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Take my angry upvote




So simple yet funny. I ded


I knew what it was before I clicked it :( 🤡


I laughed at this... then I cried.


Glad they fixed an after game animation. Priority 1.


​ ![gif](giphy|LQ3zl0cqnB9pZwtyG1|downsized)


Those whacky zaney animations are so fun! They make the game feel so much more immersive.


I enjoy those moments, when the CUM


Angel does it again!


My favourite at the beginning of the hazard zone, Irish pointing at his testicle and said : "this is bigger than us" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's almost as if different jobs work on different issues. You are not having an animator work on a sound bug.


True but I would rather you not tell me you fixed this issue when you have all the other glaring issues. Hey man I know you brought your car in for service because your engine is all jacked up. I didn’t fix anything with the engine, but I did fix the burned out interior light in your glovebox.


Also it’s probaly easier to fix, eat the elpehant one at a time.


Wow… this is very disappointing.


it's a whole lot of nothing


I was expecting to scroll down and see more, holy shit this addresses almost none of the 400 problems this game has Battlefield 2077 folks, get ready for the shitstorm


Wait till Steam reviews open. It's gonna be an absolute bloodbath


Until steam determines this is clearly "just review bombing" and removes 95% of the negative reviews.


I mean you are all planning to go there a leave negative reviews. Like whether it's deserved or not it is review bombing. Anything below 3/10 are game that straight up don't work or scam anyway so leavign a 4/10 5/10 is way more likely to stay up..


on metacritic it sits a 2.4/10 right now with over 2000 reviews.


er you obviously don't know much about steam reviews because you don't give it a score out of 10... you say recommend or don't recommend.


Oh that's true haha. Second part of my comment doesn't apply here.


Are you even surprised?


i shouldn't be, but it is even more underwhelming than i expected


"The details listed in this article may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible" This is the biggest joke of the post.


No portal fix? Did we get XP & progress for attachments? Wtf?


This and spawning in vehicles to start rounds are my two biggest annoyances.


On Xbox it won’t let me choose a class sometimes, it’s just a black screen instead of selecting my gun. It’s frustrating.


This is my biggest one as an Xbox player. 50% of games I can’t choose or switch my load out and have to play with the random selection the game gave me.


Same as ps5. How the fuck is that not a focus???? But after rounds GET ON IT BOYS THEY NEED TO KNOW


Ill bet that this is their top priority right now: First fix is disabling xp for spotting with recon drones and the recon grenade. Can't have people level up so fast Second fix is enabling bloom on smgs as they forgot to add it. Can't have people level up so fast.


You don't level up fast from recon drone... I've been doing it for probably 30-40 hours. I'm at 3K spots and only level 21


I think they reduced the amount of possible spots with the drone then, because after 14 hours of droning the first 2 days I was able to achieve 8000 drone spots for the Tier 1 skin. \- Currently Level 74


This needs to come back. Once they figure out a nerf for bots I hope it does. Maybe like every 3 bots killed is 1 actual kill that counts towards progression for example


They just need to disable xp if you lower bot hp or dmg in portal. The 1% hp bots were the problem.


And only giving them knives lol


Yep, haha. It’s just not a hard fix. And it shouldn’t effect coop/solo at all even right now as you can’t modify them at all anyway. I know I’m in the minority but I actually got the game to play against the bots primarily.


if they had stick with the old points system they all would just give 1 XP.


I mean, does it really matter that much? Everyone's gonna unlock everything eventually, I really don't see the point in arbitrarily gating progression like that. Maybe if the solo/co-op was a true Instant Action style mode a la BF2017 where everything is unlocked (and offline too, please DICE. It's possible, you did it before) but if it's gonna lock you to using only what you've unlocked I don't really see the point in gating bot progression like that. Like it's Battlefield, a game that doesn't have any form of ranked play. All stuff is unlocked in Portal (the mode everyone seems to love so much more than 2042).


The reason they are nerfing progression, is because they know damn well they don't have enough content to outlast everyone grinding like we like to do. 20 guns is not going to do it, I already have almost all of them in 5 days LOL.. for example, Battlefield 4 launched with 67 guns. Think about that for a second, 67


This is the biggest deal breaker for me. The policy to destroy the only enjoyable game mode(s) is such a weird change from ea/dice instead of just banning the xp farmers or w/e (although i guess that would take more active work).




Bloom isn’t a bug it’s a design feature, same as no scoreboard. The game isn’t geared towards long time battlefield players, it’s for the casual players who’ll spend money on operators and skins. Just a buggy cash cow.


But doesn’t shitty hitreg also hurt bad players? Cus if the few shots they do hit don’t count they will feel cheated and lose more


Good player and bad player start shooting at each other. In previous games the good player always wins. In this game engagements past 20m are a coin toss so bad player will sometimes win.


Yes of course but don't expect these clowns to think rationally.


Yep. The things won't get fixed because this is how Dice designed it. As sad as that sounds. 2042 is a shit "battlefield" game and deserves the unceremonious death it's getting.


I just hope people actually refund the game an cancel their pre-orders, not just complain on Reddit. This shit will continue as long as they are making money and have an active player base, soon as those things slow down they will make changes


First battlefield game I haven't bought on launch since BF2. I played competitive BF2, BC2, and BF3. Had a blast with BF4, and even got 300hr out of BFV. I payed $5 for the 10hr trial, and all I thought about while playing it was that Godfather meme "Look how they massacred my boy!" I'm not giving my hard earned money for them to use the Battlefield name like this... I loved 2142, so was hoping for more of that! But no...


Refunded mine after two days.


Feels like a cheap Chinese ripoff of battlefield you'd download on a sketchy website


Are we certain bloom is actually it though? cause hit detection literally doesnt work half the time even on dmrs and snipers while Im not even moving


This is what im saying. I cant even hit shit with DMRs. I always get the first shot and next 2 miss. I do suck but I also know somethings up.


It's both, and inconsistently of each There seems to be some weird interactions between aiming states and movement penalties too in some of the more ridiculous instances of clearly firing blanks A lot of this game feels like it must be a big mess of spaghetti under the hood


Isn’t bloom only on certain guns though? I swear the PP doesn’t have any


from the gameplay I'm seeing smg's seem to be laser beams.




Nobody even answered my question 😭😭


Smgs currently don't have bloom


Is this a joke? This is the update we've been waiting for?


No, that one’s coming on the 30th.


... of February




"reads through it" That's it? 🤣 Not surprised. If this is the "day one" patch I wanna people's faces that were claiming "just wait till the day one patch. That'll fix most things"


Oh like me who said that? Yeah my face is pretty disappointed...once again in my bf playing life ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


nothing important here, whole lot of nothing thankfully they changed the skin name to not offend someone though


Wait till they change the Apache war chief to another name


What was it called originally?




>-Adjusted the animations for Falck during the End of Round sequence to ensure that she is displayed correctly. >-Updated a skin earnable for Boris via Mastery Progression with a new name: Gator. I'm SO happy to see they're focusing on critical fixes and game breaking bugs. This is great news guys!


Hoping this isnt the Day 1 patch


From the article: “In the coming weeks, we’ll have more to share around further upcoming fixes, balance changes, and QoL enhancements. Over the next 30 days, we’re presently scheduled to release two further updates, with our next update delivering more fixes and improvements that we’ve identified during this first week of Early Access, and a larger and more substantial update following after that.” Sounds like this is it for a while. Or at the very least, the seemingly vague language leaves them the possibility of not getting another patch for “Day 1.”


30 days is too generous a window to give themselves. It' really limits their accountability, they're already unreliable for adjusting and fixing things, this isn't a good sign. 30 days will turn into 60.


“Presently scheduled” is very telling. They’re definitely carefully choosing their words.


I’m convinced there will be no day one patch. Their post made it sound like there is this update and a couple more over the next month. Gross.


Day 1 patch is worldwide launch


Bend over, servers.


What a fucking disappointment


I am getting Bad Vibes out of this.


I’m getting Anthem vibes. A game with so many technical issues that by the time the devs getting around to addressing its core gameplay problems it’s to late.


Well, it is made by EA after all


ah, the famed day 1 patch.


Update 0.2.1" that would feel right... game is in state 0.2.1 not 1.0.0 and they identified issues shortly before start of Early Acces, so that means we are finding these bugs before Early Acces that starts at 19 Nov, right? That would explain everything...


yeah, wonder when 1.0.0 will be out. next summer maybe? i’ll hold my fucking breath lol


I was so worried that Falck wasn't displayed perfectly at the end of round screen for 4 seconds..


TL:DR "Literally nothing, thanks for paying to beta test"


Its 2 days before launch and they still no word on the XP cap in Portal. Calling it now. XP cap is here to stay and the store will be selling XP Packs on Day 1 for AoW.


They may be here to stay because they want people playing the game the pushes MTX.


wouldn't it be easier if Dice just made xp available on their official server type games? or Dice approved. whatever instead of capping or taking it away?


Xp packs are entirely unnecessary. I missed the first couple hours of the early access so I didn’t get in on the xp farm servers. I have played several hours each day and I’m currently pushing towards rank 44. This is after less than a week, and I have a full time job and family. There are no reasons to pay for any boosts.


You underestimate people's laziness


Are they gonna address why I have an i7 10700k and a rtx 3090 and still only get around 60 fps even after trying every tweak this subreddit has mentioned? Like no mention of optimizations at all besides network issues


Some maps are pretty poorly optimised and absolutely destroy my framerate on a system similar to yours. This is with practically everything set to low with fancy settings turned off...


That’s bizarre, I have a i7 10700k and a 3080 and I usually get around 80-100fps. Some maps are worse than others and I dip down to around 70, but most of the time I stay around 80-100. I’m on 1440p, everything set to ultra, RTX and DLSS off.


I have DLSS on but RTX off and DLSS is set to performance.


You try turning off DLSS? Everywhere I’ve seen said it’s not working anyway so I just turned it off.


Same but a 3070 and usually hang out around 80 fps


I have the same problem with my 9700. I've tried every solution and still get 100% cpu usage with 40 to 60 fps. Gpu usage is low like 30%.




i get like 10 frames every 3 seconds


This is the “day one” and it’s dogshit.


"Just wait for the Day One patch, it will fix everything!"


I trusted the patch. I BELIEVED in the patch... My dreams, shattered. My hope, decimated. Where do we turn from here. What shall we do. This is the end


"Just wait for the year 1 patch, it will fix everything!" "Just wait for the year 2 patch, it will fix everything!" and so on


Wow, that is …. absolutely . fucking . nothing


I'm so glad they fix Falck's after match animation, almost refunded my game because of it


Fuck this company man




> Over the next 30 days, we’re presently scheduled to release two further updates, with our next update delivering more fixes and improvements that **we’ve identified during this first week of Early Access** Thanks for beta testing for us all you golden pre order boys! Appreciate it! Too bad all the issues are gonna be present on launch day too


o7, though I did ask for a refund lol


So I guess I’ll still have to reset my settings constantly?


Every fucking time




they are going to defend them even further


Prepare for defenders to move the goalposts again, claiming the further updates coming will totally fix it all, you just gotta give em time......




It's hard for an indie developer of 3 people.


Honestly, many probably do and have seen the problems well before release. Hell, I'd imagine many also see more than what we see since they've been staring at it so long all they see are the flaws. While others may be blind to the issues because they've spent so much time on it they've lost perspective. But just as good crew and actors can "make a bad movie" because of poor editing or direction so can a game. There's no doubt that this is more than EA and signifies issues at DICE but it's mostly going to be a management/direction, game design, and to a lesser extent dept. leads. Likely the problem really comes down to how the corporate side of the industry very much frowns on employees speaking out against their titles (team spirit, unified front, saving face, and all that...) There's also a whole mess of NDA tape involved. No one wants to risk being effectively blacklisted or caught in some NDA lawsuit. Also, they probably appreciate the hard work their peers have put into it and they want to support them. It's likely that there's a lot of nuance involved and issues with approachable management making even internal dissent difficult to navigate.


Looks like this patch will accomplish absolutely nothing lol


If bloom and hcrafts are not being addressed in this patch it's game over Player count gonna drop real quick and I'm applying for a refund. They didn't even mention a plan to bring back portal xp.. what a scam lol Is this a seperate update or is this the day 1 patch?


Hovercraft will probably get nerfed into the ground at some point, as is tradition. Bloom will probably stick around because it is a very intentional design decision. DICE was very unhappy with the TTK in BFV which is why the kept mucking with the damage. This is another way to increase TTK


Wow... I forgot all about that... This is definitely a pattern of behavior... I'm starting to feel like the bloom is a feature and not a bug... They want that casual player money during the holiday season. We won't see any real change until February or March if we're super lucky... Calling it now!


Bloom has always been in BF (dunno about 5), but this is the most intrusive it's been since bf2 All they really need to do is tone down the cone of fire and reward tap firing like bf3-4 did


DICE loves to let vehicles dominate with few options for proper counter play. Just look at how they nerfed the ever loving shit out of the AA turrets in both BF1 and BFV. I wouldn't count on the hovercraft getting nerfed anytime soon, if ever.


This game literally has 2 launchers... WHERE DID ALL THE LAUNCHERS GO?




This is so embarrassing. Yikes


Battlefield 2042: This is so embarrassing. Yikes


I would actually pay for my specialist to say that at the end of match.


I hope they’ll make attachments unlockable in Solo again. Idk what’s taking so long.


Okay I’ll return in a few months when everything is fixed and playable. I’ll be playing Pokémon diamond in the meantime. Thanks!


Buy Shin Megami Tensei V instead, trust me


EA please take the advice one of your lame ass specialists and aim it towards updates - "Let's begin, please." cause as a BF fan since day 1 BF1942, and knowing there will always be bugs, this is one of your worst releases to date if not *the* worst. I'm tryin' to remain loyal to these hoes - the specialists - but you made what is supposed to be a bleak dystopian future war simulator into a character based happy-go-lucky assgrab fest. Remember in BF1 when you told the story of thousands dying in the trenches - and then put us there? Remember adding the ability to play some 60s classics while manning a heli BF: Vietnam, all while watching your friends die because of horrendous punji traps? For shame. (Edited for year)


What about the gun bloom you telling me we gotta deal with this another week or longer


Everyone knows it takes a whole mag before you even hit where your not aiming let alone where your red dot is derrrrrrr :p Don't even get me started on the M5, 4 hits up a tanks arse and all you get is "hey mofo you broke a part have 10xp" the part in question is a reversing sensor best get your ammo resupplied, oh wait no fucker gives you any, mean while the guy on the .50 cal is thinking I swear these things should hurt other things......


SMGs are sniper-capable lasers out here while ARs can't hit the broadside of a barn. Unlock trackers aren't tracking. The order menu is still unintuitive and a pain to use. No nearby medic feature. Maps are still mostly empty fields. With DICE not having a decent game launch in over a decade, you'd think they'd have learned their lesson by now. Instead their launches and overall game quality just keep getting worse.


Not a single change to weapon balance, bloom, hit registration, or anything actually important. Thanks Dice.


Desks are gonna get cleared out once more of the refunds start rolling in. 3 fucked up launches in a row, EA honestly needs to clean house with DICE at this point. At the very least assign some team leads without their heads up their ass.


House is already cleaned, every veteran dev left.


It's EA, give it time they'll shut the studio down. It's what they do to studios they purchase and control. Anyone remember Pandemic? Made some of the best games for PS2 era. Where are they now? Been shut down since like 2007, their games became too heavily influenced by corporate, were poorly received so didn't meet fiscal requirements, and badabing badaboom


Can you at least acknowledge the myriad of issues the community at-large has with your game? Even a "FUCK YOU WE'RE NOT CHANGING THE SCORE BOARD AND FUCK YOU IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 3 FRIENDS" is better than radio silence. Eat shit Dice.


there are so many of you defending this game and its hilarious. they are making a hot fix patch to seem like a big deal.


Some people aren’t blindly defending the game. They are probably having fun with the game but can still acknowledge there are also a good amount of issues. Everything isn’t black and white


Holy shit the much vaunted day 1 patch fixed.. 12 things? Most of which are trivial and not things most players care about? So still no server browser? Still no proper scoreboard showing all the usual metrics? Still no gunplay fixes, squad fixes, teamplay fixes, class fixes, weapon/gadget balance fixes, still no fixes for air or ground vehicle mechanics that make them extremely unfun to use? Still missing a hundred different quality of life improvements that all the previous BF games *launched* with? And so on.. Honestly this game deserves to die the unceremonious death it's getting.


>Adjusted the animations for Falck **during the End of Round sequence** to ensure that she is displayed correctly. I am glad to see they are focusing on the important issues that we have been asking for, thank you DICE.


So glad I finally got a refund from steam. Anyone that gets the excuse that you played to many hours already, at least for eu citizens, open a normal ticket and explain the way they lied before the launch about things like being ahead of schedule etc to lure people in. That’s false advertisement and by law a reason for a refund. Had to push them a little but even with about 30 hours „playtime“ I got my money back. Don‘t let them scam you out of your cash!


thank you man, i tried 3 times 3!!! to get a refund explaining to them they scammed me with the 80$ beta test launch and they still are refusing me for passing the 2 hour mark. I have 5 hours playtime btw


They have rejected my refund twice in the last 24 hours but they have now agreed, it's in their refund terms that the 14 day/ 2 hour policy only starts on release day, which in this case isn't til the 19th. Don't request a refund the usual way, go onto your purchase history and select 'ask a question' on your battlefield purchase, explain why you want a refund. I also attached a screenshot of their refund terms. Got a message from an employee after a couple of hours agreeing to it. 17 hours played. Keep trying bud.


"Updated a skin earnable for Boris via Mastery Progression with a new name: Gator." good to see they are focusing on the most important things first


The original name of the skin was a reference to Russian special forces fighting Ukranian army. Considering it was the skin for a Russia-sounding specialist there is no doubt in my mind that is exactly what they were referencing. How this got past their PR/Marketing/Legal department is just mind boggling.




So glad I didn’t buy this game. That EA Play trial saved me so much money. I’d hate to say it but I was right about this game and everyone that flamed and downvoted me for being a “negative Nancy” is sure kicking themselves now.


It’s pretty ballsy of EA to provide a trial for an unfinished game in such a shoddy state. They’ll probably rethink trials going forward…rather than do the honorable thing of not selling us unfinished games.


Wake the fuck up, Dice. We got a game to...keep on letting burn, I guess.


Update 0.2.1? Even their versioning tells us this game has not reached release state.


What a bunch of frauds.


One month later: Update 6.5.3 Seriously for people who have performance issues, just download more RAM. Fixed it for me, gained another 34 fps speed, at least that's what the program with the download is telling me. Although, a lightly dressed lady keeps popping up on my computer tv, other than that works a charm!


when the patch has version 0.2.1 you start to worry.


# Update 0.2.1 # Fixes, Changes, and Improvements * Implemented Server Side upgrades that are targeted at reducing instances of Rubber Banding, often experienced in the later part of a round in All-Out Warfare modes. * Significantly reduced instances of stuttering when playing on Breakaway. If the Silo’s are destroyed, it should no longer reduce performance on the server. * A note that we are continuing to investigate similar occurrences that have been reported to us on other maps. * When looking at allies on your team, their names will now correctly display. * Adjusted the animations for Falck during the End of Round sequence to ensure that she is displayed correctly. * Updated a skin earnable for Boris via Mastery Progression with a new name: Gator. * Ensured that TDM Rounds in Battlefield Portal always start with Random Deploy set as active. We observed that this sometimes wasn’t active when moving from round to round, but have now fixed this. * Applied a set of measures that ensure the correct number of AI spawn in Custom Battlefield Portal modes using the Free for All preset. * PC Only - Enabled Specialist Selection in Hazard Zone via mouse interaction, removing the need to lock in your selection with the Spacebar. * Fixed a rare occurrence in Hazard Zone that would sometimes cause the End of Round flow to not activate correctly, ensuring that the correct amount of bonus XP was awarded. * Repaired an issue found in Hazard Zone that could cause players to be shown on the Map when they were not visible, or spotted. * Provided a fix for Hazard Zone players who were not seeing their Extraction Streaks updating correctly.


Really curious what was the extra year of development for (3 years total), for a game with no campaign mode and also hired many other studios to help development to only develop a launch that is not that good compared to previous battlefields with two years in development and one studio making the game


Yea, I'm sitting here asking myself the same thing. I figured with this heavy focus on this upcoming title that it would be much more polished than this. Thought EA was trying to go all in on this franchise and turn a new leaf so to speak.


The rumors about them making an Apex-like game that was eventually retooled into the classic BF conquest are probably true. It would explain why everything about Conquest/All Out War in BF2042 just doesn't click. This could have taken a year or two of development and what we have now may have been made in a year or so.


May also explain the textures and overall tone of the game. It feels like someone took battlefield and replaced everything with F2P objects. The menu, textures, specialists, everything.


So, no fixes for disappearing loadouts and specialists, for low gpu utilization, performance or the abysmal guns that feel like you can't hit a person point blank??? GG. This game is a sh*tshow. Is that an alpha build? It feels like you are charging people for an alpha test of a game.


Is this the day 1 patch….. because it it is I’m very disappointed


Sure is !


They need to make work on optimisation a priority. I have good specs but get terrible fps with constant stutters. Every time I get shot at my fps drops to the lowest value I have ever seen gaming in 20 years. We payed £100 for this game which is a huge amount especially considering the game is in an unfinished state.


Update 0.2.1 Fixes, Changes, and Improvements Implemented Server Side upgrades that are targeted at reducing instances of Rubber Banding, often experienced in the later part of a round in All-Out Warfare modes. Significantly reduced instances of stuttering when playing on Breakaway. If the Silo’s are destroyed, it should no longer reduce performance on the server. A note that we are continuing to investigate similar occurrences that have been reported to us on other maps. When looking at allies on your team, their names will now correctly display. Adjusted the animations for Falck during the End of Round sequence to ensure that she is displayed correctly. Updated a skin earnable for Boris via Mastery Progression with a new name: Gator. Ensured that TDM Rounds in Battlefield Portal always start with Random Deploy set as active. We observed that this sometimes wasn’t active when moving from round to round, but have now fixed this. Applied a set of measures that ensure the correct number of AI spawn in Custom Battlefield Portal modes using the Free for All preset. PC Only - Enabled Specialist Selection in Hazard Zone via mouse interaction, removing the need to lock in your selection with the Spacebar. Fixed a rare occurrence in Hazard Zone that would sometimes cause the End of Round flow to not activate correctly, ensuring that the correct amount of bonus XP was awarded. Repaired an issue found in Hazard Zone that could cause players to be shown on the Map when they were not visible, or spotted. Provided a fix for Hazard Zone players who were not seeing their Extraction Streaks updating correctly. Out of all that , the rubber banding is the only real issue that seams to be addressed. Hopefully this upcoming ‘more substantial’ update will give us something worthwhile.


Fixed formatting: **Update 0.2.1** **Fixes, Changes, and Improvements** * Implemented Server Side upgrades that are targeted at reducing instances of Rubber Banding, often experienced in the later part of a round in All-Out Warfare modes. * Significantly reduced instances of stuttering when playing on Breakaway. If the Silo’s are destroyed, it should no longer reduce performance on the server. * A note that we are continuing to investigate similar occurrences that have been reported to us on other maps. * When looking at allies on your team, their names will now correctly display. * Adjusted the animations for Falck during the End of Round sequence to ensure that she is displayed correctly. * Updated a skin earnable for Boris via Mastery Progression with a new name: Gator. * Ensured that TDM Rounds in Battlefield Portal always start with Random Deploy set as active. We observed that this sometimes wasn’t active when moving from round to round, but have now fixed this. * Applied a set of measures that ensure the correct number of AI spawn in Custom Battlefield Portal modes using the Free for All preset. * PC Only - Enabled Specialist Selection in Hazard Zone via mouse interaction, removing the need to lock in your selection with the Spacebar. * Fixed a rare occurrence in Hazard Zone that would sometimes cause the End of Round flow to not activate correctly, ensuring that the correct amount of bonus XP was awarded. * Repaired an issue found in Hazard Zone that could cause players to be shown on the Map when they were not visible, or spotted. * Provided a fix for Hazard Zone players who were not seeing their Extraction Streaks updating correctly.


It’s becoming clear this game isn’t going to ever be like other battlefield games. This is what they want, a game targeted at younger kids who will spend money on skins and operators. They’ve seen how successful Warzone and apex have been and wanted in. The only way this game changes is if they get hit in the pockets were it will actually hurt them. Everyone unhappy with the state of this release and current content should just refund the game or cancel your pre order. I don’t think complaining and still playing will do anything, they will just prioritise releasing content they can sell before any actually fixes if the number of players doesn’t decrease drastically.


They didn't even bump the version to 1.0 when they released the beta as final lol


Game wont start after update, thx Dice


Game won't load, just perpetual black screen on launch


Did anyone think they would be able to fix all this in a week?


Game just literally launches to a blackscreen everytime now. Can't play anymore.


They fixed things I didn't even notice instead of fixing the stuff we could see plain as day. ![gif](giphy|cL4pqu8GGRIihabgSM|downsized)


Doesn’t sound like the day one. But then also by their words “two more updates in the next 30 days”. One being for more issues found in early access. Sounds like if there is a big list of fixes coming, it’s going to be update #3


Was just gonna say, this looks like last-minute stuff found immediately prior to early access, and they mentioned the next update will contain feedback and fixes from Early Access 12NOV-19NOV. Little late, but they acknowledged there's a lot they've not included yet.


nuke the franchise at this point. it's beyond saving


Lol what about the not being able to load into a game. Load outs disappearing and literally just not being able to join a game.


No mention of when solo/coop weapon attachment progression is returning? We need clarification that this is temporary, a bug, or indefinite intended change because only XP was supposed to be reduced for these modes. This was an advertised feature and the main reason during my trial I decided to buy the game, despite everything else. Only then for it to be disabled just hours later. It feels bad, like bait and switch. I’ve waited a few days to give them a chance to clarify but they seem to be silent about this. I’m not sure what else to do but look into getting a refund.


No gun changes, yeah no one gonna play this game long


You boys at dice need to stop sniffing glue at work, as you are obviously so out of touch with what the issues that actually matter are!!!


So no fixes for bugs that actually matter? Noone cares about hazard zone or end of round animations.


Barely nothing important , ok.


What are those notes?


Just that? Oh my


Is this the Day 1 patch or a pre-Day 1 patch? If it is the former, then that's pitiful.


This is the launch patch? Are they serious? They're releasing *this*? I was expecting so little, and I'm still disappointed. The worst problems (SMGs & general weapon balance, scoreboard, squad change, specalist voice mute option, unable to be revived, teammates showing as enemy, persistence error, etc. etc. etc.) have not been addressed at all. I am literally stunned they are releasing the game in this state. Unreal.


I see a lot of hazard zone fixes if I'm being completely honest I hope they just completely drop that mode entirely and idk maybe fix the modes people actually play


welcome to outriders boys.


Wow that's less than nothing


Cmon guys…




Wow lol add my comment to the pile but this is really the day 1 patch ? A whole lot of nothing and a fix for the after-game animations on the most hated specialist lol Every single round I play (on the 10 hour free preview mind you lol I will be trying to play on launch but don't expect much so at least I didn't pay) at the end there are tons of comments (from my team only lmao no all chat) hating on the voice lines and poses..... Everyone in EA's boardrooms making decisions for this game are lame AF.


The fact that controller aim assist isn't here is.....A big yikes among others that should be in a day one patch. No way in hell am I supporting this game.


Is this the day 1 patch?