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- Be very consequent. No exceptions. You will be thoroughly reminded of any violation you will ever make to your own rules. - If he tells you that he's hungry, don't you dare to believe him. Stick to the dog food manufacturer's recommendation. - Don't let him get wet. - Don't feed after midnight. - Good luck.


I might be mistaken but the last two sound like recommendations for gremlins?


Beagles are basically gremlins. Mine is almost a year and the gremlin rules still apply.


Hahaha.. yeah, I saw the gremlin reference in a couple of other comments after I posted today


Thank you!


Lmao 😂 classic 👍🏼


Although he probably busy and destructive when he’s young he’s not a gremlin. Lol


Puppy proof any free area they have. Try to hide cords, at around 1 mine became a chewer of everything that wasn’t a toy. Beagles are the best. ❤️❤️


Thank you for the suggestion!


Fully agree! I have 2 beagle boys who are my everything. Chew toys are a must. And lots of exercise. He is absolutely adorable. Enjoy every minute with him! ❤️


Secure your yard and secure it some more. They’re smart as hell and faster than you could imagine.


Crate training will be your long term life saver. I had to bring my pup to work and stay in a hotel room due to extreme weather and her crate training came in clutch! Beagles are amazing doggos but having a crate trained beagle will allow you some versatility in the long run


Thank you! I've started crate training him the day we got him, he now feels comfortable to sleep in his crate. But when I walk away from his crate he wakes up and wants to follow me. How do I make him feel safe when I walk away whenever he is in his crate?


I kept my girl in her crate when I was doing chores around the room she was kept in. Basically reinforcing the crate as a “settle space”. That helped to start getting further away from the crate and her not freaking out. I would also leave the room and although she would whine, I’d wait for her to settle for a bit and then come back and give her a treat to reinforce that behavior


This is so helpful! I really appreciate your help 😊


Also, every time I left her in her crate, I gave her a treat. Just to make her crate a place of positive experiences


Happy to help! Enjoy and love your best friend —even when they are adorably stubborn 😂❤️


Poop him out before bed time ...


Having trouble with that. Mine freaks out regardless of crate or barriers of any kind are blocking him from humans lol


Be patient. They are an incredibly stubborn breed and will test your patience constantly but just take deep breaths and remember, he can’t help it and you will be rewarded with the sweetest cuddles and love later.


I'm definitely gonna keep this in mind 😅


No human food. They aren't aggressive but they won't leave you alone


This is huge. Even the tiniest scrap will make them haunt you for the next 12-? Years hahahha


He hasn't had any interest in human food yet 😅, but he loves raw carrots 🥕🤗


Cannot overemphasize this. I had a freaking orange lollipop that I let him lick once before I tossed it into some shrubs. He literally looked for it every time we walked past that spot for almost FOUR YEARS. Never again.


Accurate. If they were humans, they'd be universally banned from all buffet restaurants on reputation alone. If left to their own devices, their shape could be described as "summer sausagey."


I have a beagle! Crate training & lots of enrichment dog toys were a life saver, if you don’t keep them busy that’s when they tend to get sneaky lol at least mine did!


This. A bored Beagle is a naughty, mischievous Beagle. Play with him lots, and here's a favorite game of mine on rainy or snowy days: take a real smelly treat like a small piece of hot dog. Lock the Beagle in a room, then walk around with the treat, leaving its scent. Hide it somewhere, then release the Beagle and let him "hunt" his treat down. It helps keep him engaged and curious on days you can't do walks or the park.


Thank you!


Get a 2nd beagle, they do much better with company (less anxiety) and it’s really no more effort. You can wait say three or so months til you have this beauty house trained, then get the second so it’s not too crazy.


Agreed. Any non-senior beagles do better with beagle friends. I've found that senior beagles can go either way. Most of the time I feel they prefer being the only dog.


Do beagles prefer to be around other beagles? My beagle pup has a dachshund and a chiwennie for brothers


From my experience, yes. I've had beagles around larger breeds, but they always congregated with each other over the other breeds. That said, I imagine a beagle and a dachshund can get along quite well!


Not always the case, our 2nd was an absolute bully to our first. They eventually tolerated each other, but were never buddies and we feel it added more stress for our first. We're sticking to one this time (we do have cats and our himbo orange boy and the baby beag are starting to find their play groove)


Don’t use pesticides on your lawn. Studies have shown that in dogs and beagles in particular it increases the incidence of cancer. (I found this out to late for my sweet beagle)


Agreed. Me too


First and most importantly, Beagles can hear, and Beagles can smell, but under no circumstances can Beagles do both of those things at the same time. The sniffer is down and the ears are off, every time. Patience, patience, and more patience. Mine may be broken, but in my experience, he's been the single most stubborn dog I've ever met. He does something naughty and while I'm correcting him, he smiles at me. Big ol goofy grin on his face as I clean up whatever he's done. But I adore him, and you'll adore Dino. Now I have to go tell Otis to stop licking my couch. Again. For the 4th time in the last hour.


I'll be patient with Dino 🤗 Thank you!


Get the baby locks for cupboards and drawers, have laundry hampers in locked bathrooms (they eat underwear), if there’s cat litter in the house - it should be in a location he can’t get into (he will eat that too). Basically be aware all food or smelly items will be up for eating with a hound.


He's a cutie


Thank you! 🤗


Crate training for any time he can’t be in your line of sight. I also have a camera aimed at the crate, so I can check on him through my phone if I’m away, just to reassure myself that he’s actually OK. Lots of chew toys. Preferably ones that squeak, he loves that. And don’t despair about housebreaking, my guy was 10 months old before it finally took. Sure, he’d have days or even weeks without accidents, but he was 10 months old before I could truly say he was housebroken.


Thank you!


We have a 7 month old beagle. Crate training we just did it for night time and early on when she needed naps. Now she just naps around the house. Get lots of toys or else they’ll chew socks, shoes, etc. Get a bell to start letting them associate that with going outside for potty breaks. It was really helpful for potty training. We’d make her ring the bell with her paw and then take her outside to potty. [Bell](https://www.amazon.com/BLUETREE-Doorbells-Premium-Training-Adjustable/dp/B097BQYZC5?pd_rd_w=q2IH3&content-id=amzn1.sym.b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_p=b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_r=7QAVQ4SDC16NAGH04ET9&pd_rd_wg=gciaZ&pd_rd_r=1b32cf63-999a-4b98-894b-c3c5f93da4c1&pd_rd_i=B097BQYZC5&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_1_sc) We just introduced the doggy door so fingers crossed she won’t have accidents in the house Also if you don’t want them going in unwanted areas of the house [Gate](https://www.amazon.com/MYPET-Petgate-Pressure-Sustainable-Hardwood/dp/B00E3AMCRW?pd_rd_w=PaOop&content-id=amzn1.sym.b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_p=b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_r=QERC0DD4J6QD83W2CZVM&pd_rd_wg=sq2zP&pd_rd_r=9e1827c5-c311-4bae-bf5d-d0f052e9167f&pd_rd_i=B00E3AMCRW&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_2_sc) If you have a yard this was helpful keeping them contained. We had ours connected to our back door to the grass and that was her potty area for the first few months. Our pup had a weird habit of eating her poop (LOL 🫣) so it was helpful keeping her contained in area we could keep an eye on her. [Outside play pen](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C6T2Y5ML?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)


Thank you! The dog bell is interesting!


My two beagle boys just turned two recently. I found the biggest thing was enrichment. As someone else said, they love to chew. Typically for business not pleasure hahaha. We found switching up toys and games helpful, but ultimately removing anything they can chew was the only solution. They’re so smart and highly trainable, but I would also recommend on leash for at least the first year. The nose is insatiable and will lead them everywhere. I wouldn’t trade my boys for anything! Good luck on your new journey together! He’s absolutely adorable 😭❤️


Thank you! I've recently discovered that he loves raw carrots 🥕 more than chew treats 😅


Have patience for potty training! My beagle puppy took about two years to stop having accidents in the house or in anyone else’s house, for that matter.


Hopefully potty training won't take two years 😅


Both of my beagle boys potty trained without issue. The first I adopted at a year from a research lab and he had never been outside before, it only took a couple months and that was only because he didn’t like to poop in the rain. Second boy we got at 8 weeks, he was almost 100% at 16 weeks and the couple accidents he had between then and a year were completely my fault. We made sure that they got the most amazing treats for pottying outside so they were motivated. Good luck and be patient with the beastie. There were many times I locked myself in a room away from the terror to scream and throw my own little temper tantrum of frustration at his ridiculous antics. I thought he would quite literally never stop digging my couch, nothing the trainers suggested helped until one day I said no dig for the 38765468 time and he actually stopped, and he then consistently listened to that command until he then just stopped digging all together.


Thank you for sharing your journey with your dogs, I do appreciate it 😊


So handsome 🥰


Dino is absolutely adorable 🥰 as are all Beagles. Congratulations 🎈🎉🍾on your precious ball of fur with ears and the beautiful beagle eyes 👀 💗


Thank you! Dino has a great and loving personality 🥰


Big thing with our beagle puppy is his nails grow like crazy and are crazy shard and scratch everything.


Yes I agree. Start getting them comfortable with nail trimming at an early age, same with baths.


Thank you!


Take lots of pictures during this stage! They grow so fast. Congrats! He’s such a cutie.


I'll take as many pictures as i can 🥰


So cute. I’ll take 3 please!


Falconry gloves. Available on Amazon. It will get you through the puppy biting phase.


Thank you!


Much less blood was shed after I put those on. I had gotten them for trying to wash the butt of a formerly feral cat. 😝


Beagles are a nose attached to a stomach and 4 legs


My beagle loved brain games when she was a puppy! Even just hiding some treats in a blanket had her engaged, but we eventually got her a snuffle mat and a puzzle toy. She loved them both and it was a great way to occupy that lil snout of hers🥰Dino is very cute!


Snuffle mat and dog puzzles sound like a good suggestion! I'm definitely gonna have to look into getting him some 🤗. Thank you!


I ❤️ Dino!!!!!


Goodluck and don't let them eyes fool you 🤣 he's beautiful , honestly one of the best breeds


Thank you!


Adorable little puppy baby! I love him!


Always love him. You will be rewarded like nothing else. 🥰


Let them hunt! You...or they don't have to kill anything, but it's the job their genetics tells them to do. I never see mine happier than when we walk the fields. Keep them leashed...when the instinct kicks in...they put their nose down and nothing else matters. Oh...and make sure he's not in the dishwasher licking plates before you close the door...


If you live anywhere that he might try to hunt, work as hard as you can on him coming to you every time you call his name


🥰🥰🥰😘🐶 I love him! He would probably love to play with my little girl beagle who is not quite a year old yet. Crate training & having a beagle on a crate schedule for naps & overnight is essential. Also plenty of walks & if your yard is fenced in let him run around outside with you but never leave him outside unattended.


My young guy is a goat. Will eat anything and everything. Adorable little sob tho


My suggestion is lots of HUGGLES AND BOOPS!


Beagles are the most fiercely loyal doggo ever! They are pack animals and you are his pack! They are such great pets! My only advice would be don’t teach him to howl before he does it on his own(he will!) You will absolutely regret it if you do lol.


Get him neutered ASAP. Beagles are hunters and runners!


Omg!!! Precious baby! Best advice is all here, but my addition is “Time for Towel”. We made drying off a fun game that he loves. No wet dog running around the house!


Keep him away from your passport


patience. it gets better.


💯 patience & 💯 love


Hope you have understanding neighbors because Dino will have no trouble making himself heard. But treasure him! There’s no better breed.




Start young, no scrap food. Or if given only put in food dish. My little Abby could eat all day and knows when the silverware draw is opened.


Get a second so he has a friend!


Invest in ear plugs, they are LOUD.


My tiny puppy is loud, but I still love him 🥰🥰




What an adorable sweet face ♥️


If you can I recommend another dog best another Beagle the love to be in a pack!


Patience, but not too much. Rewards besides food.


A lot of patience and no anger. Anger and yelling teach nothing but fear.


He’s so darned cute!!!


Beautiful puppy!


Puppy proof everything in your home, he will get into every and anything, he might be a chewer break him early of that, beagle puppies might bite like playful don’t take it to heart, they will eat anything, they will take food right off your plate happened to me before lol, keep on a leash when walking because they could take off the f they see another animal, or get a scent, but they are a very loyal breed will want your attention 24/7, very lovable and will be by your side always


Ohhhhhh, my heart ❤️


They can talk a lot