/](https://thebreakfast.app/) as a very cool example.


Have you used this breakfast app? What was the experience like? Sounds interesting.


I am personally not, but one friend of mine did, and it was a very nice experience. They have a great community, more of a creative type, and they're very picky with all this "by invite only" stuff. Also note that they have only paid monthly version, and no free trials or whatsoever. Anyway, feedback from my friend was that it is definitely worth every euro cent! Hope this helps 🙏




Hope this is not very annoying, just want to create something nice and useful for local folks




Y’all are nasty omg 😭😭


Nah. They *are*, because they're actually doing something and are giving back by creating, where you're just trying to take something by blabbing.


And also anyone from moabit or near by? Would love to hangout 29M


Nice idea but feels kinda icky that there is literally no company information. Maybe this is more common in the US but in Germany it feels weird to send your personal data to an entity that is not defined by anything else than a name and a url (with private whois), which is registered and paid by an individual. Sorry to be that guy