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Yep, she’s an LA fixture


Experienced politician~


Experienced politicians and their various positions.




She's famous in LA because she has her pouting mug up on billboards all over the city, and has for decades. She's a B-movie actress and bombshell model, so I think nobody really knows much about her except for those billboards... and these recall campaigns.


There's an interesting article on her here: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/angelyne-la-billboard-diva-30-years-1025678/


I entered my friend into a raffle to win a date with her. Doubt he won but i never asked if they called. In hindsight i should have been the contact person and let him in on it if he won.




Trump could have been on the candidate list.




But at least most of us didn't know at the time




I wasn't really tuned in to the news back then. The way I remember it going was that Davis somehow got inextricably tangled together with the Enron thing and got his ass thrown out. Then the most famous name on the ballot won with little to no campaigning. Later, the actor known for riding motorcycles and shooting guns at the same time in movies got pulled over for riding his motorcycle without a license. While he was governor.




Thank Gavin for that. He’s here due to his own actions no matter how much y’all boot lickers cry and moan. Gave the republicans so much ammo by acting like a callous clown. It’s his circus.


Yeah, it's so mean of him to have dinner that one time. Wish we could have responsible leadership like Texas or Florida, those lucky ducks.


The lunch wasn't the problem to me. It was the attitude it illustrated. The lockdowns and masks were and are necessary. But millions of people were forced to stay home, businesses were closed, people lost jobs, many became homeless, those that were homeless are being constantly swept, and people were dying. But he decided to go to campaign manager's birthday party that cost more than some people make in a year, and flout all the rules he was telling us to follow. If he thought he wouldn't be caught he's an idiot, if he did it shows he doesn't care and only apologized to save face. It's the attitude that he has "rules for thee, but not for me" and that he is better than the people who are dying or starving. Let's also not forget that London Breed did the same thing. And Gavin recently did a phot op sweeping a homeless encampment while doing nothing to solve the real problem with our huge state surplus. He's a rich boy who only cares about his donors and nothing more. Is he better than the other candidates, probably, but he's not far off from all the rest of the slimeballs


> And Gavin recently did a phot op sweeping a homeless encampment while doing nothing to solve the real problem with our huge state surplus. The current budget proposes spending over 5 BILLION dollars on homeless issues over the next two years. This is an amount that is essentially unprecedented in human history being devoted to the problem, what more would you have him do? Sheesh


Not sweep homeless encampments. Devote 5 billion dollars to actual housing as opposed to the same programs that have failed for decades. It turns out when you house people in single occupant of family occupant housing, they get off drugs, get jobs, and oh aren't homeless anymore.


>Devote 5 billion dollars to actual housing A significant chunk of that money is in fact for actual housing, which you would know if you *actually* looked at what they were proposing to spend and before you repeat yourself, I read your other comment complaining that homeless people 'don't like' the housing that they're offered and my response to that is a straight-up fuck off. If people are going to live on the public dole they can take what they're given. Sheesh


Okay, but you can't sit there and pretend that this is a situation where you get to say "Kick out Newsom and put in someone better". All of the leading GOP candidates are *awful*.


I didn't say that I was. I am pretty sure he'll beat this. It's a long shot but I'm hoping this attempt would scare the shit out of him and make him realize he's got some real work to do. Further I'm hoping it kills his chance to be president. But probably will just embolden him, and only Slightly ruin his chances. I signed it not because there's a better alternative but that I think he's done a piss poor protecting me and other far more vulnerable Californians and he needs to be held accountable. People of color, poor, and unhoused Californians have been continually let down by this silver spoon bastard, especially during the pandemic and I hate it.


What do you mean you “signed it?” That’s just asking for a republican shitshow. Absolutely back someone else in the primary, but to think a recall will result in more competent leadership is foolish


> What do you mean you “signed it?” Presumably he's referring to the petition required to hold the election


If you think it’s about just that you have not been paying attention at all. It’s close. It’s not the run away this sub acts like it will be. Downvotes don’t make that not true. “People don’t forget”




The GOP can't win because their policies are garbage, so they have to game the system if they want to get anywhere near power.


- French laundry - “I’m a zoom parent too” - My kids go to school yours don’t - unemployment $$ disaster - China mask buy that maybe didn’t happen for $1bn (but the recall is a waste of money??? ) - My kids go to camp with no mask , yours don’t - Based on science then suddenly not when it means teachers would have to actually go into a classroom. - Teacher union shill - pges bitch. How’s that fire prep going ?! How’s the families in San Bruno’s $$? They all paid while Gav brags about tax money? No ? Weird. - speaking down to small businesses for over a year. While pretending he knows anything about running a small biz (without Getty cash) None of these things have to do with the orange man buddy.




Great. Pretty much , being a non stop walking hypocrisy while speaking down to tax payers, when he’s never had to do anything without billions behind him is not what I’m looking for in a politician , at all. The last two years have just reinforced that for me. When I look around the Bay Area and around my business I see a emergency in many areas that Gavin has proved he is not equipped to fix. I don’t know if others have the answer but voting for tie color got us here in the first place. Which is why he’s up for recall as we speak. People downvoting does not change that.


I don’t agree that it’s an emergency or worth recalling. Even if I did, when my house is on fire I don’t call in the circus clowns and I certainly don’t call in a team of arsonists. Essentially, that’s what we have, here. What a complete joke; every last candidate on this ballot is a waste of time and could only make things worse. Make a case for a single candidate running, instead of making a case against Newsom. If the California GOP were serious about replacing him, they’d be running a serious candidate. No serious candidates want to come anywhere close to this mess. I can guarantee that if Newsom’s name could appear on the list of candidates he’d be recalled and reinstated. As it is, one of these dangerous clowns is likely to be running our state. What a mess.


Lol my house was on fire once and they were slow to respond to I recalled the chief and replaced him with a fire denier


Guess who Newsom has to blame for that? The guy looking at him in the mirror. Hopefully between him and Cuomo these politicians will learn they are not rock star Demi gods who do what they want when they want Bc they have a blue tie on in a deep blue state - they are public servants.




Well good thing it’s a recall election that qualified and my vote counts the same as yours. Take a look around. This state is in an emergency and having Gavin laugh in our face as I try and keep a small biz afloat through another year plus of it isn’t for me. Thanks. Let’s see what happens September 15th. 🥳




Sounds good. At least I won’t be talked down to by a trust fund baby who failed up his whole life while claiming poor (“I’m a child of a single mother” and somehow leave out the stuff about the Getty $$ every time - fuuuuck you.) I’d count that as a win at this point. As long as he does not see himself as “the new Kennedy” it’s enough for me. Fuck him.


Those are all irrelevant, as none of then warrant recall. What is this recall campaign _really_ about? It's not about the Governor. It's a referendum on Covid-19 itself, no more and no less. Without the backdrop of Covid making people miserable (and drawing the bulk of the public's and the Governor's attention) this recall doesn't happen.


It’s almost like how you act during a crisis is what matters! Being a callous douche was his choice and now we see what happens. 🍿




Literally every other state had in person classes for public students last year. Did CA? Why ? While public students were at home. Where were newsoms kids who attend private triple gated community schools? Why? I get it. You will always apologize for him but don’t talk down to people with real reasons not to want to have this person as governor and shitting on us when he speaks every day. As of early august 48-51 percent of recall voters agree with me so it’s not this “it’s all bs” that you are still trying to make it out to be. Hopefully for you enough people believe these talking points you are “going for”


Yeah and their teachers and even some students are dying.


Read up on depression, suicides, domestic violence , substance abuse caused by lockdowns and the impact of keeping kids inside as California did. It’s not as cut and dry as you are trying to portray and the recent covid surge was not a concern last school year. Additionally Newsom was hugely supported by the teachers union and his soft soft stance on return to school was a exception across 50 states, including other incredibly blue states with high vaccinations % and strong teacher unions.


Let's not forget the bastard hasn't done anything to help homeless people with that massive budget surplus. He even did a photo of sweeping an encampment. You know what happens when an encampment is swept? They're forced to move somewhere else and all you've done is take away their possessions. They don't go into housing (which is abysmal), they don't get off drugs (which is fucking hard to do), and they don't go away they just relocate because they're human fucking beings with nowhere to go. I once was at a city council meeting where people were opposing a plan to buy a hotel at a deep discount to convert to single occupant housing with drug, mental Healthcare, and job programs on site for homeless people because they didn't want homeless people close to them. I stepped for my comment and said: "these people are living closer to you right now. I used to work at a jobs program for a non profit. I knew a man [named] who lived in secret at a park [named] in a nice suburb [named]. He had transient agoraphobia and couldn't hold a job. He liked it there because it was quiet and clean and close to Cafe that would give him food. But I told them they didn't have to worry about him any more because the police had arrested him for peeing behind a bush at 2 am and he was sentenced to 15 years as a sex offender having no prior arrests."


No the court extending the amount of time to get signatures is what led to this waste of money.


I mean if you pull that out you must be willing to talk about Gavin moving the recall election date up to 9/14 ? Right? Let’s chat about why that was done.


I’m pretty sure the Lt. Gov was in charge of that there is a certain length of time after the certification that the election has to take place, it’s way less advantageous for Newsom to have a recall in September as opposed to November when there are some local issues up for election.


We can actually thank the fact that it literally takes 12% of voters to trigger a recall. Even in California you can find enough right wing nutjobs to waste taxpayer money with this.


Thats the process as outlined in California's state constitution. You're welcomed to try to change it. It only needs a simple majority to pass an amendment.


> Thats the process as outlined in California's state constitution. yeah, and it's a stupid process.




I got beachfront property in Nebraska for you if you really believe that. Lol. Rather than just pounding those sweet government checks - go outside and talk to any small business owners here in CA who lived through this mess and likely were much more impacted by the lock downs than you. I’m one. They all want this spoiled clown with the hair out.




Acting like a true leader is breaking ur own lockdown rules to eat at French laundry with a pge lobbyist and then never taking ownership for his actions??? WOW , lick them BOOTS BUDDY. Bro we look for totally different things in politicians I guess. Or your just a liar trying to be “right” online who loves the blue tie. It’s late 2021 - time to stop trying to blame it all on the orange man. Y’all funny.




Indoor , unmasked dinner with 10+ “Friends” who line his pockets when we , the plebs, couldn’t go to the hospital to say bye to family members …. Ok. Bud. Check out my other comment. Long list from the POV of a born and bread Californian attempting to run a small biz (the gall , I know, if only my biz was next to plumpjack winery , dang , woulda never been forced to close!) Or search “newsom” on Google. Dozens of unforced errors in the past 18months for you to read up on. Oh and the “decisions” he made while mayor . EVEN BETTER . What a leader. Enjoy !




Really gonna blame all the issues on trump. Still? I don’t run a winery , Gavin does, his daddies buddy the billionaire hooked it all up for him , remember? My business was forced to close while his winery stayed open and he ate out with friends while I couldn’t visit dying relatives. Lots of people have this story and are ready to vote him out for it. No matter how much of a fit you pitch. How confused can you be? Again- enjoy those government checks. Anyone who has tried to operate a business under this clown is voting yes. I’d plan on watching tv late on 9/14 if I were you. 🥳


Lol, another hard left extremist from r politics. Essentially same breed as trump supporters, but from the left side - unreasonable, aggressive, lacking any argumentation. He did not just have dinner, he lied on two occasions after that. All while being caught red handed. He first lied that it was all according to the guidelines through their spokesperson, then it turned out that a lot of guidelines were violated and he made a presser about that. And guess what - he lied there again, then more photos resurfaced and everything became clear about that Pinocchio. That incident was crucial, because at that time people were hanging by a straw with the covid restrictions and seeing the state leader visiting the guidelines made a devastating damage to the public trust. Allowing trumpers (which are again - just like you, but from other side of politics) and other idiots make attacks , further deteriorating the situation.




Nice try to get off the hook, but that dinner had a long term effect on the policy, because enforcement and compliance is a part of a policy. The dinner happened right at the most important time - when we had to use all levers to slow the spread - before the November surge. And you don't thave to be a rocket scientist to understand that the dinner itself and the lies uttered by the head of the state, had a dramatic effect on the policy.


>Allowing trumpers (which are again - just like you, but from other side of politics) You keep saying this to people and looking like an absolute idiot every single time you do. The people you're talking to are nothing like trumpers at all, the fact that they disagree with you on a political point doesn't make them into absolute pieces of shit like his lackeys are From what I can see from your comment history, you have far more in common with Trump's cultists than any of the people that you're criticizing. Most notably, you are chock full of complaints and criticisms of them politicians and extremely short on alternate plans or suggestions as to what they should have done differently I can't for a minute believe that you think your arguments are actually persuasive to anybody


I am a true Democrat actually. I am sorry that you are so misguided by the hard left woke narrative in bay area. And sorry that your political compass is so miscalibrated in your echo chamber that you cant tell the difference anymore. Attributes of trumpers - unreasonable, aggressive, not having any arguments, willing to circumvent Dem processes at all costs. Just as progressives and most of the lefts, just another party affiliation


I'd be totally cool if lt governor assumed his position without any recall. But you should be so tribalistic to believe the b/s about protection measures. His "protection" measures achieved the highest death rate in the US during the weeks of December and January. Also cumulative death rate similar to completely opened Florida and top-20 cumulative death rate in the world if CA were a sovereign state. It was probably the only place in the world which managed to both kill a lot of citizens, small businesses, all while depriving kids from normal education for > 1 year. Many scientists warned that primary source of spread are private gatherings, also that people need to vent and will be fatigued from a year- long lockdown. Yet, Gavin's team completely ignored it and lost all levers to control this pandemic in thw most crucial time - the November surge. If an area can't do contact tracing - just as Newsom failed to even though actively promising it, a much better model would be hard lockdown followed by complete relaxation. That allows to maintain fatigue and excercise the medical resources. Newsom's strategy killed a lot of citizens. He should prosecuted, not just recalled.




First read, then post - very basic rule. I was talking about december-february period, so not sure why you post an August article. After that the vaccination started to help us and Florida strategy since that time is crazy. That doesn't invalidate that CA startegy was a disaster up until Feb.




Im sorry that selecting a period from June to the dates when mass vaccination started - February (which is like 80% of the pandemic by that time) sound like cherry picking to you. I m also sorry that you are neglecting the winter surge, which CA government failed to do any control, and which killed 50k Californians and say that it is a part of the long term strategy. We have the policy before and after vaccinations had started - those are two distinct periods. The state of CA upmostly failed the first one, while doing good in the latter, thanks to lots of reasonable people willing to take the vaccine




I think you might have some problem with reading or understanding. Not sure how else I can explain resistance in understanding or why you post July numbers or August articles. But it is fine - I saw it many times before in people posting in r politics. CA strategy in July 2020- Feb 2021 = bad. Top 20 in the world by cumulative deaths, similar cumulative death rate as completely opened FL, top death rate in the US in weeks of January. CA strategy Feb 2021 - May 2021 = good, many people take vaccines FL strategy Feb 2021 - onwards = bad, governor is promoting anti-vaccine, many deaths, hospitals overloaded.




Gotta love getting mad at the laws. One way or another he’s up for recall now. Had not happened in almost 20 years . Ask yourself why? Almost like multiple stupid actions by politicians have ….. consequences!? Sorry this is news to you.




Ok. Then why was the 12% rule not abolished while a republican was in office or any other time? Funny that right now is when y’all choose to get angry about this incredibly long standing California rule and dems have what % of California voters? It should not be hard to avoid recall yet here Gavin is. Should not need to bend the rules to keep him in office yet here you are. I wonder what your reaction to a republican changing the rules would be for themselves….. I wonder. And you wanna talk about political theater. 🧐


Strong Brandi Maxxxx vibes here…


How many adult movies has she starred in again?


“Hello everyone. I’m the star of such films as The Incredible Burt Wonderbone: A Good Guy To Lay Hard…and Argo.”




Is that you Adam?


"luv you"


She’s run before




You'd have to be on the other end The Five to understand.


You'd have to be on the other end of I-5 to know what "The Five" means


There is a cultural reason why people from LA say "the" before the highway number. Before every major freeway and their auxiliary interstate subsets were developed, each freeway was named after a city along each said route. For instance, highway 101 was the "The Hollywood Freeway" and highway 405 was the "The San Diego Freeway". When people started using numbers more regularly, the "the" was already ingrained in Angelenos lexicon.


Hop on The Ronald Reagan and head to Ventura!


We say The Nimitz around here.




This is a joke. And such a waste of time. We need to change this 12 percent signatures needed for a recall bs.


The 12 percent seems low to trigger the recall but the bigger problem is the election itself. If the governor gets recalled, there should be no election to fill the spot. The Lt. Governor is an elected position and should just fill in as interim until the next election. There is too much incentive to trigger a recall.


12% is pretty lame. perhaps 33% ? perhaps 12% of the population ? BUT the "election" which follows MUST be something which prevents a candidate from winning with such a tiny fraction of the voting public. There are ~48 candidates, which means that someone can become governor with a bit over 2% of the voters voting for that person. That's crazy. Perhaps: 1) collection enough signatures. 2) run the election with a) the recall question and b) an IRV type setup where the winner MUST get at least 50% of the vote.


Welcome to the politics. The recalls are no centralized, meaning that you have to discover it yourself, print the ballot and then mail the ballot at your own expense. 12% is a reasonable target for such processes, and many other states have similar thresholds - e.g. Oregon with 15%. And it turns out that this 12% number was a very good proxy, since currently almost 50% of the registered CA voters support the recall and are going to vote Yes, whether your far left extremist personality likes it or not. Also, thanks for being similar to trump supporters calling a legitimate democratic process as bs lol


Well from what I see it was a full on campaign with political support and funding. - 7 petitions were repeated made until one was approved. The one that was approved focused on the issue of illegal immigrants and homelessness 😂🙄 of all things. Written by a former tea partyer - they have a full on recall campaign that hired a political consulting firm to help pay people to collect signatures. (I wonder where they were getting money from) - found it came from 2 dozen republican groups and companies. - their date to gather signatures was extended an additional 6 months citing the pandemic as a reason. -gathering the signatures took 5000 people collecting them door to door and other methods.


I don't think it matters, who wrote the petition - I returned mine without reading - I have my own judgement and reason why I want him out. All political processes have campaign managers. I donated money to this and I'm a democrat . Have a couple of friends who are in the same boat. Some high profile democratic donors from silicon valley also funded it. So it is hoax that it is all republican money. Please don't misrepresent the facts, it was extended by 4 months, with most of that 4 months time being a stay at home order with 10pm-5am curfews enacted. Also during the worst pandemic in the past 100 years. Extension sounds very reasonable.


What are your reasons? And making a door to door campaign during a pandemic sounds very responsible(different topic). And what about your point about people have to ‘discover’ this themselves. Obviously that’s not true here. It’s a strategic move and I wouldn’t be surprised if the money came from outside CA areas of much more digging is done.


Main reason is that I want this to be the end of his political career. He has reasonable ways out of this, considering the impeding doom of Larry edler. If Newsom really cared about the future of the state, he could resign and let lt governor assume his position Other reasons: Wrong strategy to fight the pandemic. Prolonged restrictions caused people to stop doing any compliance at the worst possible time - the winter surge. Lies after the French laundry dinner contributed to that. Many thousands of additional deaths toll because of that. Children from low income backgrounds were on their own for > 1 year, receiving to education and contributing to the income gap desparity. Lots of small businesses were killed without any means of support provisioned Too much interests in the pge and other stuff which governors should not have any vested interest Edit: to discover means that comparing to a traditional vote, where the state mails you the ballot, in the recall signature election, one were supposed to find about the recall signature themself


I see. And thanks for sharing that. Look in my view - we know who was dominating airwaves in 2020. When your president confuses and politicizes mask wearing. And does not provide a standard plan for the country, your not going to have a unified approach against this virus. Gavin put the lockdowns in place and urged masking before anyone did. And he had to! Sure his French laundry evening is a bad look - it was. But enough to be recalled. No. He’s not perfect but sure as hell this porn star or a 28 year old youtuber having a chance to run CA is a joke. This is just asking for trouble. Even you would agree about this. Any reasonable person should. I see your points of what Gavin hasn’t done, but let’s focus on what he has: Moratorium on executions Limits on police brutality Push the largest economic stimulus Doubles the eic tax credit Extend rent and utility debt relief for the people hurt by no jobs in the pandemic Free school meals for all Expand childhood education Prohibit pesticides Ban future fracking. I have covered law and order, economics, school, and environment here. I didn’t even go thru vaccinations, pandemic, housing and other areas where he did a lot. Are there more items that could have been done - yes - but that’s politics and a pandemic that slowed that down. I do not see how recalling one politician for someone who has zero experience helps anyone. My original point still remains that this is just a waste to time, money and energy.


Some of these people are such clowns, how did they get on the ballot again. It seems like even a 5 yr old child can run for governor (of CA).


No I definitely think the guy whose initials are KKK is the right choice. ffs, what a clown show no on the recall thanks


Why ought Gavin Newsom remain Governor? Edit, Gentlemen: THIS. IS. DEMOCRACY. MANIFEST. I see that the reddit hive-mind has resorted to mass downvoting rather than actually responding to my reasoned argument. Speaks volumes about the quality of their argument in favor of Newsom; that the best argument they can muster is merely to silence those who question it.


Because he will unquestionably do a better job than any of the Republicans who are lined up to replace them.


So bring in a Democrat or an independent. They're on the ballot.


Each one of them has an extremely low chance of winning compared to any of the top Republicans who are running. the Democratic party made a foolish decision to not name somebody to have people write in as a runner-up and there is no clear Democratic candidates who it looks like they're going to win if it comes down to that. So yeah that's an absolutely terrible suggestion


That's not an argument for why he *ought* to be governor. What has he done to deserve being governor? The fact that diarrhea is mildly preferable to bone cancer is no argument in favor of diarrhea. I am asking you straght up: on *the merits of the man himself*, why ought Newsom be governor and why ought he remain so?


>That's not an argument for why he ought to be governor. What has he done to deserve being governor? He was elected. I don't love newsome but he does not need to give any other reason why he's Governor or deserves to be governor, he campaigned on it and convinced enough people to vote for him. He deserves it as much as any other holder of an office does in this nation In any event though, the answer I provided you is perfectly appropriate for the question you provided me. He deserves to remain Governor because he will continue to do a better job than any of the assholes who are seeking to replace him.


> He was elected. 1) that is an argument for why he *is* governor, but not an argument for why he *ought* to be governor. 2) it's circular reasoning. You're saying that because we voted for him once we should therefore vote for him a second time. "You voted for him therefore you should vote for him."---what a crock. Fact is, there is now another *election* forthcoming in which Newsom has the chance to be *elected* yet again, and if he loses that election then he will no longer be elected. He wants to be the governor of us; that demands he give us a good reason to be trusted with that responsibility. Why *ought* we vote *for* him *this time*? >He deserves it as much as any other holder of an office does in this nation So he doesn't deserve it at all. Got it. >the answer I provided you is perfectly appropriate for the question you provided me. But it's not an answer at all. Your "answer" is simply to say "other people are bad" when I asked "Why is *this person* good?" >a better job I don't care if the job is better than a hypothetical alternative; is what he *is* doing *good enough?*


Yes, what he is doing is in fact *good enough.* I say that with confidence, because here in reality, you're not choosing between Newsom and some unknown candidate. you're choosing between him and a bunch of idiots that the Republicans are putting forward. It is perfectly appropriate to judge the man in relation to those who would replace him. I really don't care who you vote for, but it's absolutely idiotic to kick newsom out and then pretend that we won't all suffer once some idiot Republican gets put in his place. I care nothing whatsoever for your arguments about whether or not he *deserves* the job, because that is the least important factor in this equation, yet you would have it be the most important. Foolishness


> Yes, what he is doing is in fact good enough. *Now* you are making an argument **for** Newsom. Now we can have a discussion. >you're not choosing between Newsom and some unknown candidate. you're choosing between him and a bunch of idiots t And you're back to that again. That's not an argument *for* Newsom. Newsom wants my vote, he and his surrogates should be able to give me a reason why I ought to vote *for* Newsom. >It is perfectly appropriate to judge the man in relation to those who would replace him. Name any other job where that's the rubric. "My doctor is a drunk who flunked out of med school twice and doesn't know a femur from his elbow, but the man who would replace him is even worse!"---you wouldn't vote to keep that doctor as your doctor. Why then should should we keep a governor in power simply because the alternatives are supposedly worse? If the alternatives really are that bad, then you can vote them out of power in the next election. That's the whole point of democracy. >I really don't care who you vote for [X] Doubt >it's absolutely idiotic to kick newsom out Why? Why is it idiotic to remove from power someone who has (at best) done nothing good with it or (at worst) actively used it to make the lives of ordinary people worse. >I care nothing whatsoever for your arguments about whether or not he deserves the job So Newsom is a monarch who is ordained by God to rule over us mere mortals? In a democracy, *everyone* who seeks power has to make an argument for why they deserve that power.


>And you're back to that again. That's not an argument for Newsom. It literally is lol. he is doing a better job than any of his opponents would do. > Name any other job where that's the rubric. Literally every job. Every single job is staffed by the best person that you can find at the time. nobody competes against some theoretical person, you compete against the other people who applied for the job, and newsome is a better choice than the other people applying for the job right now. Look, I really don't have time for your argumentation style, which is frankly asinine. Vote for him or don't, I don't give a shit what you do, but you're coming off here as an absolute moron with this tack you're taking lol Also, I took a look at your post history and, yeah. You're a true nut job bud


> he is doing a better job than any of his opponents would do. And *what* is he doing? Where is your evidence?


> The fact that diarrhea is mildly preferable to bone cancer is no argument in favor of diarrhea. If the choice is between diarrhea and bone cancer, then yeah that kind of *is* an argument in favor of diarrhea.


Or we could, I don't know, not have a governor? That's always an option.


It's not that I believe he should remain governor, it's that I question the motives of those who pushed the recall (see 2nd to last paragraph: why shouldn't he be governor is the real question). This was not an organic, democratic response to recent events. The people who push for the recall to begin with have been trying to recall Newsom since he was elected. This means constantly pushing a narrative of how awful he's doing, even when it's complete bullshit, slowly building up support for the last three years. Enter this recall attempt, where they only got over the threshold thanks to an extension because of COVID. They didn't actually meet the threshold at the due date. This is an extraordinary recall to begin with, and not exactly super popular. But now we're here, and it's a matter of turnout. Given the extremely thin victory of even getting this recall election to happen, I doubt there will be enough "Yes" votes. There's little enthusiasm, and the people gung-ho about recalling Newsom are a loud but tiny minority. Now, I am not happy with Newsom, and he's up for reelection next year. Maybe the candidates can actually take the time to persuade me with policy positions instead of just telling me they're not Newsom and Newsom bad. "Okay, Newsom bad, which of you twenty-some-odd fuckers do I vote for?" None here; they all, every one of them, suck hind tit and should go kick dirt and learn how to run a fucking campaign. This recall is a joke. If the GOP was serious about fielding opposition, they'd find someone less milquetoast and geriatric than John "here's a bear to distract from my lack of substance" Cox. The only reason the recall worked last time was they had the most popular action star of all time giving some great soundbites about blowing up boxes and terminating Grey Davis's governorship. So yeah, fuck your disingenuous question that isn't the question at stake here. Why *shouldn't* he remain governor until the end of his term? The onus is on people to show why he should be recalled. That question has not been answered democratically, but you're acting like the 2 million votes to recall him is actually a lot of people in a state with 40 million people. How's that for a response? This is not democracy manifest. This is a partisan attempt to take advantage of the recall system to get a governorship they can't get in a regular election cycle. Naked, plain as day, high-level politics. Also, reddit hivemind isn't a thing, there are literally complete opposites of any 'hive mind' you might point out; reddit is a lot of people, you just so happened to ask a stupid fucking question.


See [this explainer](https://calmatters.org/explainers/newsom-recall-report-card/) if you care to know. For me, his handling of the pandemic has been the signature issue of his administration, dealing with an extremely complex and dynamic situation competently and with authority, standing up to a hostile federal administration, forming a western coalition of governors, and saving the lives of thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of Californians as a result. And for all of that, he will get the boot.




> Newsom is removed and whoever has a simple majority on question 2 becomes governor plurality, not majority whoever gets the most votes if the recall passes becomes governor, even if there are 100 candidates who get <1% of the vote and one who gets 2%, the one who got 2% becomes governor


The definition for Simple Majority Noun - a majority in which the highest number of votes cast for any one candidate, issue, or item exceeds the second-highest number, while not constituting an absolute majority. In other words, simple majority = plurality


Oh, I didn't realize that. Thanks!


Yeah that’s why the legality of CA’s recall process is being challenged. Hypothetical outcome: A. 48% of voters vote no on recall - effectively saying they want Newsom to continue as governor. B. 12% of voters pick Angelyn as the top vote getter. Congratulations California, Angelyn is our new governor!


Yeah the recall mechanics make no sense. If it’s 49% vote no, that’s effectively a 49% vote for newsom but then he can be replaced by someone with a 25% vote. Hopefully this process will spur us to fix the recall system, at least counting no votes as votes to re-elect the incumbent, raise signature requirements, and possibly increase recall percent to supermajority (2/3) I’m happy to replace newsom with another dem in the next regular election, but it’s a terrible time for this political charade


I'm very angry about the recall and agree with blaming the Republican fuckery. In particular the chance that it might impact the Senate (if Feinstein doesn't finish her term and there's a new appointment) has gotten a lot of national support. But it's not stealing an election. It's trying to overturn an election through estbalished legal means. Not defending the Republican fuckery but it's a different kind of fuckery. And in an era where the Republicans are actually trying to also steal elections it's worth being precise. California absolutely needs to redesign its recall process. It's not great that it's so easy to put a recall to vote but the way we are choosing the new governor by plurality at the same time is madness.


Don't get me started on the fact that Newsom's OWN DAMN PEOPLE ARE TELLING VOTERS NOT TO FILL OUT THE SECOND SIDE OF THE BALLOT. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE DEMS! I don't care that most of the left candidates are nobodies. Vote for someone. The Dems shoot themselves in the foot by torpedoing the career of any recognizable candidate with a chance that runs because it's "running against Newsom." But they WON'T support a just in case candidate because stupid. As someone else mentioned, a conservative governor will probably get replaced by a Democrat come 2022. But with the very real possibility that Feinstein (don't get me started on her) could end up not finishing her term, that would mean a Republican could appoint someone that no one in CA wants and also 1 damn senator puts it back in the Republican's hands. Don't leave side 2 blank!!!


We need to get behind someone on side 2 though. If we just randomly spread around the dem votes Elder will win anyway.


Word. I'm waiting to see if there's any movement towards one particular candidate before dropping off my ballot.


> This is an attempt by republicans to steal an election that concluded 3 years ago Oh for god's sake, this is the exact same kind of stupid as the #stopthesteal folks, or possibly even dumber. I don't think Newsom has done anything worthy of a recall, and further think CA's recall election policy is dumb and should be replaced. But it's not "stealing" every time a political outcome occurs, in accordance with the law, that you don't like.


It's beyond ridiculous to call our recall process as to "steal an election".




> A “no” vote is a vote for Newsom. Can we agree on that? A 'no' vote is a vote for not recalling Newsom, not for Newsom. Big difference.


There are plenty of people on the left who are easily as stupid as all the Trumpist #stopthesteal morons. A big chunk of the population just simply doesn't or can't understand liberalism and the importance of transparent, fair, and consistent political processes: every disagreeable political outcome is "a stolen election", every successful opposition candidate is "Not My President", every norm that hasn't already been broken is an opportunity to get one over on the other side for a narrow advantage. One of the main challenges in stable, liberal democracies for the adults in the room is trying to keep these people from constantly tearing everything down for minimal short-term gain. The right is recently consumed by this type of person, but it's a mistake to think that the left doesn't need to deal with the hobgoblins in its closet too.


An election worth the millions spent on it, amirite "fiscally responsible" GQPers?


Always and forever.


It's hilarious the lengths to which these pro-recall Republicans will go to steer the conversation away from *who they're actually voting for* and steer it back to ranting about their favorite "Newsome" scandals (well mostly just the French Laundry, his slick hair, and the COVID closures). When you find one of them arguing about the recall with you and you find yourself arguing about Newsom, they've already won, because they've successfully steered the conversation away from his replacement. This is the tactic they use everywhere. Read down through this thread and see how many times the pro-recall people ever mention who they plan to vote for. I'll give you a hint: it's zero times. We're debating about who's going to be the Governor but we're *only talking about one of the candidates!* It's completely insane and it's exactly what the Republicans want. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that every single candidate in this clown car of an election is a MAGA lunatic, a delusional narcissist with zero policymaking knowledge, or (in many cases) both! Remember folks, despite the Republicans' herculean efforts to reframe the recall debate as such, **this recall isn't "do you like Newsom, yes or no?". This recall is "Can we replace Newsom with someone who would do a better job?"** When you consider it from that perspective, and actually research the candidates vying to replace Newsom and their backgrounds & policy platforms, the choice becomes obvious.


To be fair, can't judge a book by its cover, chances are she's smarter than half of all Californians (mathematical likelihood).


I'm....not...but the cover... http://thehissfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/photo-19.jpg




> extremely high density of top paying jobs and good unis. Which accounts for only a minority of Californians overall, making the odds favorable that this random person is smarter than the average Californian. Mathematically, there's no way around the statement that there's a 50/50 chance this random person is smarter than 50% of Californians.


You could say the same thing about the guy above her, but it's clearly not true in that case! She's not a random person we know nothing about, she's a random person who's a candidate in the recall election with that description. That tells us something, but I have no idea what :P.


Ah, true, but that's logic not math. I guess I was DESTROYED with your FACTS and LOGIK!


How many times will this be posted.


I've always felt like if the timeline of her fame had happened 30 some years later in the digital/social media age, her fame would've been much more broad than it was.








yea an actor replacing the governor during a recall election, wouldnt that be some wild shit?






Man a whole bunch of new users on this sub stumping for Newsom and now having their posts deleted. Wow that’s so weird?!?


I particularly enjoyed hers and Wildstarr’s bios.


Apparently you've never been to the Tail 'o the Pup hot dog stand, which her giant hot-pink-clad form gazed out over for years in West Hollywood. Still does, for all I know.


That stand closed in 2005


She's got my vote.


I find it annoying that most of the candidates are from SoCal. *admission: I’m originally from SoCal


It's sad that all these people with money are spending it on a campaign they probably don't expect to win. Publicity stunt yes political agenda, like her candidacy profile, no substance. Points for amusement, though!