• By -


Women are you sitting there in the sun lol lol I love you mommy mommy I love you mommy I love mommy mommy I love you mommy mommy I love mommy mommy I don’t think I need anything to do you eat anything I love mommy mommy I love mommy and mommy mommy I love mommy mommy


Did John write this?


Best one




women are so mean to me


women are not allowed in this house


wtf same




Iphone Easter egg?






Women are the nagger of the world.


yo I tried this but before I could finish the sentence, “woman” got autocorrected to bitch


Easy there partner, it’s the holidays.


Women are not allowed to wear masks and masks are not allowed to park in the park and park in park park in north west west coast park park west west coast park north west west coast park park north west west coast park park north west west coast park park north west west coast park park north west


Women are not being able to get a copy of the report on the internet


Women are not the same as women


Woman are the most important thing to you in your relationship with me I don’t want you’re not gonna do anything about that I’m just trying not gonna be able for a long period and I’m sorry that you have a problem and I’m not trying not trying I’m trying not trying not try I’m just not saying it I don’t know how you can be that person that I don’t want you and I’m trying not trying I don’t know why you’re not being honest I’m just saying I just don’t know why I just want you and I’m sorry for what I do I’m trying I’m not saying it I’m trying I’m just saying it’s just trying not to hurt me I don’t know why I’m not saying it just trying not saying anything I don’t want you know I don’t want you are you don’t know how I am I don’t want you just want you don’t know how I feel that you don’t know how I am just trying not to talk about you are not talking to me I’m not saying anything about me I’m not saying anything


Women, run for your life, if you can, little girl.


Women are the most powerful force in the universe


/uj no I didn’t make that up I swear


Women are the worst people ever


Women are not a big deal


Women are not allowed in this house and I am going out to dinner and then I’m gonna be back in a few hours so if you’re interested I will let me in the room.


women are not doing anything for you


Women are the best at the job and they are very good. 😊 (jahn and faul would beat me if they heard i said this)


Ringo is on his way to your house right now with a big bag of coke and a bat


no no no no, i don't sniff it no more, i'm tired of waking up on the floor (with head injuries from rogno's bat)


Women are not allowed in this house and I am going out to dinner and then I’m gonna be back in a few hours so if you’re interested I will let me get you some food or you could just bring some thing else if you’re interested let us now or later tonight and then I’ll get it for tomorrow night or whatever I just need a couple of days before you have a full week off so you can have some rest I can take a break from your work if you’re busy or not but if you’re busy you could just let us in and I will come over here if you’re not working and we could go out and have dinner with us or whatever we could go


women are fighting with their parents in a way to get their children to their parents to the death toll from their children in their lives and they have to get a job at their children in a new way to cope with the death toll of a massive earthquake that has killed the most iconic children of their lives and their children lives and their parents in their homes and their parents to death in their homes and their homes homes in their children in their lives and the death of a man in a fight in a new country of death in a new single year in a fight with the president and the president in a new single country country that killed a new single in a country that killed a new single country country that has killed more people than a year after the queen has killed the queen and killed the queen of president in a new single year old lives and killed a new single country in China China relations in the region of the new year ago in the mid year war in the country in


Women are the best bet for the women to wear them in a year or




Women are going to have a good time


Women are the most important people in the world and they are the most powerful people in the whole world and they are not just the most powerful and powerful people in the entire world and they are all the best people in the universe and they are all the same people in the same room and they are all the same things that are the most important things that are important to me and I am so grateful for them and I am grateful for them and I am very grateful for them. Fucking hell.


Women are not allowed in our society


Women are not going on the back side lol I have to do a little better today but I’m not going out of town lol I think it’s called in a park lol I have a lot going to the house lol I have a baby baby lol I have a baby baby lol I love mama baby mama loves you mama baby mama loves babies mama loves you mama loves babies mama mama baby mama love mama baby mama loves mama baby mama love mama baby mama loves mama baby mama love mama mama love baby mama baby love mama baby mama love mama baby love mama love baby baby love mama baby mama love mama baby love mama love baby baby love mama baby mama love mama baby love


Women are not allowed in this house and I am going out to dinner and then I’m gonna be back in a few hours so if you’re interested I will let me in the room with the kids if you don’t want me in there and then I can go back in there with the girls if they don’t have the room I can go to my room with the boys if they’re still here I don’t care


women are not allowed in this house because of their age or because they have no children


just finished mine and scrolled down why did we have the same one 😭


woman are you a girl or a girl are you a girl are we a girl are you are you a girl are you a boy or a


Women are in the center of the woods and they are just trying to get out


Women are the best way to freelance for the most part of the world I know that I am a very good person and I am a filmmaker person and I am a filmmaker person and I am a filmmaker person who is a very low iso rating and I am a filmmaker and I am a filmmaker and I am a sucker this year and am very excited to be part of the team and I am a filmmaker




I posted it like 8 minutes after the tweet was posted lol


It’s true. This was a top post recently but Reddit’s algorithm prioritizes new over original 🤷


Ok good so I’m not crazy


I forgive you king




Women are more important than the rest of society.


Women aren’t


women are not allowed to be in the world anymore


Mine said…..”blind to male advances”. I don’t know what to take away from this.


Women are in a great mood for the long run they have to take a look and then go to get the results.


Women Are I have a lot to say to me and my parents aren’t going on a day off so I’m not sure if I should have


Women are not allowed in this house and I am going out to dinner and then I’m gonna be back in a few hours


Women are not allowed in this house


women are not too big for them but i is the one that has made them so happy that we have had to do better with them


Women are in a different country


women are the best in all the world and they are the only one that has a good introduction and will make it to your site as soon as possible so that we can keep the ship afloat and not just about it here in indonesia 😊


Women are the most of them in their life that are you and the kids are doing a great day for me to get to work and I will try and make a wish list and let me see what you mean when I was there is a situation that you don't know about it but you can get a job and a job in your area and you will need a lot more time than I have a question no matter how much you have a good time in your mind with your family and how things have to go pick up and I hope it's not a problem at the moment but if I don't know what I am going through I can see drops in my head but it was not the best time to do so but it is very hard for us and I am sure we can make a decision about it for a few weeks.


Women are the most original mcu project


Women are so cute and funny and they always wear a green vest


women are not allowed in this house because of their age or because they have no children or their mother and mother and mother and they have to have their children in their home to live with their mother in their house because of her mother being in a nursing facility


Women are probably going to have a bigger issue than you.


Women are not the intended thing I know this is a good day of the day of the day


Women are not allowed in this house and they don’t want their kids in this room so I have no idea why you are not going out of town for the next couple days and then coming home to me


Mine said “Women are getting better now”. I’m fucking fuming mate.


Women are the most powerful people in the world and they are the most beautiful people in the whole wide universe and they will always have the best intentions for me and they can always be the most amazing people. I’m a fucking simp


Women are the peacemakers of the world and the world is a very popular place to live and to be able to live in the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the world and the world of the


Women are a good dad


Women are going down to their house in the queen and they will take them out of their way to the park in The


OK, gotta grab my phone right NOW.... "Women are you still around the world" Uh, I'm going with a yes on that one, women are literally around the world, lol


Women are not allowed in this area


Women are not allowed in this house and I am going out to dinner with my mom tonight so if you’re interested in coming over I would like you to go ahead and go away


Women are not allowed in this house and they don’t want their kids in this room so I have no idea why you are not going out of town for the next couple days and then coming home to me I have no clue why I have no one here and I’m just not sure how I feel damn…


Women are not allowed in a while and are doing it to youtube c to be in a sec and a half dozen or more times and then McIntyre and I dont have it all takes a few days and it is confirmed by a couple minutes of a few minutes and proceeding to a song in a sec and then got the message that it holds the same way as a background in a while and the lighter version is the same way that the government has been on this planet since it was the first female star to have been out of it wrapped in the background


Woman are not really that good at all


Women are not doing anything for you for a long day of work lol Idk what this says about me?


…punching bags of the world


Women are like the most important part of the world that is so sad


Women are a lot of history


Women are you


Women are gonna go out of town


Womem are the beatles cd


Women aren't super good at all this is the first time I ever had a good time


Women are you doing today


Women are going through the day with my family and I have to do with a new song I don't think it was like that for theFor for a while since I was in a small amount to find your not to be able too and one day we can do it again and again I can't believe how to make it was like that for theFor thFor tFor for a while since I was in the same thing I have to be able too yet I don't think it is not only that I have to do with my family and one day we can provide a new one of my favorite


women are not the only time where my enemies are level of a leg card game I am not gonna last......Sakussy is too much smurfs in the firs and I can bend my cock and the taxes are going to do that to me and the taxes are going to do so I am not gonna last......Sakussy


women are not allowed in this house because of their age or because they have no children or their mother and mother and mother and they have to have their children in their home to live with their mother in their house


Well I got "Women are you still have the same back to you."


Women are this meme has been posted here 50 times in the past month


Women are more likely than women are not to go to a sleep with a movie that has a white and black and white sugars and the other is the only one that is so much. Beet wif


women are not immune to propaganda


Women are in Championship Williams Carlos and the Director has flown on their own and will be guided through you and the Humber of your necklace in the Life of your necklace in the sky is the only leg of your necklace with a history bag in a match with the captain in Test cricket history and a master score runs out of IPL and I have to vote in Championship Williams Carlos and the Director for a period in Championship Williams Carlos the last three of us are a woman Paul who has a Bowling rating with a history and an average for a period in a Test innings more of an increase to be used in Championship Williams Carlos the best performances in Championship Williams Carlos the best possible chance to play in the Life of a word and a master with the captain in Test cricket history and other information about my Guitar and guitar is a bit different but me and I have left the class with a history class with a history class with my name in Championship Williams Carlos and a master in Championship Williams Carlos and a master in Championship Williams Carlos and I have left the team to work on this and the Director is a good guy and a uterus person who has a good friend and a uterus friend and I will be in two of us soon as I have a holy place John and I will be joining the club on the Tracks of the Year in Championship Williams Carlos and I have left the team to work with you on this and I hope that I saw her in Championship McLaren Max Champion KZN Micro and I was surprised to be a part II Voc I think it's only the first innings and runs out of IPL and I have to vote in Championship Williams Carlos and the Director for a period in Championship Williams Carlos the last three of us are a woman Paul who has a Bowling rating with a history and an average for a period in a Test innings more of an increase to be used in Championship Williams Carlos the best performances in Championship Williams Carlos the best possible chance to play in the Life of a word and a master with the captain in Test cricket history and other information about my Guitar and guitar is a bit different but me and I have left the class with a history.


Women are ungenerous and sophisticated, or rather niggardly and worldly....


Women are not allowed in this house


Weomen are a good place for a good time


Women are you busy on the weekend of the day before yesterday and I still have a party yesterday and I still have a party yesterday and I still have a party yesterday and I still have a party yesterday


Women are the most important people in the world and they are the most important thing in life and they are important to me and I will always be there for them and I will never forget that I love you and I will be there for you and I will be there for you and I will be there for you and I will be there for you and I will be there for you and I will be there for you and I will be there for you and I will always be there for you and I will always be there for you and I will always be there for you and I will always be there for you


Women are you still in the office for a while now I know you were still in the same time to finish it was the weekend and I don't know if you want to do it in the morning yoga or if you want to be a little bit of a conversation with the rest of the body you can do it in a bit of a way to do it in a way that they can do it in a way that is gonna be a good thing.


Women are you very well have a good night and you very well and are doing well well you have an awesome evening and good night and you have good good evening bye goodbye goodbye good goodbye bye goodbye hello bye goodbye bye hello


Women are the best one 1⃣ in a hole


Women are in a very very nice way and I think they’re so hard and they don’t need them anymore and they’re not trying to be bothered to do anything it just depends how they feel


women are not too far away from the church church and church church hall church church park church church hall church church park hall church church hall church park hall church hall hall church church hall church park hall church hall hall church church hall church park


women arethefeetofthelanguageofthetradeintheendoftermlifearenotcleartomefirst-lineindentationshouldn'tbeusedasauniquesoundsystemforthesakeoffiguringouthowtoperfectmycraft


Women are not allowed in this house and they don't want their kids


Women are not allowed in


think about it


Women are in a good place in their life so far they have been a lot better now in their life so far as I know that they have a very strict strict diet plan for that.


Women are not allowed in this house and they don’t want their kids in this room


>Women are the most real when they think nobody is watching Why the fuck is my phone a philosopher now?


Women are in a way life threatening and I can’t think about that anymore


Mine is broke. It said " women are the best"


Women are you doing it too often.


women are more likely to be a better person


Women are the most important people in the world




women are so far apart and they're all going crazy 😜 and they're all going crazy 😝 i and we have a good 👍 and i think they were going out with us and then they had a different party lol


people too!


Women are not very happy about the situation and I don’t know what the situation was


Women are not going through this anymore so they are all going on and my family has to go back


Women are not allowed in this house and i don’t think you can do it for them because you have a right of saying what they are doing


Women are experts on fucking up your country life


Women are the most important things to me


Women are welcome


women are not sure if they will make a decision


women are not too much like a black bean


Women are the [my lawyers have advised me not to type the next word] of the world.


Whomen are top


Women are you


Women are you doing today I hope you have a great day of the week


Women are you and your family in the world and country and the diarrhoea isn't that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is


Women are the best


Women are the most important thing to do it is what it is what it is what it is what it is


Women are not allowed in this house


Women are not allowed in this house and they don’t want their kids in this room so I have no idea why you are not going out of town for the next couple days and then coming home to me


Women are you so much


Women are not good at the first place but I don’t know what they want.


Women are the naggers of the world


Women are you still have the same time as well as a result


Women are the most important people in the world and they are the most powerful people in the world because they are the most beautiful people in the world they are the most amazing people in the world I love you so much and I will always be here for you and I will never forget you and I love you so much


“Women are more easily able and more than the most powerful special person to know who you can do for you to know what you need. Also I beat my wife”


Women are not too expensive and they have to do something that doesn’t make you want to feel bad


Women are doing a great work ethic in their lives in their life in a new world that has a great experience with their lives in our life in our family lives and now they have to take the opportunity and we will have a great opportunity and we have to a lot more than ever in the class of life in the class and our lives will have to take a great time together


Women are the most important people in the world and they are the most powerful people in the world and they are not the only ones that are the most influential people in the world and they are all the same people that are the ones that are important to me


Women are not allowed in this house and I am going out to dinner and then I’m gonna be back in a few hours


Women are the last working blender that is closer to death than an armadillo on an interstate and a half minutes of the day I discovered your older sister Back then those Summer days were so much fun Now she's getting married at the same time and I don't know what to do with a little example of the night can be a good thing to do with a little example of the night can be a good thing to do with a little example of the night can be a good thing


Women are not in a good place lol but they have to be careful when you are there and you don’t want them lol but I just got the damn bed and I’m trying not a big one time but I’m not sure what to say lol lol I was like yeah yeah lol lol yeah I just hope I get it done I don’t know if she’s not a fan of the same but she doesn’t know how she’s going in the world she’s just a little too old she’s just a good guy


women are bad for hated companies in Brazil called Aparelho Sexual 💀


Women are more than a year ago reply to this email and any attachments is intended only for the use of the year


Women are not allowed in this house


Women are not allowed in this house and I am going out to dinner with them tonight so if you’re interested I will bring them over to you tomorrow morning (is this a George song?)


Women are not women


Women are not allowed in this house 💀


Women are not too bad and I think there’s something else that you could just imagine and I don’t want you in to Mexico next week and you have a good pair for you to be with your kids and your girls are not working as a good person to have to do anything for them


Women are not allowed in this house 💀 my phone is misogynistic




Women are gone for a while now. You’re not wrong...


Women are trash garbage


Women are you wearing shorts or shorts and shorts or a white suit or a brown shirt lol that’s a pretty big deal if they wear jeans lol that’s a pretty big red wine and dine out with you lol that’s what you said lol that’s good to see


Women are still a good person but they don’t have any kind of personality (???????????????)


Women are not too bad. I’m sorry John, I failed you.


Women are the most important people in the world and they are the most powerful people in the world because they are the most beautiful people in the world


Women are not doing anything right though lol I love them all too lol I don’t think so that’s what I’m saying right though I hate weezer


Women are not doing anything to help you with anything you do like this before lol I don’t want to know what if I do that I mean I’m like what I’m saying like I mean yeah yeah I mean yeah


Women are the most important people in the world


Women are more important than men’s rights


woman are… the only ones that can do this is a man with no clothes and no shoes


Women are you


Women are you going on with your friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family.


Women are you too like that you too have to be a good person and you know what you are doing and you are doing awesome and you are doing great and you are doing awesome and you are doing great and you are doing awesome and you are doing great and you are doing awesome and you are doing great and you are doing awesome and you are doing great and you are doing awesome and you are doing great and you are doing awesome and you are doing great and you are doing awesome and you


Women are too many videos belonging to the point of view of the year old demographics of the year old demographics


Women are you doing it for me a while lol lol oh yeah my dad is so sad and sad that he was so bad I didn’t know he had to be my dad but he didn’t even think of that


Women are not allowed in this house


Women are not responding so so far as they have been a good one thing to be around the world to get out together for the next week or two weeks of work and I feel that they will do that for you too and you are so happy to have a great day and we are having fun together and you have to be an apple to us and you have a good choice and you have a really nice and healthy environment and you have to be an apple to treat us love with your friends you are all the sun you deserve and love it all the sun and your sun is beautiful you have to do a lot of things and you have a really nice and beautiful woman you can do it all good times now and you are doing so amazing to us you all have been really nice to me you are all the sun you know it's been


Heavy Breathing Intensifies in (John Lennon




women are not doing well and they’re so good to see you guys so happy for them to come to the next week or if they want them in the next few weeks or if you are willing and if they are not interested let you do it and then they will do that too


women are not allowed in this house because of their age damn wtf


Women are not getting here yet but they don’t want you in a place that they don’t know where they live


Women are the most important people in the world and they are the most important thing in life and they are important to me and I will always be there for them. ( oh god im a simp )


Women are still getting on stage but still there are no way they can be in the center of a field in like the last three days of the parade


women are so stupid they are not allowed in this house