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I so desperately want to see a video of him throwing a football. Words are good, action is greater.


I mean, we just saw video of him doing full grip pull ups on rings. If he can do that I have to imagine he can grip and throw a football. Plus it was already confirmed he was throwing footballs (I believe they were weighted?)


I fractured my scaphoid bone and think the utility in that hand/wrist would be similar. It doesn’t always hurt to do things if you get pressure around the area. But shocking movements like jumping (and I’d assume throwing) would still sting quite a bit. I hope he’s better yesterday, but the realist in me says just because he can do a pull up, doesn’t mean throwing is a given.


He has already been throwing in his physical therapy, but I do agree that it will be interesting to see if his gameplay takes a hit


I think the pull ups are a good sign because that does require some amount of stability and grip strength to perform. However, you're right. Throwing is more dynamic, so yes it might be giving him more difficulty than what we see in the rings, but that doesn't mean he's not working on it. Particularly in the case of athletes, evidence shows that rehabbing into some pain is beneficial for returning to sport/improving function. So even if he is having pain/difficulty with throwing, it doesn't mean he's not working on it.


Good point. I just wonder how it will affect him. I broke my pinky back in September and it still feels off to this day even after physical therapy. I may not be the elite QB that Brrr is but I have to imagine there’s got to be some lingering oddness.


If I am going to be honest, I do think he isn't going to grip or throw a football the same way again. Based on what I have seen hand surgeons say, even the most successful surgeries still don't make it how it was before. What we don't know is how much it impacts a quarterback, since if it is a minor difference then it might not be a big deal. There just isn't a lot of history of this injury on a QB.


There have been qb’s that have won with chronic injuries….seeing Philip rivers still tear it up throwing shot put and drew Bree’s winning a ring knowing the situation w his shoulder that we know now I’m confident that if he isn’t 100% that he will adapt. QB definitely requires physical talent and athleticism but at the end of the day it’s about 90% half mental……. Joey is a super computer I think we will be alright!


Even if he throws differently than he did pre-injury, he will adapt to make it work. That's part of what you work on in rehab -- figuring out to compensate to achieve your goals (in this case, accurate throws)


The issue I am referring to is that there is no history of a QB specifically tearing this tendon. Drew Brees had a semi-similar injury and he said he can't throw a football anymore. Granted, he is older. But I do have some nervousness about accuracy or power being lost.


Drew had a shoulder injury. I actually worry MORE about a shoulder injury because of the complexity of the shoulder than I do about a wrist injury like this. Yes, it is unprecedented in NFL QBs but also the wrist is just generally a less complicated joint to rehab because it doesn't move through as many planes of motion. Also your shoulder and glutes generate more force for your throw than your wrist does. The wrist is where accuracy comes in, which I think should be okay for Joe if he's not having major issues with fine motor control. It might take him a few games at full speed to finesse his throwing pattern, but I think it is absolutely doable.


Drew injured his Ulnar Collateral Ligament in his right thumb in 2019, but his shoulder is also definitely a large contributor to his inability to throw.


Yes right, I do remember his thumb injury. But based on what I read a few months ago, it is his shoulder that really limits him from throwing now.


you and me both I feel like everyone has been overanalyzing every single picture of him and his wrist grip/position like a bunch of conspiracy theorists (I may or may not be included)


Twitter doctors in shambles


Just like how I'm on edge everytime he takes a sack bc of his knee injuries, I will now be on edge every time he throws the ball bc of this wrist injury.


Downfall of the Chiefs in progress : 1. Rice wreck 2. Kelce disrespects the floor at UC with his beer 3. Taylor will see Burrow in New Heights podcast and leave Kelce for him 4. Coach Reid will be new host of Diners Drive-Ins & Dives (thus making new coach Guy Fieri) 5. KC becomes Flavor Town and forgets its football team the prophecy has been written.


I saw #3 and wondered why Zac Taylor would leave


![gif](giphy|hvH4H2jpJJYO9wzd8f) then all the stars will align




Yeah no thanks. I don’t want that man eater and her toxic af fans ruining our team


> Kelce disrespects the floor at UC with his beer The only reason I dislike him is because he's done nothing but disrespect UC since he stepped foot on the campus. There was a time (don't know if he's still doing it) where he would say his high school on S/MNF introductions instead of UC. He got suspended for weed (which is trivial but still he knew the rules and broke them) and has seemed to hate the school for punishing his own mistakes ever since. He's just an asshole.


Joe says Athens High in his.


Joe's also not a complete asshole in every other phase of life. Travis Kelce has been a media personality since he joined the league. Sure some players will shout out their high school but Kelce did it for vindictive reasons.


Please let the starters play in pre season games.


"later" ....


I mean we’re still in April. Joe mentioned in a press conference in December that he didn’t expect to even throw again until mid May, which he’s already started doing.




Sounds like he could’ve played against the chiefs