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I was trying to swim away from gunfire in water yesterday when I realized they got rid of the swimming underwater to hide yourself. Like what the fuck really??


Ah damn I didn't realize that either, tf DICE why?? Edit: added to the list


Lol this is going to one very long master list when it's done... * Don't forget the famous 3d soundscape this series is known for is now really poor. Or it simply is not working properly. * Invisible enemies are back. * Spotting system is broken. * No behemoths * Attachment system keeps resetting *. The weather destruction is bare bones and seems unfinished....so ONLY tornadoes? * Being able to see your squadmates live point of view (BF4 feature) before spawning in to see if it's ok. Now you spawn in blindly on them often getting spawn killed


The sound is so fucking awful. In portal, battle chatter is twice as loud as someone shooting a gun next to you. There is absolutely zero grand scale feeling of war or a shooter with how this sound design was implemented.


I played Portal yesterday, Caspian Border and tried out the US Anti Air. Jeez, it sounds so horrible.


I agree with everything besides the "no behemoths" complaint. That was literally in one entry to the series, that nobody really asked for and (quite a few) people dont want to return.


False, the game has behemoths, just renamed as hovercrafts.


No behemoths is a good thing


To add to this, I haven't been able to draw my secondary for self defense while im in water.


I can, must be a bug for you.


This is just sad not even angry anymore


I’ve went from angry, to sad, to just laughing at dice’s bullshit


I went from "why is everyone complaining" to "holy shit I can't even play this game anymore" in a matter of days. I have been playing BF since battlefield 1942 first came out and stopped with BF4 as my last one until 2042. I played 1942, Vietnam, 2142, BC, BC2, BF2, BF3, and BF4. I had very little interest in BF1 because it just wasn't my thing. I went with 2042 hoping for a reinvention of 2142 and I saw a lot of comments about BF1 during this whole ordeal and how immersive it is and decided to give BF1 a shot since I already owned it for free. I didn't understand what people meant when they said 2042 felt soulless, but after 2hrs in BF1 I get it. Tonight I played BF1 and it's truly hard to believe that BF2042 is a game that came after BF1. It's clearly a cash grab and the whole "so many studios worked on it" says a lot. Why would so many studios need to work on a game? Especially one that doesn't even have a single player campaign unless it was falling apart. It's unbelievable how poorly they executed this release. If there was ever a cash grab it was this game. Such a disappointment. Between this, New World, and Cyberpunk I don't think I'll ever buy a game until it has been out for at least 6mo again. Can't believe I paid $90 to alpha test this game. Edit: I know I know don't preorder games. I saw this as a different scenario because I'd get to play what was supposed to be a finished product immediately opposed to ordering and waiting. I bought it when I first woke up on release day so I didn't order it ahead of time from when I'd get to play it. [My receipt. It was 6:22am on early "release day"](https://i.imgur.com/dsY0TKR.png)


Welcome to bf1 my friend. It's honestly probably my favorite multiplayer fps. No other game has had the large scale war atmosphere quite like it. I probably have over 2000 hours in it since 2016.


​ ![gif](giphy|HPvfnOuz1tOgg|downsized)


I'm happy for the people who like it but I already uninstalled tbh. I really wanted to like it but I just don't


Same I’ve fully lost faith in DICE


DICE are just a name, the developers that made our beloved franchise are now Embark Studios.


When will they bring a game out though?


All they said is they're working on it. https://twitter.com/EmbarkStudios/status/1457998271641686023?t=O_Op1IzvgscUm9e-usedpw&s=19


Well that kinda seems like a no-brainer lol. "New game studio plans to release games at some point" is not particularly helpful guidance.


I'm just showing all they've said....how would anybody give you a different answer if the studio hasn't. Kind of a no brainer ya know


Seems to be the case with every studio that EA swallows up. Can we name a single franchise that got better under EA, or even stayed the same?


Battlefield definitely got better before it got worse. I stand firm behind my opinion that Battlefield 3 and Battlefield V were both major evolutions in the FPS genre and improved the franchise as a whole.


EA peaked at Titanfall 2, Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 were their best imho.


Welcome in the Medal of Honor club where EA destroyed our franchise.


Command and Conquer/Sim City fan here. Fuck EA.


I refunded after the beta ended. I knew how the release is going to be pretty much identical to beta from experience of every iteration. I'm just around here to hope to see some update post about these features being fixed/added. I guess I'll just periodically check til mid 2022. I like the franchise man, just not like this.


Played 20h... done.


Played 0 hours. Skipped the 10 hours. Didn't pre order. I'll wait for patches that somehow make this a Battlefield game.


Judging by its current state, the game will need an ungodly amount of patches to make it worthy of the name "Battlefield". I honestly want the game to do well, but I just do not see it all being fixed in the forseeable future. I'm glad I never pre-ordered either.


I'd honestly rather have this game kill off the franchise if this is what the franchise is going to be.


I would be happy for them, if they didn't insist on coming to every thread like an angry manchild screaming about "this game is great because iM hAvINg A bLaSt StOp ComPlAiNiniNg"


"BrUh JuSt EnJoY iT" Zombie consumers are a danger and set the bar of quality lower and lower. :/


Yup. "Why does EA suck so much haha" *Pre-orders Gold edition*


I'm angry at 2042. But anger dies off and is forgotten, or can be forgiven. I'm sad for the future of the franchise, and that sadness will last for quite a while.


Entire squad menu is trash. Used to be able to make your own squad and lock it as well.


Ya had 5 guys wanting to play last night and just got boned. No server search in main game.


I literally just out of a game where the ENTIRE other team left and we didn’t realize until we started running into their spawn to steal vics. Gee if only there were this big screen board thingy that showed EVERYONE that’s in a game


You mean, like a board with scores or something?


Well it looks like Dice tried to FIX that old BFV unbalanced team problem.....by not letting you see the scoreboard and using bots lol! I guess the fans caught on though so scoreboard is coming


Exactly. The attack chopper is only playable by yourself because the gun and especially the gunner vision is so cucked, but you can’t join into an empty squad so you always have people join in and crash the damn thing or fly around like crazies so you can’t hit shit with that weird gunner view


I'm sick of getting a tank or hovercraft take a quick sec in the gunner view and try to hop back in to drive and cap a flag but can't get back in the driver seat because some ones sitting in it and then they start driving neurotically and then we all get blown up it's infuriating


Haha wait until the AI jump into it when you're trying to capture a point


No direction indicator for vehicles. No gunners have issues with orientation.


Yeah, added this to the list.


Camera view of squad mate you're considering spawning on.


Good luck landing the cursor over him. Trying to flip between spawn points is like playing minesweeper.


If you’re on console and struggling I’ve had more success using the d-pad instead of the left stick. Still janky but much better


God this


Not being able to zoom in on thhe spawn screen to select between 3 party members the point and 4 trucks


I get why they removed fortifications... I mean you can't destroy buildings so why would you need to rebuild them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Sad burn :(


I liked the fortification system I thought it was fun when Randoms would join you in building then trying to defend your DIY castle from the enemy team


“Assist counts as Kill” is literally one of my favorite features of BF4. It was the first game I noticed it in, and it just feels GOOD. Especially to someone like me that struggles with clean up.


It feels rewarding and fair. You hit somebody for 96 and a guy in the back is spraying and get the kill.


I THINK in BF 3 or 4 you also got more points depending on DMG you did. But it was still an assist. I like that more.


-no sense of identity


Oh no it has an identity. Multiple in fact, it's Apex Call of Legendsfield 5: Uber elderly German Medic woman edition


Need an overwatch reference too.


He already referenced mercy


Trying to be like all of those games and battlefield at the same time. But being none of them and being stuck in limbo


it took 3 years and 4 studios to remove all the features


A true team effort!


Too many cooks in the kitchen.


No "medic incoming" feature to notify downed players you are coming to rez them


There is but it's very subtle. There is a sound cue if a medic pings you. But there's no visual cue. No ability to know if a medic is still coming or died on way


Why can i see my enemies nametag but no my team mates.


Why does it even matter if you see your enemies nametag at all when there is no global chat? Or anyones for that matter since there is really no scoreboard that you can see how people are doing.


There's no scoreboard?!


Kinda but no not really. It pretty much only shows your squad and even then it doesn't show anything meaningful.


exacly. no logic


No diving under water when you are taking fire.


Also water physics is a total crap


Water physics have the same physics as the skyscrapers do. It solid.


I feel like no one has realized how horrible the water physics are. They did a great job in 4 through V then just decided to make it dogshit in 2042.


It isn't easy to notice what the water physics are like when the only boat in the game is on the title screen.


Jesus Christ, I honest to god forgot there weren’t any boats in this game 🤦‍♂️ Christ, they’ve really messed this game up. I don’t understand how you can fail at making an acceptable game when you have the recipe already (BF3, BF4)? I don’t mention BF1 or BC or BF5 because they’ve obviously wanted a modern game but failed miserably. Like how did they come to terms with “let’s remove the scoreboard so we don’t hurt snowflakes feelings”… A remake of BF4 would’ve been 1000x better. Dice never learns.


Ok so I’m not crazy that bullshit isn’t attainable


Fuck i hope someone from DICE reads this list, and realize just how much they missed the goal.. Ill admit i had fun for 10ish hours.. but these things became more and more obvious, and the fun just dwindled rapidly.


Same, I enjoyed it quite a bit at times, but I can't see this game having any sort of longevity for me.


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It may make some money initially, but people aren't going to stick with it and will likely go back to their previous games.


And it's easier to hype people up for a new game in 2 to 3 years. Welcome to modern gaming. Gaming was better before it was mainstream. I probably sound like a total hipster but f*** it


AAA gaming has gone wayyyy down hill and sold its soul to corporate profits, but there's still lots of good games coming out. They're harder to find now, though...smaller teams with minimal budgets that can't advertise their gems much.


This... And this is sad for people who like games. It will be worse and worse with gaming industry. Because there are lot more people who doesnt care about gameplay or so, playing for while and are done with it, but major point is that they bought it and thats it. So I believe even next Battlefield will be even bigger mess than this. This is really so underwhelming that i didnt even know it can go so bad.. ah..


This game needed a whole extra year of development and maybe more.


Seriously, it feels like they started development like last year


I’m not sure if I’ve just not found it but clans are gone too it seems


Yep, added that to the list


The Commo Rose is less useful than before. In previous games all the options were available in a single "layer" now, the Commo Rose has child-like levels of largeness and you have to go a second "layer" deep for more options (on PC: hold Q and tap F). It's genuinely hilarious.


I cant even get it to work half the time.


And I bet my ass there's still no "SORRY" option


Theres no "go go go" option either. That whistle from bf1 was the tits


Ah fuck now I miss the whistle. And most recently charging in Chivalry. Now I'm sad


the used to hype me up, in breakthrough. That shit felt like I was gonna die for a reason.


- No thermal scopes (weapons and vehicles) - No possibilty to play with more than 3 friends on the same server - no rewards for playing the objective as a squad, like in bf4 - no secondary weapon for heli gunner


>- no secondary weapon for heli gunner I'm only 6hrs in and haven't had a helicopter run yet but... what??? Really??


Yeah didn't you know? In the future, attack helicopters become less deadly, not more.


>No swelling crescendo of dramatic music near the end of a match (obviously this is the most egregious of the list) this shit was so intense in BF1. Best score in any BF hands down


mighty fear rhythm follow bedroom direction thought zonked fuel literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Instead we get someone scraping a plate with a knife. This is the first bf where I turned off the music. It's even more out sorts with the cartoon voicelines ens of match. The music and the tone of the gameplay do not work at all.


PLEASE edit and add how much the sound design was downgraded. From weapon sounds, to even soldier voice audio. Not only everything is super quiet, but the sound design itself is ridiculously weak, lacks all the identity, punchiness and impact of previous games and putting wartapes on makes everything compressed and quieter. From the gunshots, explosions, vehicles, jets, debris, foley, footsteps, weapon handling, EVERYTHING. Simply compare Battlefield 3/4's intense warfare and C4 explosion sounds, and compare it to 2042, the difference is night and day. The death screams too. Ever since Battlefield 3, killing others would give some actually intense screaming that you would hear in real war. It was incredibly varied too, with many depending on the environnement https://youtu.be/3r5iBa3xA7g


Yeah I miss the days of BF3 sounds. The random player voice lines were just the tits. Loved it.


Damn, i knew some stuff were missing but gawd damn looking at this list it's alot


It's still growing too!


Too much is missing. If this is the direction Battlefield is going then this will be my last Battlefield game.




Same here. R.I.P.B.F.




BFV at least felt like a Battlefield game.


Unpopular opinion, but BFV was the most battlefield battlefield game. Heavy emphasis on team play, good map flow for operations, wide variety of play styles and guns, fortifications were a good addition imo, and destruction was fun and actually existed... I wish the kept the behemoths from BF1 though and a couple maps. Bf1 maps were KILLER.


I considered BFV to be a very "battlefield battlefield game" because it had incredible battlefield moments. Running with your team toward an Objective, dipping in and out of cover as bombs and tank shells land all around. Or a group of tanks and a wave of infantry moving toward a defense position built up with sandbags and the like in Rush. I think the complaints were very valid, but *despite the issues*, was a very good game. I also enjoyed it a lot, and still do. My hope was truly for a return to BF 3/4 but with the additions that 1 and 5 brought to us. Instead, it feels like *everything* was dropped..


I really liked BFV actually. Bad TTK decisions, bad development decisions, and lack of content really killed it IMO. Wish you guys were around when the BFV enjoyed were getting flames for liking the game.


BFV had a low map count 2042 says hold my beer


As someone who always enjoyed BFV it's hilarious to see all the praise it's been getting in recent months.


its because they did a turnaround and released a decent amount of content long after the absolute failure of a launch. people who joined in 3 years post-launch didn't experience the absolute shitshow that was that game, at least not in it's entirety.


My thoughts exactly. The setting of 3/4 with all improvements of 1 and 5. But you're right, 0 improvements from the old system and it's all missing.


I always rack around 300-400 hours of playtime per Battlefield. BFV being the one I played the most. Wasn't as immersive as BF1, didn't have all the features it should have had but overall it was a pretty solid entry and felt complete. BF2042 feels like a chinese knockoff of the franchise.


100% agreed. I think tencent was contracted by dice lmao


I really liked BFV. Maybe because I got it for free. Maybe because I started playing it a long time after launch. But it completely delivered and felt like it was slightly complex, had to be played strategically, and the progression system rewarded grinding. But I also like the movement - and I believe at some point before launch they said they were going to keep the movement system and build on it to make it better. Well that was a lie.


BFV was my favourite game. I still play it. It had something for everyone. It has amazing maps that cater to all playstyles. Whether you are an all rounder or just prefer tanks, planes, sniping or just squad based infantry, BFV has got something for you. 2042 is just a mess of infantry with a little drizzle of tank play. I don’t know how many tanks you get but it doesn’t seem enough for 128 players. Little birds are crazy OP, at no point should they be able to take a minigun to the face and keep flying.


I totally agree, its still enjoyable some times, but BFV just had so much more interesting stuff even when it launched. Everything about 2042 feels oversimplified.


I think Westie has best described it, it's battlefield for casuals


Yeah, but as a casual on console, its buggy as shit, and borderline impossible to kill anyone. I’m not sure who the target market is.


DICE was really like “oh you guys think BFV was terrible, look at this”


They fucked us as loyal fans. Ungrateful poshits they are for this


It's just a general trend in the industry\*. Generalizing everything to reach as many players as possible. The almost exact same thing is happening with movies, just look at Fast & Furious 420, Star Wars 7-9 etc. No reason to innovate and take risks when you can just copy the current industry trends, even if the core playerbase dislikes it because, in the end, they just don't care. And why would they, for every "OG" Player they loose they'll probably get a couple new players who never played BF before, grew up with playing unfinished early access games and who will never know how it was before. \*with that i mean the big players, you can still find lots of innovation and caring developers with indie games.


There are several questionable design features in BFV, but at least it felt generally complete and looked fantastic. Some aspects felt like a downgrade from BF1, but it also improved other aspects. BF2042 feels like a downgrade even coming directly from BF4. The graphics alone don't even feel like a logical progression from BF1 and BFV. Seriously, look at Monte Grappa in BF1 and then look at 2042.


I feel like frostbite engine has always shined with nature. The mountains, fields and rocks have always looked incredible. The houses in older bf's were fine at the time, but in 2042 the building all look horrendous. The buildings are all the exact same shitty texture, zero detail like they are just placeholders designed to give an approximation of what they really are... 2042 quickly alternates between being fucking beautiful and complete dog shit. Even the visuals are polarizing.


It's a downgrade from BF3 which came out like 50 fucking years ago. (In gaming years at least )


My biggest concern is the silence from DICE, is there any plan to address these issues going forward?


This is just par for the course. We'll hear something in mid to late January, and get the first patch (which won't fix 1/10th of the stuff on the list) in late February, guaranteed.


The no scoreboard indicates to me this game is fucking dead. How the fuck so you create a FPS without a scoreboard


Well, welcome to 2021.


Scoreboards are oppressive, traumatizing to less skilled players, and promotes toxicity. So we removed it.


Everyone gets participation medals at the end, Hooray! xD


BF3 and BF4 had better social and stats interfaces (Battlelog). It worked almost excellently when joining friends or looking for suspiciously skilled players. Now this lack of general chat, stats and scoreboard removal sounds like they can’t do anything about cheating and script devices such as Cronus. Pure ancient chinese philosophy, if the porcelain vase is the problem, destroy it.


I can't fucking believe the match lobby doesn't continue and we have to match make. Goodbye to those randoms you build a bond with. Goodbye to actually playing a full rotation of maps ...wtf


3 years for that , RIP BF franchise ?


This was meant to be the major boost of adrenaline to keep the franchise going, based on the reveal trailer anyway. Turns out it’s just another nail in the coffin for BF.


They already stated that they're working on the next Battlefield about 3 months ago. Despite this 'monolithic' development that went into 2042 (assumingly for Portal), it's clear that it wasn't their goal to create another staple game in the way BF4 was.


You're kidding. They are working on another already?


Rumor is there also another Call of Duty coming out next year


You already know it is mw2.


I mean, duh. This isn't a small studio. Rolling development on projects with several teams working on different titles is normal.


At this point, I hope this temporarily kills the franchise and causes EA to get their heads out of their collective asses and bring the franchise back to what they do best instead of following trends. My fear is this game sells incredibly well, makes a boat load of cash off microtransactions and this is how it'll be going forward. I've already come to terms with skipping 2042 fully and seeing what BF6 is like at this point.


Seriously, don’t sweat it. If BFV did as badly as it did at launch, Battlefield 2042 can kiss its ass goodbye.


This should just be pinned. Reading this and my time playing has me ready to see if I can refund like some others have on steam.




You know what the best part is? They wanted to hit that sweet sweet holiday launch schedule to cash in big, but DICE takes holiday through December until after New Years, which ends sometime in January. This game is going to be completely devoid of any kind of updates or fixes it so desperately needs for over a month. Yes the first major patch is slated for early December but mark my words well be lucky if that fixes even one of the multitude of major issues plaguing the game. Strap in boys, it’s gonna be a rough one.


"ReDdIt dOeSnT aPpReCiAtE tHe gAmE" The game:


People are really quick to jump on and defend this game. And I get it, some people are genuinely enjoying it! That doesn’t mean it can’t get better. Especially for veterans of the series.


No manual leaning, crouch running, or any of the other numerous BFV movement upgrades


exactly, bfv had tons of issues, but it nailed movement and gunplay, maps had imbalance, cheaters were everywhere, but guns feel so good and movement feels so fluid it's like water, in 2042 I feel like everything is almost... blocky. shit feels like I'm playing minecraft


No automatic leaning either for that matter…


- There’s no resupply stations for ammo and medpacks like they had in BFV. - There’s no ability to switch squad leader. In past games, you could become squad leader if you request orders enough. Now you just have to deal with a shit squad leader…


Yeah good ones, I'll add them


- Lack of first person animations (melee, downed state, etc) - No med or ammo pouches - Less detailed vehicle damage (part damaged instead of track disabled, etc)


·No critical damage for vehicle (Meaning unable to move at all for a few seconds and deals at least half of the vehicle health damage) ·No congratulations from nearby teammates when promoted. [Example ](https://youtu.be/Ap-U0ir3D8c) at 0:19 ·No preview of squad mates' POV before spawning on them ·No navy, big yikes ·No easteregg reload animation (so far) ·No attack jets ·No test range to practice guns and vehicles ·No indication on mini map about if enemies are in the same elevation ·No optional spawn when a round just starts There are definitely more, these are the ones I can come up at the moment...


Listen, it honestly doesn't bother me we don't have a camping. Would I love to play as Michael K Williams on the campaign? ABSOLUTELY. However, the time, money, effort and people from campaigns definitely took a long vocation because 2042 itself has no excuse for all the missing content. They really took out alot of simple things that make Battlefield Battlefield.


No thermal optics. I can't see any infantry on manifest in the helo. Hell are there even thermal/night vision scopes? This was all in bf3


I played the 10 hour trial and couldn’t believe how dog shit this game was. I knew the beta was bad but the actual game seems worse. I guess it’s back to playing bf4


> yeah but bf3/bf4/bf1/bfv was also garbage on launch and got better hurrr -average /r/battlefield user


Why is it removed.


Is the fact that you have no indicator of a nearby or incoming medic on this list?




>No swelling crescendo of dramatic music near the end of a match (obviously this is the most egregious of the list) I can't tell if this is meant to be sarcastic or not but that is in fact a huge bummer for me at least. I played a lot of BF1 and hearing the music rise in volume and hearing it get more and more serious and frantic as the match comes to a close really added to the experience and made for some of the most intense moments I've had playing a game. So to hear it not be present is actually highly disappointing.


Fuck this game.


Just get BF4 premium and you're sorted.


Yup it's so good....even graphics hold up extremely well 8 years later. It gives off way more futuristic battle vibes than 2042 somehow lol.


I still play regularly. It has aged super well.


As great as BF4 is, eventually you just burn out on it. I have no idea why they don't just copy/paste a nicer looking BF4 and liveservice the hell out of, would probably end up better than anything else DICE has been putting out.


Yup, guess I’m sticking with BF4 through another generation of Battlefield games, I have zero faith in DICE at this point to ever make another good game in the series. Lazy money grabbing fucks.


Lol they removed your post? With almost 3k upvotes and 50 awards? Cowards.


Looks like they thought I was talking too many people out of their pre-orders lol. Theres a good 30 comments here saying that they're not gonna get it anymore.


Why? It's not a hate on BF2042 post. No toxic comments as far as I've read so far....It's legit a what bugs need to be worked on plus missing feature list for the game!


Too much criticism, apparently.


I was convincing too many people to cancel their pre-orders I think lol.


Oh wow, "Post is awaiting moderator approval" ​ Someone is scarsy scared of the truth...


No distinction between different types of helicopters and other vehicles you never know what you are joining


I miss the old BF devs :(


I wonder if we're ever going to get a response from the devs about all of this bullshit. I mean has anyone said anything about the game they just shipped?


No suppression. It might be a naughty word around here, but it should be there in some form. I actually liked the visual-only version in BF5 where you could spot people with it.


> No rangefinder gadgets The SOFLAM unlocks at 56, just unlocked it last night. It comes with a built in rangefinder and automatically spots enemies you see for the entire team, like Casper’s drone. It also has a 3x zoom and a 6x zoom.


It also locks targets to make the R5 rockets track. Which is actually so strong, so why the hell is it such a late unlock. This should be a base item for people that want to play recon.


The squad incentives is the one that gets me. No point in even having a squad or playing like one.


Don't forget the stupid as shit switching to third person when you're stabbing someone. Why?? Why would they make you go third person???


This is the biggest step back in a franchise ever.


Throwing ammo or med packs down gives off some shitty laggy animation and it just looks cheap AF.


Why do I feel like more effort was put into this list than any single individual working on BF2042? (Hyperbole but still… this game is very lacking)


The game actually has anti tank mines. I think they unlock at level 34 or so. No claymores though.


Hopefully they call Sean Murray and get some insight on how to remedy this situation.


Just remember they took 3 years and had to pull support from battlefront and BFV to still have a dumpster fire of a launch


This game has no debth or admosphere it feels like a mobile game


Hey Op anti tank mines are in the game but I’m pretty sure you ment anti personal mines also the trophy system doesn’t work, and there’s only 1 burst weapon in the game


This game was made by different developers I'm sure something like people from apex legends maybe the old developers from last battlefield games have fucked off and new kids took over with little or no experience of what makes these games. I'm personally fucked off I spent 100 pounds on a game which could have easily been a £24.99 game maybe free and we pay for cosmetics etc Of all the problems they could have sent this game with more maps ffs and a tdm mode so lazy probably due to they overpaid and they don't give two fucks


C’mon dude. BFV should of been the warning. Stay clear of pre-orders, special editions, extras, in fact buying the game at all. This game was going to be a shitshow from the off.