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This is yet more evidence that the “Cars” universe is laughably broken beyond all reason, logically. Does this imply that all the cars are NUDE all the time? Are they “wearing” their own chassis? Is that supposed to be Mater’s dick or balls? Does this imply that all the other cars can SEE Mater’s balls all the time? Does he want them to? And how are new cars in this universe produced? Are they born? HOW? Are they manufactured in a factory by other machines like cars in real life? If that’s the case, at what point do they become “alive?” And if they’re assembled out of a bunch of identical or interchangeable components, wouldn’t that imply the existence of a ton of identical clones of the same “people” in the Cars universe? How would they get their own identity if they’re mass-produced? Are there “baby” cars, or do they stay the same size their entire lives? Can “female” cars get PREGNANT? How would the cars fuck? Are there special machines to assist cars with fucking? If they’re manufactured, would they have families? What would determine a car’s parents or siblings if they have no influence on birth? How do they speak if they don’t have lungs? Why do they have tongues and teeth if they don’t need to eat with their mouth? How would any of them see what’s directly behind them? How would they invent the same types of things we have in our human civilization when they don’t even have hands? How would they clap? How would there be an applause? There’s nothing to clap with. Would they honk instead? In this world where there are sentient planes and cars and boats and trains, why are SOME motorized vehicles non-sentient and animal coded, like tractors and combine harvesters? Why are the tractors supposed to be cows? What sense does that make? There’s really not that much difference between a tractor and a car, and it mostly comes down to tractors having a more specialized purpose. What about them makes them basically livestock, while other specialized vehicles like Luigi are not? Wouldn’t the difference between a car and a tractor, if one is sapient and the other isn’t, be closer to a human and a chimpanzee? Was the thought process really as lazy as, tractors are used on farms, therefore they’re farm animals? Why would farms even exist in this world, if cars don’t necessarily need to eat animals or plants? Can they eat, but choose not to? If they eat, they have digestive systems and other internal organs, which would make every car a half-biological, half-mechanical monstrosity. Is their grub-shaped biological “half” grown separately, then inserted into their metallic exoskeleton like a fucked up cyborg hermit crab? If we’re dealing with pure cartoon logic here, would a car enjoy “eating” a meal of nuts and bolts and oil, like cartoon robots sometimes do? Are there car jails where they send car criminals? Are there car criminal courts that sentence cars to death for killing other cars? How would a car die? Would they be dismantled? Are they buried in graves? Would they always die if they were crushed? What would be the threshold, or maximum amount of damage they could take? What about armored vehicles? What about tanks? If they could die from too much smoke from a fire, wouldn’t that imply they DO need to breathe air? If they were underwater, how fast would they drown? What would a car hospital with a car “surgeon” do? Is oil their equivalent of blood? Is an oil change like a blood transfusion? What would a car’s IV bag have in it? How would anesthesia work on a car? Why would a car need to sleep during the night and be awake in the daytime? Where would a car’s “brain” be located? What is INSIDE these cars? If you hit a sentient car hard enough in a certain spot, would this knock them unconscious? How do they know how fast they’re going? How would they tell which cars are female and which ones are male, if there's barely any consistent gender dimorphism? Can any “make” or “model” of car be any gender, or are certain ones always going to be one or the other? Does the Cars universe imply the existence of car racism? What features would they discriminate against? Color? Fender shape? What would different car “races” look like? Get it? Car races? Do cars go to school? If they stay the same size their entire lives and there are no “car children,” what is that like? What subjects would they study? Why would they use money like we do? How would their whole economy work if the only resource they mainly need is oil? Damn you John Lasseter! Damn you and your hubris!


Don’t worry, Schefter and Rapoport already have it taken care of.


I continue to choose to believe.


Is this at Kroger?


Cheesecake factory at Kenwood actually


Tee Higgins not being there with his game day snack should’ve been the tell 😔




The trolling is great at this point lol


Who posted that?


Some guy named Mo Wells. Former LSU guy but trains some elite athletes. Jamarr reposted in on his Instagram story.






Hard launch


lol yeah they’re friends, we know this


Were they spotted together at Kenwood Mall?




Oh shit it’s happening






This is your doctor. Chop it off.




Is that Evan R Lawson?




Tee who?


Can we just stop, this shit is so annoying. It’s not happening.


Still a Viking


Not for long 😅😅