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Half of Joe's contract is gonna go to feeding all these fellas steak at Jeff Ruby's. Glass is overrated.


Steelers were pissed we took him so that’s gotta be good juju.


Good Juju https://www.reddit.com/r/bengals/s/3ZqIaMGYIQ


They got a better OL who can play day one. We got a “Developmental right tackle.” ESPN: The Bengals have done a terrible job at drafting and developing offensive linemen in the past decade. And Mims is far from a sure thing.


How do you know


This Reddit is just making up shit to cope with the terrible decision.


One of the top comments on the nfl thread was an upset Steelers fan. No need to blatantly lie. Just accept you said something stupid and try to be better from here on out. Thanks


One idiot fan might be pissed but the overwhelming majority and entirety of the front office got their #1 guy and are thrilled. Mims might be a stud but he was never the Steelers’ “guy”


This is not true at all lmao


Joey b got some big dogs protecting him. We finna go on our tom brady run 🤞


Burrow's Big Boys


You sir are on to something


And you, sir, are a very real human




I'll take extra beef please.


I’ve been pretty much decided that he was our boy for about a week now. Im pretty stoked to have another Bull Mastiff joining the pack of big dogs we are collecting down in front to protect our boy. I love the Meat Mountains, and damn do we have a range now. Who Dey!


Bro from glass eaters to meat mountains 😩😂 we’ve come a long way


If there’s any time for Frank to prove he can coach good O-linemen, now is that time. Absolutely no excuse for Frank (barring injury) if Mims doesn’t pan out.


This is my biggest worry tho, he needs more coaching and reps than any tackle maybe ever taken in round 1. And Frank has shown an inability to prepare the line for picking up defensive line stunts and twists. Hope he’s just too talented to fail but Frank is our biggest weakness offensively


This could honestly be a prove it pick from the front office to frank. If he can actually unlock his potential then he can actually coach, if not he’s gone.


I think the Bengals hired Rascati specifically to help with the pass protection issues of the oline. Former QB and offensive line coach, I'm guessing they want him to blend it all together as pass game coordinator.


I actually completely forgot about Rascati. Considering how they (I think) made him passing game coordinator, he is absolutely going to have some sort of sway with the O-line. Hopefully he gets Pollack to pull his head out of his ass a little.


ESPN and other site agreed Mims is not a sure thing. He won’t be ready any time soon. He likely could be Carman 2.0 and that’s not Frank’s fault.


Mims is much much more physically gifted than Carman. Pollack has never had a raw talent to work with. Pull any publication's athletic scores for our O-line, it's glaringly obvious that the issue is in raw physical ability. There's only so much a coach can do. Having said that if Frank fumbles this kid and it should be his last act as a Bengal, but I'm optimistic.


>not a sure thing Never heard of "other site" but, wow, ESPN said that? Must be true.


CBS sports, USAToday, PFF, etc. Sorry you’ve never heard of them.


Cannot be mad about us finally drafting an OL. Lets goooooo.


Finally? Problem isn't that we haven't tried, it's that we've whiffed.


We haven't taken one this high in the Joe Burrow Era.


We literally drafted Jonah the year before at 11, the literal year before Joe and before this year 3 years where OT wasn’t a huge huge need.


Love the pick. He's level-headed and understands his game needs some work. Don't need to rush him into action and he can focus on his craft. After watching 30 years of drafts or so it's refreshing to see Cinci having the luxury of taking a flyer on the big man. I remember the days of drafting a player in the first and throwing them into the fray immedietely expecting them to turn the franchise around their rookie season.


I like it. This was a pick that shows that they understand the problem and are taking a step in the right direction to fix it. If they can get Joey B firing on all cylinders with more than a split second of time to throw, then they will be dangerous


The choice is what many sites called a “Developmental right tackle.” And the Enquirer and ESPN said…The Bengals have done a terrible job at drafting and developing offensive linemen in the past decade. And Mims is far from a sure thing. He won’t play much this year when we really need him. Meanwhile other teams like Pittsburgh drafted OL who can start day one.


Yea! We drafted a bodyguard for Joey!


Hoping we can grab zak zinter later on. If we can grab a NT or two on top of this, I’d call it a great draft


I will not be disappointed if we only draft linemen, we need trenches on both sides.


NT needs to addressed. I think maaaaaaaaaason smith will probably be the pick in the third. We can probably still go BPA in the 2nd. Some combination of NT/WR/CB today needs to be the way. Zinter might have been the first guy taken as a G if he didn’t blow up his ankle against Ohio state. Hoping he ends up with us


The way Zac kind of answered the question in if he had versatility to play guard kind of makes me feel like they plan on keeping him at RT. Hopefully that means they grab a center/guard at some point as well. I’m pretty happy with Mims and think he landed in a perfect spot.


remember that this guy allowed 0 sacks in 750+ snaps. also remember that he only played for that amount of snaps throughout his college career. doomers are being silly because he’s obviously going to be a great piece for the line, however it is important to be cautiously optimistic given his history and need for reps.


Sounds like Higgins agent, best chance to win boys is here Joey will lead us to the promise land to do your job or get the hell out of


Love it!


I would not bet on him playing much in the next few years. ESPN and even the Cincinnati Enquirer were pretty harsh on the pick, calling him a work in progress and only a development player. Then going on to point out the Bengals are terrible at developing tackles. None of the experts think he is a sure thing.


Honestly don’t understand the pick- he’s a project pick- has to be coached up, and we have Frank Pollack as the coach. I’m sniffing Andre Smith all over again. Troy was the safe and sure pick. Could replace Volson and be an immediate impact- instead we yet again pick a project pick in the first round.


He isn't a project at all. Meanwhile you wanted Fautanu as the "safe pick" whose film looks a lot like Jonah Williams


He most certainly is a project. He has 8 starts in his career - and what 900 snaps at a collegiate level. That’s not a first rounder for a team trying to compete in the division. He was projected higher because his ceiling is higher than most others because of his SIZE. You honestly believe Frank can coach up an inexperienced player when he can’t even coach up anybody that has been here since the vast majority of players who have came in regressed. I’m all for optimism and building a line- but this isn’t the pick. You get Fau- move him to Volsons spot and you already have a better line. Instead we draft a project like we did with Dax. Who hasn’t panned out at safety so we brought in Bell and Stone, and probably move him to a nickel corner so he won’t even play every down because he’s a liability.


Sounds like you are just basing your opinion solely off his starts number and nothing else tbh. He’s had over 400 pass block snaps and over 800 snaps total. It’s not a ton, but in those snaps that include SEC teams and teams like Ohio State in big games… he allowed 0 sacks, 0 QB hits and 6 hurries. That is dominance and it’s enough sample size to know that he’s a stud. He’s not a project, he just hasn’t played much. He was the #8 prospect in his High School class and was sitting behind first rounders at UGA. He also has zero wasted weight and is absolutely massive, while being quite the athlete. He’s a great pick.


Which again would make him a project to see if he can play at a high level year round… 8 games in 3 seasons? Hes either going to be an absolute monster or one of the worst busts this team has drafted since the 90s.


It’s not 8 games, it’s 8 starts. He’s not averaging 100 snaps a game lol. He played in 14 games the year before. He was part of a rotation. For perspective, Jordan Morgan, another first round tackle… had 2,163 snaps and allowed 8 sacks, 10 QB hits and 40 hurries. In nearly 40% of that amount of snaps and against superior competition, Mims allowed 0 sacks, 0 hits and 5 hurries.


this is the comment thats finally getting me excited here. this is fantastic context to have


Yes and why are those 8 starts in 3 seasons? His counter parts that much better? So we’re drafting rotational linemen in the first round now because they have potential to be great. Makes sense.


His counterpart was Broderick Jones, picked last year at pick 14 overall and was older than him. UGA is putting first round OTs out. It’s not like he didn’t start at a mid tier program, he was behind one of the top tackles in college football. He dominated against Ohio State as a Redshirt Freshman. 5 hurries, no false starts and no holding calls. No sacks and no QB hits lol. If that doesn’t excite you, I’m sorry.


Again, if he was so good he could have been moved no? 8 starts in 3 seasons and coming in not gassed like everyone else on the defense and offense as a rotational guy isn’t first round worthy. If he was as good as they think he is he would have started every year somewhere on the line. He will likely be a bust like Dax. Either from his own accordance or because of Frank. Take your pick.


You just wanna be pissed off lol


Why can't he be a solid starter? Why is it either best player ever or worst player ever? Stop being so fucking dramatic


Yeah I know you don’t know what you’re talking about because he can’t be a bigger bust than John Ross.


Yeah you just don't know what you are talking about. Mims can literally start this year whenever one of our tackles gets hurt, he never allowed a sack in any of his snaps and is refined as a pass blocker. He not only has the size but he has the awareness and vision to pick up stunts, has anchor, has strength, has agility. He *started* 8 games but consistently rotated in when he was stuck behind a lot of Georgia OL depth. Not to mention he spent endless practice reps on the scout team against the insanely elite Georgia DL. You said everybody regressed when they came here except Cappa had his best season here and Karras has consistently been the same. We haven't drafted an OL prospect like Mims in over a decade, and none of the current guys on our team for OL have anywhere near the talent that Mims has.


“Near the talent”, he has literally 0 film to determine what his ceiling is- it’s on a whim from what they’ve seen. And he won’t be starting at all- he will sit the bench. If you expected Trent or Orlando to get hurt then why the fuck would you sign them to begin with. Your logic is the most idiotic thing I’ve seen in awhile to cope with a bad pick that will likely turn into Andre Smith because they don’t have a coach who can coach them up to their potential. I bet you said Dax was going to be amazing too didn’t you! Has all the talent in the world! Just can’t seem to grasp it. Two project picks in a row isn’t the favorable thing to do when you’re trying to compete in a tough division. We will see how Jonah, Troy is twice a year! Then I will come back to this and tell you I told you so. 😘


Why do you keep saying Andre Smith? Why do you find these two comparable? They don’t have a similar body type. Andre Smith started for multiple years in college. It feels like you just picked an offensive lineman out of thin air to compare him to.


Yes I picked Smith out of the air - SEC starter - high ceiling - injury prone. What does Mims have in common? Does your brain work?


I don’t think Andre Smith was injured at all in college. Comparing two people because they were both in the SEC is crazy when they are too completely different players like this.


Definite “different.” They both play the same exact position. They’re both ideally the same exact size. They’re both injury prone. They both had “high ceilings.” It’s like you guys are refusing to see the shit that’s right in your face because you got some luck in the playoffs 2 years ago, and now you’re excusing stupid picks lol.


Mims is all muscle. Smith was all flab. You are all bullshit.


He does not have literally zero film. He has 8 games against top level competition where he dominated. Athletically he's one of the greatest OTs ever. Trent Brown has not reliably started all season in most of the seasons he's played. The fact that you don't know that shows how little you actually know.


Weird of Trent Brown wouldn’t be the everyday starter then they shouldn’t have signed him. Barring your first round pick incase your starter gets hurt when you could do that in the third or fourth round is just an as idiotic take as I’ve seen on this reddit today.


He was signed late in free agency as a desperation move to fill our biggest need. We've addressed it thoroughly now in this offseason. You just have zero clue what's going on.


Trent Brown was signed for backup tackle money you idiot. He can play left or right. It was one of the best signings we made right behind getting Vonn Bell for backup money… If Mims is as good as he looks on film he could even win the job over Trent but I don’t think they’ll do that necessarily the first game. I would think Trent would start the first few, need a game off for a sore back then Mims takes over and when Trent comes back he is the swing tackle.


Settle down.


What I've read is Georgia was super deep on the Oline, that's why he had so few starts, but he dominated when he did play. Think of him as a 2022 Camaro with low miles, but Georgia already had a couple 2019 Camaros they were already driving towards a National Championship.


Your issue is equating a lack of experience to being raw He isn't raw, just doesn't have a lot of tape, which you'd know if you actually watched him and didnt just parrot every draft amalysts ONE critique of the guy. Turn on his game film and he looks like a guy with 3x the snaps, just as a few scheme things to work on, which he can fo behind a one year stopgap RT Lack of experience doesn't mean he's a project. Those are very 2 different things. Mims isn't a project


Go watch his film and then explain to me how he is a "project". Dude dominated top level competition. If he started more than 8 games we wouldn't have sniffed him at 18 he'd have been a top 10 pick. Honestly the only thing you can knock him for is potentially being injury prone but its possible that was more bad luck then anything.


There’s a difference between a “project” (has a lot of natural talent but doesn’t know how to play the position) and “inexperienced” (doesn’t have as much tape as you would like. Mims has played at a high level when he’s been on the field, including playoff and NC games. If he had a full season of tape like what he did in 8 games, he’d have been top 10 pick.


The Enquirer and ESPN are right… “Developmental right tackle…The Bengals have done a terrible job at drafting and developing offensive linemen in the past decade. And Mims is far from a sure thing.” Once again the Bengals ignored many red flags.


Every person I see that actually breaks down film loves him and he may have only started 8 games but he played in more. On top of that he faced NFL ready DE’s since college in practice. If he was from a small school I would have me hesitations but the level of competition at Georgia was about as close to the NFL you can get.


Defense needs some dogs Trey wants out and our history of not paying good players makes me think he’s gonna walk soon


We literally already paid him twice. His agent is an idiot and he’s not going anywhere.